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小学英语五年级上册综合复习卷 篇一

In the fifth grade of primary school, students are expected to have a good grasp of the basic English language skills they have learned in previous years. To help them review and consolidate their knowledge, a comprehensive review paper is a useful tool. This review paper covers various aspects of the English language, including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing.

Vocabulary is an important part of learning any language. In this review paper, students will be tested on their knowledge of commonly used words and phrases. They may be asked to match words with their corresponding pictures, fill in the blanks with the correct words, or choose the correct word to complete a sentence. This will help them expand their vocabulary and improve their ability to use words in context.

Grammar is another crucial aspect of learning English. The review paper will include questions on different grammar topics, such as verb tenses, prepositions, and articles. Students may need to identify the correct form of a verb, choose the right preposition to complete a sentence, or correct errors in a sentence. By practicing these grammar exercises, students can strengthen their understanding of English grammar rules and improve their accuracy in using them.

Reading comprehension is an essential skill that students need to develop in order to understand written texts in English. The review paper will include a reading passage followed by a series of questions to test students' comprehension of the text. They may be asked to identify the main idea of the passage, answer questions about specific details, or make inferences based on the information provided. This will help them enhance their reading skills and become more proficient in understanding English texts.

Finally, writing is a key skill that students need to work on in order to express their ideas and communicate effectively in English. The review paper may include writing tasks such as writing a short paragraph about a given topic, completing a dialogue between two people, or describing a picture. By practicing these writing exercises, students can improve their writing skills and become more confident in expressing themselves in English.

Overall, the comprehensive review paper for the fifth grade English curriculum is designed to help students review and consolidate their knowledge of the language. By practicing vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing exercises, students can strengthen their English skills and prepare themselves for further learning in the future. With dedication and hard work, students can achieve success in mastering the English language and become confident and proficient speakers of the language.

小学英语五年级上册综合复习卷 篇二

As students progress through the fifth grade of primary school, they are expected to build upon the English language skills they have acquired in previous years. A comprehensive review paper is a valuable tool to help them assess their progress and identify areas for improvement. This review paper covers a range of topics, including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing.

Vocabulary is a fundamental aspect of language learning, and the review paper includes exercises to help students expand their vocabulary. Students may be asked to match words with their definitions, complete sentences with the correct words, or identify synonyms and antonyms. By practicing these exercises, students can enhance their vocabulary and improve their ability to use a wide range of words in their spoken and written English.

Grammar is another important focus of the review paper. Students will be tested on their knowledge of different grammar rules and structures, such as subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and sentence structure. They may need to identify errors in sentences, choose the correct form of a verb, or rearrange words to form grammatically correct sentences. By practicing these grammar exercises, students can reinforce their understanding of English grammar and improve their accuracy in using it.

Reading comprehension is a key skill that students need to develop in order to understand and interpret written texts in English. The review paper includes reading passages of varying lengths and complexity, followed by questions to test students' comprehension of the text. Students may be asked to summarize the main idea of the passage, answer questions about specific details, or make predictions based on the information provided. This will help them improve their reading skills and become more proficient in understanding English texts.

Writing is another essential skill that students need to work on in order to express their ideas and communicate effectively in English. The review paper may include writing tasks such as writing a story based on a given prompt, describing a personal experience, or writing a letter to a friend. By practicing these writing exercises, students can enhance their writing skills and become more confident in expressing themselves in English.

In conclusion, the comprehensive review paper for the fifth grade English curriculum is designed to help students assess their progress and improve their English language skills. By practicing vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing exercises, students can strengthen their English proficiency and prepare themselves for more advanced learning in the future. With dedication and perseverance, students can achieve success in mastering the English language and become confident and competent speakers of the language.

小学英语五年级上册综合复习卷 篇三



  一、 听句子,选出你所听到的内容(听两遍)。(5分)

  ( )1. A. little B. clean C. bin D. litter

  ( )2. A.holiday B.hobby C.horseD. home

  ( )3. A. smoke B. snow C. slowD. still

  ( )4. A.fish B.fashion C. foolish D. foot

  ( )5. A. sunny B.cloudy C.rainy D. snouy

  二、听录音,根据所听短文判断正(T)误( F ),读两遍(5分)

  ( )1.Sam and Bobby went to the school.

  ( )2. Sam and Bobby walked in the park .

  ( )3. Sam and Bobby didn’t like walking.

  ( )4. Sam and Bobbydidn’t say sorry.

  ( )5. Sam and Bobby were very angry .


  ( ) 1.A. We should waste energy. B. We should save water.C. We should throw rubbish.

  ( ) 2. A. They go to the cinema . B. They are farmers. C. They don’t have any lessons today.

  ( ) 3. A. NO, he did. B. Yes, you did. C. Yes, he did.

  ( ) 4. A. I’m

fine . B. It was rainy . C. It is cloudy .

  ( ) 5. A. I can pick up the plastic bottles. B. I cleaned the house. C. I’m sweeping the floor.

  四、听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍) (5分)


  The city is _______and _______ because of the smoke and _______ To_______ the city clean ,we should do some things . We can _______the bus or _______ to school every day .

  There is not_______ coal _______ oil on Earth .We should _______ energy .We should use _______to make bags .



  ( )1. buses apples ( ) 2. meat weather( ) 3 dear wear. ( ) 4. shirt dirty( ) 5. cook food ( )6.milked played



  1.bring(过去式)________ 2.careful(副词)________3.foolish (反义词)________ 4.cloud (形容词)________5.were (原形)________ 6.Mike (名词所有格)________7.we (宾格)________ 8.many (近义词)________


  1.The boy is very________(聪明的)。

  2.Don’t ________(扔)the banana skin on the ground.21cnjy.com

  3.After a heavy rain,the a________ become clean.

  4.What did you do y________?

  三、选择题 (15分)

  ( ) 1.. Does the sign ________‘No ________’?——Yes, it does.

  A. say, writing B. says, write C. says, writing D. say, write

  ( ) 2. ‘No parking.’ means we________ park our cars here

  A. can B. shouldn’t C. must D. should

  ( ) 3.Let me________ some bananas________the trees

  A. draw; in B.draw ;on C. to draw ;on

  ( ) 4. He ________ a banana skin on the floor.

  A. give B. cuts C. throws D. litter

  ( ) 5. Mr Green usually________ his friends when he was young.

  A. writes to B. is writing to C. wrote to D. write to

  ( ) 6. Where were my shoes? ________

  A. It’s on the desk. B. They are under the desk.C. They were under the desk.

  ( )7. I called________ yesterday afternoon. But she________ in.

  A. she, isn’t B. her, wasn’t C. her, isn’t D. her, is

  ( )8.I’m going to watch a film________.

  A. yesterday B. last weekend C. tomorrow D. now

  ( ) 9. There is not________ coal________oil on the Earth.

  A. too many , or B. many too, and C. too much, orD. much too, and

  ( )10. Trees help________ the air clean.

  A. keep B. to keeping C. keeping D. kept

  ( )11.What does Red use to fly?

  A.his wings B.his big tail C.his magic

  ( )12.In the story Monkey King and Tangseng are going to_________.

  A.Beijing B.the US C.India

  ( )13.Kangkang and Meiei can go to________.

  A.Canada B.China C.America

  ( )14.People can use________in many ways.

  A.water B.Tree C.solar power

  ( )15.Who wins the bike race?

  A.Big Dave B.Red C.Terry


  —Look at your bedroom, Liu Tao. Is it ________?

  —No, it isn't.

  —What makes your ________ messy?

  —The________ make the bed messy. The________ make the floor messy.

  The banana ________ make the table dirty.

  —Would you please clean it this afternoon?

  —Ok, Mum

  五、 按要求完成下列句子。 (10分)

  1. This sign means “No smoking”。(对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ this sign mean?

  2. Sam takes the metro to his office every day. (改为同义句)

  Sam _______ to his office ________ metro everyday.

  3. I went to the libraly just now. (否定句)

  I _______ _______ to the libraly just now .

  4. They are going to make tangyuan.(对划线部分提问)

  are they going to ________?

  5. Smoke makes the air dirty. (对划线部分提问)

  _______ _______ the air dirty?


  1. It’s time ________(have ) lunch.

  2. There ________(be) one________(box) on the table just now.

  3.________(We)classroom is very messy.

  4. We’re going to ________(make) cakes next week.

  5. Miss Liu________(buy) some flowers lastMonday.

  6. We ________(should)throw rubbish anywhere.


  1. 他们正在把垃圾倒入河水中。

  They are __________ rubbish into the _________.


  ________ of the energy _________ ________ coal and oil.


  ________ he often _________ his homework after school ?

  4. 我们可以用纸做玩具。

  We can __________ paper ________ ________ toys.


  We use _______ to make beds, chairs and many _______ things.


  We can't live without water, but now the water was polluted(污染)。 It is the big problem(问题)。 So we must find a way to work this problem out. Water is an important resource(资源)。 In our daily life, we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we litter in the river, so the water was polluted by us. I think we should save water. Don’t let the last drop(滴) of water on the Earth becomes our last tear(眼泪)。

  ( ) 1.Water is important for our life.

  ( ) 2. We shouldn’t turn off the tap after cleaning hands.

  ( ) 3. Water pollution is not the small problem now.

  ( ) 4. We shouldn’t save waterevery day .

  ( ) 5. If we go on wasting water, there is no water at last.


  快放假了,最重要的节日就近了,你一定很开心,请以“My Chinese New Year”为题写几句话。快来介绍一下吧。不少于五句话哦,语句要通顺,书写要工整。












