
时间:2017-06-01 01:18:40
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关于吉他的梦想英文句子 篇一

Playing the guitar has always been my dream since I was a little kid. The way the strings resonate, the sound they produce, and the emotions they evoke have always fascinated me. I remember watching my favorite musicians strumming their guitars on stage, and I knew that I wanted to be just like them.

I started learning how to play the guitar when I was in high school. It was a long and challenging journey, but I was determined to pursue my dream. I spent hours practicing every day, learning chords, scales, and different strumming techniques. I faced setbacks and frustrations along the way, but I never gave up.

As I improved my skills, I started performing at local events and open mic nights. The feeling of playing in front of an audience was exhilarating, and I knew that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I continued to hone my craft, taking lessons from experienced guitarists and studying different music genres to broaden my skills.

Today, I am living my dream of being a professional guitarist. I have performed at music festivals, recorded albums, and collaborated with other musicians. The guitar has not only become a passion for me, but also a way to express myself and connect with others. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had and the support I have received from my family and friends.

My journey with the guitar has taught me perseverance, dedication, and the importance of following my dreams. I believe that as long as I continue to work hard and stay true to myself, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Playing the guitar will always be a part of who I am, and I am excited to see where this musical journey will take me next.

关于吉他的梦想英文句子 篇二

Ever since I picked up a guitar for the first time, I knew that it was my calling. The way the strings vibrated under my fingers, the melodies that flowed from the instrument, and the emotions that stirred within me as I played all confirmed that this was what I was meant to do.

Growing up, I faced many challenges and obstacles on my journey to becoming a proficient guitarist. I struggled with finger placement, timing, and coordination, but I never let these difficulties deter me from pursuing my dream. I practiced relentlessly, seeking guidance from experienced musicians and immersing myself in the world of music.

As I honed my skills and gained confidence, I started performing at local venues and events. The thrill of sharing my music with others and connecting with the audience through my guitar playing was indescribable. I knew that I had found my passion and my purpose in life.

Over the years, I have continued to push myself to new heights, exploring different styles of music, experimenting with new techniques, and collaborating with talented musicians. The guitar has become not just an instrument, but an extension of myself, a means of expressing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Today, I am living my dream of being a professional guitarist. I have traveled the world, performed on grand stages, and shared my music with audiences of all sizes. The guitar has opened doors for me, allowing me to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures through the universal language of music.

My journey with the guitar has taught me the value of perseverance, passion, and self-expression. It has shown me that dreams do come true if you are willing to work hard, stay committed, and never lose sight of your goals. Playing the guitar has brought me joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose that I could have never imagined.

As I continue on this musical journey, I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given, the lessons I have learned, and the people who have supported me along the way. The guitar will always be my first love, my constant companion, and my ultimate dream. I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead and the music that is yet to be created.

关于吉他的梦想英文句子 篇三

关于吉他的梦想英文句子 精选30句

1. you cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. once time is wasted, life is wasted.

2. 想中的吗?本文是有关让梦想飞作文,欢迎借鉴!让梦想飞人们说,梦想是开关,点燃一盏盏指路的明灯;梦想是灯, 照亮扬帆起航之路;梦想是路,将通向属于我们的未来。梦想 更是前进的动力,有了梦想,生活将会更加精彩,努力朝梦 想前进,未来的蓝天将任由你翱翔。跟着音乐走我应该跟音乐有缘吧。从小我就对音乐有一种莫名的喜 爱,一首首不同曲调的歌曲,从我的宝贝随身听里缓缓流出。我觉得音乐是我的知己,它可以替我分担忧虑,将烦恼抛到 九霄云外去。其实我很羡慕那些歌星呢,他们有自己的舞台,有自己 的音乐,还有属于自己唱歌时独特的心情。如果能走在静默 无人的小路上,感受风带给我的凉爽,满天只有歌声在飞扬, 那该有多浪

3. med of doing something big and splashy, something significant. Now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality- However, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions* Well, just start with concrete objectives and stic

4. 漫啊。在千万人的气场下,唱出属于自己的舞台,一直是我最 美好的梦想。舞蹈我的梦我的一生和舞蹈也形影不离。三岁半就学习舞蹈,让我 对舞蹈有着无限的向往。我喜欢看电视中那些舞者随着节奏 跳岀霸气的舞,我也经常一个人在电视机前模仿。可能我天生下来就是一个性格有点叛逆的女孩,喜欢那 些嘻哈风格,带点HipHop的音乐和舞蹈,DJ和Rap当然是 必不可少的。街舞和爵士我也尤其喜爱。想跳就跳,我会继续我的舞蹈之梦,相信吧,跨越了彩虹就是天堂。想学吉他吉他也是我的一大爱好,帅气的弹奏姿势令我动容。轻 捷柔软的手指微微拨动琴弦,显得很有魅力。相对于抒情曲来说,我更喜欢摇滚。但在人们的记忆中, 摇滚都是男孩的挚

5. the world is like a mirror: frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too.

6. 的啊事!因此,我想 成为一个外交官,成为一个对国家有贡献的人。每当我看到浪费时间的人时,我会为他们感到惋惜;每当 我看到灰心丧气的人时,会为他们感到悲哀。因为他们没有 看到自己的价值,没有属于自己的梦想。这样的人生,是没 有意义的人生。而我,至少有一个梦想,一个目标。有了这 个梦想,我就会一直努力下去,永不放弃。现在,我就要用自己的实际行动来证明,来实现自己的 梦想。第一步:学习好语文和数学,打好基础。并好好完成老师布置的任务。第二步:学习好英语,要好好背单词,多 听听磁带。第三步:在家补习英语,好好做卷子,好好考试, 并且还要适当的把学过的单词复习一遍。不要忘记,并要一 直坚持我有梦,中国也

7. 恒、百折不挠、勇往直前的去奋斗,才能把梦想的距离缩短, 小编收集了辉煌与梦想主题征文,欢迎阅读。第一篇:辉煌与梦想我有一个梦想,深深扎根于我的心中,那就是长大后, 我要成为一个外交官。尽管我没有过人的才智,但是我仍不 会放弃努力。尽管这个梦想距我很遥远,但我仍不会停止追 求。尽管在实现梦想的过程中,会有很多挫折和无数的磨难, 但我仍不会灰心丧气。“墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开。”是我最欣赏的诗句,我把 它记在心中,为我对梦想的奋斗增添信心。当我幻想着:有 一天,我当上了一名外交官,带好东西,走上了飞机,前往 驻外使馆。在那,我用一口流利的语言,悠然自得地与外交 官员交谈,谈判,这是多么伟大而又自豪

8. f saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.However, we meed dreams. They nourish our spirit; they rep resent po ssibility even when we are dragged down by reality well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great. When we were little kids, we all drea

9. when all else is lost the future still remains.

10. do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.

11. the dream was always running ahead of me. to catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.

12. those who turn back never reach the summit.

13. the dream is the other shore, the reality is that on this side, action is the bridge connecting.

14. 而我自己也有时会觉得在告别很多童年 的梦。然而,我们是需要梦想的。梦想滋养我们的灵魂,梦想 代表着我们被现实拉垮时依然具有的希望。它鼓励我们不断 断前进。大多数成功人士都是梦想家,同时也是普通人,只 是他们敢于梦想敢于成就伟大。当我们还是孩子的时候,我 们都梦想过做一番大事业,现在应当做的就是保存好那些梦 想,再度恢复它们,并将它们实现。不过最难的是我们通常 不知道怎样付诸实施。那么,就从最具体的目标开始,坚持 去做吧。不要让那些莫名的恐惧迷惑了我们的双眼,影响了 我们对未来的信念。用我们的天资和智慧,用我们的耐力和 创造力,我们一定会实现梦想。抓牢你的梦想,因为如果梦想死亡,生活就成了一只折

15. 投越远。他们手中的铅球仿佛变成了一个个充满希望的许愿球,不断追逐着自 己的梦想。运动会展示学生青春风采,考验体能与心理的具 体实践。它锻炼的是体力,激活的是生命,弘扬的是个性和 青春活力,收获的是笑脸和精神风貌。所有选手在本届运动会上赛岀了成绩,赛出了风格,发 扬了友谊第一,比赛第二的精神,在比赛中寻觅了更多的光 彩和梦想,在比赛中创造了更多的美好和辉煌。第三篇:辉煌与梦想梦想是人生梦寐以求追求的愿望,是意识形态中的一个 念头,梦想的实现需要付诸于行动的实施,只有经过持之以 恒、百折不挠、勇往直前的去奋斗,才能把梦想的距离缩短, 多数人往往因为半途而废放弃了梦想的追求,追求到梦想的 人他的人生

16. dont part with your illusions. when they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.

17. 运动员们在赛道上奔跑着竞技着。运动会是难得的全校老师与同学们聚集在一起,为心中如英雄般的运动员加油鼓 劲。随着宣布运动会正式开始,各班队伍依次入场。此时进 行曲骤然响起,一个又一个班级排着整齐的队形,大踏步向 主席台走来。他们个个衣着鲜艳,而带笑容,昂首阔步,展 示岀青年特有的朝气与活力。当大会宣布运动比赛正式开 始,整个赛场顿时沸腾起来,加油助威声此起彼伏,络绎不 绝。你看那径赛场上的运动员,一个个如矫兔般飞离起点, 像利箭般冲向终点,引得在场的观众兴奋不已。不论选于是 否获得第一,他们都会得到观众的赞美和鼓励。因为在观众 的心中,这些运动员都发挥出了不屈不挠,顽强拚搏的体育 精神,他们是运

18. 有梦。我的梦想,用自己的智慧站在时 代的顶峰,中国的梦,用自己的勤劳,自立于世界之上!为了 这个梦想,他发奋,他图强,他忍受无法言语的苦难,只为 自己可以挺起胸膛!地震来了,不怕,他有的是铁一般的脊骨, 洪水来了,不怕,他有的是山一般的胸膛!奥运会来了,不怕, 他有的是腾飞的翅膀!有梦的人,才是真正的人,有梦的国, 才是真正的国!第二篇:辉煌与梦想在这阳光和活力兼备的春天里,伴着一阵阵春风一场场 春雨,我们迎来了新一年的运动会。我们学校的运动会都是 在春天举行的,因为春天暧和又不至于太冷。小动物们在大自然中不慌不忙的运动着,农民伯伯们正 在绿色的田野间辛苦的劳作着。而我们正在运动场上呐喊 着,

19. ms, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams.Whatever it is,pick it up and make it alive from today.抓牢你的梦想我今天有一个梦想。我梦想有一天,幽谷上升,高山下降,崎岖之地变平原, 曲折之路成坦途。圣光展露,满照人间。这对马丁路德金是怎样的一个梦想啊。不过这个变化着 的世界似乎在告诉我,在成长的过程中,人们却不知不觉把 他们的梦想弄丢了,

20. 飞_3梦想虽然有虚有实,看不见、摸不着,却能在心中产

生 一股巨大的力量,成为我们生活的动力。上帝虽然没有赐予 我们翅膀,却赐予了我们会飞的心和能够梦想的大脑,使我 们有了 一双邛急形翅膀”。人人都有梦想,有人想当航天员、有人想当科学家,还 有人想当。可是梦想到底是什么呢?其实,它就是根植于我们脑海中自己想要实现的东西。只有经过辛勤的劳动与付 出,脚踏实地,人人都能拥有梦想,实现梦想。而我的梦想, 就象一颗要发芽的种子早已深深扎根在了我的心中,我想当 一位白衣天使。在人生的各个阶段,人们会有不同的想法,会有不同的 梦想。为什么我会梦想成为一名白衣天使呢?因为我自己在医 院亲身见到过太多太多的病人

21. 因为各种疾病而痛苦缠身,满 而愁容。是谁让他们摆脱病魔,重新追回那灿烂的笑容,是 口衣天使。从那时起我就下定决定,我要成为一名白衣天使, 一名优秀的白衣天使。追求梦想的信念,会成为我今后的动 力。也许人生的道路上并不平坦,在我追求梦想的历程中会 遇到坎坎坷坷,为实现我的梦想我会付出汗水、泪水,甚至 更多。但我不会改变,更不会放弃我的梦想!也许十年后,十 几年后,我的梦想会实现,我会成为一名优秀的白衣天使。我凭着自己精湛的医术,先进的医疗条件,为许许多多的病 人解除各种病痛,让他们重返工作岗位,贡献社会。看着他 们脸上的笑容,一句句感激的话语,让我感到的是无比的自 豪。梦想承载希望,太多太多的人

22. 动场上的英雄,是北安学校的“刘翔”。女子800米和男子1500米是考验选手体力和毅力的项 目。它虽然不如短跑那样让人兴奋,令人激动,但是绝对比 短跑更加让人感动。在比赛中,选手要而临的不仅是身体上 的考验,更是心理上的考验。参加这个项目的运动员真正体 现了努力拚搏,永不服输的运动精神,它给我们的感受远比 成绩要丰富的多。再看那田赛场上的运动员,也个个摩拳擦 掌,毫不示弱。跳高跳远的运动员为了得到更好的成绩,拼 尽全力,即使失败也毫不放弃。他们而对冃标跨出坚定的步伐,跳了一次又一次。这种不断超越自我的精神是个人的巨 大财富,更是将来能够走得更高更远的稳固基石。参加铅球 比赛的选手互相竞争,成绩越

23. for something,we cant understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young.

24. ight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it togethe 匚Wow, what a dream it has been for Martin Luther King. But the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes I personally find mysel

25. 爱,与应该矜持的女孩搭不上边。有一首 歌我很喜欢女孩学摇滚。我想大声呐喊: “跟着节奏摇滚只唱反调,摇滚女孩永远不败青春之巅!摇滚 之梦,我来了!放飞梦想,让梦想变为可能对于我的梦想,我有一个初步计划做个 全能艺人。我应当要具备优越的唱歌实力,强悍的舞蹈功底 和独特的吉他风格,以及最重要的优良的道 德品质。台上一分钟,台下十年功”,我愿意在练习时尽情挥洒汗水,愿意在背后付出比别人更多的努力,愿意在实现梦想的道路上踏岀坚定地步伐。只要有勇气去追梦,就不会再后 悔,因为至少我曾经努力过。让梦想飞,放飞我的梦想,放飞那颗为梦想坚持的心, 让梦想变为可能!让梦想飞_2一个没有月亮的暗夜,我走在灯影下,

26. a person rich money is not certain, but if the man is not a dream, the poor people.

27. 会变的多彩辉煌而高尚。说到梦想想到了一条名言警句:无志者常立志。能说出来梦想的人很多,能做到实现自己梦想的人却是很少。因为 实现梦想绝非易事,很少有人能把梦想付诸于行动,就像站 在大海边沙滩上的一个儿童,看着一条条大船驶向了大海, 梦想自己制造一条大船去探寻大海的边在哪里?不一会儿大 海涨潮了儿童退岀了沙滩,回头看了看礁石上溅起的浪花走 了,最后梦想还是梦想,只不过是说说而已。笔者认为实现 梦想需要落实一个个小目标,就像集腋成裘积沙成塔那样去 积累,梦想的实现是一个漫长艰苦考验人的过程,急功近利 投机取巧的方法是实现不了梦想的。志恒者能定下一辈子的 梦想冃标;志趣者能定下一段时间的梦想目标;志短者能定下 一年时间的梦想目标;无志者只能定下一分钟的梦想目标。想 当年孔夫子弟子三千,贤徒七十二,最杰的也不过十人而已, 后称四科十哲。俗话说的好:有勤心而无远道。

28. k to it. Don,t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future,Through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.Hold fast to dreams, for 讦 dreams die, life is abroken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to drea

29. 。我就这样呆坐在窗 前许久、许久不知过了多久,曙光照开了我惺松的睡眼。我深深地呼 吸了一下窗外新鲜的空气,走到镜前,舒展双臂,长长地伸 个懒腰。仍旧平凡无比的我,忽然间,展开一个奇异的笑容, 镜中的我似乎陡然亮丽了起来,像一只振翅欲飞的蝴蝶,充 满了生长的激情与活力。我的眼前忽然浮现岀流星璀璨光芒 照亮夜空的那一瞬间一切尽在不言中,我张开乎掌,把金色的阳光小心翼翼 地捧着,两手弯曲,折合成心形,对着镜子、对着自己!让梦飞翔我生活在自我小天地间,忧伤、自卑是我的衣裳,有一天,曙光照射在我的身上,击碎了我的忧伤,于是我张开了翅膀,冲岀自我的牢房任由丝丝阳光编织新的梦想我展翅飞翔,与梦想同行!让梦想

30. 忽然闻到一股陌 生、悲寂的气息。郁闷随之而来。好想长大,走过这无聊、 乏味的豆蔻年华。我以窗为镜,一个平凡的身影出现眼前, 痘满而,身材走样,哎,活脱脱一个丑小鸭!蓦然似乎听到一个来自遥远地方的声音在呼唤,我贸贸 然回首。被眼前美轮美奂的景象惊呆了,流星,呀,流星!我想许个美丽的愿望,可是许愿的时间已经在诧异中悄然逝 去,流星划破无边的夜空,消失在天的尽头。我不觉落泪了, 怕是这自怨自艾的脆弱的心灵碎了,碎成了这滴落的泪珠 吧。我惋惜这易逝的、短暂的美丽,是否我的生命也应该如 此璀璨一回?这样的灿烂,我曾经有过吗?我被自己囚禁在自卑的牢笼里了,找不到走出来的方向。心痛得麻木,茫然,痛得不知所措


