
时间:2018-08-05 06:23:34
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回忆的英文句子素材 篇一

Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future. - Corrie Ten Boom

Looking back on the past, we are reminded of where we have been and how much we have grown. Memories serve as a bridge to our future, guiding us towards our dreams and aspirations. They hold the power to inspire us, to teach us valuable lessons, and to remind us of the moments that have shaped us into who we are today.

Every memory is a piece of a puzzle, forming a complete picture of our lives. Some memories are like treasures, cherished and kept close to our hearts. They bring us joy, comfort, and a sense of belonging. Other memories are like scars, painful reminders of the challenges we have faced and the obstacles we have overcome. But no matter the nature of the memory, each one plays a vital role in shaping our identity and our perception of the world.

As we journey through life, our memories serve as guideposts, directing us on the path to self-discovery and personal growth. They remind us of our triumphs and failures, our joys and sorrows, our loves and losses. They are a reflection of our experiences, our emotions, and our connections to the people and places that have touched our lives.

In the end, memories are more than just moments frozen in time. They are the threads that weave together the tapestry of our existence, creating a rich and vibrant portrait of who we are and where we are headed. So let us embrace our memories, both the good and the bad, for they are the building blocks of our past, present, and future.


回忆的英文句子素材 篇二

The best thing about memories is making them. - Unknown

Memories are like treasures buried deep within our hearts, waiting to be unearthed and relived. They are the stories we tell ourselves, the moments we hold onto, and the emotions we carry with us through the years. Memories have the power to transport us back in time, to a place where we can experience the sights, sounds, and feelings of a moment long gone.

Each memory is a chapter in the book of our lives, a page that captures a fleeting moment in time. Whether it is a childhood adventure, a first love, or a bittersweet goodbye, memories have the ability to evoke a range of emotions, from happiness and nostalgia to sadness and longing. They are the threads that connect us to our past, reminding us of who we once were and who we have become.

Memories are not just reflections of the past; they are also the building blocks of our future. They shape our identity, our values, and our aspirations, guiding us on our journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. They provide us with a sense of continuity, a link between our past, present, and future selves, and serve as a source of strength and inspiration in times of need.

So let us cherish our memories, for they are the essence of our existence, the tapestry of our lives. Let us embrace the joys and sorrows, the triumphs and failures, the laughter and tears that make up our memories, for they are a testament to the richness and complexity of the human experience. And let us never forget that the best memories are yet to come, waiting to be made in the days, weeks, and years ahead.

回忆的英文句子素材 篇三




  "Lonely people always remember that every inpidual life there, as I always get enough to think of you. "


  Since neither missed back why did not forget why oath.


  "Dying in the sun, in the most gorgeous surrounds die, elated but Kaidaotuni. "


  "If I had the courage, the outcome was not different. If you insist that time, memories will not like this. "


  In memory of those past pain is not making a fuss. Dismal sight is a large open air under Chu deepest mourning.


  "Maybe Im just a traveler in your life, I quietly go quietly as I come. "


  Some things turned around for a lifetime.


  "Looking back, I will not regret the wasted years, will not result in mediocrity ashamed. "


  "Stand up to Homecoming, escape here teenager. "


  Im just waiting to love you like a puppy lying on your feet


  "Passing of the years, how find a back? Have you ever smile, scattered memories actually not open. "


  "A land of broken promises, put together not return yesterday. "


  Happiness is always full of defects.


  "Even the dream life, but also a memory, because you still can not forget anything. We forget each other in each other. "


  "I know the memories are painful and helpless, wonderful memories recall it turns into a helpless pity, "


  Recalls the sense of weightlessness swallowed. Habitat which miss the bus into a river.


  This world. So dirty. Who is eligible. Said sadness.


  "Fools sad, I was a fool, so I am very sad ... "


  "I heard that marriage is very cheap now, go, lets get married, I ask you! ? "


  "Memories like a mirror, let me recall memories that belong to our two helpless memories. "


  "Wait, is the original old life. "


  "Whos waiting for my pale, ironically my dedication. "



