
时间:2015-01-01 09:33:30
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小腿的英文单词及句子整理 篇一

The word for "小腿" in English is "calf". The calf is the back portion of the lower leg, located below the knee. It is made up of two major muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus.

Here are some sentences using the word "calf":

1. I have been experiencing some pain in my calf after running yesterday.

2. She wrapped a heating pad around her calf to help alleviate the soreness.

3. The calf muscles are important for walking and running.

In addition to these muscles, the calf also contains the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. This tendon is crucial for activities such as walking, running, and jumping.

Stretching the calf muscles is important for maintaining flexibility and preventing injury. There are various exercises that can help stretch and strengthen the calf muscles, such as calf raises and heel drops.

In conclusion, the calf plays a vital role in lower body movement and should be properly cared for through stretching and strengthening exercises.

小腿的英文单词及句子整理 篇二

The word for "小腿" in English is "shin". The shin is the front portion of the lower leg, located between the knee and the ankle. It is made up of the tibia bone, which is the larger of the two bones in the lower leg.

Here are some sentences using the word "shin":

1. He accidentally kicked the table and hurt his shin.

2. The soccer player wore shin guards to protect his legs during the game.

3. She felt a sharp pain in her shin while jogging.

The shin is an important part of the body as it provides support and stability during activities such as walking, running, and jumping. It is also a common area for injuries, such as shin splints, which can be caused by overuse or improper footwear.

To prevent injuries to the shin, it is important to wear proper footwear, warm up before exercising, and stretch the calf muscles regularly. Strengthening exercises such as toe raises can also help improve the strength of the muscles surrounding the shin.

In conclusion, the shin is a crucial part of the lower leg that should be protected and cared for to maintain overall health and function.

小腿的英文单词及句子整理 篇三






  The section of the lower leg in some hoofed mammals between the hock or knee and the fetlock,containing the cannon bone.

  炮骨,管骨某些有蹄哺乳动物小腿的部分,位于跗关节或膝关节与球关节之间,含有炮骨Stretched his calves Before running.

  跑步前舒展小腿Mule kick

  后屈小腿摆跳跃kneading a painful calf muscle.

  揉弄酸痛的小腿肌肉In the darkness he stumbled his shin against the bed post.

  黑暗中他的小腿绊在了床柱上。A cannula has to be ed into a leg vein

  必须应用小腿的'静脉放置导管。The baby's legs flailed under the quilt.

  小孩的两条小腿在被子下面乱动。The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.

  膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。The joint formed by the articulation of the lower leg bones with the talus.The ankle connects the foot with the leg.

  踝关节小腿骨和距骨结合所形成的关节。踝关节连接脚掌和小腿His sodden trousers were clinging to his shins and his shoes squelched.


  n. 牛犊;小腿;小牛皮

  Worship the golden calf

  见钱眼开Kill the fatted calf

  热情款待The white heifer is big with calf.

  那头白色的小母牛快下崽了。 To give birth to(a calf).

  生下(小牛崽) The cow cast a calf.


  n. 脚,小腿


