
时间:2016-05-01 01:47:12
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谈判英语:谈判英语常用句子 篇一


1. Can we start the negotiation now?我们可以开始谈判了吗?

2. I would like to propose a counteroffer.我想提出一个还价。

3. We need to find a compromise that works for both parties.我们需要找到一个双方都能接受的妥协。

4. Let's discuss the terms of the agreement.让我们讨论协议的条款。

5. We need to finalize the details before we can move forward.我们需要在继续之前确定细节。

6. I believe we can reach a mutually beneficial agreement.我相信我们可以达成互利互惠的协议。

7. It's important to keep an open mind during negotiations.在谈判中保持开放的心态是很重要的。

8. Let's table that issue for now and come back to it later.让我们暂时搁置这个问题,稍后再回来讨论。

9. I think we're getting close to a deal.我觉得我们快要达成协议了。

10. Can we schedule another meeting to continue our discussions?我们可以安排另一次会议继续讨论吗?


谈判英语:谈判英语常用句子 篇二


1. May I ask for clarification on this point?我可以请您澄清一下这个问题吗?

2. Let's explore some alternative solutions to this problem.让我们探讨一些解决这个问题的替代方案。

3. I believe we can find a win-win solution for both parties.我相信我们可以找到一个双赢的解决方案。

4. It's important to establish trust and rapport during negotiations.在谈判过程中建立信任和融洽关系是非常重要的。

5. Let's focus on the big picture and not get bogged down in the details.让我们关注大局,不要陷入细节中。

6. I think we're making progress, but there are still some issues to resolve.我觉得我们正在取得进展,但还有一些问题需要解决。

7. Can we take a break and reconvene in an hour?我们可以休息一下,一个小时后再继续吗?

8. Let's review the terms of the agreement one more time.让我们再次回顾协议的条款。

9. We need to prioritize our goals and objectives for this negotiation.我们需要确定这次谈判的目标和目的。

10. I believe we can reach a mutually satisfactory outcome if we work together.我相信如果我们一起努力,我们可以达成一个双方都满意的结果。


谈判英语:谈判英语常用句子 篇三

  3、I know I can count on you.


  4、Tust me.


  5、We are here to s


