
时间:2016-02-09 03:17:50
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教育方式的改变英文范文 第一篇

As far as the style of education is concerned, I dare not assert that it is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. However, based on my long-term observation experience, I seem to find that no matter what kind of education, it is inseparable from the word _beating and scolding_. At the same time, the students are also very obedient to accept, but after the event, no one has changed, on the contrary, that the abuse of the ear, the teacher can think of the disrespect. This tells me that beating and scolding is of no use for students to get rid of their bad habits. However, this way of education is still completely inherited, and no teacher has been strangely mutated into a really kind teacher. This is really against the most holy teacher of the Chinese education: good guidance. Instead, over thousands of years, students have been punished with ruler, pointer, and such teaching _. It makes us wonder, over thousands of years of evolution, how could there be so much evolution? Will there be such a big change?

If you think about it, its because of the students naughtiness and the teachers incapacity.

This class A gentleman, A talented person. I do not want this person is not what he looks like, but is a stubborn and stubborn man, to waste the teachers high expectations! One day, Mr. A threw the math test paper and other such materials into the trash can, only to find out that he had been studied by several teachers. His patient shape was not damaged and his color was not changed. The former, Mr. A has been criticized several times, so he is not satisfied today. However, the number of pision at this time should never be to the fist foot, should not forget _inculcate_ is, and why do the two sides at this time embarrassing situation?

After all, this way of education is wrong! To teach students, it is necessary to be patient, students can be said to be from a certain Angle to turn to the normal, which must not be less than the teachers of the teaching method, if the teaching principle of beating and scolding, you might as well teach physical education, so that students can do your sandbags! In this way, I can cite many examples like this to prove the mistakes of this kind of education. If a student makes one mistake and too much criticism, he will despise and resent you. Naturally, he will not listen to your lectures carefully even if the review materials are there.

And the students are to avoid too many mistakes and let the teacher is no longer like the past to their own treatment, this is every teachers psychological tolerance standard, once exceeded, the consequences unimaginable!

Hope all teachers and students do their best and build our relationship together!!

教育方式的改变英文范文 第二篇

_My parents think foreign education is more suitable for my development than exam-oriented education, and I dont really like the dull way of education at home._ December 1, the reporter in Weifang one high school international department, saw the weifang one high school international Department high school student Cui Hailong who had just been admitted by the University of Toronto.

In the interview, most of the students said that the choice to study abroad is like the educational environment of foreign countries. It is reported that in the International Department of Weifang No. 1 High School, foreign teachers require students not only to pass the cultural course, but also to have two hours of physical activity every week, otherwise the graduation certificate will not be issued. In addition, every student must have volunteer experience, otherwise they will not graduate.

_Higher-level tutoring sessions or volunteering in the community must be free and recorded by foreign teachers._ Cui said that according to the volunteer time, he does volunteer work at least twice a week, one time for 45 minutes, lasting for two semesters, in order to complete the credits in volunteer experience and get a high school graduation certificate.

It is understood that, with the high school planning to go abroad more and more students, Weifang No. 1 middle school also intends to open classes, classes and so on. Jiang, director of school of Foreign Languages of Weifang University, reminded the high school students who are applying for foreign universities. Many famous foreign universities implement the policy of _wide in and strict out_ and implement the strict knockout system. Every year, some students are eliminated because of their poor performance. Domestic students can still be thrown out of school if they dont redouble their efforts after being admitted.

教育方式的改变英文范文 第三篇

I really think my mother did all the right things this time when my brother was in the rebellious stage. After all, they all produced positive effects. After all, the final effects made people feel happy.

Can be said that every mother is understanding what your child is suitable for what kind of education mode, the younger brother is indeed very clothes at an early age that a boy, he was a sunshine boy, and ChiRuanBuChiYing, if you are holding a feather duster to him, he will be more rampant, but if you are in love with gentle to treat him, he will be particularly easy softhearted.

Mom this is probably caught the younger brother of this feature, this is a small with nature, so this time he is in the rebellious period, to make some of the excesses that mom didnt go to blame him, but try to meet him outside the game that some requirements, what he want to eat, and he said in a I think its unreasonable moment want to eat, mom will take time and energy to realize her idea.

For example, he said he was hungry at 11:00, but at dinner he said he was full, he didnt want to eat, his stomach was uncomfortable, so when he said he wanted to eat after 11:00, his mother would get up and cook something for him.

He said he wanted more than 10 points to eat snacks, slowly will also took him out to buy, including he said with my mother the night before, he suddenly very want to eat dumplings, mom wants me to do the next day, but I have no time, I let my mother to buy directly, she did is to buy, but then the younger brother particularly fussy, she said she wanted to eat their own kind, mother bought materials directly 2 day did it by himself.

Now the younger brother is indeed back to the original state, is indeed to return to the state of positive and optimistic life, life can be said to return to the right track, it will not be so lost, will not feel the whole day lost spirit. So it has a positive effect.

教育方式的改变英文范文 第四篇

Changes in Higher Education recently, there have been some major changes in China's higher education. Now let me tell you that some students can get married in universities. This is because many graduate students are old enough, and there is no age limit for those who participate in the college entrance examination.

Therefore, some people can enter the university if they get married. This is also the second important change I want to tell you, because Many universities are enrolling more and more students, the number of college students is increasing, of course, it also leads to a significant decline in the quality of students, which shows that our education authorities have taken some measures to adapt to the new situation, but we should also pay enough attention to the so-called _ivory tower_ college, colleges and universities.



教育方式的改变英文范文 第五篇

The commencement address of democratization of education delivered by Shakira Isabel mebarak lipol at Oxford University, I have a vision of this future that I would like to share with you today. Let me say this: if civilization is a car, I would like to know that in the last hour, we can accelerate our democratization process as quickly as possible through universal education We are committed to meeting and organizing in places like this, with students like you, that we can build an intellectual network, a huge think tank, dedicated to sharing the best ideas, motivating each other to learn, to provide information, to advance our cause. In the past century, we have been in history There have been so many technological advances that in the next 10 or 20 years, or 50 years ago, we knew that the world had shrunk into a big community.

You are the creator of change, so tell me, how many things seem inconceivable today will be obvious tomorrow how long human beings will live and how society will be constructed. Unfortunately, in a well governed community, at the current rate of change, we will not be able to popularize education in a hundred years, let alone five years, especially when we are in a very well governed community When the world has enough resources to feed itself several times, then why do children in Latin America starve? How many times the necessary resources to feed the entire population? These children can't wait for another hundred years. They need a pill or a breakthrough vaccine to cure a child with leukemia or .

We need it Living in a world where we can find solutions to global warming, so we don't have to worry about everyone. When a storm begins to form on the horizon, we need to find new ways to distribute food so that no children go to bed hungry. I know education is our ticket.


教育方式的改变英文范文 第六篇

Seize that star, it will take you into your dream, seize the star that holds your destiny, the star that twinkles in your heart forever. Take advantage of the precious opportunity, while they are still shining, you always believe that as long as you devote yourself to it, your ultimate goal can be achieved, although sometimes obstacles may hinder you. Remember that your destiny is hidden in their back Accept the fact that not everyone will agree with your choice, believe in your judgment, seize the star that twinkles in your heart, it will lead you to your destiny, along this road to find the sweet sunrise waiting for you, and be proud of your achievements, because they are stepping stones of your dreams, understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them They prevent you from cherishing your abilities and talents, because they are the greatest things that you are truly unique.

The gifts in life are not bought, but acquired through hard work and determination. This is the faith of faith radio. Relax and find the star that twinkles in your heart, because only you can make your best dream come true.




教育方式的改变英文范文 第七篇

Small dou Dou, black liu Chezi, because of naughty, the first grade was expelled from school children. The book _Little Doudou by the Window_ vividly introduces the story between Xiao Doudou and her primary school teacher Xiao Lin. Xiao Dou Dou could speak well for hours, for other teachers are certainly not willing to listen, but Xiao Lin zong as a teacher did not yawn once, once also did not show the appearance of impatience. She listened to Dou Dou for four hours.

This is the Japanese. Although the ancestors of The Japanese brutally killed countless of our compatriots, there are many shortcomings, but this can not cover up their advantages. The Japanese way of education cant we Chinese learn it? Learn their kind of seriousness, that kind of rigor. The Japanese can give their students the subjects they like, the Chinese cant; The Japanese can give students enough entertainment time, the Chinese cant; The Japanese can let students help each other in the face of disaster, thinking of others everywhere, the Chinese can not. With his rigorous attitude towards teaching and his love for children, Xiao Lin has influenced every student, making them understand love, the true, the good and the beautiful, and the truth that Chinese children do not know. This is the Japanese. Chinese children are not lack of love, but lack of boldness and innovation. Japanese children can imagine the moon as an alien, a beautiful dress, while Chinese children can only traditional phenomenon into a sickle and moon dish. This is the Chinese. I would like to remind teachers and parents here, please give your children and students a little imagination space, let them in the realm of fantasy free gallop.

Please do not the children that imaginative brain _knock_, we Chinese children must have imagination, have the spirit of humility each other, have an innocent and pure heart!

教育方式的改变英文范文 第八篇

The sample statistics of Shanghai's household expenditure are shown in the table above. In the past 20 years, Shanghai's household expenditure has undergone great changes (from to, the most obvious change is clothing, food, housing and transportation, while entertainment expenditure has declined. Education and health care have increased L and L respectively, and other expenses have been rising continuously.

Statistically speaking, the rise and fall seem to exist in isolation In fact, they are closely related. The most likely factors to explain these changes are: economic development is the most fundamental one. One reason is that the increase in income leads to the decline in the proportion of food and clothing.

Another factor is the development of people's ideas. People begin to be interested in entertainment and education. These changes can also be attributed to the social reform in the S.

college education is no longer completely free as it used to be, which also explains the teaching in the near future With the increasing cost of education, the government has gradually stopped providing free housing to citizens. People have to save a large part of their money to buy a house. This is part of the reason why _other people_ spend twice as much as medical expenses.

I think there are two main reasons: the abolition of free medical care and people's awareness of the importance of health. These changes reflect the development of cities and show that people are enjoying more.



教育方式的改变英文范文 第九篇

The baby booms of the s and s had an impact on schools, which was one of the most important social developments that prompted people to change their thinking about the role of public education. But especially during the Great Depression of the s, the birth rate of every 1000 women aged 15 to 15 in the United States was declining. With the increasing prosperity brought about by the Second World War and the economic prosperity after it, four quarters of the people were born in the same year About a living child.

Young people get married and start a family earlier than their predecessors, and the annual and annual birth rate has risen to 1 in 1000. Although the economy may be the most important determinant, this is not the o

nly explanation for the baby boom. The increasing emphasis on family values also helps to explain the rise in the birth rate.

By the mid-s, the baby boomers began to pour into the first grade of primary school, becoming a torrent. The public school suddenly found itself overburdened, and because of wartime and post-war conditions, the same conditions made schools less willing to cope with floods. The wartime economy meant that few new schools were built between and, and during the war and the boom years that followed A large number of teachers have left their profession to work in other economic fields.

Therefore, in the s and s, the baby boom hit an old and imperfect school . So the _guardianship talk_ of the s and early s no longer makes sense, that is, for an institution that can't find the space and staff to teach Baby Boomers aged five to six, getting people 16 and over out of the labor market by getting them to school is no longer a high priority, the relationship between educators and laymen interested in education Inevitably, the focus shifted to the lower grades, back to basic academic skills and discipline. The is no longer interested in providing non-traditional, new and additional services to older young people.




教育方式的改变英文范文 第十篇





Nowadays, the new trends which have dramatically changed education are the rise of online education and the spread of Flipped Classroom.

The rise of online education has been greatly facilitated by IT technologies and the Internet. However, online education is by no means a simple substitute of traditional education. To some extent, online education and traditional education are going forward hand-in-hand. The harmonious coexistence of them can bring about better education results and more efficient utilization of education resources.

Traditional classrooms tend to adopt the spoon-feeding pattern, under which the teacher lectures and the students only listen passively most of the time. Flipped Classroom is quite different. It requires the students to study the textbook by themselves before the class. The class hours are then devoted to doing exercises, presentations, or group discussions. Flipped Classroom is therefore considered to be a novel and advanced way of education.


Online education 在线教育

Flipped Classroom 翻转课堂

Presentation or group discussion 课堂陈述和小组讨论



教育方式的改变英文范文 第十一篇

Although students can get a good education in domestic universities, it is very important to study abroad, because some or part of university education can enable students to a new language, be familiar with different cultures, and have an opportunity to develop in different ways. We can not deny the importance of bilingualism or even multilingualism. In today's fast-paced world, we have a global economy and communication Communication over the Internet and satellite TV means that we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments, that another culture is also important today.

Respect for others and their traditions will promote cooperation and peace. We should all do our part to ensure that the world is safe for our children. Only when we leave our environment can we To understand and respect other people and their culture, we feel more free to try different ways of doing things.

We are all inpiduals. We need time to be alone and leave our comfortable nest. We can try different things, reject them, and accept them.

People can change and change easily. When you are far away from your family environment, studying abroad can make you Become richer, right? We can only learn a new language, learn different cultures, but we can also learn more about ourselves. Of course, we are receiving formal education.


教育方式的改变英文范文 第十二篇

Life, there will be many for the first time, I the deepest impression is wait for the line for the first time of tension, the tension has been lasted for several weeks, because he hangs out in junior high school is like a person, sleeping all day in the classroom is not rock the boat is, although not too much, but is very irresponsible to himself, in a teacher in charges speech, makes me in high school is full of interest, but then began efforts would have been too late, want to in my mind: No matter what, I must try my best this time. I even look down upon myself when I failed in the senior high school entrance examination. If I still fail to pass the examination with all my might, I will never regret it in my future life. Is so hard for a year, the sports test full marks, made me more confident, but after the examination, Im a little worried my score, although he is normal, but do not know to have careless do wrong topic, and the score can not come out for a will, in the examination after few days I am listless, is like played a battle, not happy, also have no idea to play.

Until the test scores out, also appeared on the same day that school fractional line, I was having dinner at that time, the excited I was not hungry, feel the body is filled with energy, even a little cant believe will once again to determine the score, when the mood is the most happy, the moment like a different person, body is full of energy, lively once upon a time the boy came back again.

From my personality is lively, careless, so often cant help myself, just finished a few topic topic is about to turn on the television see, mom and dad to my way of education is also relatively grazing type, this way of education may be some people will have some wrong, but I think this is a very good way of education, while mom and dad on my education is not very strict, but encounter a bad thing, I did what I did wrong will become very strict, this is I think the best way to discipline, they have been to the place I went to the positive energy to guide, rather than the pursuit of learning, If not interested then forced their children to do so the child will not be happy in the end, my side has a lot of friends parents are both have this kind of psychology, and most are strict with their children just learning, what other hobbies are not allowed to have, impose their ideas on their children, will affect the childs life. Although I am usually very lively and careless, I never do something too excessive or incorrect. I just want to make trouble in class to liven up the atmosphere. Therefore, I think my interpersonal skills are very strong and I can get along well with both classmates and teachers. Than I know who their parents tube is strict with the students, most of whom were introverted personality, not very willing to give vent to their heart, whether its the best of friends or parents are not willing to say their mind, only suppress myself bear in my mind, although I no empathy, but I know this mindset will produce a lot of pressure.

Education child the best way is not harsh or scold, but to let the children do their interested like do and parents want to support more, children have an interest in or dream is not easy, parents immediately with his own ideas on the childs ideas, which can make children lose their ideas, will only immersed in learning, what is the difference between this and machine? We live in the world not only to learn, but also to live.

So I have a dream, I must work hard, I must do what I am sure, no matter who I am, I will not regret if I try my best.

教育方式的改变英文范文 第十三篇

The sample statistics of Shanghai's household expenditure are shown in the table above. In the past 20 years, Shanghai's household expenditure has undergone great changes (from to, the most obvious change is clothing, food, housing and transportation, while entertainment expenditure has declined. Education and health care have increased L and L respectively, and other expenses have been rising continuously.

Statistically speaking, the rise and fall seem to exist in isolation In fact, they are closely related. The most likely factors to explain these changes are: economic development is the most fundamental one. One reason is that the increase in income leads to the decline in the proportion of food and clothing.

Another factor is the development of people's ideas. People begin to be interested in entertainment and education. These changes can also be attributed to the social reform in the S.

college education is no longer completely free as it used to be, which also explains the teaching in the near future With the increasing cost of education, the government has gradually stopped providing free housing to citizens. People have to save a large part of their money to buy a house. This is part of the reason why _other people_ spend twice as much as medical expenses.

I think there are two main reasons: the abolition of free medical care and people's awareness of the importance of health. These changes reflect the development of cities and show that people are enjoying more.





