?w?n的句子 精选48句
1. 'I've won, I've won!' she crowed.
2. 英语询问天气常用句型
3. 天气怎么样?
4. IamwhatIam,我永远都爱这样的我,快乐是快乐的方式不止一种,最荣幸是谁都是造物者的光荣,不用闪躲为我喜欢的生活而活,不用粉墨就站在光明的角落。张国荣
5. adj.
6. 由what引导的常用句型有:
7. which Raskob eventually won,
8. I've won the first prize.
9. what kind of food do you like best? -你最喜欢什么种类的食物?
10. Whatweneedistime.我们所需要的就是时间。
11. what若是在陈述句中,一般应该以从句的形式出现。例如:Ilikewhatyoulike.这一句就属于宾语从句。翻译:我喜欢你喜欢的东西。所以这里面的what就是“的东西”的意思。还有,例如:Ilikewhoyoulike.这一句也是宾语从句。翻译:我喜欢你喜欢的人。所以,这里的“who”就是“的人”的意思。
12. If Chelsea had won, United still would have won the league titl
13. what‘s the weather like? -天气如何?
14. Yesterday, a mother won the custody contest and won custody of her twin daughters.
15. What+be...like?
16. Mr. Simon won easily.
17. 英[wRt]美[wɑt]
18. Afellowdoesn'tlastlongonwhathehasdone.He'sgottokeepondeliveringashegoesalong.--CarlHubbell,BaseballPlayer靠过去完成的无法让人保有成功,必须在路上持续交出成绩。参考资料
19. what‘s the matter?- 出什么事了?
20. He won a medal for gallantry.
21. Forwhatdowelive,buttomakesportforourneighbours,andlaughattheminourturn?我们活着是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄,再反过来笑他们。
22. what do you do? -你是做什么的?
23. I won the first prize.
24. what‘s his job? -他的工作是什么?
25. What a girl, what a twirl.
26. 作文课上,老师把小呆的作文评的一无是处,小呆轻声报怨:“**!”老师好像听到了,气愤的说:“Whatdoyousay?****!”小呆:“我说够精辟!”。
27. …的(事物或人);
28. int.
29. (用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么,多少;…的事物;
30. what does he/she/it look like? 仅指外表,也表示他/她/它是什么样。
31. We also won the award!
32. what is your favorite subject? -你最喜欢哪个学科?
33. what...for?意为“为什么”。
34. 比如正文第1页,“啊”字的英文“what”被写成了“uhat”;正文第10页“把”字的例证“话把儿”成了“活把儿”。
35. (用以表示不相信或惊奇);(用以表示未听清楚对方说的话);
36. what class are you in? -你在哪个班?
37. 花了一段时间,以消除铁锈与抛丸和一个角度磨床.Whatachore.什么是苦事.
38. What a joy, what a life, what a chance!
39. 天气如何...
40. Germany's Martin Kaymer won the PGA Championship last year. South Africa's Louis Oosthuizen won the British Open. And South African Charl Schwartzel won the Masters in April.
41. 指事物。
42. Intra3D series won the first version of the Chinese University Computer software display contest won.
43. what does she look like? -她长什么样?
44. xxxWhat--what--the Pharaon!
45. What is wrong and what is right?
46. Now what should Ido?
47. 人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。你要做的,就是演好每一场戏。Thereisnorehearsalinlife.Everydayisaliveshow.Whatyouneedtodoistodowellineveryperformance.
48. what would you like to drink?-你想喝点什么?
?w?n的句子 精选62句
1. To link what precedes with what follows
2. what do you do in your spare time? -你空闲时间做什么
3. The committee decreed that he won the game.
4. Oh, what about EBay?
5. adv.
6. 首先理解what的意思,最基本的就是“什么”。……的人/事/物。what引导的宾语从句中,what即是引导词,也在句子中充当句子成分,有一定的意义,what不能够被省略。
7. What pin-money, what jewels, what carriages you will have!
8. What is “power”? What is “quantum” and what is “energy”?
9. Daddy, I won two of the races!
10. The railroads usually won.
11. 由what引导的整个句子做主语,其中what也不可以省略,翻译为……的
12. What? You know what?
13. John won the first race and Jim (won) the second.
14. He won many hearts by his gallantry.
15. Against the South Korean currency, it fetched 1, 309 won, down from 1, 336 won Friday.
16. Her amazing works won lots of prizes.
17. what is this? -这是什么?
18. what the date today?-今天是几号?
19. 参考答案:
20. what引导宾语从句
21. Yeah! They won! They won!
22. 由what引导的整个句子做表语,其中what也不可以省略。hatiswhatIneed.那就是我们所需要的(东西)
23. What happens before what?
24. What, what you don't know?
25. That's what psychoanalysis discovers.
26. Moreover, Li Mu won the Award of Eloquence, Chen Tianxiu won the Award of Elegance while Paul won the Award of Popularity.
27. What is time, what is man, what is nature, what is heart, what is treatment.
28. 有一个老问号是:Whatislove?有一个相当直接的答案是:你是否在意对方,也在意对方是否在意。马家辉
29. What is he? What does he do? What is his job? 表示他从事什么职业。
30. what引导主语从句
31. (用于感叹句中);
32. what英[wɒt]美[wɑt]
33. What is felt is what is true.
34. He won only one set, while I won two sets.
35. what is making that sound? -什么发出的声音?
36. Iam有点sorry。不过sowhat,你来打我啊!...别打别打我错了!papi酱
37. what
38. The victory was hardly won.
39. what‘stheweatherlike
40. what color?
41. Oh, Papa, what news? What news?
42. Jack won several prizes.
43. pron.
44. Hehasgotwhathewants.他已经得到了他想要的东西。Ibelievewhathesaid.我相信他说的话。
45. Shakespeare won laurels in the dramatic world.
46. The entire world would unroll differently depending on who won.
47. what引导表语从句
48. Sailor. [Within] What, ho! what, ho! what, ho!
49. howistheweather
50. So what is information?
51. whatstheweatherlike?
52. What traffic and what crowds!
53. Insteadofcomplainingaboutwhat'swrong,begratefulforwhat'sright.别抱怨不好的事,要对好的事心存感恩。
54. Lookintomyeyes-youwillseewhatyoumeantome.看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。
55. In the nineteen twenties Marian Anderson won two singing competitions.
56. So, what about ext3?
57. 新学期一学生上英语课睡觉,老师拍拍他说:“what’syourname?”说了半天学生仍然睡眼朦胧不知所措,老师火了:“叫什么名字啊不会吱一声啊!”学生这才说道:“吱。”。
58. xxxWe won!xxx yelled Ron, bounding into sight and brandishing the silver Cup at Harry. xxxWe won! Four hundred and fifty to a hundred and forty! We won!xxx
59. what‘s wrong? -怎么了?
60. what happened? -发生了什么?
61. Stan: I won 92 goldfish.
62. why是直接引导,而what要加后缀,比如说xxxwhatthereasonisxxx不能直接引导原因状语从句,一般都用why来引导,翻译为xxx……的原因xxx