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英语造句子 篇一

Title: The Importance of Learning English

English is considered one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Learning English has become increasingly important in today's globalized society. For starters, English is the language of international communication. It is used in various fields such as business, science, technology, and politics. Being able to speak English can open up countless opportunities for individuals to connect with people from different countries and cultures.

Moreover, English is often considered the language of the internet. Many websites, social media platforms, and online resources are available in English. By having a good command of English, individuals can access a wealth of information and knowledge that may not be available in other languages. This is particularly important in today's digital age, where information is readily accessible at the click of a button.

Furthermore, learning English can also enhance one's career prospects. Many multinational companies require their employees to be proficient in English, as it facilitates communication with colleagues and clients from around the world. Additionally, English proficiency is often a requirement for studying abroad or pursuing higher education in English-speaking countries.

In conclusion, learning English is essential for anyone looking to thrive in today's interconnected world. It is a valuable skill that can provide individuals with countless opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether for travel, career advancement, or simply for personal enrichment, investing in learning English is a wise decision that can yield long-term benefits.


英语造句子 篇二

Title: Tips for Improving English Language Skills

Learning a new language can be a challenging but rewarding experience. For many people, English is a language they aspire to master due to its global significance. Here are some tips to help individuals improve their English language skills:

1. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when it comes to language learning. Make an effort to practice English every day, whether it's through reading, writing, listening to music, or watching movies in English.

2. Join an English language course: Enrolling in an English language course can provide structured learning and help individuals improve their grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Language courses also offer opportunities for interaction with other learners and native speakers.

3. Engage in conversations: One of the best ways to improve spoken English is by engaging in conversations with native speakers. Practice speaking English with friends, colleagues, or language exchange partners to build confidence and fluency.

4. Use language learning apps: There are numerous language learning apps available that can help individuals improve their English skills on the go. These apps offer exercises, quizzes, and interactive lessons to enhance vocabulary and grammar.

5. Read regularly: Reading English books, newspapers, and articles can help individuals expand their vocabulary and improve their reading comprehension. Choose topics that interest you and make a habit of reading in English regularly.

6. Watch English movies and TV shows: Watching movies and TV shows in English can help individuals improve their listening skills and familiarize themselves with different accents and dialects. Try watching with subtitles to aid comprehension.

7. Set goals: Setting specific language learning goals can help individuals stay motivated and track their progress. Whether it's achieving a certain level of proficiency, passing a language exam, or participating in a conversation without hesitation, having clear goals can provide direction and focus.

By following these tips and staying dedicated to improving their English language skills, individuals can make significant progress and become more confident and proficient in using English in various contexts. Remember that language learning is a journey, and with patience and perseverance, anyone can achieve fluency in English.

英语造句子 篇三


  1. It's not like that. 不是那样的

  It's not like that.这句话是用来辟谣的。当别人误会了一件事的来龙去脉,你就可以跟他说It's not like that.[不是那样的]当然随着语气及情境的不同,It's not like that.这句话也有可能是你用来硬拗的藉口。

  2. There is nothing good playing. 没好电影可看

  这里的There's nothing good playing.是接着问句而来的,指的是「没有好电影可看。」同样的,若是电视上没有好节目可看,你就可以说There's nothing good on TV.

  3. I've gotten carried away. 我扯太远了。

  get carried away字面上的意思是「被带走了」,那么被带走的是什么呢?就是心思。当你或是他人说话的时候离了题,偏离主旨扯远了。你就可以用上这个表达法I've / You've gotten carried away.

  4. Good thing... 还好,幸好...

  在美语当中若要表达中文里「还好,幸好...」的语气,你就可以用Good thing...做开头。这个句型非常简单又好用,你只要在Good thing后面加上完整的句子就可以。

  5. I don't believe you're bringing this up. 你现在提这件事真是岂有此理

  你现在提这件事真是岂有此理bring something up是指「提到(某件事)」。当然情况会有正反两面。你若没想到对方会提起这件事讨骂,你可以说I don't believe you're bringing this up.。而反过来说,若你很高兴对方主动提起了一件事,你也可以用这个片语,自然说出I am glad you are bringing this up.

  6. spy on... 跟监(某人)

  spy这个字就是「间谍」。当动词用的意思自然就是「做间谍做的事」,也就是「监视,跟踪」之意。当你要去监视跟踪某人,美语中就说成spy on someone。

  7. There's no other way of saying it.没有别种说法

  有时候不管你再怎么转、再怎么拗,也没有办法更婉转或是避开一些绝对会出现的字,这时候你就可以用上There's no other way of saying it.这句话,来表达自己避无可避的为难,因为「没有别种说法。」

  8. That will not always be the case. 情况不会永远是这样

  case这个字有「情况」的意思,That will be the case.就是指「情况就会是这样了。」但是你若觉得现在的情况只会是暂时,不会长久,你就可以反过来说That will not always be the case.「情况不会永远是这样。」

  9. She is coming on to you. 她对你有意思

  She is coming on to you.这句话是用在两性的关系上,意思是「她对你投怀送抱。」也就是形容某人对某人有意思的情况,这个句型男女两性都适用;同样的情况,你也可以说She is making a pass at you.「她对你眉来眼去的。」这两种说法都很生动,而且最棒的是没有新单字,赞!

  10. I was being polite.我这是在说客气话

  polite这个字,我们在学校学的意思是「有礼貌的。」当然你若要说一个人有礼貌,你可以说He is polite.或是He has good manners.不过I was being polite.这句话是指「我这是在说客气话。」使用的情境比较趋近于客套而不伤和气的出发点,与「做作」artificial (a.)又不一样了。

  11. stand someone up 放(某人)鸽子

  stand someone up这个词组,大家若是第一次看到,想必多半是满头雾水,怎么单字全都认识,意思却完全猜不出来。其实stand someone up的意思就是「放(某人)鸽子」,这么简单又实用的句子,可得赶快记起来。

  12. So that explains it. 原来如此


  光一现,让你豁然开朗,这会儿你就可以用上这句话So that explains it / everything.「这就都说得通了。」

  13. I feel the same way. 我有同感

  当他人说出了你的感觉,你再同意也不过的时候,你就可以用上这句话I feel the same way.「我有同感。」这句话不但可以让你避免把同样的话再讲一次,帮你省了不少口水,还可以让对方觉得自己的意见被尊重呢。I feel the same way.赶快记起来。

  14. Is there someone else? 你是不是有了新欢?

  Is there someone else?这句话字面上是指「有其它人吗?」不过Is there someone else?这句话在使用上,问的.那个「其它人」一定是感情上的「新欢,新对象」,所以若是情侣或是夫妻之间有人说了这句Is there someone else?「你是不是有了新欢?」这可就不太妙了。

  15. I can't help myself. 我情不自禁 我无法控制自己。

  I can't help myself.这句话可不是「我帮不了自己。」(赶快消除记忆),其实 I can't help myself. 这句话的意思是「我情不自禁。」指的是对自己的无能为力。I can't help... 这个句型很好用,若是你遇到一个情况,想要说「我不禁纳闷了起来。」在美语中你就可以直接说: I can't help but wonder.

  16. come hell or high water

  这个短语的使用时机是当你要去执行一项任务或是做一件事之际,只许成功不许失败的决心。 就犹如中文的「就算天崩地裂...」,比喻不论发生什么状况都要去完成使命。可以用在句首当作一句话的开头,或是放在句尾补述。

  17. have something in common

  have something in common是指「彼此有着共通点」,可能是嗜好,也可能是观念。若你和某人完全不对盘,丝毫没有共通点,你就可以说We have nothing in common.

  18. What have you got to lose?

  What have you got to lose?这句话当中的lose是指「失去」的意思,当有人犹豫不决,始终做不了决定,你就可以用这句话What have you got to lose? 「你有啥好损失的?」,来增强对方破釜沈舟的决心。

  19. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

  这句话是用来安慰他人的,当有人对于自己太过苛责,给与自己让人喘不过气来的压力,你就可以跟对方说这句话You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.「你不该这么苛责自己的」。让对方好过一些。

  20. Don't get me started on it.



