
时间:2012-08-09 06:37:43
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对朋友好印象的英语句子 篇一

Having a good impression of a friend is essential in maintaining a healthy and lasting relationship. Here are some English sentences that can help convey your positive feelings towards a friend:

1. "I appreciate your kindness and support. You're always there for me when I need you."

2. "Your sense of humor never fails to brighten my day. I love how you can make me laugh even in the toughest of times."

3. "You have such a generous heart. Your willingness to help others without expecting anything in return is truly admirable."

4. "I admire your honesty and integrity. I know I can always trust you to tell me the truth, even if it's not what I want to hear."

5. "Your loyalty means the world to me. I'm grateful to have a friend like you who stands by my side through thick and thin."

6. "You have a unique perspective on life that I find inspiring. Your creativity and passion for pursuing your dreams motivate me to do the same."

7. "Your positive attitude is contagious. Being around you makes me feel more optimistic and hopeful about the future."

8. "I value our deep conversations and the way you always listen attentively to what I have to say. Your empathy and understanding make you a great friend."

9. "You have a way of making everyone feel included and valued. Your inclusivity and acceptance of others are what make you such a beloved friend."

10. "I admire your strength and resilience in facing challenges. Your determination to overcome obstacles is truly inspiring to me."

Expressing these sentiments to a friend can strengthen your bond and show them how much you appreciate their presence in your life. Remember to let your friends know how much they mean to you and how grateful you are to have them by your side.

对朋友好印象的英语句子 篇二

Friendship is a precious gift that should be cherished and nurtured. Here are some English sentences to help express your admiration for a friend and show them how much they mean to you:

1. "Your kindness and compassion make you a true friend. I'm grateful for your caring nature and the way you always look out for others."

2. "Your positivity is infectious. I appreciate how you can find the silver lining in any situation and help me see the bright side of things."

3. "I admire your determination and perseverance. Your ability to stay focused and work hard towards your goals inspires me to do the same."

4. "You have a heart of gold. Your generosity and willingness to help those in need make you a shining example of what it means to be a good friend."

5. "Your sense of humor is one of the things I love most about you. I cherish our laughter-filled moments and the joy you bring into my life."

6. "I value our deep conversations and the way you always listen without judgment. Your empathy and understanding make you a trusted confidante."

7. "Your loyalty is unwavering. I know I can always count on you to have my back and support me no matter what challenges come our way."

8. "Your intelligence and wisdom never cease to impress me. I appreciate your insights and the way you help me see things from a different perspective."

9. "You have a way of making everyone feel special. Your inclusivity and warmth create a sense of belonging that is truly priceless."

10. "I'm grateful for your friendship and the positive impact you've had on my life. Thank you for being the amazing person that you are."

Letting your friend know how much you value and admire them can strengthen your bond and deepen your connection. Take the time to express your appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful friend that they are.

对朋友好印象的英语句子 篇三

1. her may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. 兄弟未必是朋友,而朋友总是兄弟。 我喜欢草长莺飞的春天;绿树成荫的夏天;硕果累累的秋天,但是我更喜欢银装素裹的冬天。 冬姑娘踏着轻盈的脚步来到了屋顶,屋顶变白了;冬姑娘来到了大树,大树变白了;冬姑娘来到了大地,大地变白了。一切都是白雪皑皑,美不胜收。 下雪了,雪花从天空中纷纷扬扬地飘落下来,远远望去,就像一只只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。我和同伴约好一起去公园打雪仗、堆雪人。 我拿起一团雪,搓成雪球,向他扔过去,毫无防备的马妍被我弄得狼狈不堪该他出击了,他用一个大雪球想我扔来,我

2. 朋友相处抱道而行,彼此留有适当的空间很重要。

3. True friend, she will hurt you a hundred times a day, but never allow others to hurt you once.

4. Between friends all is common.

5. Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.

6. The best mirror is an old friend.  最好的镜子是老。

7. 你跟我说,习惯了和我一起,没有我,你还是喜欢一个人。

8. 有事找我,没事找事找我我说自己性格内向,别人都说我性格抽象如果我中了五百万,我觉得还是捐进自己的账户吧。

9. 最好的友情是各自忙碌,又互相牵挂。

10. 人生有一点点甜,也有一点点苦,有一点点好,也有一点点坏,有一点点希望,也有一点点无奈,生活才会更生动、更美好、更韵味悠长。

11. 生命和爱是人类最高的意义。

12. 肯定是不合适的。取而代之,使用以下的短语就能让每个人都觉得愉快了Could you give me five minutes? Excuse me. vs Move. 让别人Move out of the way听起来特别的粗鲁而且这样说很可能会得到别人拒绝。下一次有人挡了你的路,你可以说Excuse me这样就能避免不愉快的情况出现而得到你期待的结果! Im afraid I cant. vs No. 有时侯要拒绝一个朋友的邀请非常的困难。只说No听起来很不礼貌。下一次你要表示拒绝却不冒犯别人的话就可以说, Im afraid I cant. I would like。 vs I want。

13. 暗恋一个人的心情,就像是瓶中等待发芽的种子,永远不能确定未来是否是美丽的,但却真心而倔强的等待着。

14. 睡前一定要去吃夜宵,这样才不会做饿梦。

15. 无论多么痛,多么不堪,等你活得更好的时候,你会发现,是他们让你此刻的幸福更有厚度,更弥足珍贵。

16. As we grow up, there are fewer and fewer friends left behind, and those left behind must be very important.

17. 此话仅供转发,不能作为删除和保存短信使用,请合理使用,并祝愿收到短信的朋友小年快乐。

18. 岁月如海,友谊如歌。

19. Set great store by friendship.

20. 于是,在一个深夜里,四只小兔子藏在了前往兔兔林的必经之路上,等待着猎人的出现。

21. A good friend is a true companion. I can't do much, but when you need it, I'm there.

22. 我默默的心里暗自鼓劲,想去玩这个游乐项目,于是,排到我的时候,我也尖叫一声下去了,耳边的北风更加猛烈了,一股俯冲的气流很猛,心紧的收缩了一下,然后,就是畅快,一眨眼,到达底部了,我客服了恐惧,成功了。

23. 如果友谊一旦**了,连爱情也不能够再使它恢复。

24. Life is always about love, friendship flashes through my eyes and your expectations.

25. Some people are full of spite and malice because they have never been treated tenderly.

26. The best mirror is an old friend.最好的镜子是老朋友。

27. Friendship is the mysterious combination of the soul, the beautifier of life and the consolidator of society.

28. Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.

29. 谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。

30. 如约而至的是信守,不期而至的是缘分。

31. Friendship is the most precious wealth of human beings, wherever you go and where you are.

32. 是忍不住时刻想拨的号码。

33. 好朋友,真的很好。有您在我身边,我很知足。

34. 不论你是春风得意之时,还是风雨交加之际,友情永远是个避风的港湾。

35. making a good first impression ours before your appearance at some oasion. Be clear on your objectives and what you want to get out of each event. I remend doing some research on the keynote speaker and other attendees which will equip you with some knowledge upfront. Double check where the venue is

36. 我这一生就只有两样不会,那就是这也不会那也不会。

37. 机会出现不显眼,其实就在你身边。

38. 迪克猪不能说话,只是一个劲地点头。

39. 预祝七夕浪漫快乐。

40. 同学们,珍惜你身边的友谊吧,它永远是神圣的,是无可比拟的!

41. 可以失恋十次,但不能失去你一次,我的朋友。

42. 你越忍耐,这世界就给你越多需要忍耐的东西。

43. 所谓好朋友,就是一颗心在两个身体里。

44. 朋友不是先来的人或者认识最久的人,而是那个来了以后再也没有走的人。

45. 啊,我“上阵”后,一个孩子就下了一点雪。

46. 青春**燃烧,时光不说再见。

47. 也只有那些洞明世事、练达人情,豁达而不拘小节,凡事能从大局出发且目光长远的人,才能挣脱琐事的纠缠,成就非凡事业。

48. ng someones name three times in the first five minutes of meeting them will help you remember their name.Try,Nice to meet you John,so what line of work are you in? To get a conversation flowing,ask open-ended questions and listen.If you are actively listening to the information you are receiving,it

49. 所以,无论你正在遭遇什么磨难,都不要一味抱怨上苍不公平,甚至从此一蹶不振。

50. 愿你远离香烟,身体健康。

51. 多一个朋友,远不如减少一个敌人好。

52. p is like money, easier made than kept. 友谊如金钱一般,容易得到却不易保持。 Samuel Butler Friendship often ends in love, but love, in friendshipnever 友谊常以爱情而结束;而爱情从不能以友谊而告终。C.C.Colton Suspicion is the poison of friendship. 猜疑对友谊而言是一种毒药。 St.Augustine Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.

53. Friendship is a lamp on a cold night, burning with passion.

54. 那样你会得到一种永远向上的力量,这种力量会使你健康而充满活力。

55. 送上我诚挚的生日祝福,情深意重,祝你在未来的一年里,心想事成。

56. th clean face,white teeth and neat hands as well.Second,you should wear very clean clothes.Although the clothes is not fashionable,it should be clean and tidy.Third,you should be good at talking with lot of knowledge and humor.That is very important if you want to leave the other people a deep impre

57. True friends, often not a lot of words, but to your heart, but is the strongest.

58. 八月你好,迎接八月,崭新的,我未拥有过的八月。

59. No matter how big the world is, there is only one you. No matter how hard it is, as long as you accompany me.

60. 好朋友就是最黑暗的时候,陪你一起等天亮的人。

61. 看见朋友哭不想个她递纸巾,想给她墨镜,让她依然很酷。

62. 如果我的名字是你拒绝所有的理由,那我也愿拼了命和你走到最后。

63. 只要灵魂的火焰在亲睦的中蜡烛上燃着,友谊的翅膀就不会脱落一要羽毛。

64. 努力,认真,严谨造就一个成功的人。

65. 胜利是不会向我们走来的,你必须自己走向胜利。

66. Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship.

67. 一直“完全”暴露在外,香气就会悄悄散尽。

68. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.

69. 当我向你倾诉我的烦恼,那不是抱怨,那是我对你的信任。

70. 所谓的友谊,玩好了就是小时代,玩掰了就是甄执。

71. 家是大大的同心圆,把我们的心紧紧相牵。

72. Friendship multiplies joy and reduces grief.

73. 春天是个多情的季节,对你的思念愈发浓烈,想你的美,想你的温柔,想你的可爱,想拥有你所有一切,我爱你,用的是心的承诺。

74. 这算是什么修行,根本就谈不上修行。

75. 我想大声告诉:你一直在我世界里。

76. If friendship is destroyed, even love cannot be restored.

77. Good friends are like stars. Although they may not always be seen, they are always there.

78. 我不喜欢这种若即若离的感觉、因为那会让我感觉伤感。

79. 帮助朋友,以保持友谊;宽恕敌人,为争取感化。

80. A good friend does not seek the same liking, but the same loathing.

81. 于是后来,我每天跟着你,欺负你,逗你。

82. tting it right. I always remend wearing a suit for a business function as this creates a professional impression upfront. It is taken for granted that good grooming includes personal hygiene and cleanliness. Tailor your dress for the oasion. Dont wear anything you arent totally confident in. Looking

83. 明知香烟害人深,嘴馋心痒戒除难。

84. A good friend is someone who will kill you in front of you and defend you behind your back.

85. The best mirror is an old friend. 最好的镜子是老朋友。

86. 时间如流水,不怠慢,不蹉跎,不虚度,一路向前。

87. 朋友之间感情真诚,敌人就会无隙可乘。

88. 生活总要讲情缘,友谊闪过我的视线,又闪过你的顾盼。

89. 十月十日是今天,万千祝福送上前,一轮秋月前程亮,一池秋水是财源,一阵秋声是祝福,一派秋光兆丰年,一樽秋酒再献祝,十全十美福绵绵。

90. 因为俺不是一个普通人,所以我一直都不说普通话。

91. You have to admit that there are always friends around who laugh funnier than jokes.

92. 友谊,那是心灵的神秘的结合者,生活的美化者,社会的巩固者。

93. “虽然我们的心很贪吃,但它也很包容,一点都不会挑食,能吃的东西就像这个果盘里的其他水果一样,还有很多很多呢。

94. 好朋友就是不求相同喜欢,但求厌恶一致。

95. 朋友这个书非常值得读,你可以读一辈子。

96. 社会主义从提出到现在,已经走过了五百多年的发展历程,在这其中有两个重要的“里程碑”,一是十月革命胜利,苏联成立,社会主义从理论变为现实;二是社会主义与中国国情相结合,发展壮大,中国特色社会主义从中国创造变为世界旗帜,而这两个“里程碑”有一个共同的“基石”——务实。

97. makes it a lot easier to have a natural follow on discussion.Networking protocol is about having good manners.So,dont aggressively sell yourself or your business when you first meet someone.Swapping business cards,ideas,information and having something interesting to say (from your research and prep

98. 朋友的最高境界就是,在别人眼里你们就是***。


