
时间:2017-03-07 05:15:50
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请求拜访同事英语句子 篇一

Subject: Request for a Visit

Dear [Colleague's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a visit to your office to discuss a project we are working on together. I believe that a face-to-face meeting would be beneficial in order to align our goals and strategies moving forward.

I am available to meet at your convenience next week. Please let me know your availability so we can schedule a time that works for both of us. I am looking forward to exchanging ideas and collaborating with you on this project.

Thank you for considering my request. I am confident that our meeting will be productive and help us achieve our project objectives.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

请求拜访同事英语句子 篇二

Subject: Request for a Visit

Dear [Colleague's Name],

I hope you are doing well. I am reaching out to request a visit to your office to discuss some important matters regarding our team's progress. It is crucial for us to have a face-to-face meeting in order to address any issues and ensure that we are on the same page moving forward.

I am available to meet with you at your convenience. Please let me know a time that works best for you so we can schedule our meeting. I believe that our discussion will help us improve our communication and collaboration within the team.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to meeting with you and working together to achieve our team's goals.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

请求拜访同事英语句子 篇三



  1.你这周末有空吗?Are you free this weekend?

  2.如果我顾便去拜访几分钟,没问题吧?Would it be a problem if I dropped by for a few minutes?

  3.如果明天我顺便拜访,你介意吗?Do you mind if I stop by tomorrow?

  4.如果我今天晚上去拜访你,会不会打扰你?Will I be disturbing you If I visit you tonight?

  5.我只想顺便去和你聊聊天。I just want to drop in for a chat.

  6.我这周末去看你,方便吗?Is it convenient if I visit you this weekend?

  7.我想下星期去拜访你。I'd like to call on you next week.

  8.我想后天去看你。I want to pay you a visit the day after tomorrow.

  9.我到你那里的时候,想去看看你。I want to pay you a call when I'm in your area.

  10.我在你们那个城市停留期间,想去看望你。During my stay in your city, I want to visit you.

  11.我什么时候过来拜访合适?When would be a good time for me to come over?

  12.我将在六点钟到。I'll be there by six.

  13.我可以带点东西去吗?Can I bring something?

  14.我可以带孩子们去吗?Can I bring my kids?


  Asking to Visit a Colleague 请求拜访同事

  Jack: Hey, Rose. What are you busy with right now?


  Rose: Hi, Jack. I'm working on these documents. The manager wants them in half an hour.


  Jack: Well, Rose...


  Rose: Is there something you need?


  Jack: Are you free this weekend?


  Rose: Yes, I have nothing to do.


  Jack: Great! Is it convenient if I visit you this weekend?


  Rose: I beg your pardon?


  Jack: I'd like to call on you this weekend. I just want to drop in for a chat.


  Rose: Really? Well, OK. You're welcome!


  Jack: Is 5:00 pm Saturday a good time for you?


  Rose: Hmm, how about 7:00? I can treat you to dinner.


  Jack: Sure. That would be great. I'II bring the wine.


  Rose: OK. Then I'll be expecting you.


  Jack: I'll be there on time.



