
时间:2012-07-07 06:31:24
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关于移动支付的英文范文 第一篇

Considering that more and more businesses begin to support wechat, apple payment and other mobile payment methods, and with the improvement of China's living standards, students will have more money to spend. It is certain that college students will also be more inclined to use Apple's mobile phone for payment. In this changing era, people are increasingly aware of the importance of understanding the outside world, Telephone reading provides a good channel for them to broaden their horizons.



关于移动支付的英文范文 第二篇

Mpesa started cautiously in India. Rajasthan seems to be an unlikely environment for a technological revolution. However, in the past year, this historic Uttar Pradesh has provided a testing ground for an idea that some believe could help hundreds of millions of Indians provide basic financial services in the form of mobile money for the first time (Rajasthan ) In November, Vodafone, a city famous for its hilltop fortresses and charming pink buildings, announced plans to pilot mpesa, a service pioneered in Africa, where users can store cash on their phones and use them for shopping.

Since then, Vodafone, India's second-largest mobile operator, has been attached to Vodafone Nearby villages are busy signing up agents, usually small shop owners in dusty huts along the road, who sell their products to local people, and the trial goes well. Last month, the company announced plans to promote it nationwide. Supporters of mobile money talk about its many benefits, including the possibility of ending Financial Exclusion in developing countries.

In particular, these advocates point out that mpesa has become a virtual currency used by more than seven s in Kenya, along with the remittance service western Union has more transactions per year than Union, but even staunch supporters admit that the idea has failed in most other countries that have tried, and that India is likely to be India's biggest service industry challenge so far. The opportunity is obvious. More than half of India's population does not have bank accounts, but India is the second largest in the world The big mobile phone market, with more than a million users, could easily become a global leader in mobile money if only a small number of these customers log in.


MPESA在印度谨慎起步,拉贾斯坦邦似乎是一场技术的不太可能的环境,然而在过去的xx年里,这个历史悠久的北方邦为一个想法提供了试验场,一些人认为这一想法可以帮助数亿印度人首次以移动货币的形式提供基本金融服务(拉贾斯坦邦 xx月,在斋浦尔城外,一个以山顶堡垒和迷人的粉红色建筑而闻名的城市,沃达丰(Vodafone)宣布计划试点MPesa这项在非洲首创的服务,用户可以在手机上储存现金,也可以用来购物,从那时起,印度第二大移动商沃达丰(Vodafone)开始,沃达丰(Vodafone)就在附近的村庄里忙着签约代理商,这些代理商通常只是路边满是灰尘的棚屋里的小店主,然后他们把产品卖给当地人,试验进展顺利,上个月,该公司宣布了在全国范围内推广的计划。手机货币的拥趸们大谈它的诸多好处,其中包括在发展中结束金融排斥的可能性。这些拥护者特别指出,在肯尼亚,MPesa已经成为一种虚拟货币,有超过7名成年人使用,与汇款服务公司Western Union相比,这家汇款服务公司每年的交易量都要多,但即便是坚定的支持者也承认,这一想法在其他大多数尝试过的都没有成功,而印度很可能是印度迄今为止服务业面临的最大挑战机遇是显而易见的,印度有一半以上的人口没有银行账户,但印度是世界第二大手机市场,拥有超过百万的用户,如果这些客户中只有一小部分人登录,印度就可以轻松成为全球移动货币的领军者。


关于移动支付的英文范文 第三篇

Bill Gates once said that in the 21st century, e-commerce, or Ma Yun, who has no business to serve, once said, _I am cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow is better, the vast majority of people die tomorrow night, the day after tomorrow you can't see the sun. If you are still trapped in the coffee shop today, if the prediction of e-commerce is more and more recognized by other people in the next five years If confirmed, then I will more and more regret my prediction of e-commerce. High security risk is the key factor that users should consider when making mobile payment.

They should pay attention to protect their payment account and password carefully. At the same time, the government should formulate a supportive regulatory environment to effectively manage potential risks.



关于移动支付的英文范文 第四篇

In recent years, the mobile phone has a great growth, as a convenient way of communication, mobile phone has become an indispensable way of communication for millions of people, and the number of mobile phones is growing at an average speed every year. Some people can't imagine life without mobile phones now. The fact that mobile phones are so popular has proved that mobile phones are useful and convenient.

Mobile phones enable people to communicate with each other conveniently and quickly no matter where they are. You can contact someone immediately and eliminate the trouble of being unable to meet someone in person. Therefore, to improve business efficiency, mobile phones inevitably have disadvantages.

The radiation emitted by mobile phones is harmful to people's health. In addition, if people rely too much on mobile phones, our face-to-face skills may decline. Any new invention has its disadvantages, and these negative effects can't always be reduced.

Despite the negative effects of TV, for example, the number of people with TV continues to grow at an alarming rate, which is also the case with mobile phones. People don't stop eating just because of the risk of suffocation, science and technology With the introduction of new technologies, mobile phones will have more applications and become more attractive to consumers.




关于移动支付的英文范文 第五篇

China Mobile said it had held several meetings with Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, to introduce the iPhone based on its network standards, in an effort to further boost its business. The carrier already has million iPhone users on its network, and although it does not sell smartphones through its retail network, China Mobile operates 3G, and China Unicom is the only Chinese operator to offer iPhones.


关于移动支付的英文范文 第六篇

As the saying goes, _haste leads to failure_. This is not only an old saying, but also a common sense of almost everyone. The reason why people think so is because they know that it is impossible to ask for quality and requirement rate in dealing with affairs, unless you don't want your own good results.

When we recite English words, we may bring ourselves more than 100 words a day, but the next day you will easily forget these words. The reason is that we can't remember so many words in a short time, and reciting words is a long-term task. However, if we recite only ten words a day, and then review them the next day, you will remember them one day.




关于移动支付的英文范文 第七篇

According to a survey by the China Internet society, more than% of mobile phone users in China receive spam every week, of which% receive more than%. Percent of all users surveyed received five to five spam messages nationwide, according to the survey released on Tuesday. The survey showed that% of users received at least eight spam messages a week.

The survey showed that% of ordinary spam messages included advertising, fraud, illegal sale of vehicles, weapons or fake diplomas, and short message services that users had never registered Service (SMS). However, according to the survey, only Lu Xiangdong, deputy general manager of China Mobile Communications Group, said that even he could not escape spam messages. In order to control spam messages, mobile operators should be alert to a large number of short messages from one sender.

On the other hand, mobile service providers should provide users with more healthy content, such as news, e-books and TV programs. In order to intensify this effort, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom and China Netcom, the four major mobile operators in China, joined other service providers, including sinacom and Sohu, and set up a _green mobile culture_ Association on Tuesday. Members promised not to spread unhealthy or illegal information, and made further efforts to eliminate spam messages.


关于移动支付的英文范文 第八篇

One year old Angela suffers from a neurological condition that prevents her from walking and her movements are limited in other ways. Doctors had little hope of her recovery from the disease, predicting that she would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. They said that if there was one, few people could do it.

In order to return to normal after the infection, the little girl lay fearlessly in the hospital bed, and she would swear to anyone that if one day she was tranerred to a professional rehabilitation hospital in the San Francisco Bay area, she would definitely walk again, and the therapist would be indomitable by her no matter what treatment was used for her condition They taught her how to imagine walking, if nothing else, would at least give her hope and positive things. When she was awake for a long time in bed, Angela would try her best to do physiotherapy, whirlpool and exercise, but she also tried to lie there, faithfully doing her imaging, imagining herself moving, moving, moving for a day When she tried her best to imagine her legs moving again, it seemed like a miracle happened: the bed moved, it began to move around the room, and she screamed, _look what I'm doing, see I can do it, I move, I move._ of course, at this moment, other people in the hospital were screaming, the campaign cover screamed, the equipment fell down, the glass broke, and this It's the recent San Francisco earthquake, but don't tell Angela, she's sure she did it. A few years later, she's back at school.

Anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can overcome a trivial disease, can't she.



关于移动支付的英文范文 第九篇

Almost every day we read something about the latest exciting developments in space exploration in newss or on television. Animals are proud of our science and technology and realize its importance to human welfare. However, not everyone has this feeling.

Since the beginning of space research, this feeling has been criticized as a huge waste of money and other resources, which may be used to help alleviate the suffering of millions of hungry people on the earth. It is also believed that the space program may lead to the total destruction of the earth.



关于移动支付的英文范文 第十篇

Mobile payment is a kind of payment that allows mobile users to use mobile terminals (usually mobile phones) for commercial products or services to pay to the third party. Mobile payment is made from bank account or credit card number through bills associated with mobile phone or mobile phone number. This payment method can be completed at any time, anywhere, convenient payment, etc Mobile payment requires three links of payment account, payment platform and payment environment.

At present, NFC is the technical means for operators to realize mobile payment.



关于移动支付的英文范文 第十一篇

Payment will be made by the end of this month and it is convenient to pay in pound sterling now. About our agreement to pay in US dollars, right? It may be difficult to pay in Japanese yen. I have never paid in RMB.

We can't accept deferred payment. Why don't yoefuse to pay for collection? We don't think you will refuse to pay. Only one refusal is acceptable to the bank.

You should pay our bank interest once the payment is wrong. It is difficult to pay until the shipping documents of the goods arrive. We are worried that the price drop may lead to this Refusal of payment of course, payment may be refused, if there is any problem with the documents, the equipment will be with the goods produced by our factory on installment payment protest deferred payment installment payment terms payment agreement payment order payment order payment bank payment remittance partial payment full clean payment simple payment installment payment deferred payment due cash in advance (CWO) on delivery Payment (COD) cash against documents (CAD) payment on delivery (POD) payment in kind only cash payco is not transferable payco or order (order to pay to the other party refuses to pay, bank interest drop problem).



关于移动支付的英文范文 第十二篇

The number you dialed can't be connected now. Please try again later / your phone account has expired. Please pay and try again / your phone service has been suspended for operator assistance.

Please dial the number you dialed is not in service. The number you dialed is busy. Please continue line.

Please try again later. You have not registered for IDD or TDD services in Hong Kong or Taiwan If you want to dial the police number of Ma, please dial the police number before calling the police number of Macau, please dial the zero number before calling the police number. in limine.



关于移动支付的英文范文 第十三篇

As shown in the figure above, there is a man sitting on the chair. He bought a bottle of water from the steward and paid with his mobile phone. Although the picture is , the author's intention is to convey a more complex and profound significancethe purpose of the drawer is to show the important role of mobile payment in today's life.

With the development and progress of society, advanced mobile payment technology is in modern society It is not only

necessary, but also indispensable. It can promote economic development, improve people's work efficiency, and provide better services for everyone. The correct and efficient use of mobile payment technology can also greatly improve consumer satiaction.

The best example of this concept is the scene described above; the application of modern mobile payment technology can In order to create a new payment mode, because of its importance, mobile payment technology must undoubtedly establish a coordination mechanism to ensure its permanent return to society.


关于移动支付的英文范文 第十四篇

Nowadays, mobile phones are becoming more and more useful in our lives. When we enjoy the benefits of mobile phones, we will think that if mobile phones can do anything, of course, mobile phones can do a lot of things, we can use them to learn about series news or things we like. Second, we can use it to find words in digital dictionaries.

So, it is good for us It's very convenient. Mobile phones can do a lot of things, not to say it can do anything. Many things need us to do, not a mobile phone.

We also need to learn more to make us average. If we don't know the knowledge we will need, maybe we can find it, but it's too slow. So, I think, although the mobile phone is useful and convenient, but We also need to know whether you are troubled by some unwanted massage.

When you or your friends are cheated, whether you have received a message _Congratulations, there will be a million tomorrow_. You will be very angry, but I don't know who sent you such a message. Now there is a good solution.

This is the mobile phone identification policy, which refers to the telephone related to personal identity Number, can effectively reduce spam, when you lose your mobile phone, it has other benefits, and you do not remember your mobile phone number password, you can provide your ID card, do not worry that you can not get back your owen number, do not worry about other people using your number to do some bad things for the operator, mobile phone identification policy can manage users, avoid malicious arrears phenomenon The mobile phone identification policy is a measure that benefits the country and the people and should be actively implemented.



