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牛津小学英语5AUnit8教学案例 篇一

在教学Unit 8这个单元时,老师可以采用多种方式来帮助学生更好地理解和掌握课文内容。首先,可以通过展示图片和视频来引入新的词汇和句子,让学生通过视觉和听觉的方式来感受英语的魅力。接着,老师可以组织学生进行角色扮演活动,让他们在情境中运用所学知识,提高他们的口语表达能力。

在进行语法和句型练习时,可以通过游戏的形式来巩固学生的学习成果。比如,可以设计一个关于Unit 8内容的小游戏,让学生在游戏中运用所学知识,巩固句型和语法。同时,老师还可以设置小组合作活动,让学生互相帮助,共同完成任务,培养他们的合作精神和团队意识。

另外,在进行听力训练时,老师可以播放一些跟Unit 8内容相关的录音,让学生通过听力练习来提高他们的听力理解能力。同时,老师还可以设计一些听力测试题目,让学生在听力训练中检验自己的学习成果,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。

总的来说,教学Unit 8这个单元时,老师可以通过多种方式来激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高他们的学习效果。通过图片展示、角色扮演、游戏活动和听力训练等形式,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语,收获知识,提高能力。

牛津小学英语5AUnit8教学案例 篇二

在教学Unit 8这个单元时,老师可以注重培养学生的学习策略和解决问题的能力。比如,可以通过让学生自主探究,引导他们通过查字典、查资料等方式来解决问题,培养他们的独立思考和解决问题的能力。



总的来说,教学Unit 8这个单元时,老师可以注重培养学生的学习策略和解决问题的能力,通过自主探究、阅读训练和写作训练等方式,让学生在实践中学习,提高他们的学习和应用能力。同时,老师还可以组织一些团队合作活动,培养学生的团队精神和合作意识,让他们在合作中共同成长,共同进步。

牛津小学英语5AUnit8教学案例 篇三




  自从接到了参加江苏省信息技术资源英语录像课评比的通知,我就开始着手设计本课。本课的主题是a camping trip,教学对象为五年级学生。本节课的教学内容既涉及学生在三、四、五年级学过的有关物品的单词,又涉及了表示“有”的说法。根据学习内容和学生情况,采用了以旧带新引入新知识的教学策略,并以新旧知识的整合作为本课的落脚点,以帮助学生在学习过程中不断扩展和丰富语言知识,组增强学生的交际能力。


  1)能正确地听、说、读、写词汇tent, pot, hill, a tin of, children, show。

  2)能正确地听、说、读词汇tin-opener, match, blanket, telescope, fish, camping trip (site)。

  3)能理解掌握句型 What do you/ they have ? I/ We/ They have …

  What does he/ she have ? He/ She has …





  3)能初步理解掌握句型What do you/ they have ? What does he/ she have? 及其答语。




  I. Greeting

  1. Greeting

  T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.Who’s on duty today?

  S1: I am. My name’s… . I’m a girl. I like reading and dancing. Today is … . We have Chinese, Maths, English and PE in the morning. We have Art and Science in the afternoon. That’s all.

  2. Free talk.

  T: OK, boys and girls, let’s play a game, OK?

  老师做出一个动作,如run, T: What am I doing? Guess.

  S: You’re running.


  (jumping, walking, sleeping, dancing, swimming, sitting, standing,speaking)

  3. T: Now, let’s sing a song,OK?

  Sing a song ---what are you doing? 5’

  (设计思路)在教学中,要做到以学生为主体,通过free talk,可以使大部分学生得到发言的机会,另外,学生们在回答自己提问的同时,配合动作,又极大地提高了学习本课内容的兴趣。同时,行为动词的引入,也为进一步的学习埋下了伏笔。

  II. Presentation

  1. T: Please look at the slide. (图)It is spring now. What’s the meaning of

  ‘spring’? ----春天

  T: Spring is coming. The trees turn green and the flowers start to grow. Do you want to go on and outing? Ss: Yes, we do.

  ---- go camping Let’s go camping! 让我们去野营吧!(图)

  ---- a camping trip a camping site

  They’re having a camping trip. They’re at a camping site. 2’

  2. T: When we go camping, what do we need?

  1)Ss answer the question.

  S: We need … .

  ( a tent, a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a owel, some tins, a tin of fish(四会), a tin of chicken, some fruit, some chocolates, a box of chocolates, some water, some eggs, some biscuits and so on.)(图)

  Look at the slide.

  2) Read the words of Part B after the tape.

  (设计思路)通过对野营所需物品的谈论,可以很自然的引出本课的生词,并且在轻松、和谐的课堂氛围中,可以更好、更快的掌握本课的三会及四会单词,并会带入句型中加以运用。通过We need….这个熟悉的句型,可以很轻松的引出本课have、has的用法。 5’

  3. 1) T: We have so many things. We can go camping now,What do you have? ( to S1)

  S1: (出示实物) I have …. ( to S2…..S6)

  Practise ‘I have … .’

  2) T: What does he/she have? Ss: He/She has …(指着刚才出示实物的学生说)


  4. have 与has 的用法

  都表示拥有,但have 用于第一、二人称以及第三人称的复数,而has用于第三人称单数。(生总结,并看幻灯)

  (设计思路)这样的练习即符合小学生好奇心强、对未知事物充满兴趣的心理特点,又可以在课堂教学中可以充分调动学生参与和体验的热情。此环节立足整体把握教材的知识体系,在导入新知识时先分析新旧知识的联系,再以旧带新,做到语言知识的融会贯通,不断丰富学生的语言积累。 5’

  5. Let’s chant.

  What do you have? I have a tent.

  What do I have? You have a tin.

  What do you have? We have a pot.

  What do they have? They have some fruit.

  What does he have? He has a chair.

  What does she have? She has a stove.

  Go, go, lets go. Let’s go camping!

  比较do 与does 的用法

  Do和does都是助动词,用帮助行为动词构成句子。Do用于一、二人称以及第三人称的`复数, does用于第三人称单数。 3’


  6. T: Boys and girls, I think you must be tired. Let’s learn a song, OK?

  ---- What do you have?

  7. T: Boys and girls, do you like going camping? Ss: Yes, we do.

  T: Miss Li and her students are having a camping trip. Listen to the tape, and try to answer my questions.

  Questions: 1) Where are the children?

  They are at a camping site. It’s near a hill.

  ---- 4-skill words children hill

  Learn to say: site, a camping site

  2) What are they doing?

  They are showing their things to each other.

  ---- 4-skill words show Learn to say: each other

  3) What does Liu Tao have? He has a big tent.

  What does David have? He has a chair.

  What does Nancy have? She has a chair, too.

  What does Helen have? She has a tin of chicken and a tin of fish.

  What does Yang Ling have? She has a tin-opener.

  What does Mike have? He has a pot and a stove.

  What do Su Hai and Su Yang have?

  They have two blankets and a telescope.

  What does Miss Li have? She has a box of chocolates.

  What does Mr Green have? He has some fruit.7

  (设计思路)在Part A 的学习中,我先设计了几个题目。通过课件的展示,让学生边听边思考提出的几个问题。问题涉及到wh-的几个类型。问题的设计应注意层次性、注意启发性、注意广泛性、注意灵活性。 对学生课堂提问的回答给予积极评价。

  III. Practice

  .1. Listen to the tape again, and try to fill in the blankets.

  1)Now the children and their teachers are the hill. They’re a camping site. They’re their things to each other. Liu Tao has a big . Davida chair. Nancy has a chair, too. Helen has a tin ofand a tin of . Yang Ling has a , Mike has a and a stove. Su Hai and Su Yang have two blankets and a . Miss Li and Mr Green have a box of chocolates and some fruit. They’re very happy!

  (设计思路)此项练习可以使学生更好的理解Part A 的内容,通过对课文的阅读与理解,提高他们的听、说、读写等综合运用语言的能力。

  2) Read the paragraph together. 3’

  IV. Consolidation

  1. Read Part A. 2’

  2. T: Who can make a dialogue with the following drills?

  A: The camping trip is coming.What do you have?

  B: I have … .

  A: I have … . How about … and …? What do they have?

  C: I have … .

  D: I have … .

  ABCD: Great!/ How nice!/ Good! Let’s go camping! 7’

  V. Homework

  1. Listen to the tape and copy the new words .

  2.Make a dialogue about the camping trip with your classmates. 1’






