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英语单复数句子转换练习题 篇一

Exercise 1:

1. The cat is sleeping on the chair.

2. The dogs are barking in the park.

3. My friend has a new car.

4. The children are playing in the garden.

5. The bird is singing in the tree.

6. The students are studying for the exam.

7. The book is on the table.

8. The houses in this neighborhood are very expensive.

9. The horse runs fast in the field.

10. The nurse is taking care of the patients.

Exercise 2:

1. The baby is sleeping in the crib.

2. The boys are playing soccer in the field.

3. My sister has two cats.

4. The teachers are having a meeting in the staff room.

5. The fish is swimming in the pond.

6. The workers are fixing the roof of the house.

7. The pen is on the desk.

8. The cars in the parking lot are all black.

9. The deer roam freely in the forest.

10. The doctor is treating the patients in the hospital.

Exercise 3:

1. The student is reading a book in the library.

2. The girls are jumping rope in the playground.

3. My brother has three computers in his room.

4. The nurses are taking care of the newborn babies.

5. The bee is flying around the flowers.

6. The musicians are practicing for the concert.

7. The keys are on the kitchen counter.

8. The trees in the park are turning green.

9. The sheep graze in the meadow.

10. The chef is cooking a delicious meal in the kitchen.

Exercise 4:

1. The dog is playing fetch in the backyard.

2. The friends are going on a road trip this weekend.

3. My aunt has two dogs and a cat.

4. The students are writing an essay for their English class.

5. The horse is galloping across the field.

6. The workers are busy renovating the old building.

7. The glasses are on the dining table.

8. The birds in the sky are chirping happily.

9. The fish swim gracefully in the aquarium.

10. The dentist is examining the patient's teeth.

英语单复数句子转换练习题 篇三

英语单复数句子转换练习题 精选49句

1. some既可以跟不可数名订词也可跟可数名词如somewatersomepieces

2. 例子:bus复数为buses,quiz复数为quizzes,fox复数为foxes,match复数为matches,flash复数为flashes,box复数为boxes,brush复数为brushes。

3. many只能跟可数名词美数形式,如manypeoplemanyfriends。

4. Itisorange的复数形式:Theyareorange.

5. 例如:

6. 这道题考查的是单复数句式的转换,首先,我们在句子中找到相对应的词(名词或者代词)的单数形式,然后对应将他们的单数改为复数,that的复数为those,appIe的复数为appⅠes,is的复数为are。这样连成句子即可。

7. Hemadetwogirlfriends

8. Itisabook.它是一本书。(单数句子)

9. 英语单数句子变成复数句子,代词主格单数要变成主格复数。即:I变成we,she/he/it变成they。

10. 英语单数句子,变成复数句子,要逐个单词去分析,逐个单词去转换。

11. Iamagirl.我是一个女孩。(单数句子)

12. These/Thosearesomedogs.或

13. Shehastwoknives.

14. 含有冠词a/an的单数句子,变成复数句子,a/an可以变成some,也可以直接去掉。

15. 这个句子的复数形式应该是Theyareorange.所谓句子的复数形式,就是把句子中的各个成份都改成对应的复数形式。即:it(它)-they(它们),is(是)-are(是),但是,原句中的orange不是“橘子”,而且“橘色的”,当形容词使用,所以没有复数形式,还是原来的形式。如果理解为“橘子”,原句应该是itisanorange.此时复数形式是Theyareoranges.

16. Itisorange.它是橙色的。(单数句子)

17. 含有be动词的单数句子,变成复数句子,am/is要变成are。

18. Maryhasfivechildren.

19. Iboughtfourbrushesthedaybeforeyesterday.

20. This/Thatisadog.这/那是一条狗。(单数句子)

21. These/Thosearedogs.(复数句子)

22. Theyaresomeoranges./Theyareoranges.

23. Theyaremennurse.

24. Theyaresomebooks./Theyarebooks.(复数句子)

25. Wearesomegirls./Wearegirls.(复数句子)

26. 例如:

27. 英语中,名词


28. 例子:cat复数为cats,style复数为styles,sport复数为sports,piece复数为pieces,dog复数为dogs,girl复数为girls,boy复数为boys。

29. Therearetwopianosinourschool.

30. 例子:cry复数为cries,try复数为tries,fairy复数为fairies,lady复数为ladies,story复数为stories,baby复数为babies,city复数为cities。

31. 答案是itisacake这句话的意思是它是一块蛋糕,改成复数句形式为Theyarecakes意思是它们是蛋糕。

32. 注意:orange在句中的词性。

33. Hehasalotofpaperboxes.

34. Ihavetwopens.

35. WeallhavebeautifulwatchesmadeinChina.

36. Itisanorange.它是一个橙子。(单数句子)

37. 答案是thatappleisred这句话的意思是那个苹果是红色的。改为复数形式为thoseapplesarered,意思是那些苹果是红色的。

38. orange,形容词,橙色的,橘黄色的。

39. 一般名词复数为在该词末尾加上后辍s。

40. 这道题考察的是单数句子和复数句子之间的转换。我们要找出上面相对应的词复数形式。it复数为they,is的复数为are,去掉a把cake改为复数cakes

41. Theyareorange.他们是橙色的。(复数句子)

42. 凡是以s、z、x、ch、sh为结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍es构成复数。

43. Therearethreebusesinhisfamily.

44. orange,名词,橙子,橘子。可数名词。在英语句子中,只能有anorange或者oranges这2种形式是正确的。

45. 含有指示代词的单数句子,变成复数句子,this要变成these,that要变成those。

46. 规则:

47. 英语单数句子变复数复数,注意只有可数名词,代词,be动词和冠词,才有相应的复数变化。

48. 以辅音字母加y为结尾的名词复数为把y变为i,再加es。

49. 用英语名词单数变复数的规则的句子


