
时间:2019-07-01 02:28:34
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英语毕业论文答辩问题 篇一:探讨技术对英语教育的影响

1. How has technology affected English language learning?

Technology has had a significant impact on English language learning. The use of technology in language classrooms has provided students with access to a wealth of resources and tools that can enhance their learning experience. For example, online language learning platforms, such as Duolingo and Rosetta Stone, offer interactive lessons and activities that cater to individual learners' needs and preferences. Additionally, language learning apps and software provide opportunities for students to practice their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in a convenient and engaging manner.

2. What are the advantages of using technology in English language classrooms?

There are several advantages of using technology in English language classrooms. Firstly, technology provides students with access to authentic materials, such as news articles, podcasts, and videos, which can help improve their language proficiency and cultural understanding. Secondly, technology allows for personalized learning experiences, as students can choose materials and activities that align with their interests and learning goals. Moreover, technology facilitates collaboration and communication among students and teachers, enabling them to connect with English speakers from around the world and engage in meaningful language exchanges.

3. Are there any disadvantages to relying too much on technology in English language education?

While technology offers numerous benefits, there are also potential disadvantages to relying too heavily on it in English language education. One concern is the possible loss of human interaction and face-to-face communication skills. Over-reliance on technology may hinder students' ability to engage in spontaneous conversations and develop essential interpersonal skills. Additionally, some students may become overly dependent on technology and neglect other learning strategies and resources. It is important to strike a balance between technology and traditional teaching methods to ensure comprehensive language development.

4. How can teachers effectively integrate technology into English language classrooms?

Teachers can effectively integrate technology into English language classrooms by adopting a learner-centered approach. They should provide guidance and support to students in utilizing technology for language learning purposes. Teachers can curate digital resources and design activities that promote active engagement and critical thinking. Additionally, it is crucial for teachers to continuously assess and evaluate the effectiveness of technology integration to ensure that it aligns with the learning objectives and meets the needs of diverse learners.

5. What are the future trends and possibilities of technology in English language education?

The future of technology in English language education holds immense potential. Artificial intelligence and virtual reality are expected to revolutionize language learning by providing immersive and interactive experiences. Intelligent tutoring systems and adaptive learning platforms will be able to tailor instruction to individual learners' abilities and preferences. Furthermore, the integration of technology into assessment practices will enable more accurate and efficient evaluation of language proficiency. However, it is important to recognize that technology should always be seen as a tool to enhance, rather than replace, effective teaching and learning practices.

英语毕业论文答辩问题 篇二:跨文化沟通对英语教育的重要性

1. Why is intercultural communication important in English language education?

Intercultural communication is crucial in English language education because English has become a global language that is used for communication among people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In order to effectively communicate in English, learners need to develop intercultural competence, which involves understanding and respecting cultural differences, as well as adapting one's communication style to different cultural contexts. Intercultural communication skills not only enhance learners' language proficiency but also promote empathy, tolerance, and global citizenship.

2. How can intercultural communication be integrated into English language classrooms?

Integrating intercultural communication into English language classrooms can be achieved through various strategies. Firstly, teachers can incorporate authentic materials, such as literature, films, and news articles, that expose learners to different cultures and perspectives. Secondly, classroom discussions and activities should provide opportunities for students to share their own cultural experiences and learn from their peers. Additionally, teachers can design collaborative projects that require students to work with partners from different cultural backgrounds, fostering cross-cultural understanding and communication.

3. How does intercultural communication affect language learning outcomes?

Intercultural communication positively impacts language learning outcomes in several ways. Firstly, it enhances learners' linguistic competence by exposing them to diverse language use and expressions. Through interaction with speakers from different cultures, learners become more aware of the nuances and variations in language usage, leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the English language. Secondly, intercultural communication develops learners' sociocultural competence, enabling them to navigate cultural differences and effectively communicate in multicultural settings.

4. What challenges may arise in teaching intercultural communication in English language classrooms?

Teaching intercultural communication in English language classrooms may present challenges, such as potential misunderstandings or conflicts arising from cultural differences. Teachers need to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics and expressing their opinions. Additionally, teachers must be knowledgeable about different cultural norms and values to guide students in navigating potential cultural barriers. Regular reflection and feedback sessions can help address any issues that arise during intercultural communication activities.

5. How can intercultural communication skills be assessed in English language education?

Assessing intercultural communication skills in English language education requires a multifaceted approach. Traditional assessment methods, such as written exams and oral presentations, can be supplemented with performance-based assessments that require students to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in multicultural contexts. Teachers can also utilize self-assessment and peer assessment tools to encourage students to reflect on their intercultural communication skills and provide constructive feedback to their peers. It is important to assess both linguistic and sociocultural aspects of intercultural communication to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of learners' abilities.

英语毕业论文答辩问题 篇三










  4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:When I was designing the lessons, I found that….






  (1) 关于选题:如Why did you choose this topic for your paper?或Why were you interested in this project?

  (2) 关于具体部分:商务方向:SWOT,COSTING,FLOWCHART,RISK,STAKEHOLDER,如Do you think this point a piece of weakness of the shop?或Do you think this a necessary activity for the project?

  (3) 关于背景知识及理论知识:如What does SWOT stand for?(商务)

  (4) 关于论文存在的问题:如In the last sentence on page … there are some grammatical errors.

  (5) 关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:If possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit?










  Good morning, all appraiser committee members. I am Liu Danwei, my tutor is jing-lan yan. Her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it's show time. You and I will work hard to welcome any correction.

  The topic of my thesis is 《Angela carter to mythology research - the female archetype in “new eve passion”, for example》. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons.

  Angela Carter (1940-1992) is an outstanding feminist writer whose influence on Britishwomen's writing was “pivotal in this opening and transformation” [“23]. The year 2014 represents the 22”^ anniversary of Angela Carter's death. In those twenty-two years, her works have been widely taught internationally and brought about much critical debate. In a survey conducted by Cristina Bacchilega and Danielle M. Roemer [2],Carter is one of the most commonly taught women writers on North American programs. She has endowed us with an amazingly large number of legacies in her comparatively limited life, setting foot in various fields such as novels,short stories,children stories, dramas, non-fictions and so on. The acute observations with great insights,as well as the devastating wit and poignant mockery in Carter's works have made her stand out as an iconic figure in English literature. Many scholars and critics have devoted themselves to the research on Angela Carter from many perspectives,including gothic, magic realism, feminism,post-modernism and so on. As a prolific writer who is always ready to blur the boundaries between different genres, Carter has left us a wonderful world to delve into.

  With the emergence of western women's movement as well as the development of feminist criticism in the 1960s,the feminist approach has become a potent weapon for those who are concerned with the emancipation and legal rights of women. Though women's social status has considerably improved due to the contribution made by countless predecessors,the fundamental problem still lingers on. Carter, with her versatile and avant-garde reputation, is best known as a feminist writer. Concerning the dilemmas and predicaments faced by women nowadays,it is very necessary for us to probe into her insightful and penetrating reflections on femininity as well as the relationship between two genders. The Passion of New Eve, as one of Carter's most representative works, is of great value in the research of her feminist thoughts and propositions.

  Next, is my paper outline. In the main part of this article, I put it into five parts.

  Chapter one is an introduction to the thesis, covering the research background, theobjective and significance as well as the organization of the thesis.

  Chapter two presents a broad picture of Angela Carter's life and her works, as well as the background information about The Passion of New Eve. It also reviews previous studies on Angela Carter and her works at home and abroad, summarizing achievements in the past and pointing out new directions in the future.

  Chapter three conducts a retrospective study on feminism and archetypal criticism. The author attempts to work out the origin and development of feminism, demonstrating the important role feminism plays in Carter's life. Then is the history of archetypal criticism,as well as those classic female archetypes in mythology. Regarding those fossilized and monotonous images as impediments to women's freedom and liberation,Carter endeavors to shatter them in her demythologizing strategy and appeals for a rational attitude toward heterosexual relationship.

  Chapter four is the main body of the thesis. Through an in-depth analysis on The Passion of New Eve,it demonstrates Carter's demythologizing of “The Temptress,,,”Mother Goddess“and ”Eve“ respectively in the text. Leilah,the embodiment of Delilah,the famous temptress in the Bible,cannot escape the fate of being objectified by men and herself. By exposing”temptresses“ as mere victims rather than symbols of viciousness. Carter condemns the oppression and exploitation of women in a patriarchal society. ”Mother“ in Beulah serves as a severe satire on those mother goddesses in mythology. Carter smashes the legend by revealing the surgically-made essence of mother and the patriarchal values lurking behind her alleged matriarchal kingdom, warning against the peril and impracticality of extremist matriarchy.And her most convincing example goes to Eve, the most importan

t female character in the Bible, Her transformative journey from a chauvinist to a real woman in the story illustrates that gender, rather than a hereditary feature, is the result of social influence and unremitting imitations. Carter concludes the story with proposing ”androgyny“ as a solution to the current problems,implying that mutual respect and understanding is the only way to achieve the harmony between the two genders.

  Chapter five comes to a general conclusion, summarizing the limitations of the theses as well as some suggestions for further study.

  OK! That is all. Thank you! Please ask questions.


