
时间:2016-08-01 08:19:29
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办公室英语:迟到与早退 篇一

In every workplace, punctuality is a crucial aspect of professionalism. Being late or leaving early can have a negative impact on not only your own productivity but also on the overall efficiency of the team. In this article, we will discuss the importance of arriving on time and staying until the end of the workday in the office setting.

Arriving late to work can disrupt the flow of the day and cause a ripple effect on your colleagues. It shows a lack of respect for other people's time and can create a sense of chaos in the office. Additionally, being late consistently can lead to a reputation of being unreliable and untrustworthy, which can hinder your career growth and opportunities for advancement.

On the other hand, leaving early can also be detrimental to your professional image. It may give the impression that you are not fully committed to your work or that you are not willing to put in the necessary effort to get the job done. It can also disrupt the workflow of the team and cause delays in project completion.

To avoid being late or leaving early, it is important to prioritize time management and organization. This includes planning your day in advance, setting realistic goals and deadlines, and avoiding distractions that can cause you to lose track of time. It is also crucial to communicate with your supervisor or team members if you anticipate being late or needing to leave early for a valid reason.

In conclusion, being punctual in the workplace is a sign of professionalism and respect for your colleagues. By arriving on time and staying until the end of the workday, you demonstrate your dedication to your job and contribute to a positive and efficient work environment. Remember, time is a valuable resource, and it should be used wisely to achieve your professional goals.

办公室英语:迟到与早退 篇二

In a professional setting, being late or leaving early can have serious consequences for your reputation and career prospects. It is important to understand the impact of your actions on your colleagues and the overall work environment. In this article, we will explore the reasons why punctuality is essential in the workplace and how to avoid the pitfalls of being tardy or leaving prematurely.

Arriving late to work can create a negative impression on your coworkers and supervisors. It shows a lack of respect for the company's policies and can be seen as a sign of irresponsibility. Additionally, being late can disrupt the flow of the day and cause delays in project completion, which can have a direct impact on the success of the team and the organization as a whole.

Similarly, leaving early can be perceived as a lack of commitment to your job and your colleagues. It may give the impression that you are not fully invested in your work or that you are not willing to put in the extra effort to reach your goals. This can damage your professional reputation and hinder your opportunities for advancement within the company.

To avoid the negative consequences of being late or leaving early, it is important to prioritize punctuality and time management in the workplace. This includes setting realistic goals and deadlines, avoiding distractions, and communicating with your team members and supervisors about any potential scheduling conflicts. It is also important to be proactive in addressing any issues that may arise and finding solutions to ensure that you are able to meet your commitments.

In conclusion, punctuality is a key aspect of professionalism in the workplace. By arriving on time and staying until the end of the workday, you demonstrate your dedication to your job and your team. It is important to be mindful of the impact of your actions on your colleagues and to take responsibility for your own schedule to ensure that you are able to meet your professional obligations.

办公室英语:迟到与早退 篇三


  1.抱歉我迟到了。I'm sorry I'm late.

  2.哦,不!我又迟到了。Oh, no! I'm late again.

  3.我发誓再也不迟到了。I swear not to be late again.

  4.我弄错了时间。I misjudged the time.

  5.公共汽车晚点了。The bus was late.

  6.你不能再早退了。You can't leave early again.

  7.明天我将提前下班。I'll get off work early tomorrow.

  8.我想提前一小时下班。I want to knock off an hour earlier.

  A:Billy, you are late again.

  B:I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept. Is the manager here today?

  A:Yes he '

s in his office.

  B:Oh,I hope he didn't notice me.

  A:Don't take any chances. It'd be best if you told him and promised not to be late again. He's already mad at you for last 2 times. Any more and he might fire you.

  B:You said it. It won't happen again. Do you really think he'd fire me?

  A:I think he might. You'd better go to his office.

  B:You are probably right. I'll go right now and apologize. I try hard not to be late but it is difficult with Beijing traffic.

  A:Good luck!


