
时间:2011-09-05 08:40:27
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坐公车常用的英语句子整理 篇一

1. Excuse me, is this seat taken?

2. How much is the fare to downtown?

3. I need to get off at the next stop, please.

4. Could you please lower the volume on your music?

5. The bus is running late today.

6. Please move to the back of the bus to make room for more passengers.

7. Is this the bus that goes to the airport?

8. I think I dropped my wallet on the bus, can you help me look for it?

9. I missed my stop, can you tell me where to get off?

10. Please wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before standing up.

坐公车常用的英语句子整理 篇二

1. Do you know what time the next bus will arrive?

2. I need to transfer to a different bus, can you tell me where to do that?

3. Excuse me, can you help me with my luggage?

4. I think I left my umbrella on the bus, is there a lost and found?

5. Is this the bus that goes to the shopping mall?

6. This bus is so crowded, I can barely find a place to stand.

7. Please be mindful of your belongings while on the bus.

8. Can you tell me when we are approaching my stop?

9. I need to buy a bus pass, where can I do that?

10. Thank you for offering me your seat, that is very kind of you.

坐公车常用的英语句子整理 篇三



  I hope the next bus will not be so crowded / I hope the next bus can be more crowded.I hope there will be fewer people on the next bus/ I hope more people will be on the next bus.


  I need half an hour to go to school by bus.


  I want to take a few bus routes to the West Lake car?


  Do you go to school on foot every day ?No, I don't. I go to school by bus.


  My uncle will go to work by bus on Mondy morning .


  a、Which bus should I take? b、Would you please show me which bus I can take? c、Please show the bus that I can take?d、Do you know which bus I can take?


  My uncle goes to work by bus on Mondy morning .


  This bus has a lot of vacant seats.There are not many passengers on this bus.


  This bus is too crowded, let's take the next bus.


  John usually has breakfast in the house and then take bus No. 17 to work.


  Which bus do you often take?


  You can take the bus No.17(seventeen),60(sixty) or 59(fifty-nine)。


  How long does it take you to go (或者是travel)from the bank to school by bus?


