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贷款英文合同范本 篇一


Loan Agreement

This Loan Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Lender's Name], with its principal place of business at [Lender's Address] (the "Lender"), and [Borrower's Name], with its principal place of business at [Borrower's Address] (the "Borrower").

WHEREAS, the Borrower requires a loan in the amount of [Loan Amount] (the "Loan") to be used for [Purpose of Loan]; and

WHEREAS, the Lender is willing to provide the Loan to the Borrower under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

1. Loan Amount and Interest

1.1 The Lender agrees to lend the Borrower the Loan Amount of [Loan Amount], payable in [Currency], at an annual interest rate of [Interest Rate]%.

2. Repayment Terms

2.1 The Borrower shall repay the Loan in [Number of Installments] equal monthly installments of [Installment Amount], beginning on [Start Date], until the Loan is fully repaid.

2.2 The Borrower shall make all payments to the Lender at [Payment Address], or at such other address as the Lender may designate in writing.

3. Prepayment

3.1 The Borrower shall have the right to prepay the Loan, in whole or in part, at any time without penalty.

4. Default

4.1 In the event of a default by the Borrower, the Lender shall have the right to accelerate the Loan and demand immediate payment of the outstanding balance, including any accrued interest.

5. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

5.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].

6. Entire Agreement

6.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements, whether oral or written.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Loan Agreement as of the date first above written.









贷款英文合同范本 篇二


Loan Agreement

This Loan Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Lender's Name], with its principal place of business at [Lender's Address] (the "Lender"), and [Borrower's Name], with its principal place of business at [Borrower's Address] (the "Borrower").

WHEREAS, the Lender agrees to provide a loan in the amount of [Loan Amount] (the "Loan") to the Borrower, and the Borrower agrees to borrow the Loan under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

1. Loan Amount and Interest

1.1 The Lender agrees to lend the Borrower the Loan Amount of [Loan Amount], payable in [Currency], at an annual interest rate of [Interest Rate]%.

2. Purpose of Loan

2.1 The Borrower shall use the Loan solely for the purpose of [Purpose of Loan], as specified in a separate written agreement between the parties.

3. Repayment Terms

3.1 The Borrower shall repay the Loan in [Number of Installments] equal monthly installments of [Installment Amount], beginning on [Start Date], until the Loan is fully repaid.

3.2 The Borrower shall make all payments to the Lender at [Payment Address], or at such other address as the Lender may designate in writing.

4. Security

4.1 The Borrower shall provide the Lender with [Security], as collateral for the Loan. The Borrower acknowledges that the Lender shall have the right to enforce its security interest in the event of a default by the Borrower.

5. Default

5.1 In the event of a default by the Borrower, the Lender shall have the right to accelerate the Loan and demand immediate payment of the outstanding balance, including any accrued interest.

6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

6.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].

7. Entire Agreement

7.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements, whether oral or written.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Loan Agreement as of the date first above written.









贷款英文合同范本 篇三

Contract Number:BORROWER:Address:LENDER:Address:In accordance with provisions of Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and Bank of China, after reviewing the status and the request of the Borrower, the Lender agrees to grant the Borrower a line of credit on . The Borrower, Lender and Guarantor, through friendly negotiation, have executed this Contract as follows:

ARTICLE 1 CURRENCY, AMOUNT AND TERM OF THE The Currency under this loan is The Line of the loan is

The period of this loan is 12 months from the date of effectiveness of this 2 THE PURPOSE OF THE The purpose of this loan is used for working capital Without written approval of the Lender, the Borrower could not use the loan out of the scope of the

ARTICLE 3 INTEREST RATE AND CALCULATION OF Interest rate: The interest rate shall be [***] During the loan term, if the countrys related authority adjusted the interest rate or the manner of calculation of interest, the interest of this contract shall be adjusted accordingly after one year from the date of execution of this adjustment shall be conducted when the interest rate are executed one is not obliged to inform the Borrower when the adjustment of The interest shall be calculated from the date of first drawdown and the actual days the borrower One year shall be calculated as 360 The payment of interests: The Borrower shall pay the interests per The payment date shall be , and If the payment for the last installment is not on the payment date,the interests shall deduct the interest from the bank account of the the event that the Borrower fails to pay the interests on time and the balance of the account of the Borrower is not enough for the payment of interest, the Lender shall have rights to collect a penalty being [***] of the outstanding amount per day for the Borrowers breach of

ARTICLE 4 OVERDUE INTERESTS AND MISUSING If the Borrower fails to repay the loan and can not reach a agreement with the Lender regarding the extension, the Lender shall collect an overdue penalty for [***] of the overdue amount per If the Borrower fails to uses the loan in accordance with the provisions set forth in this contract, the Lender shall have right to charge a interests for the misusing part at a rate of [***] per

ARTICLE 5 ACCOUNTThe Borrower shall open Reiminbi basic account and/or foreign currency account at the Lender or Lenders branch for the use of draw-down, repayment,payment of interests and

ARTICLE 6 The loan under this contract is revolving, the balance of this contract shall not more than the line of The Borrower shall send a draw-down application as the form herein attached in this contract 7 days before the date of The Borrower shall not draw the loan less than 1

ARTICLE 7 CONDITIONS FOR DRAW-DOWNThe following conditions shall be satisfied in advance of the draw-down The Borrower has opened foreign account and Reiminbi account at the office of the Lender or the branch of the Lender; This contract and the appendices have been effective; The Borrower has provided the recognition of the investment or certificate of the investment to the Lender; The Borrower has provided the board resolution and power of attorney regarding this loan contract; The Borrower has provided the list and the signature sample of the authorized person who empower to sign this contract and documents; The Guaranty under this contract has been effective; The Borrower has been satisfied the warrants under Article 11 of this contract; The other requirement for the draw-down have been

ARTICLE 8 REPAYMENT PLAN AND The Borrower shall repay the loan in accordance with the status of its The Borrower shall inform the Lender the payment amount and date [***] prior to make the The Borrower shall be obliged to repay the principal and related interests on due date without any The payment made by the Borrower and the deduction from the account of the Borrower shall be used for repaying the interest at first and then for repaying the In the event the Borrower fails to repay the loan, the Lender shall have rights to deduct the debt from the bank account of the Borrower at the Lender or empower the branches of the Lender to deduct the debt from the bank account of the Borrower at the Lenders branches; The installment of repayment shall not less than 1

ARTICLE 9 DEBT CERTIFICATEThe Lender shall keep record in the Lenders account for the principal,interests and fees and other fees of the Borrower under this contract; The above mentioned record and the documentation for the draw-down, repayment and payment of interest is the certificates of the debts between the Borrower and the

ARTICLE 10 (the xxxGuarantorxxx) shall be the guarantor for the loan under this contract and take jointly During the term of this contract, if the guarantors financial status become deteriorated or the liabilities for repayment of debts become weak, the Lender shall have right to request the Borrower changes guarantor or provide mortgage and pawn secured for this loan under this

ARTICLE 11 REPRESENTATIONS AND The Borrowers represents and warrants as The Borrower is a company duly organized and validly existing under the law of the Peoples Republic of China and has the power and authority to own its property to consummate the transactions contemplated in this contract and join the The Borrower has the power to handle it assets used in The Borrower is at its option to sign and perform this is the Borrowers true meaning and has the power to sign this contract and it is not breach it article of association or regulations or The procedure for signature and performance of this contract has been gone through and fully The all documents, materials, reports and certificates provided to the Lender by the borrower for consummation of this contract is true, real, compete and The Borrower shall not conceal the following events which is being happened or have been happened which will cause the Lender refuse to extend the loan:(1) The Borrower or the principal executives of the Borrower involve in material events which breach regulations, laws or compensation to others;(2) Pending actions and arbitration;(3) The Borrowers debts or proposed debts or liens and other encumbrances;(4) The other * will impact the financial status or abilities of repayment for the debts;(5) The Borrower breached contract which is between the Borrower and other The Borrower hereby warrants as Using the capital of the loan as usage set forth in this contract, the Borrower will not use the loan as Equity investment; The Borrower will not use the capital of the loan invest in security, future, real estate The Borrower will not lend to the others privately or involving other maters which is prohibited by the The Borrower will not misusing or appropriation of the Making payment and related expenses in accordance with the provisions set forth in this contract; Providing updated financial statement or financial bulletin every quarter; Providing the audited financial report at the first quart of each year; Providing operation report, financial report or other files and materials and shall warrant the reality, correct and effectiveness for the files and materials; Any anti-guaranty or other similar documents will not make any impact on the rights and benefits of the Lenders; Accepting the supervision of the Lender, provides assistance and cooperation for the Lenders supervisions; Will not reduce the registration capital; Prior approval from the lender shall be required when the Borrower changes of shareholders and operation manner(including but not limited to joint venture, cooperation, jointly cooperation; dissolution, closedown, liquidation, transformation; merger; change to share company, use the housing, machinery or other real assets or trademark, intellectual property, Knowhow, landing using rights or other intangible assets to invest in share company or investment company, trading of operation right or own right by contracting, joint operation, trusteeship) The Borrower shall inform the Lender and warrants the liability under its security will not more than net assets of the Borrower when the Borrower guarantee for other party or mortgage its The Borrower warrants that will not dispose the assets which will make adverse impact on its ability of paying The Borrower will not pay the other similar loans prior to the Lender; The Borrower warrants to inform the Lender immediately when the following events occurred:(1) The event of breach of contract under this contract or other loan or guaranty contracts between the Borrower and any branches of Bank of China or other banks, non-bank financial organization;(2) The Borrower changes shareholders or revise the article of association;(3) The Borrower suffer difficulties and bad result in financial and operation;(4) The Borrower involves in material actions or arbitration; The Borrower shall keep sufficient balance for repayment prior [***] to the due The Borrower shall keep its bank transactions regarding income collection, sell foreign currency or buy foreign currency Shall be conducted at the Lender or other branches of the The turn-over for the capital shall satisfy the demand of the Lender; The Borrowers representations and warrants hereunder this contract shall be effective even though any mendment, supplements or revised to be made to this

ARTICLE 12 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTS OF THE The Lender represents and warrants as The Lender is a state-owned commercial bank or branch duly organized and validly existing under the law of and approved by the Industry and Commercial Administration and holds the financial institutions legal person licenses and financial institutions operation license to be qualified to operate financial The Lender has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution of this contract and performance of its obligations under this The Lender is duly authorized to extend this The Lender warrants as The Lender shall extend the loan in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Collect interests in accordance with the regulations of the Peoples

ARTICLE 13 EVENTS OF BREACH CONTRACT AND Settlement of the Borrower breach of Event of breach of contract:(1) The Borrower fails to use the loan in accordance with the agreed usage of the Loan;(2) The Borrower fails to repay the due principal and pay the interests, expenses or other payable in accordance with the agreed term of this contract;(3) The Borrower breaches the representation and warrants set forth in Article (4) The Borrower breaches other loan agreements or guaranty agreements or the Guarantor breach the guaranty agreement which may make impact the Borrower to perform the obligations under this (5) Conclusive evidence to show that the Borrower lose the capacity of credit or during performance of the obligation under this contract, the financial conditions of the Guarantor are seriously deteriorating or other reasons caused the Guarantor the capacity of credit (6) The Borrower breaches the other obligations under this Under the above circumstances, the Lender shall have right to:(1) Request the Borrower to rectify within the period designed by the Lender;(2) Cease in extending the loan or cancel the credit;(3) Declare the loan under this contract is due and the Lender shall have right to deduct the outstanding amount from the account of the The Borrower shall not appeal against the (4) Declare the loan is due under other loan agreements between the Lender and the Borrower, request the Borrower to repay the loan principals, interests, and other The settlement for the Lender breach of the The Lender fails to extend the loan as agreed in this contract without any reasons; The Lender breaches the agreed interest rate and collection add interests or other fees; The Lender breaches the provisions

set forth in Article 12; Under the above circumstances, the Borrower shall have right to:(1) Request the Lender to rectify;(2) Repay the loan ahead of time and refuse to pay any compensation for

ARTICLE 14 DEDUCTIONThe Borrower shall pay in full for the payment without any counteraction or any

ARTICLE 15 ASSIGNMENT OF THE DEBT AND The Borrower shall not assign its right and liability under this contract to other third party without any written approval of the Lender; In the event the Borrower assign its right and liability under this contract to other third party under the written consent of the Lender, the third party shall abide this contract without any

ARTICLE 16 PERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATION AND WAIVER OF The Borrower is independent contractor under this contract, it will not impact by any other relations between the Borrower with other party except the other provisions set forth in this The Lender give any extension, toleration, favor to the Borrower or permit the Borrower to delay of performance any obligation under this contract shall not impair any rights of the Lender in accordance with this contract and laws, regulation, it shall be deemed to have waived its rights under this contract and the obligation shall be performed by the Borrower under this

ARTICLE 17 AMENDMENT, SUPPLEMENT AND INTERPRETATION OF THE This contract could be amended and supplemented upon the written agreements conclude by the Any a amendment and supplement shall be integral party of this In the event change of laws, regulations or legal practice which will cause any terms contained in this Contract become illegal, invalid or loss of practice, the other part of this contract shall not be impaired by The both parties shall make efforts to change the illegal, invalid or loss of practice For the * not referred in this contract shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of the Peoples Bank of

ARTICLE 18 DISPUTE RESOLUTION, GOVERNING LAW AND WAIVER OF The conclusion, interpretation and dis* resolution shall be subject to the Laws of the Peoples Republic of The dis*s arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled through friendly consultation by both In case no settlement can be reached, the dis*s shall be submitted to the Peoples Court of the location of the Lender for The Borrower shall not reject any obligation during the settlement of The execution and performance of this contract and the related transaction is civil The Borrower shall not appeal to take action to exempt from the obligation under this (if both parties agree to ap* arbitration, the above term shall be:) The conclusion, interpretation and dis* resolution shall be subject to the Laws of the Peoples Republic of The dis* arising from the execution of this contract shall be settled through friendly consultation by both In case no settlement can be reached, the dis*s shall be submitted to China International Economic and trade arbitration commission for The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Law of Peoples Republic of China and Provisional Rules of Procedure of China international economic and trade arbitration During the Arbitration, this contract shall be effective and the Borrower shall not disclaim the any obligations under this The execution and performance of this contract and the related transaction is civil The Borrower shall not appeal to take action to exempt from the obligation under this


ARTICLE 20 APPENDICESThe following appendices shall be integral part of this Draw-down application

ARTICLE 21 Any notice, payment notice or telecommunications shall be forwarded to the following address:To: The Borrower:Address:Post Code:Fax:To: The Lender:Address:Post If any change of address shall inform the other party Any notice, payment request or communication shall be forwarded to the above The dates on which notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given shall be determined as follows:(1) If given in letter it shall be deemed effectively given on the fifth day after the date mailed by registered airmail, postage prepaid;(2) If given by telex it shall be deemed effectively given on the date the other party returned the information;(3) If given by facsimile it shall be deemed effectively given on the first date of transmission;(4) If given by personal delivery it shall be deemed effectively given on the date of personal delivery;This contract become effective after signed by the authorized representatives of both parties until the loan and the interests and other related expenses be cleared contract is executed in _____ original and be equally of the Borrower, the Lender shall hold ____

贷款英文合同范本 篇四




第1条 定义


有效提款期指本借款合同款中规定的借款人可以提取本借款额度的期限:银行工作日指1)______________________银行,2)______________________银行,3)______________________银行,和4)______________________银行都营业的一天:承包合同指由借款人与承包商签订的关于本项目的承包合同();建设费用指建筑安装工程费用、设备购置费、海运费以及其他与本项目建设有关的费用:建设期指从承包合同生效之日起至初步交付日为止的一段时间:承包商指 ______________________公司,其总部设在___________,和*总公司:美元(us$)指xxx合众国的法定货币:违约事件指本借款合同款中规定的任何一个事件或事实:借款额度指本借款合同款中规定的可以由借款人提取的和/或已经提取的借款金额,包括借款额度甲部分、借款额度乙部分和借款额度丙部分:最终机械竣工日指自承包合同生效之日起26个月的最后一天:法国法郎指法兰西共和国的法定货币:利息存款账户指专门用于支付本项目建设期内银行利息和费用的美元账户:付息日指每一个利息期的最后一天:利息期指自首次提款日至本借款合同项下全部本金、利息和一切费用全部偿清日止,每六个月为一期:合营协议指于________年____月____日在xxx,北京,由(1)______________________公司(2)______________________公司和(3)______________________公司三方签订的合资经营*______________________有限公司的协议; 抵押指抵押、质押或其他任何形式的担保安排:净现金收入指借款人用于偿还本借款的现金收入,其计算方法见本借款合同款的规定:提款通知书指借款人按照附件1格式,向贷款人出具的通知书:人指自然人、法人、合伙人及其类似的组织:初步交付日指自最终机械竣工日起四个月的最后一天:本项目指由借款人所有的、在* ______________________地建设的______________________工厂:保管账户指借款人为偿还本借款而在贷款人处开立的外汇和人民币账户:测量师指借款人指派的、其资格证明为贷款人满意的、负责向贷款人报告工程进程、质量预算和决算的项目工程师; 借款额度甲部分指根据协议提供的货款部分,为______________________法朗:借款额度乙部分指出口信贷部分,为 ______________________法郎:借款额度丙部分指银行提供的外汇贷款部分,为______________________ 美元。

第2条 借款额度及用途



第3条 借款期限及有效提款期

本借款的借款期限如下:(1)借款额度甲部分,自首次提款之日起,至偿清全部借款本金、利息和费用为止,为期________年,其中包括宽限期________年。(2)借款额度乙部分,自出口信贷协议生效之日起,至偿清全部借款本金、利息和费用为止,为期________年,其中包括宽限期________年。(3)借款额度丙部分自本合同生效之日起,至偿清全部借款本金、利息和费用为止,为期________年,其中包括宽限期33个月。从本借款合同生效之日起,至下列日期中最早日期止,为本借款的有效提款期:(甲)本借款合同生效之日起第40个月的最后一天;或(乙)________年 ____月____日;或(丙)借款额度已完全提取之日;或(丁)因借款人的原因而使贷款人继续贷款的责任终止之日。

第4条 先决条件


(1)合营协议副本;(2)对外经济贸易部批准* __________________有限公司合营协议和章程的文件影印本;(3)__________________市工商行政管理局颁发的*__________________有限公司营业执照副本;(4)*__________________有限公司章程副本及董事会成员名单;(5)经注册会计师证明的*__________________有限公司股东最近三年的资产负债表及损益表;或在没有资产负债表及损益表时,由股东对此作出声明;(6)本项目经*主管部门批准列入国家基本建设计划的证明文件;(7)承包合同副本以及*的*主管部门批准承包合同的批件的副本;(8)使用外汇购买借款人化肥产品的长期销售合同副本;(9)由承包商提供的、经贷款人确认的本项目完工履约担保书副本;(10)工程超支保证书;(11)_________和_________出具的担保借款人按时偿还本借款的担保书;(12)借款人将其一切财产抵押给_________和_________的抵押书副本;(13)项目外围配套工程合同副本或__________________市主管部门出具的项目外围配套工程将按期完成的证明书;(14)项目技术所有人将全部有关技术转让给承包商使用的保证书;(15)由注册会计师签署的借款人股东已缴入注册资本美元的证明文件,以及由借款人按照附件4签署的缴资担保书;(16)借款人董事会的借款决议和授权的借款合同签字人及其签字样本;(17)经注册会计师证明的借款人已经汇入的注册资本使用情况报告;(18)借款人提供经环保部门批准的本项目对环境影响报告。


第5条 提款

在贷款人收到款中所列的各项文件并表示满意后,借款人可在有效提款期内的任何银行工作日按照承包合同第29条 的规定提款。但借款额度丙部分每次的提款额不得少于1,000,00美元,并为100,00美元的完整倍数,最后一次提款除外。





第6条 保管账户及净现金收入的使用






第7条 利息存款账户


第8条 借款利率及计收利息方法



第9条 承担费

借款人应就借款额度乙部分和借款额度丙部分的未用余额向贷款人支付承担费。借款额度乙部分和借款额度丙部分的承担费(按 360天计算)年率为%.承担费从有效提款期首日起,按未用余额乘已过去的天数计算,每六个月支付一次,直至提完本借款额度或有效提款期的最后一天为止(以其中较早者为准)首次支付承担费的日期为第一个付息日。

第10条 还款、提前还款及迟延还款

借款人应以半年分期付款方式还清借款额度的本金和利息。借款人须在每一还款日前15天通知贷款人。还款日期(建设期内的付息除外)如下:(1)借款额度甲部分借款人应从有效提款期开始之日后的第132个月的最后一天起,以每半年等额分期付款方式,分30期连续还清借款额度甲部分。(2)借款额度乙部分 借款人应从有效提款期开始之后的第36个月的最后一天起,以每半年等额分期付款方式,分20期连续还清借款额度乙部分。(3)借款额度丙部分借款人应从有效提款期开始之后的第33个月的最后一天起,以每半年(最后一期除外)等额付款方式,分15期连续还清借款额度丙部分。








第11条 保险



借款人应将款中由承包商投保的保险单于该保险单签署之后三天内递交给贷款人。但借款人应确保承包商根据承包合同条 的规定,在现场工程施工实际开始之前,投保该保险。借款人应将自己投保的保险单于初步交付日后五日之内转让给贷款人。

第12条 税款


第13条 费用



借款人须负担贷款人为本项目贷款而支付的律师费,其中为起草本借款合同而应支付的律师费人民币______________元应在本借款合同签字后五个银行工作日内支付给贷款人。贷款人为本项目 贷款而支付的差旅费,文件费,邮电通讯费,贷款保险费和__________________(银行)收取的任何其他费用和开支,由借款人实报实销。

第14条 声明及保证借款人向贷款人声明及保证






(6)它保证按优惠条 件获得长期稳定的原料供应;



第15条 约定事项



(3)未经贷款人事先书面同意,借款人不得修改承包合同的任何条 款;











第16条 违约事件



(2)借款人违反或不履行本借款合同的任何条 款;











第17条 修改


第18条 适用的法律及诉讼管辖



第19条 其他

本借款合同的各个附件是本合同条 款的不可分割的部分。







贷款英文合同范本 篇五


编号:n:日期:date:签约地点:signedat:卖方:sellers:地址:address:邮政编码:pstalde:电话:tel:传真:fax:买方:buyers:地址:address:邮政编码:pstalde:电话:tel:传真:fax:买卖双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物::1货号品名及规格desriptin&speifiatin3数量quantity4单价unitprie5总值:数量及总值均有_____%的增减,由卖方决定。ttalauntwith_____%生产国和制造厂家包装:paking:8唛头:shippingarks:9装运期限:tiefshipent:1装运口岸:prtflading:11目的口岸:prtfdestinatin:12保险:由卖方按发票全额11%投保至_____为止的_____险。insurane:%付款条件:买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在*到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。payent:bynfired,irrevable,/ 单据:duents:15装运条件:tersfshipent:16品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:quality/:17人力不可抗拒因素:由于水灾、火灾、地震、干旱、战争或协议一方无法预见、控制、避免和克服的其他事件导致不能或暂时不能全部或部分履行本协议,该方不负责任。但是,受不可抗力事件影响的一方须尽快将发生的事件通知另一方,并在不可抗力事件发生15天内将有关机构出具的不可抗力事件的证明寄交对方。freajeure:,fire,earthquake,draught,,ntrlled,,仲裁:在履行协议过程中,如产生争议,双方应友好协商解决。若通过友好协商未能达成协议,则提交*国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会,根据该会仲裁程序暂行规定进行仲裁。该委员会决定是终局的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用,除另有规定外,由败诉一方负担。,,

贷款英文合同范本 篇六


匿名| 浏览 941 次发布于2xx-8-4 13:33答案中英文合同范文

合 同 NRA 日期: 合同号码:Date: ntrat 买 方: (he Buyers) 卖方: (he Sellers)

兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: his ntrat is ade by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree t buy and the Sellers agree t sell the under-entined gds subjet t the ters and nditins as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: Nae f dity:(2) 数 量:Quantity:(3) 单 价:Unit prie: (4) 总 值:tal Value: (5) 包 装: Paking:(6) 生产国别:untry f rigin :(7) 支付条款:ers f Payent:(8) 保 险:insurane: (9) 装运期限:ie f Shipent:(1) 起 运 港:Prt f Lading:(11) 目 的 港: Prt f Destinatin: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不附,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭*商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款 lais:Within 45 days after the arrival f the gds at the destinatin, shuld the quality, Speifiatins r quantity be fund nt in nfrity with the stipulatins f the ntrat exept thse lais fr whih the insurane pany r the wners f the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right n the strength f the inspetin ertifiate issued by the and the relative duents t lai fr pensatin t the Sellers (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由发生在制造,装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任,在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。 Fre ajeure : he sellers shall nt be held respnsible fr the delay in shipent r nn-deli-very f the gds due t Fre ajeure, whih ight ur during the press f anufaturing r in the urse f lading r he sellers shall advise the Buyers iediately f the urrene entined abve the within furteen days there after . the Sellers shall send by airail t the Buyers fr their aeptanea ertifiate f the Under suh irustanes the Sellers, hwever, are still under the bligatin t take all neessary easures t hasten the deliveryf the

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