
时间:2019-07-06 05:24:18
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初一上册英语试题练习 篇一

Hello, everyone! Today, I'm going to share with you some English test exercises for the first semester of the first year of junior high school. Let's get started!

1. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences:

a) My brother ___ a book in his hand.

b) She ___ to the park every weekend.

c) They ___ in Shanghai last summer.

d) We ___ a party on Saturday.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs:

a) I ___ (go) to the library yesterday.

b) She ___ (watch) TV at home now.

c) They ___ (play) basketball with their friends last Sunday.

d) We ___ (have) an English test tomorrow.

3. Translate the following sentences into English:

a) 我妈妈在做饭。

b) 他们昨天去了动物园。

c) 我们每天都吃早饭。

d) 你喜欢游泳吗?

4. Complete the dialogue with the correct words:

A: What ___ you doing now?

B: I ___ (read) a book.

A: Can I ___ (join) you?

B: Sure, come and ___ (sit) with me.

5. Write a short paragraph about your weekend activities using the past tense.

I hope these exercises help you practice your English skills. Good luck with your studies!

初一上册英语试题练习 篇二

Greetings, students! Let's dive into some more English test exercises for the first semester of the first year of junior high school. Are you ready?

1. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences:

a) She ___ (is / are) a student.

b) They ___ (am / is) from Canada.

c) I ___ (am / are) going to the movies tonight.

d) We ___ (is / are) playing soccer after school.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:

a) I'm good ___ math but bad ___ English.

b) She's interested ___ learning new languages.

c) They are going ___ a trip to Beijing next month.

d) We need to study hard ___ the upcoming exams.

3. Translate the following sentences into English:

a) 他们正在做作业。

b) 我们明天要去购物。

c) 她喜欢吃水果。

d) 你家附近有一个公园吗?

4. Complete the dialogue with the correct words:

A: What ___ (do) you like to do in your free time?

B: I ___ (like) to read books and ___ (play) video games.

A: Sounds fun! I ___ (enjoy) reading as well.

5. Write a short paragraph about your daily routine using the present tense.

I hope you find these exercises helpful in improving your English skills. Keep practicing and you'll see great progress in no time!

初一上册英语试题练习 篇三

  第二部分 非选择题(共45分)


  A) 根据括号内的中文提示完成下列句子

  1. People in the big cities live a ___________(现代的) life.

  2. I seldom eat sweets because they are bad for my ____________ (牙齿).

  3. Young people like sports, and trainers are popular among _________(他们).

  4.Drinking a glass of water every morning is good for our __________(健康).

  5.---Do you know Tokyo?

  ---Yes, of course. It’s the _________(首都) of Japan.


  6. It takes him about twenty minutes _________ (get) to school.

  7. Thank you for __________ (share) your story book with me ,Sandy.

  8. He often with his friends ________(fly) kites in the park.

  9. We will celebrate our uncle’s _________(49)birthday tomorrow.

  10. —Where’s Millie?

  —Oh,she (wait)for Amy at the school gate.


  Every year, people in the USA celebrate many festivals. On January 1st they welcome the coming of a new year like many people in other countries. April Fool’s Day is on April 1st. On that day, people often play tricks on their friends. Labor Day is on the first Monday of September. People enjoy themselves with their friends and families. They go for boating, picnics, fireworks and much more.

  People celebrate some festivals for their family members. Children say thanks to their mother on Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May and they say thanks to their fathers on the third Sunday in June. On the fourth Thursday in November, people come back home for Thanksgiving Day, so the whole family can stay together and have a big dinner.

  There are some interesting festivals for children. For example, Halloween comes at the end of October. Children often play with pumpkin lanterns and wear all kinds of special masks and clothes.

  The most important festival in the USA is Christmas. After a year of work and study, people can enjoy a long holiday, and stay with family members and friends.

  Some Festivals in the (11)_________

  Name (12)_______ Activities

  New Year’s Day January 1st To celebrate the (13) ______of the new year.

  April Fool’s Day April 1st To play tricks on their(14) _______.

  Labor Day The first Monday September To have (15) ________with friends and families.

  (16)_______Day The second Sunday in May To say thanks to mothers

  Father’s Day The (17) ________ Sunday in June To say thanks to fathers.

  Thanksgiving Day The fourth Thursday

  in November To have a big (18)_______ with family members.

  Halloween October 31st To play with pumpkin lanterns and wear special (19)_______and clothes.

  Christmas December (20)_______ To enjoy a long holiday.

  11.__________ 12.__________ 13.__________ 14.__________ 15.__________

  16.__________ 17.__________ 18.__________ 19.__________ 20.__________


  Jack exercises every morning, and he comes back home from school on foot every afternoon. He often says, “It’s important to exercise.” So he is very healthy. He often eats fish and rice, because fish and rice are healthy food and they can give him lots of energy. He seldom eats snacks, biscuits, cakes or some other sweet snacks because the sweet food isn’t healthy.

  Jack loves watching TV. He watches TV over 4 hours every day. And he goes to sleep very late. He sleeps for 6 hours every night. It’s not enough. He plans to change it.

  Answer these questions:(no more than four words)

  21. How does Jack come back home from school every afternoon?


  22. What does Jack often eat?


  23. Why does Jack seldom eat biscuits, cakes or other sweet snacks?


  24. What does Jack love doing?


  25. How long does Jack sleep every night?



  I am near-sighted(近视), and my eyesight(视力) is getting worse, because I play too many computer games and watch too m 26 TV. I really play computer games a l 27 . There are so many i 28 games , and I spend most of my time in p 29 them. W 30 I play computer games, I always forget about my other plans. I also like watching TV. I s 31 even turn on my TV when I am doing my homework and my seat is only one metre a 32 from the TV set and I keep watching it for hours at night .

  I feel bad when I can’t s 33 the words on the blackboard. I worry about my eyesight, but I don’t want to w 34 glasses because I think they are not beautiful. Now I know how important it is to love our e 35 .

  26.__________ 27.__________ 28.__________ 29.__________ 30.___________

  31.__________ 32.__________ 33.__________ 34.__________ 35.___________


  假如Simon是你的好朋友,请根据要点提示,以“My Friend Simon”为题写一篇短文。

  注意:1. 要点齐全,语句通顺,意思连贯。2. 词数80左右。

  Simon 14岁,和家人住在泰兴市中心。

  school life 他在阳光中学上学,擅长于语文,是学校阅读俱乐部的成员,每周二下午做课外活动。

  hobby 经常去购物中心。认为那是一个会见朋友的好地方。



  plan 想当一名篮球运动员,周末练习打篮球,希望梦想成真。

  My Friend Simon





  第一部分 听对话回答问题 (计10分)


  1. W: What does your father do, Tom?

  M: he is a teacher. he teaches maths.

  2. W: What do you often do in your free time, kate?

  M: I often design fashionable clothes.

  3. M: Do you go to school by bike?

  W: No, my home is not far, so I go to school on foot.

  4. W: Wow! It's snowing! Why not go to make a snowman?

  M: Sounds great.

  5. W: Why does your father usually go shopping on foot, Tom?

  M: Because he’s too fat and he needs to exercise more.

  6. W: Do you want to be a basketball player when you grow up?

  M: Yes, you know I’m very good at ball games.

  7. W: How much do I need to pay?

  M: Let me see. Seven yuan for the cards and sixteen yuan for the CDs.

  8. W: The shopping mall is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

  M: Let’s go quickly. We still have two hours.

  9. W: Two hamburgers and a cup of orange juice, please.

  M: Here you are. Eighteen yuan, please.

  10 . W: Is Maths your favourite subject, Tim?

  M: No, it’s difficult for me.

  W: Then it’s English, isn’t it?

  M: No, it’s art.

  II. 听对话和短文回答问题(每小题1分,满分10分)



  M: Amy, where are you going?

  W: I'm going to the food shop, Jack.

  M: Who is going with you?

  W: Millie and Kate. Do you want to go with us?

  M: Why not? Let's go.


  Here is a photo of Ann’s family. In this photo, you can see Ann is doing her homework. Then what is Ann’s mother doing? She is watching TV with Ann’s grandmother. Where is Ann’s father? Look, he is reading an interesting book. Where is Ann’s little brother? He is sitting on the floor and playing with his teddy bear.


  (M) Hi, I am Peter. Mike is my best friend. He is from Canada. He lives with his parents in Beijing now because his parents work in Beijing. He has brown hair and black eyes. He is tall and strong. We are classmates. I like football and he likes football, too. We play football after school every day. At the weekend, he usually comes

to my home to do his homework. I help him learn Chinese and he helps me with my English.


  一.1—5 CAABA 6—10 BBBAA 11—15 BCBAC 16—20ACACA

  二.21—25 CDBBD 26—30 CBCBC 31—35 ADCDC

  三.36—40 DACCA 41—45 BCAAA

  四.46—50 AABAA 51—55 BBBDC

  五.1. modern 2. teeth 3. among 4. health/fitness 5. capital

  6. to get 7. sharing 8. flies 9. forty-ninth 10. is waiting

  六.11. USA 12. Time/Date 13. coming 14. friends 15. fun

  16. Mother’s 17. third 18. dinner 19. masks 20. 25/25th

  七.21. On foot.

  22. Fish and rice.

  23. Because they are unhealthy. / Because they aren’t healthy.

  24. Watching TV.

  25. (For) 6 hours.

  八.26. much 27 lot 28 interesting 29 playing 30. When

  31. sometimes 32. away 33 see 34. wear 35 eyes

  九. 略












