
时间:2011-02-05 01:19:14
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假期英文自我评价的 篇一

During the holiday, I dedicated a significant amount of time to improving my English skills. I engaged in various activities and utilized different resources to enhance my reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities. Overall, I believe that my efforts have paid off and I have made significant progress in my English proficiency.

To begin with, I focused on improving my reading skills. I read a wide range of English books, both fiction and non-fiction, to expose myself to different writing styles and vocabulary. I also made use of online articles and news websites to stay updated with current events and improve my comprehension skills. Additionally, I practiced summarizing the main ideas of what I read to further enhance my understanding and retention.

In terms of writing, I challenged myself to write regularly in English. I started a journal where I documented my thoughts and experiences in English. This exercise not only helped me practice grammar and vocabulary, but also allowed me to express myself more confidently in writing. Moreover, I sought feedback from native English speakers and made necessary revisions to improve the quality of my writing. I also practiced writing essays on various topics to develop my ability to present coherent arguments and support them with evidence.

To improve my speaking skills, I participated in English conversation clubs and engaged in conversations with native English speakers. These interactions helped me become more comfortable and fluent in expressing myself in English. I also practiced pronunciation by listening to podcasts and imitating the native speakers. Additionally, I made use of language learning apps that provided voice recognition and feedback to help me correct my pronunciation and intonation.

Lastly, I worked on improving my listening skills by regularly listening to podcasts, watching movies, and engaging in English-language TV shows. I made an effort to listen to a variety of accents and dialects to expose myself to different speaking styles. I also used online resources that provided listening exercises and quizzes to test my comprehension abilities.

Overall, I am confident that my dedication and effort during the holiday have significantly improved my English skills. I feel more confident in my ability to read, write, speak, and listen in English. However, I acknowledge that language learning is a continuous process and there is always room for improvement. Therefore, I plan to continue practicing and challenging myself in order to further enhance my English proficiency.

假期英文自我评价的 篇二

During the holiday, I took the opportunity to focus on improving my English skills and I am pleased with the progress I have made. I implemented a structured learning plan and utilized a variety of resources to enhance my reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities. Overall, I believe that my dedication and effort have paid off and my English proficiency has significantly improved.

To begin with, I made it a priority to improve my reading skills. I read extensively in English, including books, newspapers, and online articles. This allowed me to expand my vocabulary and improve my reading comprehension. I also made use of various reading strategies, such as skimming and scanning, to enhance my reading speed and efficiency. Additionally, I actively sought out challenging texts to further develop my critical thinking and analytical skills.

In terms of writing, I practiced regularly to enhance my written communication skills. I wrote essays, reports, and journal entries on different topics to improve my grammar, sentence structure, and organization. I also sought feedback from teachers and peers to identify areas for improvement and made necessary revisions. Additionally, I familiarized myself with different writing styles and techniques to make my writing more engaging and coherent.

To improve my speaking skills, I actively engaged in conversations with native English speakers. I participated in language exchange programs and conversation clubs, where I had the opportunity to practice speaking in a supportive environment. I also made use of language learning apps that provided speaking exercises and feedback to help me improve my pronunciation and fluency. Furthermore, I actively listened to native English speakers and imitated their speech patterns and intonation to enhance my speaking abilities.

Lastly, I focused on improving my listening skills by regularly listening to podcasts, watching English-language movies and TV shows, and engaging in audio-based language learning programs. This allowed me to expose myself to different accents and improve my comprehension skills. I also practiced note-taking while listening to lectures and presentations to improve my ability to retain information.

Overall, I am proud of the progress I have made in my English skills during the holiday. I feel more confident and comfortable in using the language in various contexts. However, I am aware that language learning is a continuous process and there is always room for improvement. Therefore, I will continue to practice and seek opportunities to further enhance my English proficiency.

假期英文自我评价的 篇三



  Winter vacation, most students can consciously complete the teacher's summer job assignment at home can take the initiative to help parents do whatever household chores also participated in a number of meaningful social practice. When visiting friends and relatives when the team members can be polite guests can be served when the competent small host in a public place to do civilization, humility. There are many players use the holidays to read some good books, read some good film and television works. Now the situation is summarized as follows

  First, student safety Everyone is responsible. In order to ensure the safety of students during the holiday class meetings on student holidays law-abiding, abide by social morality, pay attention to security, civilized Internet access, not into the business Internet cafes and game room, etc. made clear and specific requirements.

  So that each class teacher, parents, students have signed a "refused to Internet cafes commitment book", "safety objectives and responsibilities of the book" requires parents to cooperate with the supervision. But also during the winter vacation students are required to report on security messages.Carefully deployed in the school parents, the community under the common concern of my class of students during the holiday did not occur any security incidents did not discipline things happening through a safe, happy, full and meaningful holiday.

  Second, a wide range of cultural and sports activities, small inventions, small production, small knock on the door and other scientific and technological activities, many students participate in dance singing and painting and other activities to make their holiday life full and meaningful. Class I made my classmates small inventions, small production, painting and other works through the activities of the students exercise hands, the ability to brain and innovation.

  Third, abandon the bad habits of life Advocate civilized new winds actively carry out "away from bad habits to create civilization" community public service. During the holidays, the students can actively participate in the school, community organizations, public welfare labor cleaning village road garbage all contribute to the creation of Health City holiday students also help parents do whatever they can do housework to enhance the health awareness, labor consciousness training Good personal hygiene habits improve personal ability to work to develop good habits and health psychology.

  Fourth, continue to carry out the experience of educational activities in the summer in our Young Pioneers have experienced a variety of roles such as small salesman chefs and so my class many students are coming to experience life. Effie Fei students use their spare time to sell clothes Fan Hui students typing and so on through their own labor to obtain results really experience the hard earned money and also learned to save.


  Blink of an eye, a holiday passed, this holiday has too much excitement and excitement, we wait for many years of the Olympic Games finally opened, our mood is really like that Olympic life, burning. After a holiday, it seems that I was a year old, and now I look at themselves, their holiday life to identify.During the holidays, my life has maintained a good school style of study, can do early to bed and early to get up early, in the completion of holiday work, I also strive to maintain the best state with the completion of learning. I also did a plan for the next academic year. This holiday season, I have a very fulfilling, I hope I have a new term in the updated weather.

  The short winter vacation is about to end. In life, I finally overcome some shortcomings, such as: playing computer for too long, do not love to do housework, always like to stay in bed these habits are not that change can change, everything costs nine The power of cattle. Although I changed a lot of shortcomings, but there are still some shortcomings, but I believe that as long as I work, these shortcomings will be able to overcome me. In the completion of learning tasks at the same time, I also help my father and mother do whatever housework, such as washing, sweeping, buying New Year's Eve every possible, carefully completed. A few days to school, the winter vacation though short, but I had a very full, very happy. I will meet with a new face the beginning of the new semester.


  Since the beginning of this year, I have a fine tradition of loving our motherland and so on. We can actively participate in political studies, care about national affairs, earnestly study the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and support the party's various policies.

  To comply with school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, unity of students, the political demands of progress; learning a clear purpose, correct attitude, study the business.

  I abide by the law, respect teachers, enthusiastic, and students get along. I have a strong sense of collective honor, and strive to do a good job for the class for the school. As a member, I thought of progress, abide by social morality, and actively participate in practice, concerned about national affairs. Under the leadership of the CYL organizations, we will strive to better exercise ourselves and improve ourselves and raise our ideological consciousness.

  I wholeheartedly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, love the socialist motherland, the march of the pace of reform, with the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics, armed themselves, and actively participate in the party study group, and gradually improve their political and ideological consciousness, The organization submitted a party application. As a monitor, I can set an example, discipline, students set a good example, and to unite the class committee, handle all the affairs of the class, is the teacher's right-hand man.

  I love our party, love the socialist motherland, high ideological consciousness, and actively participate in the activities of the school organization and the party study group, strive for progress. At school, I am a model to comply with the "Code of secondary school students" and "daily behavior of middle school students." Respect for teachers, the organization of discipline, and served as a member of the class XX positions. Work conscientiously and responsibly, unite students, play the spirit of friendship and mutual assistance.


