
时间:2015-06-07 04:10:31
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  For those people who are really keen on pursuing an investment banking career, I would like to share a few tips I learnt during the past few years in IBD and answer the most common questions I received from IBD candidates.



  Q1. Besides applying online or through campus recruitment, is there any other way to break into the industry?


  A1: Yes of course. You could also leverage on professional recruitment agencies such as headhunters or try your luck through networking sessions. I would suggest every potential candidate should build a comprehensive LinkedIn profile and stay visible to headhunters. For those candidates who have access to Bloomberg, registering for a Bloomberg event or simply showing up during the conference will win a good chance to network with REAL industrial professionals. Last but not least, do send a thank-you note to follow up with whoever you've spoken with during the event. It helps!


  Q2. What is the most important thing for the IBD interview?


  A2: In early rounds of interviews, your hard skills are the most important. In light of the high volume of work and tight deadlines, it is just impossible to train a fresh analyst how to do accounting and financial modellings from scratch. So make sure that you at least read ONE full-fledged annual report of a company and understand most of the Notes to Account, and at least do one financial projections with simplified assumptions on Excel. If you are lucky to make it to the final rounds of interview, it is only the chemistry between you and your potential future boss that counts. Make sure that you speak well and fingers crossed that the team likes you.




  Q3. Do I need to pass CFA Level I or Level II before pursuing a job in IBD?

  问3. 我要不要在IBD找工作前通过CFA(特许金融分析师)一级或者二级考试?

  A3: If you have little knowledge in accounting or have plenty of time to kill, you may go and take CFA Level I. It is good opportunity to give you a holistic idea of the financial markets. Some people like myself just took the CFA exams in case we would like to switch to a buy-side career after all.


  Q4. How many applications did you submit to get the decent internship offers?


  A4: I spent two months submitting applications to more than 40 financial institutions world-wide during my internship seeking period. Sometimes you just have to try more before the lucky bird lands on you. It turns out that most of your friends' applications will flood into those big names everybody knows...GS/MS/JPM/DB.....It makes sense to discover the blue ocean out of the red, simply go on the banking regulator's website and try some banks you never heard of. At least I got a few offers from some middle-eastern banks :) And yes they did pay well.


  Q5. Shall I use the same template for cover letters?


  A5: The most silly thing is to CTRL+H and use one cover letter template for all. Make sure that you understand the JD before submitting your cover letter, and please double-check your writings because consistency is the key in this line of work.



