
时间:2018-09-04 02:10:50
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thrive句子 篇一






thrive句子 篇二






thrive句子 篇三

thrive句子 精选117句

1. (尤指在别人觉得困难的时候)以…为乐,可以出色应对

2. Can reeds thrive without water?

3. Babies thrive on their mother's milk.

4. The only business that seems to thrive is drug trafficking.

5. Lions, a significant threat to young leopards, thrive in this part of the Moremi Game Reserve.

6. The Kindle store will continue to thrive.

7. History has proved again and again that new trends would always survive and thrive no matter how circuitous the process is.

8. I also thrive in a fast-changing environment where there's business growth.

9. grow vigorously

10. Levisporus can be well thrive attemperature between 45 and 50℃, cellulases from it have reported to keephigher activity and thermostibility The second part of the study mainlydiscussed the purification and characterization of endocllulase. and β-glucosidase from Thermoascus aurantiacus var. levisporus.

11. A business can not thrive without good mananger?

12. The pumpkin is the only esculent of the orange family that will thrive in the North.

13. The beautiful Xiya Valley is located at the foot of Wang Mangling, Lingchuan County, Shanxi Province. There are many peaks and vast mountains. People in the valleys for generations multiply and thrive in the mountains which are almost isolated from the rest of the world.

14. Flower of coquettish bright red Jin is so beautiful, but it not enervated, having tough vitality, in appropriate soil, sunshine, moisture and fertilizer assist next thrive.

15. BaBies thrive on their mother's milk.

16. Rice thrives in this hot weather.

17. We as a family thrive on open and unashamed communication one with another.作为一家人,我们喜欢进行开明坦诚的交流。

18. It WAS born amid a blaze of hype at the height of the dotcom boom, but initially failed to thrive.

19. In nature, it feeds on the bacteria that thrive in rotting plants and animals.自然界里,它靠食用腐烂动植物身上的细菌为生。

20. Parry showcases fascinating creatures and plant life that thrive in the heat.Parry展示了繁荣生长在这一炎热地带的迷人动植物。

21. 我的今生犹如线几番缠缠绵绵织成棉我问思念应从哪边裁一轮明月升起来。

22. The real estate business is thriving.

23. Grass is not watered and fertilized by anyone. As long as there is land, there is a beam of sunlight that can thrive.

24. The southern willows thrive in freezing cold of the north.

25. Among C4 plants, however, special leaf anatomy and a unique biochemical pathway enable the plant to thrive in arid conditions.

26. Plankton generally thrive in areas of the ocean with sufficient concentrations of certain nitrogen compounds near the surface, where plankton live.

27. In this seminal article, the authors investigate how it is that some firms make technological changes and thrive, and others do not and perish.

28. The societ

y has adapted a vineyard seed drill to plant the seeds, which thrive at a depth of about 4 cm.

29. Pentecostalism continues to thrive in the land of its birth.五旬节信仰在其诞生地也继续茁壮成长。

30. I quite like potted, as long as the attentive caress can thrive, and never leave you.

31. The only business that seems to thrive is drug trafficking.唯一似乎兴盛起来了的生意是xxx。

32. Help your manager thrive by researching, knowing, and respecting her boss's needs.帮助你的经理发达,研究、了解和重视她老板的需求。

33. We believe that human beings thrive best when we are at one with nature.

34. any of various grasses that thrive in the presence of abundant moisture.能在非常湿润的地区茁壮成长的多种草的任何一种。

35. But the followers of Hitler|abound and thrive.

36. Some magazines may thrive by focusing on the magazine as a physical object.一些杂志可能会继续保持物理形态。

37. Besides digging our own graves, mankind would not allow other life forms to thrive also.

38. Reasonable arguments that the iPad would kill the e-reader seem laughable now, as both thrive and many people own one of each.

39. As the ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius put it, a nation can xxx thrive in calamity but perish in ease and pleasure xxx.

40. thrive在线翻译

41. Wildflowers thrive amid twisted tree limbs along California's Big Sur Coast.在加利福尼亚的大苏尔海岸上,野花在弯曲的树枝中茁壮生长。

42. A business can not thrive without good management.

43. Some types of pines will thrive even in the sandhill areas.有些松树甚至在沙丘地区也长得很茂盛。

44. Some dancers may seem reluctant to participate in your project, because they do thrive on the immediacy of performing live.

45. Reappraisal of value proposition, value creation and value capture that make up the essence of business models can open up new opportunities for business to thrive.

46. She emphasizes that copyright violators have continued to thrive simply because enforcement is still relatively lax and the penalties are not strict enough.

47. Put simply, our minds are desperate to comprehend larger patterns – an evolutionary proclivity that has helped us survive and thrive.

48. Google Earth users can click icons on sea maps to see video of creatures that thrive in those locations.

49. Psychrotrophic bacteria thrive in very cold temperatures.嗜冷细菌在极冷的温度下繁殖。

50. One of the earliest dissertations on the subject of tourism is Boorstins analysis of the'pseudo event'(1964) where he argues that contemporary Americans cannot experience'reality'directly but thrive on'pseudo-events'.

51. Maybe he didn't have the idea of writing knight-errant at that time, but this large amount of reading, but buried a seed, once the time is ripe, the seed will take root and germinate, and thrive.

52. Help your manager thrive by researching, knowing, and respecting her boss's needs.

53. Psychrotrophic bacteria thrive in very cold temperatures.

54. People need meaning to thrive.

55. We can't just stay in a narrow house. We all need to push our family out. We all need to spread love and kindness to others, and we need others to broadcast love and kindness for us. And the real move is to thrive under their roots.

56. This was an important innovation, because the camel's abilities to thrive in harsh desert conditions and to carry large loads cheaply made it an effective and efficient means of transportation.

57. Coralreefs thrive in the clear, shallow coastal waters of tropical seas.珊瑚礁在热带海洋清澈的浅水海岸水域生长旺盛。

58. He thrived on the adulation of his henchmen.

59. xxx Commercialization is necessary if this place is to thrive, xxx Zhong says.

60. UNICEF works in more than 150 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive from early childhood to adolescence.

61. thrive profusely or flourish extensively.很多的繁荣或广泛的繁荣。

62. Let its fruit flourish like Lebanon; let it thrive like the grass of the field.

63. thrive

64. Organizations cannot thrive without being focused on their desired end results any more than an inpidual can thrive without goals to provide a sense of purpose.

65. A business will not thrive without good management没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。

66. Each autumn狝choose only one of the more than ten Wai hunting, the remaining number of Wai is a chance to recuperate, so that wild animals and plants thrive and recovery; third, but hunting is not indiscriminate hunting.

67. thrive的翻译

68. REVOLUTIONS in technology bring benefits to millions, but the companies that make them happen do not always thrive.

69. Li said she is worried the expensive trees won't thrive in Foshan's soil and climate.

70. Children thrive on fresh air and good food.儿童的健康成长需要有新鲜的空气和富有营养的食物。

71. Different types of foraminifera thrive at different temperatures.不同种类的有孔虫在不同温度下繁殖。

72. A man can never thrive who had a wasteful wife

73. Thrive on working in a challenging work place.勇于挑战有难度的工作。

74. The seals here thrive on a diet of fish and squid.

75. Education thrives; industries thrive.

76. They thrive on potatoes.

77. However, some birds thrive in noisy environments.然而,有些鸟会在嘈杂的环境中茁壮成长。

78. Blum Feder did not understand how a man like a maid would thrive and thrive in the world.

79. I think, most importantly, for the fellows'friendship tree to survive and thrive, it needs tender regards and a warm sunshine and a right temperature. This friendship does not happen by chance, but it develops by mutual helps over a long time.

80. thrive的解释

81. 繁荣;兴旺:Algae: 海藻 | Thrive: 繁荣;兴旺 | Bio-kerosene: 生物煤油

82. Industries thrive where coal abounds.

83. That human minds thrive on aesthetics is a curse when trying to comprehend new surroundings.

84. Let grain abound throughout the land; on the tops of the hills may it sway. Let its fruit flourish like Lebanon; let it thrive like the grass of the field.

85. thrive profusely or flourish extensively.

86. The beautiful Xiya Valley is located at the foot of Wang Mangling in Shanxi Province. There are many peaks in the valley. The valleys of generations multiply and thrive in the mountains which are almost isolated from the rest of the world.

87. The cities that cleverly emphasize efficient public transport and are friendly to bikes will be the cities that thrive in the future.

88. Three species of tilapia thrive there part-time.在某些时间段,有三种罗非鱼在那里生长。

89. I think, most importantly, for the fellows'friendship tree to survive and thrive, it needs tender regards and warm sunshine and a right temperature. This friendship does not come across by chance, but it develops by mutual helps over a long time.

90. Printing could only thrive in a culture with a less sophisticated writing system-an alphabet.印刷术只能在一种不那么复杂的书写文化中繁荣——如在一张字母表中。

91. Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense. But good men starve for want of impudence.大胆的骗子不学无术却养得肥头胖耳,好人因不会厚颜无耻却饥肠辘。

92. make steady progress

93. MARRIAGES that thrive on money may wither with thrift.

94. The colors of Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone come from thermophiles: microbes that thrive in scalding water.

95. Many plants may thrive in extra light but light also destroys auxin.许多植物可以茁壮成长,但额外光灯也摧毁了生长素。

96. Life is still alive, does not possess a certain wealth, is a pile of stinking dog feces, friends, loved ones will be at arm's length, and scoff; people heap of both rich gas increasingly rich, money worship and become enveloped in the people's soul get rid of the devil Phantom of the Opera; thief, prostitutes, beggars, bandits, as well as on the lips touch the lower lip vernacular vernacular mouth to eat something for nothing official of the Yuan Emperor Kublai Khan of rice and other so-called national civil servants, although their interpretation of the role of different life, but it is difficult to break away from the survival of malignant The hidden rules of the ugly cycle of subtle social chain; Where there are reasonable pronouncements, there are indeed fertile ground for it to thrive.

97. I thrive on it, in moderation, of course.

98. This would allow them to thrive in hotter, drier conditions.这样它们就能在更炎热、更干旱的条件下存活。

99. Many xxxvirtualxxx relationships thrive once potential partners meet face-to-face because they already know each other so well through their online encounters, said Jeffrey Gavin, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bath.

100. 欣欣向荣;茁壮成长;兴旺发达

101. May our country prosper and thrive forever!

102. It can even induce miscarriage in women, and failure to thrive in infants and children.它甚至还会诱发妇女流产,婴儿和儿童的成长停滞。

103. Working-class parents, meanwhile, believe their children will naturally thrive, and give them far greater independence and time for free play.


105. One bacterial strain continued to thrive.

106. We are free to admit the students we think will thrive at Reed and contribute to its intellectual atmosphere, rather than those we think will elevate our standing on U.S. News's list.

107. In the next couple of years, the businesses that thrive will be those that are tight with costs, careful of debt, cautious with cash flow and extremely attentive to what customers want.

108. Plants, insects and animals continue to survive and thrive even after a specific species disappears.

109. Many of us thrive on competition, but it can seep into areas of our lives where we do not want it.我们许多人靠竞争而发展,但竞争也会逐渐侵入到我们生活中不需要它的一些方面。

110. To see the trees and other green sprouts of new grass vomit green shoots emerge only know that the spring do not come, winter is brewing in the earth is covered in the rest, to wait until spring when they awake thrive.

111. Some thrive on the buzz of communal living.

112. So a little positive affirmation might help more women thrive in science-and stay in the field.因此,一点点积极的肯定也许可以让女性在科学领域里茁壮成长、发光发热。

113. They can thrive in soil with high concentrations of metals that are toxic to most other plants.它们能在含有对大多数其他植物有毒的高浓度金属的土壤中茁壮成长。

114. The pumpkin is the only esculent of the orange family that will thrive in the North.南瓜是柑橘科中唯一能在北方种植的蔬菜。

115. Among C4 plants, however, special leaf anatomy and a unique biochemical pathway enable the plant to thrive in and conditions.

116. It's a place where people can thrive and be connected with each other.我们这里只是一个让人们可以成长、相互联系的场所。

117. That said, the Nordic countries seem to thrive without much personal wealth.那就是说,北欧国家的经济尽管看起来非常繁荣,但是个人财产并不多。


