
时间:2016-09-01 06:38:32
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阿甘正传中英文观后感 篇一






阿甘正传中英文观后感 篇二

"Forest Gump" is a heartwarming and thought-provoking film. It revolves around the life of a man named Forrest Gump, who has an IQ of only 75. Through his journey, the movie explores themes of courage, perseverance, and the power of love. It has deeply touched my heart and provided me with a new understanding and inspiration for life.

Firstly, this film has left a profound impression on me regarding courage and perseverance. Despite facing numerous difficulties and setbacks, Forrest never gives up. He consistently pursues his dreams, whether it is as a football player, a war hero, or a runner. He strives to overcome his limitations and constantly surpass himself. His courage and perseverance have inspired me, making me realize that with determination and resilience, we can overcome any challenges.

Secondly, this film has enlightened me about the true meaning of love. Forrest has an unwavering love for his childhood sweetheart, Jenny, even when she coldly rejects him. He silently watches over her, demonstrating selfless love. Moreover, throughout each stage of Forrest's life, there are people who selflessly show him love and care, such as his mother and his best friend, Bubba. This has made me understand that love is selfless, and it has the power to transform someone's life, giving them hope and strength.

Lastly, this film has provided me with a new understanding of life. Despite his low IQ, Forrest possesses a pure and kind heart. He treats everyone with love and kindness, without prejudice or resentment. Although his life is filled with setbacks and challenges, he remains optimistic and positive. This has taught me that the difficulties and hardships in life are temporary, and we should learn to face them with resilience and trust in ourselves and the future.

In conclusion, "Forest Gump" is a deeply touching film. Through Forrest's life, it conveys the power of courage, perseverance, and love. It has provided me with a new understanding of life's truths and values, fostering a deeper understanding and compassion for myself and others. This film is not only for entertainment but also offers profound insights. I believe it will continue to influence me, encouraging me to live a life of bravery, perseverance, and love.

阿甘正传中英文观后感 篇三


整部电影最让我感触最深的一句话就是“生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出乎你的意料。” 是的,生活充满了不确定性和难题。对一些人来说,他们希望自己拥有预测未来的能力。因为他们可以为迎接机遇和挑战做足充分准备,甚至可以提前知道彩票的幸运数字。 但对于我来说,我实在不希望拥有这样的“能力”。生活本就神秘莫测,每个人都有他自己的道路。生日时收到同学送来的礼物或是在另外一个城市遇到老朋友时的惊喜都让我十分地享受。在我的生活中有许多令人惊喜的小插曲,假如我有预测未来的能力,它们就都不会发生了。 对阿甘来说,他出生时有智力障碍和腿部的肌肉问题,他从没想到过自己竟然能够成为橄榄球运动员、战争英雄和百万富翁。他通过自己的努力奋斗和不屈不挠赢得了尊严和别人的尊重。 我相信我能通过自己的努力让我爱的人们过上更好的生活。让我们对自己的生活有一些信心,让我们就像阿甘一样,在尊严、诚实、勇气和爱中,享受每一天的生活!

The lines touching me mo

st in the book is ‘My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are goanna get.’ Yes, life is full of uncertainty & puzzle. For someone, they wish to have the power to forecast future. Because they can be well prepare for the opportunities and challenges and even know the lucky numbers of lottery beforehand. But for me, I don’t want to have such ‘ability’ at all. Life is a mystery and everyone has his own way. I enjoy the surprise of receiving gift from my classmates on my birthday and running into an old friend on the street in another city, etc. There are so many amazing incidents in my life which can’t be happen if I have the power to forecast the future. To Forrest Gump, who was born with intellectual disturbance and muscle problem in his leg, he never imagined that he could become a famous American football player, a war hero and even a millionaire. Forrest won dignity and respect though his strive and perseverance. I believe I can make a better life for those I love though my own effort. Have a little faith for your life. Let’s enjoy our life everyday with dignity, honesty, braveness and love just like Forrest Gump!



