
时间:2018-03-01 05:24:28
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Do you know which of your priorities are most important? Which come ahead of others? Here are just a few tips to help you get your priorities on track: 你知道哪些任务更重要吗?哪些任务应该摆在其他任务之前?以下是一些帮助你更好地划定优先级的小技巧: Get Organized – Some basic organization is needed if you are going to get your priorities in order. After all, it is hard to have a clear view and be productive if you are a cluttered mess. 更有条理:假如你想秩序井然地安排你的任务,一些最基础的组织活动是非常必要的。毕竟,假如连你自己都混混沌沌的话,你就很难有清楚的想法,也很难提高效率。 Put Them in Order – People tend to not like to put their priorities in order, however, you must do this. You need to know which are more important to you. Your family time or your job advancement? Your workout program or your reading habit? You have to know which comes first so that you can make daily decisions about your actions. 排好先后顺序:人们往往不愿意为优先级排序,然而,你必须这么做。你必须知道哪些事对你来说更重要。你的家庭时光还是工作进步?你的锻炼计划还是阅读习惯?你必须知道它们哪个更重要,你才能做好日常决定。 One at a Time – When it comes to dealing with priorities, you have to take them one at a time. Multitasking only leads to undone tasks and activities. Once you have your priorities in order, you can deal with them one at a time. 一个个来:当你要处理优先级问题时,你必须一次处理一个。同时处理多个任务只会导致任务不能完成。一旦你排好了优先级,你就可以一个个来处理它们了。 提高工作效率、改善生活质量:时间管理课程 Is This the Right Train? - Make sure you are deali


