开玩笑的英语常用语句 篇一
In English, there are many common phrases and expressions used to joke around with friends and family. These phrases can be used to make light of a situation or simply to have some fun. Here are some examples of playful English expressions:
1. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" - This expression is used to exaggerate how hungry someone is feeling. It's a playful way to express hunger and can often make people laugh.
2. "I'm so tired I could sleep for a week!" - This expression is used to exaggerate how tired someone is feeling. It's a lighthearted way to convey exhaustion and can be used to joke around with friends.
3. "I must be a magician because every time I walk into a room, all the snacks disappear!" - This expression is used to joke about how quickly snacks seem to disappear when someone is around. It's a fun way to playfully tease someone about their love of snacks.
4. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode!" - This expression is used to joke about being lazy. It's a light-hearted way to acknowledge that someone may not be the most active person, but they have a good reason for it.
5. "I'm not a chef, but I can microwave like a pro!" - This expression is used to joke about not being a great cook. It's a playful way to admit that someone may not excel in the kitchen, but they still have some culinary skills.
These playful English expressions are a fun way to lighten the mood and have a laugh with friends and family. Whether you're feeling hungry, tired, lazy, or just in the mood for some snacks, these phrases can help you express yourself in a playful and humorous way.
开玩笑的英语常用语句 篇二
In English, there are many playful expressions and phrases that can be used to joke around with others. These expressions are a fun way to add humor to a conversation and make people laugh. Here are some examples of playful English expressions:
1. "I wasn't born yesterday!" - This expression is used to show that someone is not naive or easily fooled. It's a playful way to assert that the person is aware of what's going on and shouldn't be underestimated.
2. "I'm not a mind reader, but I can tell when you're lying!" - This expression is used to joke about being able to tell when someone is not telling the truth. It's a playful way to tease someone about their lack of deception skills.
3. "I'm not a doctor, but I can cure your boredom!" - This expression is used to joke about being able to entertain someone. It's a playful way to offer to help someone pass the time in a fun and engaging way.
4. "I may not be a superhero, but I can save you from a boring party!" - This expression is used to joke about being able to liven up a dull social gathering. It's a playful way to offer to rescue someone from a less-than-exciting situation.
5. "I may not be a fortune teller, but I can predict that we're going to have a great time!" - This expression is used to joke about being able to foresee a positive outcome. It's a playful way to set the tone for a fun and enjoyable experience.
These playful English expressions are a great way to inject some humor into a conversation and make people smile. Whether you're looking to lighten the mood, tease a friend, or simply have a laugh, these phrases are sure to bring a smile to everyone's face.
开玩笑的英语常用语句 篇三
1. Are you kidding me?
听老美说了一次 "Are you kidding me?" 我才知道原来 kid 开玩笑这个字还是及物动词, 直接在后面加受词即可, 而不必说成, "Are you kidding on me?" 我想这是有些人会犯的错误. 讲这句话的时候多半是表示出自己对对方的话不太相信, 同时也表现出自己的惊讶. 同样的你也可以说, "You must be kidding."
另外当别人似乎是在开玩笑时, 老美也喜欢说, "Really?" 但是这个字有二种念法, 如果你把 really 的尾音上扬, 表示出的是一种怀疑的语气, 可能对对方说的事情还很怀疑, 但如果尾音是下沉, 则是表示出一种惊讶, 但对于对方所说的事情基本上已经是没有怀疑的.
2. I am serious. 我是认真的.
如果别人说, "Are you kidding me?" 最好的回答就是 "No, I am not kidding you." (我不是在开你玩笑) 或是 I am serious. (我是认真的) 例如有一次我跟老美说, "We eat pork's blood." (我们吃猪血) 老美听了之后直呼, "Are you kidding me?" 这时我就可以回答, "I am serious." 不过现在想来真的也蛮难让一个老美了解到我们是如何吃猪血的. 真是太难为他的想像力了.
3. Get out of here.
Get out of here 也可以简单说成 Get out. 原意是叫别人走开, 但可以引申成为我不相信你说的话. 例如别人说, "I sloved the problem on my own." (我自己把这个问题解出来了) 你就可以不屑地回答, "Get out out here. You are such a dweeb." (少来了, 你这个笨蛋怎么可能解出来呢?)
另外 Give me a break 跟 Get out of here 的意思差不多, 都是你觉得别人开玩笑开得太夸张了, 到了不可思议的.地步. 例如某位丑男对你说, "I had a dozen of girlfriends during the past five years." (在我过去的五年内我交了一打的女朋友) 你就可以说, "Give me a break!" (你少在那里吹牛了)
4. He likes to pull gags on me.
开我玩笑有很多讲法, 例如 play jokes on me 或是 pull gags on me 都是. 但它们指的多半是基于好玩而开的玩笑, 而非取笑. 例如别人坐下时你忽然把椅子给拉走, 这就算是一种 pulled a gag. 恶作剧.
5. Are you making fun of me?
这个 make fun of someone 是有点取笑或是嘲笑别人的意思, 和无伤大雅的 play jokes 是不太一样的. 例如你说别人又矮又胖, 像个水桶一样, 这就是 make fun of someone. 这样子是会伤到别人的. 记得有一次我听广播有一个小孩子就打电话进来说, "I don't like to go to school because my friends always make fun of me." (我不想去学校, 因为我的朋友老是嘲笑我)
6. He is a rascal.
Rascal 这个字一般我们最熟悉的意思是**, 但它还有其它几个意思, 一是指小孩很小但却很坏, 大人说什么他都不听, 这种小孩就是 rascal 或称 brat. 另外一个意思就是指捣蛋鬼的意思, 指那些很喜欢恶作剧的人, 这时 rascal 也就等于 prankster.
如果要用形容词形容一个人很爱恶作剧, 则用 mischievous 这个字是再恰当不过的了, 例如, "He is so mischievous. I can not endure him anymore." (他太淘气了, 我受不了他)
7. You sneak. 你很聪明狡猾.
Sneak 指的是一个人很聪明, 但是却很爱利用自己的一点小聪明去开别人玩笑, 或是捉弄人家. 下次看到这种人你就可以跟他说, You sneak! (注意一点: 这里不能说成 You are a sneak, 因为我曾有一次说 You are a sneak 而被老美纠正. 这跟 You are a rat 的用法是不一样的, 像 You are a rat 就不能讲成 You rat.)
Sneak 也可以用形容词 sneaky. 例如有些女孩子就喜欢古灵精怪的男生, 我就在电视上听过一句, I like you when you are sneaky.
8. It's hilarious.
如果别人开了什么好玩的玩笑, 不妨鼓励人家一下吧! 例如你可以简单地说, "It's so funny." (真是太有趣了!) 或是更好笑一点, "It's hilarious." 这个 hilarious 也是少数 GRE 字汇在日常生活里还会常用到的单字之一. (另一个常用的单字是 ubiquitous 无所不在的)
9. It cracks me up.
如果真的是太好笑了, 不妨说得更夸张一点, "It cracks me up." (把我给笑坏) 当然类似夸大的讲法还有很多种, 例如, "I can't stop laughing." (我笑到无法停止) 或是 "We laugh our heads off." (我们把头都给笑掉了.)
10. That's bitter.
当然并非每一个笑话都会让人觉得好笑, 有些取笑别人的笑话只会让人觉得很恶毒, 听来很不舒服, 这时你就可以说, "That's bitter." 例如有人骂你是个『海豚』, 就是说你有个大又下垂的屁股. 我们就可以回他说, "Oh! Man, that's bitter!" 就是说你说话太恶毒了.
同样有许多类似的讲法, 例如你可以说, "You are so mean." (你真是太坏了) 或是说 "That's a nasty joke." (真是一个卑鄙的笑话)