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关于打仗的英语句子 篇一

War has been a part of human history since the beginning of time. It has shaped nations, changed borders, and altered the course of civilization. Here are some quotes about war that capture the complexity and brutality of this age-old conflict:

1. "War does not determine who is right - only who is left." - Bertrand Russell

This quote highlights the devastating impact of war, showing that it often leads to destruction and loss of life without necessarily resolving underlying issues.

2. "In war, there are no unwounded soldiers." - José Narosky

Even those who survive war often carry deep emotional and physical scars that can last a lifetime.

3. "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - Sun Tzu

This quote from the ancient Chinese military strategist emphasizes the importance of strategy and diplomacy in avoiding the horrors of war.

4. "Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die." - Herbert Hoover

War often disproportionately affects the young, who are called upon to serve and sacrifice in conflicts initiated by older generations.

5. "War is what happens when language fails." - Margaret Atwood

This quote underscores the role of miscommunication, misunderstanding, and lack of dialogue in leading to conflict and violence.

6. "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things." - John Stuart Mill

While war brings suffering and destruction, there are also evils such as tyranny and oppression that can be even worse.

7. "The only way to win a war is to prevent it." - George Marshall

Preventing conflicts through diplomacy, negotiation, and dialogue is often preferable to the devastating consequences of war.

8. "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." - George Orwell

This quote from Orwell's novel "1984" highlights the paradoxical and Orwellian nature of war propaganda and manipulation.

9. "We make war that we may live in peace." - Aristotle

This quote reflects the idea that sometimes war is seen as a necessary evil to secure peace and security in the long run.

10. "The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." - Joseph Heller

In the chaos of war, the distinction between friend and foe can often blur, leading to tragic consequences for all involved.

These quotes about war offer a glimpse into the complex and often contradictory nature of human conflict. Whether highlighting the horrors of war, the need for diplomacy, or the sacrifices of those who serve, they remind us of the high stakes and profound impacts of armed conflict on individuals and societies.

关于打仗的英语句子 篇二

War is a topic that has fascinated and horrified humanity for centuries. From ancient battles to modern conflicts, the human experience of war is one of courage, sacrifice, and tragedy. Here are some powerful quotes about war that capture the essence of this timeless struggle:

1. "War is hell." - William Tecumseh Sherman

This famous quote by the American Civil War general encapsulates the brutal and destructive nature of armed conflict.

2. "The first casualty when war comes is truth." - Hiram Johnson

In times of war, propaganda, censorship, and misinformation often cloud the truth and shape public perception.

3. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein

Einstein's quote highlights the potential for catastrophic destruction in modern warfare and the need for peace and diplomacy to avoid such a scenario.

4. "War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good." - Jimmy Carter

Carter's words reflect the moral ambiguity and complexity of war, even in situations where it may be deemed necessary.

5. "The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

As a former general and President of the United States, Eisenhower understood the importance of integrity and moral leadership in times of war.

6. "The most persistent sound which reverberates through men's history is the beating of war drums." - Arthur Koestler

Koestler's quote captures the enduring presence of war in human history and the constant threat of conflict.

7. "War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses." - Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson's words highlight the limitations of war as a means of resolving disputes and the cycle of violence it often perpetuates.

8. "I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Eisenhower's personal experience of war as a soldier shaped his perspective on the senselessness and tragedy of armed conflict.

9. "It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it." - Robert E. Lee

This quote from the Confederate general reflects the paradoxical nature of war, which can evoke both horror and a perverse attraction.

10. "War does not determine who is right - only who is left." - Anonymous

This final quote underscores the devastating consequences of war, which often result in death, destruction, and loss without necessarily resolving underlying conflicts.

These quotes about war serve as a reminder of the enduring impact and complexity of armed conflict. From the horrors of battle to the sacrifices of those who serve, they offer a glimpse into the profound human experience of war and its lasting consequences on individuals and societies.

关于打仗的英语句子 篇三

1. 在恋爱和战争中先发制人,都是天经地义的。贝恩

2. 骁腾有如此,万里可横行。 杜甫《房兵曹胡马诗》

3. 要和平,就得准备战争。

4. 我们最伟大的胜利不是从不失败,而是每次失败后我们都能站起来拉尔夫沃尔多埃莫森

5. If you are forward of your position, your artillery will fall short.

6. 通过战争手段比通过广开言路更能牢靠地维护xxx。

7. Soldiers in the fine not much, will not yong.

8. 战争的发生往往是由于激发了民族的热情而玩弄了一句危险的话的结果。

9. The important things are always simple; the simple are always hard.

10. 过去的永远不再来,未来的还需要努力。

11. 成功不是终点,失败也不是末日:这才能赋予我们继续的勇气。丘吉尔

12. True and lasting victory is peace, not war.

13. 的先决条件是:以好斗为唯一美德,以求和为唯一耻辱。

14. 总有一天,我们神圣的特洛伊和普列阿提司以及普列阿提司持矛的人民,都会消失。荷马

15. Mines are equal opportunity weapons.

16. Incoming fire has the right of way.

17. Weather ain't neutral.

18. 马作的卢飞快,弓如露雳弦惊。辛弃疾

19. 我们对各民族既要平等,又要使大家繁荣。各民族繁荣是我们社会主义在民族政策上的根本立场。

20. 为了全人类的和平与进步,中国人来到了太空。杨利伟

21. 一切**都是对民族使用**,但这并不妨碍社会主义者赞成****。

22. 在恋爱和战争中先发制人,都是天经地义的。

23. 在战争和战争中,是问题是没关系的,重要的是胜利!

24. 没有和平的家庭,就没有和平的社会。池田大作

25. FortifY your front;youԬget your rear shot up.

26. 永远不要在敌人犯错误的时候打断他们。

27. 勇气和毅力就是魔力护身符,在它面前,困难会消失,一切障碍会无影无踪。约翰昆西亚当斯

28. 此曲不可奏,三军鬓成斑。李白《豫章行》

29. We made this film is to draw attention to some that the war gave their lives in the flood of these people's respect.

30. 黄金和财产是战争的主要根源(塔西佗)

31. 只座上、已无老兵。姚云文《紫萸香慢近重阳》

32. 和平孕育着**,**孕育着和平。

33. 心量狭小,则多烦恼,心量广大,智慧丰饶。

34. 兵犹火也,不戢将自焚。陈寿

35. 四十三年,望中犹记,烽火扬州路。 辛弃疾《永遇乐京口北固亭怀古》

36. 五更鼓角声悲壮,三峡星河影动摇。 杜甫《阁夜》

关于打仗的英语句子 篇四

1. 你攻占一个地区后,确保敌人也知道。

2. 一种最高的斗争形式。**是不流血的**,**是流血的**!

3. 逃跑的敌军可能只是打算先撤退,然后反击。

4. 金钱可以买武器;但不能买和平。萨克雷

5. You are not Superman; Marines and fighter pilots take note.

6. 世上的暴君,若准备打一场战争,不到万事俱备,总是要侈谈和平的。茨威格

7. 赢得战争只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。

8. Air strikes always overshoot the target,artillery always falls short,

9. 虽然战争不能带来和平,但是战争能平息战争。

10. 赢得战争只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。罗勃朗宁

11. 占领一个地区后,确保敌人知道。

12. 所有的战争都是内部的战争,因为所有的人类都是兄弟。弗朗哥芬内隆

13. 夫因兵死守蓬茅,麻苎衣杉鬓发焦。杜荀鹤

14. The Cavalry doesnt always come tO the rescue.

15. The one it8m you need is always in short supply.

16. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

17. 和平孕育**,而**孕育和平。

18. 没有公理的宁静便是暴虐(英国)

19. 我看见过挨饿的孩子。我看见过母亲和妻子们的悲痛。我痛恨**。

20. Exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle plan.

21. War is a kind of killing each other between human, so it must be a very bloody, very bad thing.

22. 没什么比中了弹却安然无恙更让人兴奋的事情了。

23. 只要路是对的,就不怕路远。

24. 战争在你愿意时开始,却并不在你乐意时结束。马基雅弗利

25. The tough part about being an officer is that the troops don't know what they want,but they know for certain what they don't want.

26. The occurrence of war is often the result of playing with a dangerous words due to stimulate the enthusiasm of the nation.

27. 青海长云暗雪山,孤城遥望玉门关。黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还。王昌龄《从军行》

28. The living active hang a jade seal, the dead who answer for the wandering soul.

29. 战争的目的必须是为了和平。

30. 打赢一场战争就是只从一个好的地方开始讲和。

31. 所有的战争都是种族暴力,但这并不妨碍社会主义者支持革命战争。

32. For every action,there is an eque1 and opposite criticism. (in boot camp)

关于打仗的英语句子 篇五

1. 在战略上是打强的,在战役、战术上是打弱的。xxx

2. Radios will fail as soon as you need fire support

3. 通过**手段比通过广开言路更能牢靠地维护**。

4. 爱情和战争都是不择手段的。弗斯梅德利

5. 在和平年代中,儿子埋葬父亲但是在**中,父母埋葬儿子。

6. 在发动战争和进行战争时,是非问题是无关紧要的,紧要的是胜利!

7. Air defense motto: shoot 'em down;sort 'em out on the ground.

8. 雅典人,留来勉励大家的时间已经不多了,但是对于勇敢者而言,几句话就如同长篇大论的演讲。希波克拉提斯伯罗奔尼撒战争中的雅典将军

9. 1f you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

10. 战争用伯也用黄金。奥维德

11. 任意对待被征服者是战争给予征服者的权利。

12. Recoilless rifles - aren't.

13. 关东有义士,兴兵讨群凶。 曹操《蒿里行》

14. 有国家就有战争。伯克

15. 中军置酒饮归客,胡琴琵琶与羌笛。 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》

16. lf you take more than your fair share of objectives,you wiu get more than your fair share of objectives to take.

17. 如果我们不结束战争,战争会结束我们。威尔斯

18. 战争来了,真相是第一个受害者。

19. 发愤去函谷,从军向临洮。李白《白马篇》

20. 我们拍这个电影其实能够使唤起大家对这样一些,在**的洪流中献出他们生命的这些人的尊敬。

21. When in doubt,empty your magazine.

22. Virtue is a state of war, in which we live, will often fight with yourself.

23. 血战乾坤赤。唐杜甫

24. 对待征服者是征服者的战争权利。

25. 时代呼唤**而不是和平。

26. 战争在你愿意时开始,却并不你乐时竣事(马基雅弗利)关于战争和平的诗句

27. 要进行战争只有一个借口,即通过战争我们可以生活在不受破坏的和平环境中。西塞罗

28. 烽火照西京,心中自不平。杨炯《从军行》

29. 敢于向一切国家的长处学习,就是最有自信心和自尊心的表现,这样的民族也一定是能够自强的民族。

30. 胜败兵家事不期,包羞忍耻是男儿。 杜牧《题乌江亭》

31. 战争似乎就意味着血和铁。

32. lt's not the one with your name on it: it's the one addressed xxxto whom it may concernxxxyou've got to think about.

33. **对每个人来说,都是灾难,没有人能置身事外。

34. 虏骑闻之应胆慑,料知短兵不敢接,车师西门伫献捷。 岑参《走马川行奉送出师西征 》

35. 由来征战地,不见有人还。唐李白

36. 由来征战地,不见有人还。李白

37. 骰子已经掷下。恺撒,在越过卢比孔河的时候

38. 美人自刎乌江岸,战火曾烧赤壁山,将军空老玉门关。 张可久《卖花声怀古》

39. **似乎意味着血和铁。

40. Things that must be together to work can never be shipped together.

41. 虽然**不能带来和平,**可以平息**。

42. When you have Secured the area, make sure the enemy knows it too.

43. 最有效的资本是我们的信誉,它小时不停为我们工作。

44. I just want to hold your hand, regardless of war, earthquake, to destroy the world, I will not let go.

45. 操吴戈兮被犀甲,车错毂兮短兵接。 屈原《国殇》

46. 的发生往往是由于玩弄了危险的词句,由于刺激了民族的热情。

47. Don't look conspicuous; it draws fire. For this reason, it is not at all uncommon for aircraft carriers to be known as bomb magnets.

48. 安得务农息战斗,普天无吏横索钱。杜甫

49. 婚姻是**,是一场没有赢家的持久战**。

50. 有错误要逢人便讲,既可取得同志的监督,又可以给同志们以借鉴。

51. 战争对每个人来说,都是灭顶之灾,没有人能置身事外。

52. 假装无动于衷,敌人子弹不多,不想浪费在你身上。

53. The side with the simplest uniforms wins.

54. 战争是悲惨的生活,生活是缓慢的战争节奏。

55. The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.

56. 如果每个人都只为了自己的信仰去打仗,没有战争。

57. It has been found that labor is the greatest conqueror, it more than the most glorious war is sure to make the country prosperous.

58. 如果波斯人的箭雨真能遮天蔽日,那我们正好在荫凉下作战。迪奥尼斯

59. 写书,就写自己一生中的错误;有错误逢人便讲,这是多么坦白的襟怀,多么高尚的品格。

关于打仗的英语句子 篇六

1. 任意对待被征服者是战争给予征服者的权利。裘恺撒

2. 人总是容易看到人家的短处,看到自己的长处。应该反过来,多看人家的长处,多看自己的短处。这样不仅能使自己进步,也能帮助别人进步。

3. 在我们之外不再有别的部落,唯有波涛,峭壁以及凶恶的罗马人。即使是效忠和驯服也免不了受其骄横跋扈。这些全世界的强盗,在劫掠一切大陆后,现在又到海上来抢夺。如果敌人富足,他们就贪求财物;如果敌人贫穷,他们也要征服以获取荣誉。无论东方还是西方,对他们都欲壑难填,世上惟有他们对贫穷和富裕都怀有如此的贪心。他们抢劫、杀戮、偷盗却美其名曰统治,所到之处皆化为焦土,却称之为和平。塔西佗记述的不列颠酋长卡塔尼库斯在最后的格兰比安山战役前演讲中对罗马暴行的控诉。

4. 红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。金沙水拍云崖暖,大渡桥横铁索寒。更喜岷山千里雪,三军过后尽开颜。xxx《七律长征》

5. 一次正义的战争能在高尚的国度里唤起神圣的爱的力量,这已为无数感人的事例所证实。特赖奇克

6. 中国人几乎占世界人口的1/4。这样大的国家,如果在文化上不能对世界有所贡献,经济上不能有较快的发展,那我们就对不住世界人民,也对不住我们的祖宗。

7. 伤人之语,如水覆地,难以挽回。

8. 和平不是一厢情愿和单相思,更不是对合理**的回避。

9. 骰子已经掷下。恺撒

10. 和平孕育战争,战争孕育和平。

11. 要大家讲真话,首先要领导上喜欢听真话,反对说假话。

12. 只有对那些必要战争的人来说,战争才是公理的(伯克)

13. 包括懦夫在内的任何人都可以发动战争,但要结束战争却得到胜利者的同意。萨卢斯特

14. Peace is not wishful thinking and unrequited love, more is not reasonable for the avoidance of war.

15. 从来就不存在好的战争,也不存在坏的和平。xxx

16. 入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。 孟子

17. 五更鼓角声悲壮,三峡星河影动摇。杜甫《阁夜》

18. 一般所想念的和平,大抵与没有**或**停止同一意义,这是并不正确的。

19. 人民的力量是不可战胜的。

20. The more a weapon costs,the farther you will have tO send it away to be re}paired.

21. 战争似乎就意味着血和铁(昆体良)

22. 没什么比中了弹却安然无恙更让人兴奋的事情了。丘吉尔

23. 任何业绩的质变都来自于量变的积累。

24. 横笛闻声不见人,红旗直上天山雪。 陈羽《从军行》

25. 有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。

26. 如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。

27. 建立一个国家靠的不是梦想,它终极总要诉诸血和铁----(史文明)

28. 战争是惨烈的人生,人生是慢节奏的战争。

29. 军合力不齐,踌躇而雁行。 曹操《蒿里行》

30. 汉兵已略地,四方楚歌声。 虞姬《和项王歌》

31. 君子于役,不知其期。《诗经-君子于役》

32. There is no such thing as a perfect plan.

33. 每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。

34. 在和平时期,儿子埋葬了父亲但是父母在战争中埋葬了他的儿子。

35. Have no a good war or a bad peace.

36. Machine is should do, is to treat gas.

37. 听妇前致词:三男邺城戍。一男附书至,二男新战死。杜甫《石壕吏》

38. 在现在这个世界上,我们若不强大起来,不建成社会主义的现代化国家,就要受帝国主义的欺侮。

39. 任意对待被征服者是给予征服者的权利。

40. 林暗草惊风,将军夜引弓。 卢纶《和张仆射塞下曲其二》

41. 如果你的攻击顺利,你一定是被困住了。

42. 装成无关紧要的人,敌人可能子弹不多,不想浪费在你身上。

43. 袭击是游击战争的基本作战形式。xxx

44. 只有对那些需要**的人来说,**才是正义的。

45. 只要不失败就是胜利。这正是对抗强大的先进国家军事力量的人民**战略取得胜利的关键。

46. War is not the way for political purposes, must eliminate, rather than just limit.

47. All is fair in love and war.

48. 白日登山望烽火,黄昏饮马傍交河。 李颀《古从军行》

49. No inspection ready unit has ever passed combat.

50. I want to invent a so terrible mass destructive characteristics or machine, that war will thus become impossible forever.

51. 机在于应事,战在于治气。尉缭

52. 生者有功挂玉印,死者谁复招孤魂。萨都剌

53. 每一代人都应该至少经历一次**的洗礼。

54. lf at first you don't succeed,call in an air strike,

55. 决定**胜负的是人,而不是物。

56. 血战乾坤赤。杜甫

57. 赢得**只是和平的良好开端。

58. 如果在扎马我没有被你击败,那我将把自己列在xxx之上。汉尼拔,第二次布匿战争中侵入罗马本土的迦太基名将。

59. **是骄傲的儿子,而骄傲是财富的女儿。

60. A sucking chest wound is Nature's way of telling you to slow down.

61. 也爱吃精美的食品,他带走好人,留下坏人。

62. 得道多助,失道寡助。

63. 乃知兵者是凶器,圣人不得已而用之。 李白《战城南》

64. 战争使多数人流血,却养肥了少数人。威申斯通

65. War is not only a kind of political behavior, and it is a real political tool, is a continuation of the political exchanges, is the realization of political exchanges through another way.

66. 有意义的战斗胜过无意义的生活。

67. 我虽然是个反战主义者,但是为自卫,为抵抗强权的**,我却拥护,而且认为是必要的。

68. 世界上是一片战场,在这战场上,只有当机立断的统帅才能取得胜利。

69. 当**来临时,真相是第一个受害者。

70. 安得壮士挽天河,尽洗甲兵长不用。杜甫

71. 平生无一事可瞒人,此是大快。

72. Although I was a pacifist, but for self-defense, for the war of resistance power, but I support, and that is necessary.

73. 民主集中制是我们政治生活中的基本原则。

74. 假装自己是个无足轻重的人敌人可能子弹不多,不想浪费在你身上。

75. Leisure is a kind of happiness, of course、Because we work for a leisure, in order to achieve peace and war.

76. 旌蔽日兮敌若云,矢交坠兮士争先。 屈原《国殇》

77. 边兵索衣食,此物同泥土。姚合《庄居野行》

78. 马作的卢飞快,弓如露雳弦惊。辛弃疾《破阵子》

79. 如果波斯人的箭雨真能遮天蔽日,那我们正好在荫凉下作战。斯巴达王迪奥尼斯在温泉关战役时对波斯军队的不屑答复

80. In love and war, pre-emptive is granted.

81. 假使每个人只为他自己的信念去打仗,就没有战争了。

82. 鼓声鸣海上,兵气拥云间。李白《从军行》

83. 行人刁斗风沙暗,公主琵琶幽怨多。李颀《古从军行》

84. 师之所处,荆棘生焉。大军之后,必有凶年。老子

85. 和平之音淡薄,而愁思之声要妙;欢愉之辞难工,而穷苦之言易好。韩愈

86. 每一代都至少应该经历一场战争的洗礼。希特勒

87. 没有好战争,也没有坏和平。王韵壹

88. 每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。

89. 一帆风顺是不能磨练人的。

90. 战争没有胜利者,只有失败者。

91. 战争的先决条件是:以好斗为唯一美德,以求和为唯一耻辱。肖伯纳

92. 在爱情和战争中,先发制人是理所当然的。

93. 战争来临时,真理是第一个牺牲品。海约翰逊

94. 战争是死神的盛宴。欧洲

95. 从来就不存在好的**,也不存在坏的和平。


