
时间:2012-04-09 06:48:23
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6. 在turn/ go作“变为,成为”,其后做表语的名词不加冠词; 当as引导让步状语从句时, 从句中做表语的名词要放在as前,且不加冠词;在以“名词+介词短语”构成的独立主格结构中,名词前不加冠词

  He used to be a medical student before he turned writer.

  Child as he is, he knows a lot.

  A man ran over, sword in hand.

  7. 当man作“人类”、space作“太空”、nature作“自然界”、society 作“社会”、heaven作“天堂、天国”时不用冠词

  8. 在称呼语前不加冠词。

  Come in, boy. What are you doing, mum?

  9. 在某些固定词组中

  at home; write in pencil= write with a pencil

  at daybreak/surprise/dawn/noon/dusk/sunset/sundown/night

  day and night; day after day; day by day; hand in hand; side by side; from top to bottom; from beginning to end; from east to west; from morning till nigh


  by day在白天;by the day 按天计算

  in case of 如果,万一;in the case of 就……来说

  in charge of负责,管理;in the charge of 由……负责

  go to church/school去作礼拜/去学习;go to the church/school到教堂去/学校去

  out of question毫无疑问;out of the question不可能的


  On the whole= as a whole 大体上,就整体来看

  take… for example= take … as an example 以……为例


  1. 表示“一个”、“某一个”、“ 每一”、“再一,又一”、或“同一,相同”等

  Eg. Rome is not built in a day.

  A Mr. Smith is waiting for you at the school gate.

  He usually works eight hours a day.

  You can try it a second time if you fail.

  They are of an age./ Birds of a feather flocks together.

  2. 泛指某一类人或物,意为“任何一个,任一”

  Eg: A square has four sides.

  3. 当物质名词具体化表示“一(类、阵、份)”等;抽象名词具体化为“……的人或者事”时

  Eg: Green tea is a wonderful tea.

  We don’t have much rain here, but last night we h


