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初一英语上册期末试卷及答案 篇一


1. —What’s this in English?

— ________ a map.

A. It’s B. It C. Its

2. Is this your pencil?

________, it’s not mine.

A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it isn’t C. No, it isn’t

3. —What’s this in English?

—It’s ________ apple.

A. a B. an C. the

4. —Is this your book?

—No, ________.

A. it not B. it isn’t C. it don’t

5. —What’s that in English?

—It’s ________ eraser.

A. a B. an C. the

6. —What’s this in English?

—It’s ________.

A. a pencil B. pencil C. the pencil

7. —Is this your watch?

—No, it ________.

A. isn’t B. is C. am

8. —________ is this in English?

—It’s a ruler.

A. What B. What’s C. Who

9. Is this your dictionary?

________, it isn’t.

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, it isn’t

10. —What’s this?

—It’s ________.

A. a pen B. pen C. the pen

11. —What’s this?

—It’s ________.

A. a rubber B. rubber C. the rubber

12. —Is this your bag?

—Yes, ________.

A. it is B. it isn’t C. it not

13. —What’s this?

—It’s ________.

A. a backpack B. backpack C. the backpack

14. —Is this your pencil?

—________, it isn’t.

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, it isn’t

15. —What’s this in English?

—It’s ________.

A. an eraser B. eraser C. the eraser


16. This is my ________ (book).

17. What’s this in ________ (China)?

18. Is this your ________ (dictionary)?

19. It’s a ________ (map).

20. —What’s this in ________ (English)?

—It’s a ruler.

21. Is this your ________ (bag)?

22. What’s that in ________ (French)?

23. It’s a ________ (pencil).

24. Is this your ________ (watch)?

25. —What’s this?

—It’s a ________ (pen).


26. This is my pencil.(改为一般疑问句)

______ this ______ pencil?

27. That is her eraser.(改为复数形式)

______ are ______ erasers.

28. Is this your ruler?(作否定回答)

______, it ______.

29. It’s a map.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ this?

30. These are my books.(改为单数形式)

______ is my ______.



This is a pencil. It’s my pencil. That is a pen. It’s your pen.

31. Is this a pen?

______, it isn’t.


This is a map. It’s my map. That is a ruler. It’s his ruler.

32. Is this a ruler?

______, it isn’t.


33. 根据提示写一段话:这是我的书包。

This is my ________.

34. 你的铅笔在哪里?请用英语回答。

______ is your pencil?


一、1-5 ABCBB 6-10 AACBA 11-15 ABCBC

二、16. book 17. China 18. dictionary 19. map 20. English

21. bag 22. French 23. pencil 24. watch 25. pen

三、26. Is, my 27. They, her 28. No, isn’t 29. What’s 30. This, book

四、31. No 32. No

五、33. backpack 34. Where

初一英语上册期末试卷及答案 篇三

  第一节 听力选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)




  ( )6. What color is Peter’s jacket?

  A. Blue. B. Green. C. Red.

  ( )7. What’s this?

  A. A book. B. A notebook. C. A map.

  ( )8. What’s Jim’s phone number?

  A. 210-9675 B. 210-6957 C. 201-6975

  ( )9. Where’s Jane’s watch?

  A. In her schoolbag. B. On her bed. C. On her desk.

  ( )10. How much is the white pen?

  A. 12 yuan. B. 14 yuan. C. 16 yuan.


  ( )11. What does Jack have for breakfast?

  A. Eggs and pears. B. Eggs and oranges. C. Oranges and potatoes.

  ( )12. What does Jack’s father like for dinner?

  A. Pears and chicken. B. Potatoes and pears. C. Potatoes and chicken.


  ( )13. What does Nick think of the music lesson?

  A. Easy. B. Boring . C. Relaxing.

  ( )14. When does Nick have music every week?

  A. On Monday and Wednesday. B. On Tuesday and Thursday.

  C. On Tuesday and Wednesday.

  ( )15. What subject does Sandy like?

  A. P.E. B. Music. C. Art.

  第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)


  Teacher Age Birthday Favorite color

  English teacher (16) July 21st (17)

  Math teacher 24 (18) 9th Black

  (19)______teacher 25 August 17th (20)__________

  第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计20分)

  第一节 语法填空(10小题,计10分)从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

  ( )21. Tom plays _____ volleyball very well.

  A. / B. the C. a

  ( )22. I don’t like geography _____ it’s boring.

  A. but B. because C. and

  ( )23. This is my friend. name is Alice.

  A. His B. He C. Her

  ( )24. —_____ he ______ a ping-pong bat?

  —No, he doesn’t.

  A. Does, have B. Do, have C. Does, has

  ( )25. — _______ is your pencil box?

  — In my schoolbag.

  A. When B. What C. Where

  ( )26. —______ are they?

  — They are my grandfather.

  A. What B. Who C. Which

  ( )27. —When is your birthday?

  —My birthday is _____ May 2nd.

  A. on B. in C. at

  ( )28. Jim and I _____ good friends.

  A. is B. are C. /

  ( )29. — _____ are the socks?

  — Fifty dollars.

  A. Where B. What color C. How much

  ( ) 30. Today we have _____ classes, and the _____ one is music.

  A. five; fiveth B. fifth; five C. five; fifth

  第二节 词语填空( 10小题,计10分) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

  Hi! I’m Lucy. This is my 31 , Anna. She’s 12 years old. Her 32 is on November 8th. Here is a 32 of her. Look! What color are her eyes? Oh! They’re 34 . And her hair is black, too. She is beautiful and healthy. Ping-pong is her favorite 35 . She can play it very well. It’s 36 for her. After school, she plays 37 with her classmates. For breakfast, she loves milk, eggs and fruit. So she has a good eating habit. Her favorite 38 is science. She says it’s useful, 39 I think it’s difficult. Both of us like our science 40 , Ms. Wang, because she is great fun.

  ( )31. A. friend B. mother C. aunt

  ( )31. A. date B. birthday C. month

  ( )32. A. photo B. map C. book

  ( )34. A. black B. blue C. green

  ( )35. A. food B. sport C. clothes

  ( )36. A. difficult B. boring C. easy

  ( )37. A. ping-pong B. football C. basketball

  ( )38. A. subject B. movie C. story

  ( )39. A. because B. but C. so

  ( )40. A. student B. teacher C. room

  第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计40分)

  第一节 阅读选择 ( 10小题,计20分)



  Is this your notebook? It is a Chinese notebook. The cover

  (封面)of it is black. It is in the library. Ask the teacher for it.



  I lost a schoolbag on the school playground. It is green. Two books, a pencil box and a dictionary are in it. Please call me at 627-0193. Thanks.


  ( )41. Mary found a notebook .

  A. in the classroom B. on the playground C. in the library

  ( )42. You can get the notebook from .

  A. Mary B. Nick C. the teacher

  ( )43. Nick lost a .

  A. notebook B. schoolbag C. pencil box

  ( )44. If you find a schoolbag, you can call Nick at .

  A. 627-0193 B. 627-1913 C. 627-9013

  ( )45. Which one is TRUE(正确)?

  A. Mary’s notebook is in the library.

  B. Nick’s schoolbag is green.

  C. There are two books, two pencils and a dictionary in Nick’s schoolbag.


  I’m Mark. Henry, Peg and Cindy are my classmates. Our friend Paul’s birthday party is next Saturday. He asks us to go to his birthday party.

  We want to buy some gifts for Paul. Paul likes playing baseball. He has eight baseballs and five baseball bats. But he doesn’t have a baseball cap. I know he likes blue. I want to buy a blue baseball cap for him. Paul likes strawberries and apples, but he doesn’t like pears or bananas. So Cindy and Henry want to buy a birthday cake with some strawberries and apples on it. “What do you want to buy for Paul?” I ask Peg. “Well, Paul is always late for school,” Peg says, “so I want to buy a watch for him.”

  ( )46. Paul asks friends to go to his birthday party.

  A. three B. four C. five

  ( )47. The underlined word “gifts” means (意思是) “ ” i

n Chinese.

  A.礼物 B.蛋糕 C. 衣服

  ( )48. Paul doesn’t have .

  A. eight baseballs B. five baseball bats C. a baseball cap

  ( )49. Cindy and Henry want to buy a birthday cake with on it.

  A. pears and bananas B. strawberries and apples C. apples and pears

  ( )50. wants to buy a watch for Paul.

  A. Mark B. Peg C. Cindy

  第二节 摘录要点( 5小题,计10分) 在下面的表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。

  I’m Dave. Today, I ask some of my friends about their favorite subjects. Jerry likes geography because she says it is interesting and useful. Linda’s favorite subject is math because she likes her math teacher, Miss Black. Mike’s favorite subject is science. He wants to be a scientist(科学家). Tim’s favorite subject is history. He likes to read stories (故事) about history.

  Name Favorite (51) Reason (原因)

  Jerry geography It is interesting and (52)

  (53) math She likes her math teacher

  Mike (54) He wants to be a scientist

  Tim history He likes to read (55) about history.

  第三节 回答问题 ( 5小题, 计10分) 阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。

  Hi! I am Gina Smith. I have four good friends. They are Dale, Frank, Penny and Jean. Now we are talking about the months of the year. Dale likes April very much. Our school has an art festival this month every year. He likes art. He wants to take part in (参加)it and he thinks it’s very relaxing. Frank likes July. He can go out for trips in July. For Penny, August is the best month in a year. His birthday is in it. And he doesn’t go to school. I like October best. I can have a one-week holiday this month, and I also like June because Children’s Day is in it.

  56. What are Gina and her friends talking about?

  57. What does Dale think of art festival?

  58. Why does Frank like July?

  59. When is Penny’s birthday?

  60. Does Gina like June?

  第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计20分)



  Hello, boys and girls! My name is Sandy. 61.This term is from September to January. I have many subjects. They are math, Chinese, English, history, computer, music, geography, science, art and P.E. 62. My favorite subjects are English and P.E. I’m good at English. I can talk with foreigners (外国人)in English now. In P.E. class, I can do sports. 63. 它们非常有趣。 I can play soccer and basketball very well. And my favorite sport is soccer. 64. I like art, too, because it is very relaxing. I can draw fruit, clothes, and some other funny things in art class. Our art teacher Miss Brown is nice. She always takes us out to draw pictures. What subject do you have this term? What is your avorite subject? Tell me, please. 65. 你可以打电话586-4702找我。 Or you can e-mail me at sandy2015@tom.com.






  第二节 完成对话 (5小题,计5分)根据上下文,从右框中选择正确选项补全对话。

  A: Good morning, madam. 66. ( )

  B: Yes, please. I want to buy a dress for my daughter.

  A: Come and look at these dresses.

  B: Wow, this one is nice. 67. ( )

  A: It’s 200 yuan.

  B: Oh, it s too expensive.

  A: 68. ( ) It’s only 80 yuan.

  B: Hmm, that one is cheap. But my daughter doesn’t like red.

  A: 69. ( )

  B: She likes green.

  A: Oh, green. Look, here is a green dress. Do you like it?

  B: Good. I think she’ll like it. 70. ( )

  A: Here you are.

  B: Thank you.

  第三节 情景作文(10分)

  假如你是Alice, 你将要班会上做一个英文的自我介绍,写一篇60字左右的短文,可以包括以下的内容: Age, Phone number, Appearance(外貌), Interest(兴趣), Best friends, Family等。




  第一部分 听力技能 (共两节,计20分)

  第一节 听力选择 (1小题,每小题1分,计15分)

  1-5 BABCC 6-10 CCABB 11-15 BCCBA

  第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)

  16. 36 17. Red (red) 18. September 19. Chinese 20. Green (green)

  第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计20分)

  第一节 语法填空(10小题,计10分)

  21-25 ABCAC 26-30 BABCC

  第二节 词语填空( 10小题,计10分)

  31-35 ABAAB 36-40 CAABB

  第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计40分)

  第一节 阅读选择 ( 10小题,计20分)

  41-45 CCBAB 46-50 BACBB

  第二节 摘录要点( 5小题,计10分)

  51. subject(s) 52. useful 53. Linda 54.science 55.stories

  第三节 回答问题 ( 5小题, 计10分)

  56. The months of the year. 57. Relaxing (He thinks it’s relaxing).

  58. Because he can go out for trips. 59. In August.

  60. Yes, he does.

  第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计20分)

  第一节 翻译语篇 (5小题,计5分)

  61. 这个学期是从9月开始到1月结束。

  62. 我最喜欢的科目是英语和体育。

  63. They are very (really) interesting.

  64. 我也喜欢艺术。

  65. You can call me at 586-4702.

  第二节 完成对话 (5小题,计5分)

  66-70 EBADC

  第三节 情景作文(10分)


