
时间:2012-03-07 09:23:31
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死亡的英语句子与段落 篇一

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. - Norman Cousins

Death is a topic that many people try to avoid discussing. It's a natural part of life, yet it can be difficult to come to terms with. The fear of death often stems from the unknown, the uncertainty of what lies beyond. However, death is inevitable and something that everyone will eventually face.

In literature and poetry, death is often portrayed as a dark and somber subject. Writers use powerful language and imagery to convey the finality and sorrow that death brings. For example, in Shakespeare's famous play Hamlet, the protagonist reflects on death with the words, "To be, or not to be, that is the question." This line captures the existential struggle that many people face when contemplating their own mortality.

Despite the sadness and fear that death can bring, it also serves as a reminder of the preciousness of life. Knowing that our time on this earth is limited can inspire us to live each day to the fullest, to cherish our loved ones, and to pursue our passions. Death can also bring a sense of perspective, helping us to prioritize what is truly important in our lives.

Ultimately, death is a natural part of the cycle of life. It is a universal experience that connects all of humanity. By facing our fears and accepting the inevitability of death, we can find peace and meaning in our lives.

死亡的英语句子与段落 篇二

Death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate. - Ambrose Bierce

In the legal world, death is often accompanied by a host of complications and challenges. When someone passes away, their loved ones are left to navigate the complex legal process of settling their affairs. This can involve probate court, estate planning, and distributing assets according to the deceased's wishes.

One of the most important legal documents to have in place before death is a will. A will outlines how a person's assets should be distributed after their passing, and can help prevent disputes among family members. Without a will, the estate may be subject to intestacy laws, which can lead to lengthy court battles and disagreements over who is entitled to what.

In addition to a will, other legal documents such as a living will and power of attorney can help ensure that a person's wishes are carried out in the event of their incapacity or death. These documents can provide guidance on medical treatment, end-of-life decisions, and who should make financial and healthcare decisions on behalf of the individual.

Death can also have tax implications, as certain assets may be subject to estate taxes upon the deceased's passing. It is important to consult with a qualified tax professional or estate planning attorney to understand the tax consequences of death and how to minimize tax liability for the estate.

Overall, death is not just a personal and emotional event, but also a legal one. By being proactive and planning ahead, individuals can ensure that their affairs are in order and that their loved ones are taken care of after they pass away.

死亡的英语句子与段落 篇三


  1、Should we try every means to prolong his life in agony or should we just stop trying to do nothing useful and inject some kind of drugs into his body so that this person may no longer suffer?

  2、Practicing this can save the other family members, relatives, and friends from the pain of having to witness torture that the patient does not otherwise need to bear from certain incurable illnesses.

  3、To conclude, I think practicing euthanasia is necessary, and legislative organizations should pass laws on it so that nothing more should be wasted on those who can not be saved.

  4、What shall we do to a person when he is seriously iii and the hope of his keeping alive is very slight? Should we try every means to prolong his life in agony or should we just stop trying to do nothing useful and inject some kind of drugs into his body so that this person may no longer suffer? Drug killing in this case is what is called "Euthanasia", or mercy killing.

  5、Different people have different attitudes towards euthanasia. Some are of the opinion that euthanasia is necessary because it can relieve the fatally sick patient from both physical and psychological torture. Practicing this can save the other family members, relatives, and friends from the pain of having to witness torture that the patient does not otherwise need to bear from certain incurable illnesses. However, certain other people may argue that euthanasia is not a cure but a murder.

  6、I am inclined to be strongly supportive on the practice of euthanasia. For one thing, it is meaningless to spend money on a patient that is definitely hopeless. Human beings, like everything living in this world, are mortal. No one can avoid death. In cases of serious diseases that go beyond the knowledge and skills of doctors, no one can help no matter what his family members try to de. For another, fatally sick patients usually need expensive medicines and intensive treatment. This means they are wasting medical resources that can reasonably be used on patients who really need them to recover. Lastly, some patients themselves do not want to suffer from the pain if they know that they are not curable. To conclude, I think practicing euthanasia is necessary, and legislative organizations should pass laws on it so that nothing more should be wasted on those who can not be saved.


