
时间:2017-08-05 02:29:12
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goforit九年级重点句子 篇一


1. "I have been studying English for five years."

这句话表示"我已经学习英语五年了",用来描述一个持续到现在的动作。比如,"I have been studying English for five years and I can speak it fluently now."

2. "She will go to America next month."

这句话表示"她下个月将去美国",用来表示将来的动作。比如,"She will go to America next month to visit her relatives."

3. "He didn't finish his homework yesterday."

这句话表示"他昨天没有完成作业",用来描述过去发生的动作。比如,"He didn't finish his homework yesterday because he was too tired."

4. "We have to wear uniforms to school every day."

这句话表示"我们每天都要穿校服去学校",用来表达一种必须做的事情。比如,"We have to wear uniforms to school every day because it is a school rule."

5. "They are playing basketball in the playground now."

这句话表示"他们现在正在操场上打篮球",用来描述正在进行的动作。比如,"They are playing basketball in the playground now, do you want to join them?"


goforit九年级重点句子 篇二


1. "I used to play the piano when I was young."

这句话表示"我小时候常常弹钢琴",用来描述过去的习惯。比如,"I used to play the piano when I was young, but now I prefer playing the guitar."

2. "She has already finished her homework."

这句话表示"她已经完成了作业",用来描述已经发生的动作。比如,"She has already finished her homework, so she can go out and play now."

3. "He will come to our party next weekend."

这句话表示"他下周末会来参加我们的聚会",用来表示将来的动作。比如,"He will come to our party next weekend and bring some snacks."

4. "They are going to visit the museum tomorrow."

这句话表示"他们明天要去参观博物馆",用来描述将要发生的动作。比如,"They are going to visit the museum tomorrow to learn more about history."

5. "We must finish our project by the end of this week."

这句话表示"我们必须在本周末之前完成我们的项目",用来表达一种必须做的事情。比如,"We must finish our project by the end of this week to hand it in on time."


goforit九年级重点句子 篇三

1. worry about one’s safety

2. 重点短语

3. 端午节

4. 让某人远离危险

5. 拥抱某人

6. be excited about doing sth = be excited to

7. c ry all night

8. d o social work for their community

9. 应该要求谁来回答这个问题呢?______ _____ ______ asked to answer the question?

10. —Do you think we may be allowed to

11. 对……认真

12. 关心,在意

13. Iwonder_____________________________________________.

14. layout

15. get / have my ears pieced

16. m ake sure

17. 举起

18. 应该允许青少年去购物。Teenagers ______ ____ ________ to go shopping.

19. H e needs to spend more time on his

20. —I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should

21. 打耳洞

22. 担心某人的安全

23. Thekidsspendlotsoftime_____(play)thecomputergames.

24. 在很多西方国家,青少年被允许在18岁时搬出去。

25. 由查尔斯·狄更斯所写的一部著名短篇

26. p ractice their hobbies as much as they

27. 对某人要求严格

28. ___________thedragonboatswere!

29. 整夜地哭

30. 青少年不应该被允许吸烟。

31. 做兼职工作

32. ---- The traffic is too heavy. We have to drive slowly.

33. have/hasbeendoingsth.

34. treateveryonewithkindneand

35. 不在家中,避开

36. a n English – English dictionary

37. Iamalways_____(聊天)withmyfriendonthephone.

38. 后悔做过某事

39. Theoldmanlivesinavillage___,andhefeels____.

40. sixteen-year-olds

41. —Teenagers should not be allowed to

42. have part-time jobs

43. 我想知道六月是否是浏览香港的好时

44. 从年青时候起

45. Ibelievethat_______________________________________.

46. —青少年不应该被允许做兼职工作。

47. t alk back

48. g ive sb. a hug

49. 支持他的每一场比赛

50. Iusedtobeafraidofflyinginanairplane.我过去常常害怕乘飞机飞行。

51. 回嘴、顶嘴

52. get one’s driver’s license

53. O nly then will I have a chance to achieve

54. 反对某事/某人

55. k eep sb. from danger = keep sb. away

56. _______________________inHongKong!

57. —你认为如果我们不用闪光灯了,我们

58. endup

59. 由于在外面待到十点多,我上学迟到了。

goforit九年级重点句子 篇四

1. k eep off

2. 重点句型

3. Sheusedto___(be)___(shy)thanhissister,_______?

4. 我后悔顶嘴,后悔没听妈妈的话。

5. 这个单词不能用在这个句子中。The word ____ _____ _____ ______ in this sentence.

6. 当我两岁跑着穿过田野时,她确保我安全并使我远离危险。

7. r egret doing sth

8. 当我摔倒并伤到自己时,她拥抱我并把我高高举起。

9. 没门。

10. 戴耳环

11. Iamvery_______(惧怕)ofthesnakes.

12. 拥我入睡的温暖的臂膀

13. 取得驾照

14. u se a fash

15. 你认为如果我们不使用闪光灯我们可能被允许拍照么?

16. I’mafraid______(be)alone.

17. Hemadea______(决心)tostudyEnglishwell.

18. SincemyfatherIalone,andhavemymother自从我父亲去世后,我一直担心独处,一直在努力是我妈妈更加关注我。

19. Iknowthat_____________________________________.

20. s tay by one’s side

21. Children should ________ to be honest from a young age.

22. 今天必须完成这项工作吗?______ the work ____ ________ today?

23. 我认为16岁大的孩子应该被允许驾驶。

24. 青少年应该被允许选择他们自己的衣服。

25. 一本英英词典

26. f rom a young age

27. c ontinue to do sth.

28. 参加考试

29. g et / be / stand in the way of

30. 父母应该给孩子们做他们自己决定的机会。

31. 你认为我们必须使青少年远离因特网吗?

32. 穿过田野

33. 我最大的问题是我太忙了。

34. 他们总是谈论如果我失败了,将会发生

35. 应付他们自己的生活

36. —我认为16岁的青少年不应该被允许

37. 我担心你的安全。

38. 他需要在他作业本上花费更多的时间。

39. 16岁的孩子们

40. theDragonBoatFestival

41. 结束,告终

42. 在许多西方国家,青少年到了18岁被

43. s upport every one of his races

44. r un through the field

45. throwwaterateachother

46. 学生不应该被允许有兼职。

47. 只有那样我才有机会实现我的梦想。

48. l ift up

49. 继续干某事

50. m ake a choice

51. e nd up

52. atimeforcleaningandwashingaway

53. t ake the test

54. cut my hair = get / have my hair cut

55. 增加(体重),发胖,穿上

56. 做选择

57. T hey always talk about what will happen

58. 我必须天天早起,整天呆在学校里。


