Java Cache模拟器(图形界面) -电脑资料

时间:2018-03-02 02:21:15
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Java Cache模拟器(图形界面)











Cache这种以组index作索引,组内块数固定的编址模式,很容易让我们想到用二维数组来模拟。因此最重要的字段是private CacheBlock cache[][],第一维坐标表示组,第二维坐标表示组内块编号。



blockNum = cacheSize / blockSize;

blockOffset = log2(blockSize);

blockNumInAGroup = pow(2, mwayIndex);

groupNum = blockNum / blockNumInAGroup;

groupOffset = log2(groupNum);





public boolean read(int tag, int index, int inblockAddr) {			for (int i = 0; i < blockNumInAGroup; i++) {				if (cache[index][i].tag == tag) {//hit					cache[index][i].count++;										/*						Now pretend to send data to CPU					*/					return true;				}			}			return false;		}





public boolean write(int tag, int index, int inblockAddr) {			for (int i = 0; i < blockNumInAGroup; i++) {				if (cache[index][i].tag == tag) {//hit										cache[index][i].count++;					cache[index][i].dirty = true;					/*						Now pretend to write data to Cache					*/					if (mwriteIndex == 0) {//write back						//doing nothing					} else if (mwriteIndex == 1) {//write through						memoryWriteTime++;						/*							pretending to write dirty cache to memory after write to cache						*/						cache[index][i].dirty = false;					}					return true;				}			}			return false;		}



public void prefetch(int nextBlockAddr) {					int nextTag = nextBlockAddr / pow(2, groupOffset + blockOffset);			int nextIndex = nextBlockAddr / pow(2, blockOffset) % pow(2, groupOffset);			replaceCacheBlock(nextTag, nextIndex);		}

预取我只做了指令预取(外部逻辑调用),即某条指令所在块Miss时预取下一个指令块。牢记Cache地址=tag: index: inblockAddr,用两个offset位数配合整除和取余运算获取这两部分的tag和index然后调用replaceCacheBlock选择合适的替换算法选择替换块并加载该下一个指令块。


public void replaceCacheBlock(int tag, int index) {			if (mreplaceIndex == 0) {//LRU				int lruBlock = 0;				for (int i = 1; i < blockNumInAGroup; i++) {					if (cache[index][lruBlock].count > cache[index][i].count) {						lruBlock = i;					}				}				loadToCache(tag, index, lruBlock);			} else if (mreplaceIndex == 1) {//FIFO				int fifoBlock = 0;				for (int i = 1; i < blockNumInAGroup; i++) {					if (cache[index][fifoBlock].time > cache[index][i].time) {						fifoBlock = i;					}				}				loadToCache(tag, index, fifoBlock);			} else if (mreplaceIndex == 2) {//random				int ranBlock = random(0, blockNumInAGroup);				loadToCache(tag, index, ranBlock);			}		}



private void loadToCache(int tag, int index, int groupAddr) {			if (mwriteIndex == 0 && cache[index][groupAddr].dirty) {				//write back before being replaced;				memoryWriteTime++;			}			cache[index][groupAddr].tag = tag;			cache[index][groupAddr].count = 1;			cache[index][groupAddr].dirty = false;			cache[index][groupAddr].time = groupFIFOTime[index];			groupFIFOTime[index]++;		}




HexAddr2BinAddr()就是无脑的switch case转换即可,之前注意补0补齐32位地址即可。






if (opt == 0) {// read data				isHit =, index, inblockAddr);				if (isHit) {					readDataHitTime++;				} else {					readDataMissTime++;					/*						Now pretend to find the block in memory					*/					dCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index);					/*						Now pretend to load the data in block into CPU					*/				}			}

读数据访问dCache,read方法返回是否命中,更新响应统计量计数。若不命中则模拟从Memory调块 -> 调用replaceCacheBlock方法替换旧块并装入新块 -> 最后模拟把这个block中的目标数据返回给CPU。


<span></span>else if (opt == 1) {// write data				isHit = dCache.write(tag, index, inblockAddr);				if (isHit) {					writeDataHitTime++;				} else {					writeDataMissTime++;					/*						Now pretend to find the block in memory					*/					if (mallocIndex == 0) {//write alloc						/*							load the target block into Cache						*/						dCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index);						/*							pretend to write into the loaded Cache block						*/						dCache.write(tag, index, inblockAddr);					} else if (mallocIndex == 1) {//no write alloc						/*							do not load the written-missed block into Cache							just pretend to write to memory						*/						memoryWriteTime++;					}				}



} else if (opt == 2) {// read instruction 				isHit =, index, inblockAddr);				if (isHit) {					readInstHitTime++;				} else {					readInstMissTime++;					/*						Now pretend to find the block in memory					*/					iCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index);					/*						Now pretend to load the data in block into CPU					*/					if (mprefetchIndex == 0) {// do not prefetch						//doing nothing					} else if (mprefetchIndex == 1){// prefetch if instruction missed!						iCache.prefetch(instructions[ip].blockAddr + 1);					}				}			}








import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.Dimension;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;import java.awt.event.ItemListener;import;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder;import java.lang.*;import java.util.*;public class MyCacheSim extends JFrame. implements ActionListener {	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;/*	ui property*/	private JPanel panelTop, panelLeft, panelRight, panelBottom;	private JButton execStepBtn, execAllBtn, fileBotton;	private JComboBox<string>csBox, bsBox, wayBox, replaceBox, prefetchBox, writeBox, allocBox;	private JComboBox<string>icsBox, dcsBox;	private JFileChooser fileChooser;		private JLabel labelTop,labelLeft,rightLabel,bottomLabel,fileLabel,fileAddrBtn, stepLabel1, stepLabel2, csLabel, bsLabel, wayLabel, replaceLabel, prefetchLabel, writeLabel, allocLabel;	private JLabel icsLabel, dcsLabel;	private JLabel resultTagLabel[][];	private JLabel resultDataLabel[][];	private JLabel accessTypeTagLabel, addressTagLabel, blockNumberTagLabel, tagTagLabel, indexTagLabel, inblockAddressTagLabel, hitTagLabel;	private JLabel accessTypeDataLabel, addressDataLabel, blockNumberDataLabel, tagDataLabel, indexDataLabel, inblockAddressDataLabel, hitDataLabel;	private JRadioButton unifiedCacheButton, separateCacheButton;/*	options section*/	private final String cachesize[] = { "2KB", "8KB", "32KB", "128KB", "512KB", "2MB" };	private final String scachesize[] = { "1KB", "4KB", "16KB", "64KB", "256KB", "1MB" };	private final  String blocksize[] = { "16B", "32B", "64B", "128B", "256B" };	private final  String way[] = { "直接映象", "2路", "4路", "8路", "16路", "32路" };	private final  String replace[] = { "LRU", "FIFO", "RAND" };	private final  String pref[] = { "不预取", "不命中预取" };	private final  String write[] = { "写回法", "写直达法" };	private final  String alloc[] = { "按写分配", "不按写分配" };	//private final  String typename[] = { "读数据", "写数据", "读指令" };	//private String hitname[] = {"不命中", "命中" };	private final  String resultTags[][] = {		{"访问总次数:", "不命中次数:", "不命中率:"}, 		{"读指令次数:", "不命中次数:", "不命中率:"},		{"读数据次数:", "不命中次数:", "不命中率:"},		{"写数据次数:", "不命中次数:", "不命中率:"}	};/*	loading file*/	private File file;/*	user options record*/	private int csIndex, bsIndex, wayIndex, replaceIndex, prefetchIndex, writeIndex, allocIndex;	private int mcsIndex, mbsIndex, mwayIndex, mreplaceIndex, mprefetchIndex, mwriteIndex, mallocIndex;	private int icsIndex, dcsIndex, micsIndex, mdcsIndex;	private int cacheType = 0, mcacheType = 0;/*	instruction class*/	private class Instruction {		int opt;		int tag;		int index;		int blockAddr;		int inblockAddr;		String addr;		public Instruction(int opt, String addr) {			this.opt = opt;			this.addr = addr;			String baddr = this.HexAddr2BinAddr();			//System.out.println(baddr);			if (mcacheType == 0 && uCache != null) {				this.tag = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(0, 32 - uCache.blockOffset - uCache.groupOffset), 2);				this.index = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(32 - uCache.blockOffset - uCache.groupOffset, 32 - uCache.blockOffset), 2);				this.blockAddr = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(0, 32 - uCache.blockOffset), 2);				this.inblockAddr = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(32 - uCache.blockOffset), 2);			}			if (mcacheType == 1 && iCache != null && dCache != null) {				if (opt == 0 || pt == 1) {					this.tag = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(0, 32 - dCache.blockOffset - dCache.groupOffset), 2);					this.index = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(32 - dCache.blockOffset - dCache.groupOffset, 32 - dCache.blockOffset), 2);					this.blockAddr = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(0, 32 - dCache.blockOffset), 2);					this.inblockAddr = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(32 - dCache.blockOffset), 2);				} else if (opt == 2) {					this.tag = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(0, 32 - iCache.blockOffset - iCache.groupOffset), 2);					this.index = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(32 - iCache.blockOffset - iCache.groupOffset, 32 - iCache.blockOffset), 2);					this.blockAddr = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(0, 32 - iCache.blockOffset), 2);					this.inblockAddr = Integer.parseInt(baddr.substring(32 - iCache.blockOffset), 2);				}			}		}		public String description() {			return "opt = " + opt + ", tag = " + tag + ", index = " + index + ", inblockAddr = " + inblockAddr; 		}		private String HexAddr2BinAddr() {			StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();			int zero = 8 - this.addr.length();			for (int i = 0; i < zero; i++) {				sb.append("0000");			}			for (int i = 0; i < this.addr.length(); i++) {				switch(this.addr.charAt(i)) {					case '0':						sb.append("0000");						break;					case '1':						sb.append("0001");						break;					case '2':						sb.append("0010");						break;					case '3':						sb.append("0011");						break;					case '4':						sb.append("0100");						break;					case '5':						sb.append("0101");						break;					case '6':						sb.append("0110");						break;					case '7':						sb.append("0111");						break;					case '8':						sb.append("1000");						break;					case '9':						sb.append("1001");						break;					case 'a':						sb.append("1010");						break;					case 'b':						sb.append("1011");						break;					case 'c':						sb.append("1100");						break;					case 'd':						sb.append("1101");						break;					case 'e':						sb.append("1110");						break;					case 'f':						sb.append("1111");						break;					default:						System.out.println("Data Error!");				}			}			return sb.toString();		}	}/*	instruction property*/	private Instruction instructions[];	private final int INSTRUCTION_MAX_SIZE = 100000;	private int isize;	private int ip;	private class CacheBlock {		int tag;		boolean dirty;		int count;		long time;		public CacheBlock(int tag) {			this.tag = tag;			dirty = false;			count = 0;			time = -1L;		}	}/*	cache class*/	private class Cache { 	/*		cache property	*/		private CacheBlock cache[][];		private int 	cacheSize; 		private int 	blockSize; 		private int 	blockNum;		private int 	blockOffset;		private int 	blockNumInAGroup;		private int 	groupNum;		private int 	groupOffset;		private long groupFIFOTime[];		public Cache(int csize, int bsize) {			cacheSize = csize;			blockSize = bsize;			blockNum = cacheSize / blockSize;			blockOffset = log2(blockSize);			blockNumInAGroup = pow(2, mwayIndex);			groupNum = blockNum / blockNumInAGroup;			groupOffset = log2(groupNum);			cache = new CacheBlock[groupNum][blockNumInAGroup];			for (int i = 0; i < groupNum; i++) {				for (int j = 0; j < blockNumInAGroup; j++) {					cache[i][j] = new CacheBlock(-1);				}			}			groupFIFOTime = new long[groupNum];		}		public boolean read(int tag, int index, int inblockAddr) {			for (int i = 0; i < blockNumInAGroup; i++) {				if (cache[index][i].tag == tag) {//hit					cache[index][i].count++;										/*						Now pretend to send data to CPU					*/					return true;				}			}			return false;		}		public boolean write(int tag, int index, int inblockAddr) {			for (int i = 0; i < blockNumInAGroup; i++) {				if (cache[index][i].tag == tag) {//hit										cache[index][i].count++;					cache[index][i].dirty = true;					/*						Now pretend to write data to Cache					*/					if (mwriteIndex == 0) {//write back						//doing nothing					} else if (mwriteIndex == 1) {//write through						memoryWriteTime++;						/*							pretending to write dirty cache to memory after write to cache						*/						cache[index][i].dirty = false;					}					return true;				}			}			return false;		}		public void prefetch(int nextBlockAddr) {					int nextTag = nextBlockAddr / pow(2, groupOffset + blockOffset);			int nextIndex = nextBlockAddr / pow(2, blockOffset) % pow(2, groupOffset);			replaceCacheBlock(nextTag, nextIndex);		}		public void replaceCacheBlock(int tag, int index) {			if (mreplaceIndex == 0) {//LRU				int lruBlock = 0;				for (int i = 1; i < blockNumInAGroup; i++) {					if (cache[index][lruBlock].count > cache[index][i].count) {						lruBlock = i;					}				}				loadToCache(tag, index, lruBlock);			} else if (mreplaceIndex == 1) {//FIFO				int fifoBlock = 0;				for (int i = 1; i < blockNumInAGroup; i++) {					if (cache[index][fifoBlock].time > cache[index][i].time) {						fifoBlock = i;					}				}				loadToCache(tag, index, fifoBlock);			} else if (mreplaceIndex == 2) {//random				int ranBlock = random(0, blockNumInAGroup);				loadToCache(tag, index, ranBlock);			}		}		private void loadToCache(int tag, int index, int groupAddr) {			if (mwriteIndex == 0 && cache[index][groupAddr].dirty) {				//write back before being replaced;				memoryWriteTime++;			}			cache[index][groupAddr].tag = tag;			cache[index][groupAddr].count = 1;			cache[index][groupAddr].dirty = false;			cache[index][groupAddr].time = groupFIFOTime[index];			groupFIFOTime[index]++;		}		public void description() {			System.out.println("cacheSize = " + cacheSize);			System.out.println("blockSize = " + blockSize);			System.out.println("blockNum = " + blockNum);			System.out.println("blockOffset = " + blockOffset);			System.out.println("blockNumInAGroup = " + blockNumInAGroup);			System.out.println("groupNum = " + groupNum);			System.out.println("groupOffset = " + groupOffset);		}	}	Cache uCache, iCache, dCache;/* *	statistic property */	private int readDataMissTime, readInstMissTime, readInstHitTime, readDataHitTime;	private int writeDataHitTime, writeDataMissTime;	private int memoryWriteTime;/* *	JFileChooser Filter Class */	private class DinFileFilter extends  javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter{		public boolean accept(File f) {			if (f.isDirectory()) return true;			String name = f.getName();			return name.endsWith(".din") || name.endsWith(".DIN");		}		public String getDescription() {			return ".din";		}	}/* *	cache simulator class */	public MyCacheSim(){		super("Cache Simulator");		fileChooser = new JFileChooser();		fileChooser.setFileFilter(new DinFileFilter());		draw();	}	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {		if (e.getSource() == execAllBtn) {			simExecAll();		}		if (e.getSource() == execStepBtn) {			simExecStep(true);		}		if (e.getSource() == fileBotton){			int fileOver = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null);			if (fileOver == 0) {				   	String path = fileChooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();				   	fileAddrBtn.setText(path);				   	file = new File(path);				   	/*						fix the setting					*/					mcacheType = cacheType;					mcsIndex = csIndex;					micsIndex = icsIndex;					mdcsIndex = dcsIndex;					mbsIndex = bsIndex;					mwayIndex = wayIndex;					mreplaceIndex = replaceIndex;					mprefetchIndex = prefetchIndex;					mwriteIndex = writeIndex;					mallocIndex = allocIndex;				   	initCache();				   	readFile();					reloadUI();			}		}	}	/*	 * 初始化 Cache 模拟器	 */	private void initCache() {		/*			reset statistic properties		*/		readDataMissTime = 0;		readInstMissTime = 0;		readDataHitTime = 0;		readInstHitTime = 0;		writeDataHitTime = 0;		writeDataMissTime = 0;		memoryWriteTime = 0;		/*			Cache initialization		*/		if (mcacheType == 0) {			uCache = new Cache(2 * 1024 * pow(4, mcsIndex), 16 * pow(2, mbsIndex));			iCache = null;			dCache = null;			System.out.println("Unified Cache:");			uCache.description();	 	} else if (mcacheType == 1) {	 		uCache = null;	 		iCache = new Cache(1 * 1024 * pow(4, micsIndex), 16 * pow(2, mbsIndex));			dCache = new Cache(1 * 1024 * pow(4, mdcsIndex), 16 * pow(2, mbsIndex));			System.out.println("Instruction Cache:");			iCache.description();			System.out.println("Data Cache:");			dCache.description();	 	}	}		/*	 * 将指令和数据流从文件中读入	 */	private void readFile() {		try {			Scanner s = new Scanner(file);			instructions = new Instruction[INSTRUCTION_MAX_SIZE];			isize = 0;			ip = 0;			while(s.hasNextLine()) {				String line = s.nextLine();				String[] items = line.split(" ");				instructions[isize] = new Instruction(Integer.parseInt(items[0].trim()), items[1].trim());				isize++;			}		} catch(Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();		}	}	private void reloadUI() {		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {			for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {				resultDataLabel[i][j].setText("0");			}			resultDataLabel[i][2].setText("0.00%");		}		accessTypeDataLabel.setText("--");		addressDataLabel.setText("--");		blockNumberDataLabel.setText("--");		tagDataLabel.setText("--");		indexDataLabel.setText("--");		inblockAddressDataLabel.setText("--");		hitDataLabel.setText("--");	}		/*	 * 模拟单步执行	 */	private void simExecStep(boolean oneStepExec) {		ip %= isize;		if (ip == 0) {			initCache();			reloadUI();		}		int pt = instructions[ip].opt;		int index = instructions[ip].index;		int tag = instructions[ip].tag;		int inblockAddr = instructions[ip].inblockAddr;				//System.out.printf("opt = %d, tag = %d, index = %d, inblockAddr = %d\n", opt, tag, index, inblockAddr);		System.out.println(instructions[ip].description());		boolean isHit = false;		if (mcacheType == 0) {/*		unified cache*/				if (opt == 0) {// read data				isHit =, index, inblockAddr);				if (isHit) {					readDataHitTime++;				} else {					readDataMissTime++;					/*						Now pretend to find the block in memory					*/					uCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index);					/*						Now pretend to load the data in block into CPU					*/				}			} else if (opt == 1) {// write data				isHit = uCache.write(tag, index, inblockAddr);				if (isHit) {					writeDataHitTime++;				} else {					writeDataMissTime++;					/*						Now pretend to find the block in memory					*/					if (mallocIndex == 0) {//write alloc						/*							load the target block into Cache						*/						uCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index);						/*							pretend to write into the loaded Cache block						*/						uCache.write(tag, index, inblockAddr);					} else if (mallocIndex == 1) {//no write alloc						/*							do not load the written-missed block into Cache							just pretend to write to memory						*/						memoryWriteTime++;					}				}			} else if (opt == 2) {// read instruction 				isHit =, index, inblockAddr);				if (isHit) {					readInstHitTime++;				} else {					readInstMissTime++;					/*						Now pretend to find the block in memory					*/					uCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index);					/*						Now pretend to load the data in block into CPU					*/					if (mprefetchIndex == 0) {// do not prefetch						//doing nothing					} else if (mprefetchIndex == 1){// prefetch if instruction missed!						uCache.prefetch(instructions[ip].blockAddr + 1);					}				}			}		} else if (mcacheTyp

e == 1) {/* seperated cache*/ if (opt == 0) {// read data isHit =, index, inblockAddr); if (isHit) { readDataHitTime++; } else { readDataMissTime++; /* Now pretend to find the block in memory */ dCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index); /* Now pretend to load the data in block into CPU */ } } else if (opt == 1) {// write data isHit = dCache.write(tag, index, inblockAddr); if (isHit) { writeDataHitTime++; } else { writeDataMissTime++; /* Now pretend to find the block in memory */ if (mallocIndex == 0) {//write alloc /* load the target block into Cache */ dCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index); /* pretend to write into the loaded Cache block */ dCache.write(tag, index, inblockAddr); } else if (mallocIndex == 1) {//no write alloc /* do not load the written-missed block into Cache just pretend to write to memory */ memoryWriteTime++; } } } else if (opt == 2) {// read instruction isHit =, index, inblockAddr); if (isHit) { readInstHitTime++; } else { readInstMissTime++; /* Now pretend to find the block in memory */ iCache.replaceCacheBlock(tag, index); /* Now pretend to load the data in block into CPU */ if (mprefetchIndex == 0) {// do not prefetch //doing nothing } else if (mprefetchIndex == 1){// prefetch if instruction missed! iCache.prefetch(instructions[ip].blockAddr + 1); } } } } if (oneStepExec || ip == isize - 1) { statisticUIUpdate(instructions[ip], isHit); } ip++; } private void statisticUIUpdate(Instruction inst, boolean isHit) { int totalMissTime = readInstMissTime + readDataMissTime + writeDataMissTime; int totalVisitTime = totalMissTime + readInstHitTime + readDataHitTime + writeDataHitTime; resultDataLabel[0][0].setText(totalVisitTime + ""); resultDataLabel[0][1].setText(totalMissTime + ""); if (totalVisitTime > 0) { double missRate = ((double)totalMissTime / (double)totalVisitTime) * 100; resultDataLabel[0][2].setText(String.format("%.2f", missRate) + "%"); } resultDataLabel[1][0].setText((readInstHitTime + readInstMissTime) + ""); resultDataLabel[1][1].setText(readInstMissTime + ""); if (readInstMissTime + readInstHitTime > 0) { double missRate = ((double)readInstMissTime/(double)(readInstMissTime + readInstHitTime)) * 100; resultDataLabel[1][2].setText(String.format("%.2f", missRate) + "%"); } resultDataLabel[2][0].setText((readDataHitTime + readDataMissTime) + ""); resultDataLabel[2][1].setText(readDataMissTime + ""); if (readDataMissTime + readDataHitTime > 0) { double missRate = ((double)readDataMissTime/(double)(readDataMissTime + readDataHitTime)) * 100; resultDataLabel[2][2].setText(String.format("%.2f", missRate) + "%"); } resultDataLabel[3][0].setText((writeDataHitTime + writeDataMissTime) + ""); resultDataLabel[3][1].setText(writeDataMissTime + ""); if (writeDataMissTime + writeDataHitTime > 0) { double missRate = ((double)writeDataMissTime/(double)(writeDataMissTime + writeDataHitTime)) * 100; resultDataLabel[3][2].setText(String.format("%.2f", missRate) + "%"); } if (inst.opt == 0) { accessTypeDataLabel.setText("读指令"); } else if (inst.opt == 1) { accessTypeDataLabel.setText("读数据"); } else if (inst.opt == 2) { accessTypeDataLabel.setText("写数据"); } else { accessTypeDataLabel.setText("非法指令"); } addressDataLabel.setText(inst.addr); blockNumberDataLabel.setText(inst.blockAddr + ""); tagDataLabel.setText(inst.tag + ""); indexDataLabel.setText(inst.index + ""); inblockAddressDataLabel.setText(inst.inblockAddr + ""); if (isHit) { hitDataLabel.setText("命中"); } else { hitDataLabel.setText("未命中"); } } /* * 模拟执行到底 */ private void simExecAll() { while (ip < isize) { simExecStep(false); } } /* 辅助函数 */ private int pow(int x, int p) { return (int)Math.pow(x, p); } private int log2(int x) { return (int)(Math.log(x) / Math.log(2)); } private int random(int x, int y) { return (int)Math.random() * (y - x) + x; } /* 绘制界面 */ private void unifiedCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) { unifiedCacheButton.setSelected(enabled); csLabel.setEnabled(enabled); csBox.setEnabled(enabled); } private void separateCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) { separateCacheButton.setSelected(enabled); icsLabel.setEnabled(enabled); dcsLabel.setEnabled(enabled); icsBox.setEnabled(enabled); dcsBox.setEnabled(enabled); } private void draw() { setLayout(new BorderLayout(5,5)); panelTop = new JPanel(); panelLeft = new JPanel(); panelRight = new JPanel(); panelBottom = new JPanel(); panelTop.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 50)); panelLeft.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 450)); panelRight.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 450)); panelBottom.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 100)); panelTop.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED)); panelLeft.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED)); panelRight.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED)); panelBottom.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED)); labelTop = new JLabel("Cache Simulator by JCGuo"); labelTop.setAlignmentX(CENTER_ALIGNMENT); JLabel promptLabel = new JLabel(" (Notice! 如果修改了左侧Cache设置请重新加载流文件再运行!)"); promptLabel.setForeground(; panelTop.add(labelTop); panelTop.add(promptLabel); labelLeft = new JLabel("Cache 参数设置"); labelLeft.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 40)); csLabel = new JLabel("总大小"); csLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 30)); csBox = new JComboBox<string>(cachesize); csBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(90, 30)); csBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { csIndex = csBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); //cache 种类 unifiedCacheButton = new JRadioButton("统一Cache:", true); unifiedCacheButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 30)); unifiedCacheButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { separateCacheEnabled(false); unifiedCacheEnabled(true); cacheType = 0; } }); separateCacheButton = new JRadioButton("分离Cache:"); separateCacheButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 30)); separateCacheButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { separateCacheEnabled(true); unifiedCacheEnabled(false); cacheType = 1; } }); icsLabel = new JLabel("指令Cache"); icsLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 30)); dcsLabel = new JLabel("数据Cache"); dcsLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 30)); JLabel emptyLabel = new JLabel(""); emptyLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 30)); icsBox = new JComboBox<string>(scachesize); icsBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(90, 30)); icsBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { icsIndex = icsBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); dcsBox = new JComboBox<string>(scachesize); dcsBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(90, 30)); dcsBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { dcsIndex = dcsBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); separateCacheEnabled(false); unifiedCacheEnabled(true); //cache 块大小设置 bsLabel = new JLabel("块大小"); bsLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 30)); bsBox = new JComboBox<string>(blocksize); bsBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, 30)); bsBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { bsIndex = bsBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); //相连度设置 wayLabel = new JLabel("相联度"); wayLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 30)); wayBox = new JComboBox<string>(way); wayBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, 30)); wayBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { wayIndex = wayBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); //替换策略设置 replaceLabel = new JLabel("替换策略"); replaceLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 30)); replaceBox = new JComboBox<string>(replace); replaceBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, 30)); replaceBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { replaceIndex = replaceBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); //欲取策略设置 prefetchLabel = new JLabel("预取策略"); prefetchLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 30)); prefetchBox = new JComboBox<string>(pref); prefetchBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, 30)); prefetchBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener(){ public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e){ prefetchIndex = prefetchBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); //写策略设置 writeLabel = new JLabel("写策略"); writeLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 30)); writeBox = new JComboBox<string>(write); writeBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, 30)); writeBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { writeIndex = writeBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); //调块策略 allocLabel = new JLabel("写不命中调块策略"); allocLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 30)); allocBox = new JComboBox<string>(alloc); allocBox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(160, 30)); allocBox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { allocIndex = allocBox.getSelectedIndex(); } }); //选择指令流文件 fileLabel = new JLabel("选择指令流文件"); fileLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 30)); fileAddrBtn = new JLabel(); fileAddrBtn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(210,30)); fileAddrBtn.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED)); fileBotton = new JButton("浏览"); fileBotton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70,30)); fileBotton.addActionListener(this); panelLeft.add(labelLeft); panelLeft.add(unifiedCacheButton); panelLeft.add(csLabel); panelLeft.add(csBox); panelLeft.add(separateCacheButton); panelLeft.add(icsLabel); panelLeft.add(icsBox); panelLeft.add(emptyLabel); panelLeft.add(dcsLabel); panelLeft.add(dcsBox); panelLeft.add(bsLabel); panelLeft.add(bsBox); panelLeft.add(wayLabel); panelLeft.add(wayBox); panelLeft.add(replaceLabel); panelLeft.add(replaceBox); panelLeft.add(prefetchLabel); panelLeft.add(prefetchBox); panelLeft.add(writeLabel); panelLeft.add(writeBox); panelLeft.add(allocLabel); panelLeft.add(allocBox); panelLeft.add(fileLabel); panelLeft.add(fileAddrBtn); panelLeft.add(fileBotton); //*****************************右侧面板绘制*****************************************// //模拟结果展示区域 rightLabel = new JLabel("模拟结果"); rightLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 40)); panelRight.add(rightLabel); resultTagLabel = new JLabel[4][3]; resultDataLabel = new JLabel[4][3]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { resultTagLabel[i][j] = new JLabel(resultTags[i][j]); resultTagLabel[i][j].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 40)); if (j != 2) { resultDataLabel[i][j] = new JLabel("0"); } else { resultDataLabel[i][j] = new JLabel("0.00%"); } resultDataLabel[i][j].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(83, 40)); panelRight.add(resultTagLabel[i][j]); panelRight.add(resultDataLabel[i][j]); } if (i == 0) { JLabel label = new JLabel("其中:"); label.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 40)); panelRight.add(label); } } /* stepLabel1 = new JLabel(); stepLabel1.setVisible(false); stepLabel1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 40)); stepLabel2 = new JLabel(); stepLabel2.setVisible(false); stepLabel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 40)); panelRight.add(stepLabel1); panelRight.add(stepLabel2); */ accessTypeTagLabel = new JLabel("访问类型:"); addressTagLabel = new JLabel("地址:"); blockNumberTagLabel = new JLabel("块号:"); tagTagLabel = new JLabel("标记Tag:"); indexTagLabel = new JLabel("组索引:"); inblockAddressTagLabel = new JLabel("块内地址:"); hitTagLabel = new JLabel("命中情况:"); accessTypeDataLabel = new JLabel("--"); addressDataLabel = new JLabel("--"); blockNumberDataLabel = new JLabel("--"); tagDataLabel = new JLabel("--"); indexDataLabel = new JLabel("--"); inblockAddressDataLabel = new JLabel("--"); hitDataLabel = new JLabel("--"); accessTypeTagLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 40)); accessTypeDataLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 40)); addressTagLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 40)); addressDataLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 40)); panelRight.add(accessTypeTagLabel); panelRight.add(accessTypeDataLabel); panelRight.add(addressTagLabel); panelRight.add(addressDataLabel); blockNumberTagLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 40)); blockNumberDataLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 40)); hitTagLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 40)); hitDataLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 40)); panelRight.add(blockNumberTagLabel); panelRight.add(blockNumberDataLabel); panelRight.add(hitTagLabel); panelRight.add(hitDataLabel); tagTagLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40)); tagDataLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 40)); indexTagLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40)); indexDataLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 40)); inblockAddressTagLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 40)); inblockAddressDataLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 40)); panelRight.add(tagTagLabel); panelRight.add(tagDataLabel); panelRight.add(indexTagLabel); panelRight.add(indexDataLabel); panelRight.add(inblockAddressTagLabel); panelRight.add(inblockAddressDataLabel); //*****************************底部面板绘制*****************************************// bottomLabel = new JLabel("执行控制"); bottomLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 30)); execStepBtn = new JButton("步进"); execStepBtn.setLocation(100, 30); execStepBtn.addActionListener(this); execAllBtn = new JButton("执行到底"); execAllBtn.setLocation(300, 30); execAllBtn.addActionListener(this); panelBottom.add(bottomLabel); panelBottom.add(execStepBtn); panelBottom.add(execAllBtn); add("North", panelTop); add("West", panelLeft); add("Center", panelRight); add("South", panelBottom); setSize(820, 620); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public static void main(String[] args) { new MyCacheSim(); }}</string></string></string></string></string></string></string></string></string></string></string>

Java Cache模拟器(图形界面) -电脑资料

