
时间:2013-09-09 06:19:49
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描写大树的英文句子 篇一

The majestic oak tree stood tall and proud in the middle of the forest, its branches reaching out like open arms to embrace the world. The leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, creating a soothing melody that seemed to whisper the secrets of the earth. The bark of the tree was rough and weathered, a testament to the many years it had stood in that very spot. Birds nested in its branches, their cheerful chirping adding to the symphony of nature that surrounded the tree. As the sun set behind the horizon, casting a warm golden light on the tree, it seemed to glow with a quiet strength and wisdom that was both comforting and awe-inspiring.

The oak tree was a symbol of endurance and resilience, standing firm against the test of time and weathering every storm that came its way. Its roots ran deep into the earth, anchoring it firmly in place and drawing sustenance from the rich soil below. Through the changing seasons, the tree stood steadfast, its branches swaying in the wind and its leaves turning vibrant shades of red and gold in the autumn. In winter, the tree stood bare and stark against the cold, its branches covered in a delicate dusting of snow that sparkled in the sunlight.

As I stood in the shadow of the oak tree, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over me. There was something timeless and eternal about the tree, something that transcended the fleeting worries and concerns of everyday life. In that moment, I felt connected to something greater than myself, something that had been here long before I was born and would continue to stand long after I was gone. The oak tree was a reminder of the beauty and strength of nature, a reminder to stand tall and proud in the face of adversity, just like the tree that had stood for centuries in that very spot.

描写大树的英文句子 篇二

The towering pine tree loomed overhead, its branches reaching towards the sky like outstretched fingers. The scent of pine needles filled the air, a sharp and invigorating perfume that spoke of the forest's ancient secrets. The tree stood like a sentinel, watching over the forest with a quiet dignity and grace that commanded respect. Its trunk was straight and strong, a pillar of strength that seemed to hold up the very heavens above. Squirrels darted up and down the tree, their chittering adding to the lively hum of the forest.

The pine tree was a symbol of growth and renewal, its evergreen needles a reminder of the cycle of life that continued unabated year after year. In spring, the tree would burst into new growth, its branches laden with fresh green needles that shimmered in the sunlight. In summer, the tree provided welcome shade from the scorching sun, its branches swaying gently in the warm breeze. In autumn, the tree turned a brilliant shade of gold, its needles falling to the forest floor in a carpet of color. And in winter, the tree stood dark and brooding against the cold, its branches heavy with snow that glittered like diamonds in the moonlight.

As I gazed up at the pine tree, I felt a sense of wonder and awe wash over me. There was something timeless and primordial about the tree, something that spoke to the very core of my being. In that moment, I felt a kinship with the tree, a connection that transcended words and went straight to the heart. The pine tree was a reminder of the beauty and majesty of the natural world, a reminder to stand tall and proud in the face of adversity, just like the tree that had stood for centuries in that very spot.

描写大树的英文句子 篇三

1. 我蹲在路边,哭泣的象个孩子。

2. 人类想要用树木阻挡住沙漠的进军,树木原谅了我们,坚强的挺立在戈壁沙漠上,向我们发出了内心的呼唤:“我们已经占领了荒漠,希望你们能够善待生命,善待大自然!”

3. if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong.

4. 树根像好几条蚯蚓,弯弯曲曲的在地上爬行,又好像饥饿的蛇,努力的向土地汲取食物。粗粗细细的树根,蜿蜒的,盘根错节的,将头伸进土地里不肯出来。

5. The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness.世界在踌躇之心的琴弦上跑过去,奏出忧郁的乐声。

6. Sometimes it is not the person you miss,but the time,the memory you stay with him.

7. 人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已。

8. 没有无缘无故的爱恨,但有无缘无故的自拍。

9. And your friend is saying, xxxOh, you know, I remember those years, they were so great.xxx 你的朋友说,“哦,你知道么,那些日子我都记得,真是美妙的时光啊!”

10. 曾经一度想要得到的东西,随着时间的流逝,多年以后却觉得索然无味。

11. Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year、Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

12. 如果有什么需要明天做的事,最好现在就开始。

13. 一生很短暂,遇见喜欢的人一定要认真喜欢。

14. First and foremost, I had the time of my life living in Yangshuo and working for MCI School. 首先的是,我在阳朔的生活,为美城英语学校工作的日子是我一生中最美好的时光。

15. 山间云雾缭绕,太阳在雾中撒上抹抹红晕,到处一片雾蒙蒙。风起云涌,云朵儿变成了一匹凶猛的灰狼,旋即又变成了一只大鸟,展开硕大的翅膀飞向远方。

16. The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是喑哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。

17. Spring breeze warms like a burst, mulberry sprouts come out, green, fresh and delightful.

18. 山林,永远是那一抹深深的翠绿,印在人们的心中。深夜,蛐蛐停止了叫声,只有蝉还在不停地鸣叫,似乎是在宣告着什么。

19. 不守时间就是没有道德。

20. 我们就这样走过整饬的光阴的栅栏,往事像是浓盛的山茶花,那样从这栅栏的缝隙探出头来,撩拨远行者匆忙而粗糙的足迹。

21. Afriendisasecondself.朋友是第二个自我。

22. 越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。

23. 苦楝树密密茂茂,连成一大片,远远看去,像是一大团凝聚在山脚下的浓重的绿色云烟。不散不灭。漫天漫岭的桃花开了,一簇簇,一丛丛,远远望去,红光闪闪,璀璨夺目,像一团熊熊燃烧的火焰。

24. 想忘记一切,可是,眼泪不会。兴许,良久都没有哭了,无论受伤或者疼爱,在嘻笑打闹中隐没了。始终,眼泪随同着时光,不会熔化。底本以为一切终成为一张风干的标本。只有,眼泪晓得,是假的!

25. The windows glinted in the sun. 窗子在阳光中闪耀。

26. 一分耕耘播下一分收获,一粒汗水带来一份快乐,在令人神往的2015年里,你将挥洒热情,谱写人生华丽篇章,你将开拓进取,成就生命灿烂辉

27. 一辈子的友情远远值钱于那短暂的利益。

28. 叹岁月流年,留不住知己红颜,恨昔时少年,守不住旦旦誓言。

29. 十里寒塘路,烟花一半醒。晨钟催落月,宿火乱稀星。

30. 深夜,山林间美丽的一天悄然结束。新的一天,充满希望的一天开始了。

31. 岁月流逝只令容颜苍老,**不再却使心灵枯萎。

32. 有些人,有些事,在岁月流逝后,会变得更加刻骨铭心。

33. 千万年的风霜,将最初柔和美丽的光滑,缓缓雕刻成了粗糙,沧海桑田变幻的光阴中,又有多少眼眸,曾这般淡淡安静的凝视你的容颜。

34. 夏天,一片片嫩绿的叶子变成了碧绿的叶子,密密层层的枝叶挡住了在天上吐火的太阳,形成了树荫。透过枝叶,有阳光射下来,就像星星点缀天空一样。树林里满是知了叫了,声音好闹,两里以外都可听的到。

35. 花有重开的,人无再少年。

36. 今夜,寂寞的灵魂,已无处安放,就让时光在你我的浅斟低酌中,慢些、再慢些吧,让孤独的时光不再延长。

37. 一场青春的恋歌就这样在岁月与岁月的衍荇下,在时光与时光交接的倒影下,轻葬了一段过往,一段独赏烟花飞舞的秋月。

38. 爱那一场场繁华落尽后的曲终人散。

39. His own mornings are new surprises to God.神自己的清晨,在他自己看来也是新奇的。

40. 我与一棵顶高的大树并排立着,却不靠着。

41. 不要为已消逝之年华叹息,须正视欲匆匆溜走的时光。

42. Happinessiswhentheneedofsincerefriendship,especiallyintimesoftrouble幸福的时候需要忠诚的友谊,患难的时刻尤其需要。

43. The flowers of the litchi tree are milky white, slowly turning pale yellow, a cluster of green leaves against each other, from a distance, the whole litchi garden is like a sea of yellow flowers, beautiful.

44. There are several tall firs on the hillside, which are very peculiar, high and twisted trunks, sparse and scattered branches, snow-like branches and leaves, resembling a group of ancient fossils.

45. 我故意躲过了能遇见你的所有时间。

46. 今天,播撒下一颗种子;明天,收获起一片绿色。

47. 我不会再有期望,真诚的感谢你曾经给过我的最美的时光。

48. 枫树的叶子渐渐变黄,枯萎了。一阵风吹过,几片枯黄的叶子飘落下来,落在地上,给大地铺上金黄的地毯;飘到湖面,惊醒了正躲在荷叶下睡觉的小金鲤。

49. One can admire the snow forever. It rings under your feet and shines in the sun… Local people distinguish dozens of different types of snow. 雪的美丽是值得永久赞美的,它印下的脚印,还有在太阳照耀下的光芒…

50. The parking area needs to be connected to the street, and the homes require sunlight, fresh air and views, thus all apartments have roof gardens facing the sun, amazing views. 停车区需要和街道连接,而房子需要阳光、新鲜空气和风景,因此所有的公寓屋顶都有面南的花园以及美丽的风光。

51. And who can say why your heart cries, When your love dies Only time… 唯有时光…又有谁能说出当爱已成谎言,你的心为何哭泣?

52. 和你在一起旳时光连空气都昰甜旳。

53. The willow's poles are straight, brown in color, and the bark is rough, but the branches hang down, and each branch is smooth. The branches are covered with green leaves, green and emerald, and the leaves are like rolling boats.

54. I heard that you for her, waste a elegant, drinking water without tea, from now on, from the soul, half city smoke sand.

55. 告白与告别一字之差一个羞涩一个苦涩。

56. The slant of sun becomes significant. 斜射的太阳光显得如此美妙。

57. 柳树会习惯新生活的地方吗,我能长成大树吗,不被任何人拔起根长成大树吗?

58. All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, donxxxt we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.

59. A gathering of students, like a clear river 同学相聚时的时光是何等的美好!

60. You see, the Nanmu is small and delicate, with its green leaves sparkling and meaningful like a brush; slightly tall, long and slender, elegant and elegant, just like a slender waist dancer; thick, direct sky, supporting a green cloud, like a giant pillar soaring into the sky.

61. 人的全部本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。

62. After the rain, the wind stopped, the sun came out, the willows quieted down, stooped down, looked down at the river, as if in front of the xxxmirrorxxx combing hair. Golden sunshine shines on the willow trees, the tree dew shines dazzling light, along the willow xxxlong hairxxx slowly down, in the sunlight, the colors of branches and leaves change endlessly, there are green, dark green, dark green...

63. 是谁把光阴剪成了烟花,一瞬间,看尽繁华。一树繁花,只一眼,便是天涯。

64. 谁把一生的光阴虚度,便是抛下黄金未买一物。

65. Nation's first LADAR Institute; world class facilities for the development of laser radar technologies. 全美第一个(目前也是唯一的一个) 激光雷达研究院;具有世界一流的激光雷达研发设施。

66. 我做过最勇敢的事情,就是和你表白。

67. 就凭咱当初的交情,我就敢在你生命中猖狂一辈子。

68. 一切都不是我们的,而是别人的,只有时间是我们的财产。

69. 春天的雷声像一阵阵清脆的闹铃把小草闹醒了,小草推开土被,懒懒的探出它们的绿色小尖头。树木也被闹醒了,它们忽然发现身上多了许多嫩绿的新芽。树木想:那一定是春姑娘给织上的吧!醒了的花儿争奇斗艳、竞相开放,好像在相互比美一样。

70. Peter and Benjamin Bunny had such a fun time scooting through the tunnels. 彼得和本杰明兔子在穿过隧道时度过了一个很美好的时光。

71. Explanation: Ghostly Zodiacal light, featured near the center of this remarkable panorama, is produced as sunlight is scattered by dust in the Solar System's ecliptic plane. 说明: 在这幅美丽的全景照片 中心, 幽灵状的黄道光是被太阳系 黄道面尘埃散射之阳光。

72. 抬头,仰望着绚丽的银河我的思念,我的苦闷。

73. 有那么多事情我无能为力,比如生老病死,比如时光流逝,比如我好想你。

74. 例如在印度,植树节在07月01日。 Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy、Because they want to protect the environment、There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees、So more and more trees are cut by them、But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean、So they plant trees as many as they can、为什么人们要植树?这很简单。

75. 一年一度凋落的树叶在地面上积得老厚的,后经雨润雪淋发了霉,不分春夏秋冬永远散发一股难闻的气味。忽然一阵强劲的寒风掠过树顶。森林立刻苏醒了,清脆响亮地喧哗起来。

76. 时光轮转,转眼就到上半年的最后一个月。六月,是高考的奋战,是毕业的伤感,也是有世界杯陪伴的火热夏天。生活就像一场旅行,你经历的,就是最好的风景。无论你的六月关键词是什么,都愿时光不负努力,青春不负自己。

77. 小河里倒映着山林,山林围绕着小河,显得更加妩媚动人,生机勃勃。

78. 那些回不去的少年时光,只能让我们回忆等待。

79. 撒哈拉沙漠和绿色森林,你想在哪里长久生存,跟着心走吧。

80. 傍晚,夕阳逐渐沉落,山林浸泡在一种半红半黑的色彩中,这种颜色,妖娆魅惑,却半点动摇不了山林的清雅秀丽。

81. 九马画山数命运一生伴君不羡仙

82. ◆◇丶 Ero l'unico barlume di vostro esistente.我是唯一为你存在的微光。

83. Betteranopenenemythanafalsefriend.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

84. 余生,不争不抢,做一个安静从容的女人。

85. Thyfriendhasafriendandthyfriend'sfriendhasafriendsobediscreet.你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。

86. sunny girls Open, kind, just a sort of sunny girl.开朗,善良,是个阳光女孩。

87. 很多事情,我们可以去安慰别人,却说服不了自己。

88. The village is known for its beautiful mountains and lakes. 这个村子以其美丽的湖光山色而出名。

89. Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy、Because they want to protect the environment、

90. 如果黑板就是浩淼的大海,那么,老师便是海上的水手。铃声响起那刻,你用教职工鞭作浆,划动那船只般泊在港口的课本 。课桌上,那难题堆

91. 成百上千的苹果树像过节日似的穿着花瓣织成的粉红锦衣,行列整齐地从村里一直排到田野。

92. Anearfriendisbetterthanafar-dwellingkinsman.远亲不如近邻。

描写大树的英文句子 篇四

1. 求关于植树的英文格言(最好是名人说过的,带翻译) 感谢·····

2. 人生无常,有得意,有失意,岁月的痕迹太深,多少繁华变成烟。

3. 松树因为其特有的性格,历来被文人墨客讴歌赞颂,在国人眼中,松树已经成为中华民族挺拔向上、甘于奉献、心胸博大的象征。值得一提的是我的家乡也叫松树,可以说,它是一个人人相知的名字。

4. 放眼远眺,是一片群山,这些山层层叠叠,连绵起伏,形态各异,一山绿,一山青,一山浓,一山淡,真像一幅优美的山水画。

5. Made with 100% Sun-Maid California Raisins, Post Raisin Bran is where nutritious and delicious live in harmony. 用100%的阳光少女加州葡萄干,提子麦麸养分丰厚,滋味鲜美的搭配。

6. 人真他吗有意思,活着活着就死了。

7. Like the birds and the flowers, she seemed to recover her beauty and joyousness in the morning sunshine. 象鸟儿花儿一样,她似乎在早晨的阳光里恢复了她的美丽和欢乐。

8. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience and if it hurts,it's probably worth it.

9. 努力的话,什么好运都会奔向你。

10. 前人种树,后人乘凉,为子孙后代留下可持续发展的空间。

11. 在这一个温暖的季节里,在树林里,许多的树木都开满了鲜艳的花朵;大家都不肯相让,红的、黄的、白的、紫的,各种各样的花真像一个美丽的大花坛。许许多多的蝴蝶和蜜蜂都闻到了花的香味,都不约而同地飞来采蜜,在半空中飞来飞去。

12. Goddefendmefrommyfriends;formmyenemyIcandefendmyself.防友*天,防敌*己。

13. 若故人不再重逢,那么一切平安顺利也算最好的答复。

14. 因为你手里有我的丑照,所以你要和我做一辈子朋友。

15. Far away, I smelled the fragrance of the nose, a fresh breeze blowing, look, that one of the sweet-scented osmanthus trees, swaying with the wind. In autumn, the poplar leaves turn yellow and hang on the trees like small yellow flowers. The elm tree is on the northwest corner of the garden. The wind comes and the elm whistles first. When the rain comes, the elm smokes first. As soon as the sun came out, the leaves of the elm trees glimmered, and they shone like the clam shells on the beach.

16. 当我想起你,相隔千里,如在咫尺。

17. May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. 希望今天美好的时光与挚友成为明天金子般闪闪发光的记忆。

18. The trunk of the apple tree was covered with moss, and its uneven bare branches were dotted with a few reddish green leaves, which curved into the air like the elbowed arms of an old man pleading.

19. The willow is the messenger of spring. Whenever spring returns to the earth and everything is still asleep, the willow is the first to perceive the message of spring.

20. 随着岁月流逝,记忆会被淡忘,你所有胜利都会褪色。

21. Interesting Facts: Amelie B has a kitten called Sunny. 有趣的事实:B有一个小猫叫阳光天使爱美丽。 。

22. 小树的小苗,经过风雨的洗礼,经过阳光的照耀。经历了多多少少,风风雨雨。才长成了今日,站立在我们面前那挺拔、高大、粗壮的大树。

23. 走自己的路,去看自己的人生风景。

24. Good morning sunshine, you're me only light. 早安,阳光,你是我生命中唯一的光亮。

25. 山林的天空总是那么湛蓝、透亮,好像一望无际的蔚蓝的大海。天上还挂着朵朵洁白的云儿,它们真像牧场里游荡的羊群,在夕阳的映衬下显得格外迷人。

26. 壮年听雨客舟中,江阔云低,断雁叫西风。

27. 当我路过枫树时,我被眼前的景象惊呆了,一簇簇的枫花竞相开放,透着少女般的清纯,透着粉嫩。你看,在那些交错的树枝上,那新发的枝丫上,她们正一个个地伸出长长的脖子,然后张开笑脸。

28. Afriendtoeverybodyisafriendtonobody.广交友,无深交。

29. Burkin and Ivan Ivanovitch went out on the balcony , from which there was a beautiful view over the garden and the mill-pond, which was shining now in the sunshine like a mirror. 伯京和伊凡·伊凡诺维奇去了阳台,从那儿能看到花园和磨坊池塘那边的美丽景色,磨坊池塘此刻在阳光下像镜子一样闪闪发光。

30. 如果没有树木,空气就会变得浑浊;如果没有树木,人类就会失去依靠;如果没有树木,世界就会黯然失色。在植树节来临之际,伸出彼此的双手,种树好,种好树,好种树吧!

31. The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East.当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。

32. The fine carnation of their cheeks is perennial as sunlight in the seventh heavens. 她们面颊的美丽的淡红色象七重天里的阳光始终辉煌灿烂。

33. 流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。

34. The good old days of “Our Friend the Atom” were gone for good. 过去“原子是我们的朋友”美好时光也一去不复返了。

35. 树木想笔直的长,就笔直的长;想弯曲的长,就弯曲的长,不像种在盆栽里的植物一样,没有自由,树木就没有界限。

36. Green trees, green lives.

37. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

38. I have nothing to do with others

39. There are several tall firs on the hillside, very peculiar, high and twisted trunks, sparse and scattered branches, snow-like branches and leaves, similar to a group of ancient fossils.

40. 美丽心灵的永恒阳光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 中级

41. Betterloseajestthanafriend.宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。

42. 时光深处,轻握一份懂得;生命路口,静赏花开花落。

43. 我看见这松树,不由得想到了紧握钢松警惕的保卫着祖国的解放军战士,他们与松树一样,在寒冷的冬天,还要去迎风站哨。难怪xxx将军为它题诗:大雪压青松,青松挺且直。要知松高洁,待到雪化时。

44. 夏天的大树,他那茂密的树冠仿佛是一把撑起遮阳的大伞,树枝上的知了声,树下孩子的欢笑声。看!大树“笑了”。他无怨无悔的用高大的身躯为须要他的人们遮阳、避暑。看着大树那高大威严的样子,我情不自禁向地他行了个队礼。

45. The trunk of the cypress is straight and straight without any bending. The branches and leaves are dense and thick. The sharp top of the tree inserts into the white sky.

46. Lifewithoutafriendisdeathwithoutawitness.没有朋友的生活等于孤独一人死去。

47. 天空的飞鸟,是你的寂寞比我多,还是我的忧伤比你多,剩下的时光,你陪我,好不好,这样你不寂寞,我也不会忧伤。

48. 流逝的岁月,流逝的神话,这些许是地是神的旨意,温柔的宇宙,我这颗小星球又能怎样?只有在流逝中等待新的奇迹。

49. 时间是不可占有的公有财产,随着时间的推移,真理会愈益显露。

50. 森林抖掉身上的残余的夜的黑暗,浑身苍绿,威风凛凛地站了起来,尖顶变成了紫红色。又开始闪闪地发起光来。

51. 霜重叶又黄,疾风吹草荒。蝉鸣声哽咽,雁阵南成行。

52. 木瑾开了,你呢?

53. 我们希望变得更好,不是吗?所以我们必须植更多的树来保护环境。 So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees、因此,每个人,如果你想要使空气变得干净,那么请更好的保护环境和种更多的树。

54. 河在我记忆中是个忧伤的符号。

55. 所谓的坚强,只不过实在你面前的逞强。

56. 爱,无法继续,我们都无能为力。梦,一直继续,我们却欲罢不能。有什么了不起,不就是幸福在左边,我站在了右边?一切都来不及表达,所有的,可能都因死亡或错,过而冰封。

57. 好朋友会在看到你的第一滴眼泪时,接住你的第二滴眼泪,止住你的第三滴眼泪。

58. 春天,山楂树上开满了美丽、洁白而又明媚的小花,在绿色叶子的衬托下,显得格外美丽、娇艳。

59. 真正的友谊,不是花言巧语,而是关键时候拉你的那只手。

60. 时光在不经意中流逝,翻开旧日的笔记,字里行间充满着情深意境的交错。

61. Good times; Mo negative spring mission. 美好时光;莫负春的使命。

62. 绿色,是希望的火焰;绿色,是健康的源泉。绿色是大地的色,绿色是树木的颜色。伴随着时代的步伐向前进,绿色却日渐消亡,让我们推手,保护我们赖以生存的母亲--地球。

63. 我站在枫林朝近处看,一片片枫叶像一团团不灭的火焰在凉爽的秋风中燃烧着。它们太红了,红得像一团火,红得像一堵红墙,红得像一片灿烂的朝霞。秋天到了,其它叶子都枯萎了,只有枫叶还那么艳丽,只有枫叶还那么灿烂。

64. 你是月亮,我就是你身边那颗最亮的星。

65. 小径两侧,高大的枫树已被火红的枫叶所笼罩,在经过雨水的洗涤之后,原本火红的枫叶显得格外妖艳,加之地上厚厚的落叶,天地仿佛已连为一体。配合着枫林间的雨雾,给人一种身临仙境般的感觉。

66. Afriendisasecondself.朋友是另一个我。

67. The sun ripens the wheat. 阳光使麦子成熟了。

68. 我有所念人,隔在远远乡。我有所感事,结在深深肠。

69. The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.心是尖锐的,不是宽博的,它执着在每一点上,却并不活动。

70. Youtherealfriendwhowalksinwhentherestoftheworldwalksout.谢谢你是那位全世界都遗弃我时还在我身边的朋友!

71. 友情,它到底是什么?他只是一种感情,一种收获。

72. 如果我们种了许多的树木,我们必须照顾好它们,并按时浇水,直到它们茁壮成长。在不同国家,植树节在不同的日子。

73. Hethathasafullpurseneverwantsafriend.只要袋里有,不愁没朋友。

74. 现在是下午,雨早停了,清晨的闲适也不复存在。我行走在去上体育课的路上,发现树木被摇落了一地的枯叶。它们终于完全换上了新装。我突然想到人不是也应该像树木一样,不断地长新叶,开新花,把糟粕剔除并不断地创新吗?

75. 时间给你的眼角留下了岁月的痕迹,记忆却是充满了美好的画面。

76. I am a butterfly, a real butterfly, a beautiful butterfly that dazzles under the sunlight. 我是一只蝶,一只蝴蝶,一只阳光下耀眼的美丽蝴蝶。

77. The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom.瀑布歌唱道:“我得到自由时便有了歌声了。”

78. 春天来临,小芽像一个害羞的小姑娘躲在皂荚树里。下了几场春雨后,皂荚树长出了许多嫩绿嫩绿的叶子,小鸟们在皂荚树搭了窝,你只要走进我们的校园,就会发现皂荚树上有许多小鸟的窝。

79. 中午,骄阳似火,可山林就像一个盖子,挡住了阳光,守护着山林中的每一个生灵,因此,山林中凉爽至极。山林中的每一棵树都被阳光戴上了一顶金色的“帽子”,远远看去,就像一片金子铸造成的树林!

80. 你现在是我的闺蜜,以后是我的伴娘,将来是我孩子的干妈。

81. 秋已至,落叶归根,一片秋景悄然来临。

82. There is a big glass house inside the yard. On sunny day, it is a good place for you to enjoy the sunshine. 在庭院里有一特大的玻璃阳光房,有阳光的日子,心情也会格外的好,这是享受阳光的绝佳之地。

83. 杨柳抽芽始于人,万物萌发源于春村上无树锅不开,四方绿化沙不来。

84. The gold glinted in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。

85. Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment.

86. 每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都转至:为你担心。有你的感觉真好。

87. The ninth September day, the weather, sunny. xx月初九这天,天公作美,阳光和煦。

描写大树的英文句子 篇五

1. 所有夏天的未完成,趁秋天去完成。

2. 也有一种远方的朋友,他们位于枝干的末端,有风的时候,他们会在其他叶子中间若隐若现。

3. You Are My Sunshine My only sunshine. You make me happy When skies are grey. 你是我的阳光我唯一的阳光你让我快乐当天空是灰色的时候 …

4. 时间,渐渐带走了年少轻狂,也慢慢沉淀了冷暖自知。

5. 友谊,是严寒里的炉火;是酷暑里的绿荫;是金秋里的小棉袄。

6. 树下是一片一望无边的大草坪,一眼望去,像一块绿色的地毯。花开在草与草之间,不时散发出淡淡的清香,把蝴蝶都吸引过来了。这儿一片紫,那儿一片黄,它们是绣在地毯上的花纹呀!

7. 金色的秋天来到了,柳树上的叶子由深绿变成了黄绿,再是浅绿,最后成为深黄。风一吹,叶子翻了一个筋斗,像一只只蝴蝶飘然飞了下来,落在了小路上,给小路铺了一层黄地毯。

8. The dusk lake light, the setting sun illuminates. The beautiful scene is only somewhat moved, but is very beautiful so be charmed … 黄昏的湖光,夕阳斜照。美丽的情景只是有些伤感,但还是很美的,让人神往。

9. 你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。

10. 秋天,银杏树的叶子好似一把把新颖的小扇子,扇啊扇啊,扇走了夏天的炎热;枫树的叶子好像一枚枚邮票,飘啊飘啊,漂来了秋天的凉爽;愧树飘出了淡淡的香味。焦黄的树叶掉了,大地也穿上了一件金黄的衣衫。

11. The drizzle is hazy, and willow trees xxxraise their headsxxx in the rain and mist, as if washing their xxxhairxxx with rain water. And the branches, some are dancing merrily and gracefully, climbing branches and dancing merrily; some are close together, as if they were whispering.

12. 美丽的垂柳,她有顽强的生命力,道路旁的柳树,虽然没有人精心照料她,可她仍然能够茁壮成长。这使我想起了张海迪阿姨,她虽然没有健全的身体,可她却顽强拼搏,不仅战胜了病魔,而且成就了一番大事业。

13. 人这一辈子,要经得起谎言,受得起敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了诺言。爱过了,才会尝到快乐和伤心的滋味;恨过了,才会知道珍惜和宽容。与其让自己变得颓废,不如让自己活得更精彩。

14. You are my only sunshine. 你是我唯一的阳光。

15. 其实随着年龄的增长,我们并不是失去了一些朋友,而是我们懂得了谁才是真正的朋友。

16. everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.

17. 当我们自处一角,静心浅问,曾经经历过多少触目惊心的浪漫,抓住过多少稍纵即逝的幸福,又演绎过多少悲欢离合的故事?一句誓言,曾唯美了多少人的心穹,一句珍重,又让多少人心海成空?尽管如此,然而我还是深信,光阴不会老去,我们依旧还很年轻,依然能以一世长情渡万世红尘。

18. The controlling of optical field chaos in a storage ring free-electron laser oscillator is discussed by using a phenomenal model. 用唯象理论模型讨论了储存环型自由电子激光器光场混沌的控制问题。

19. 每棵大树,都曾只是一粒种子。

20. 小树林里面主要生长着榆树,春天的榆树钱儿,它甜嫩可口,就成为了我儿时最好的小食品。树与树之间还长有许多不知名的野花,树林里会有许多小鸟叫个不停,蜻蜓、蝴蝶也不甘落后,竟相飞舞。那时,我感觉树很高,花很美,小鸟、蜻蜓、蝴蝶很可爱。

21. 愿你坚强,身处不如意时从容不慌张。

22. 此时,枫叶正红,不像那种鲜艳仿佛画上颜料似的红,而是经过时光沉淀的颜色,那向上的枝桠,显得它高傲而坚强,加上傍晚有些昏暗的天气,有些奇异而莫测,美轮美奂。

23. the most beautiful time, met the most beautiful you. 最美的时光,遇见最美的你们

24. 惊风飘白日,光景西驰流。

25. 春天,树木冒出了新的枝条,抽出了新的树叶。嫩叶的小草从坚硬无比的大地中冒出来。山上的冰雪化成了川流不息的水。

26. 密密麻麻的树叶重叠在一起,将蓝天包了个严严实实的,没有一丝透风。里面好像有一个小生命在颤动,,迫不及待的要将头伸出去看一看。风一拿着指挥棒过来,枝叶就立刻响起了它们的大合唱。

27. Lend me old age, lend me fragments, lend me forward and backward, lend me as stubborn as a teenager.

28. Sunset is magnificent, but near dusk. 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。

29. 秋天的长城因漫山火红的枫叶声名远播,它们扎根于岩石的缝隙,遒劲有力,像点燃的野火般在长城内外蔓延,染红了长城,也染红了萧索落寞的秋天。

30. 太爱了,所以我没有哭没有说。

31. A tall and tall sycamore tree, taller than six stories, must be looked up to see its canopy like an umbrella; it is like a faithful guardian, day and night guarding the campus, xxxto protectxxx our lovely campus.

32. 时光荏苒,过去滴翻出来,又是一个轮回,但时过境迁、物是人非。

33. 拯救教育的是教育, 毁灭教育的也是教育。

34. One beautiful day, the birds were singing and the beasts were enjoying the nice weather. 一个美丽的日子,鸟儿欢歌,野兽也喜滋滋地沐浴着阳光。

35. 春暖花开香满院,天寒地冻雪飞花。

36. 落俗在所难免,浪漫至死不渝。

37. 夏天,树木长的郁郁葱葱,密密麻麻的枝叶遮住了刺眼的阳光,隐约有几缕阳光透过枝叶照在草坪上,微风吹过,时隐时现,好像在和小草捉迷藏呢。池塘里,亭亭玉立的荷花大大方方地摆出各种各样的姿势,笑迎游客。小鱼在翠绿的荷叶下面自由自在地嬉戏。

38. Regardless of whether or not keep relationship with you, I would want to let you know. You are my only obsession. 不管是否与你在一起,只想让你知道,你是我唯一的执著。

39. 时间是一条金河,莫让它轻轻地在你的指尖溜过。

40. 两只蚂蚁相遇,只是彼此碰了一下触须就向相反方向爬去。

41. 时间如雨后的彩虹,缓缓悄悄的消逝于蔚蓝天际。

42. 春光不自留,莫怪东风恶。

43. 我实在是个坏人,但作为你的朋友的我,却确实是在努力着学做好人。

44. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

45. 啊,坚强的柳树,我爱你!春天,你装扮大地:盛夏,你为人们遮荫蔽日:金秋,你使大地充满了活力:寒冬,你坚强不屈的精神令我感动!

46. Alifewithoutafriendisalifewithoutasun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。

47. 面对诬陷,不要反驳,不要申诉,不要企图与诬陷者对话,不要企图让旁观者怜悯,没有阴影的高楼,一定还未曾建造;没有藤缠的大树,一定还气节未到。

48. Children are golden rays of sunshine. 孩子就像是金色的阳光。

49. 时间是审查一切罪犯的最老练的法官。

50. Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit. We can not flower and grow without it. 赞美就像是阳光,人的精神,没有它我们的生命就失去阳光。

51. I am waiting for the wind waiting for you, too. 白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也等你。

52. Alwaysmyapaircomityisconstant.我俩友谊永不变。

53. Afriendexaggeratesaman'svirtue,anenemyhiscrimes.朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。

54. Oh, to you I give the sun, my heart. 哦,给你绚烂的阳光,美好的心愿。

55. Beauty so shines when given away. The only truth that exists is, in that sense, free. 分享令美愈加闪耀光辉,在这个意义上说,其实世上唯一的真理是分毫不费的。

56. Autumn quietly came to the world, many trees have yellow leaves, with the gust of autumn wind, have been falling, and loquat not only green, vibrant, but also pregnant with the future of the buds, like pink, silver clouds.

57. 夏天到了,雷雨交加,松树在风雨中挺立,那一片片绿得发亮的叶子还仍然在枝头欢笑着,那风雨中一声声清晰而动听的声音,像一股足以擎天撼地的生命力一样。令我肃然起敬。

58. 夏天,树木长得郁郁葱葱,枝繁叶茂。树叶一簇堆在另一簇上面,遮住了耀眼的阳光,一股挡住了人们的视线。早上,乳白色的大雾弥漫在山谷中。在远处的一个平凡的地方,却开出了许多美丽的鲜花,有白的、红的、黄的、粉红的。

59. 早,你要做个可爱的姑娘,不烦世事,满心欢喜。

60. 城市美在于青山绿水,青山的美在于勤劳的汗水,为了使我们的环境变得更美丽,让我们行动起来吧!挥洒汗水,一起植树吧!

61. 十人啊,真的不可自作聪明,因为你永远猜不到,你的身边有几只虎几只龙。

62. 最浪费不起的是时间。

63. Straight Solitary desert, river down the yen. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。

64. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.

65. ---美国总统xxx

66. 转眼间寒冷的冬天来临了,寒风呼啸,凛冽的狂风肆虐地想要将柳树连根拔起,可它像铁铸的一样毫不动摇,真有点儿“任风雨来袭,我自岿然不动”的气概。

67. Flaming Red sunrise, spring, such as bluegreen river. 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。

68. Northern Meizhou Island is blessed with beautiful seaside scene. The pleasant beach contains sunshine, blue sky, sea, beach, peculiar stone and forest. 湄洲岛南部拥有美丽的滨海风光,沙滩优美,融阳光、蓝天、碧海、沙滩、怪石、林带于一体。

69. 只要你有树的种子,即使你被踩到泥土中间,你依然能够吸收泥土的养分,自己成长起来。活着是美丽的风景,死了依然是栋梁之才,活着死了都有用。这就是我们每一个同学做人的标准和成长的标准。

70. To save time is to lengthen life. 节省时间就是延长生命。

71. 思念是清淡的诗,不是因为孤独才想你而是因为想你才孤独,真诚的心灵胜过钻石的光芒,你我的情谊天长地久

72. Aestheticism fashion design is her appearance, and purified lady's style is his soul. 唯美时尚的设计是她的外观,清纯淑女的风格是他的灵魂。

73. Around the galaxy, there are no brighter stars than you.

74. Atruefriendisforeverafriend.---GrorgeMacdonald,Britishnovelist真正的朋友是永远的朋友。

75. 我这一生遇见过很多风景,但你们的出现胜过任何山水风光。

76. 再给我个拥抱算了算了当我开玩笑.

77. 当大地刚刚苏醒的时候,红枫树早已抽出了它那火红的新芽。它们慢慢长成嫩叶,一折折的,就像直径只有1厘米的小型葵扇。

78. 等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。

79. 只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膀的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现。

80. 其实我很想像爱情公寓那样和几个最要好的朋友生活在爱情和友情,并不是如果爱情可以补考,我我们总是在年少轻狂的时候,毫无忌惮的去追寻所谓的爱情,或许是为了我要你你的心你的身我都要。

81. 大理的老乡们,大家好,大理是个好地方。

82. Everythingisgoodwhennew,butfriendwhenold.东西新的好,朋友老的好。

83. Afriendexaggeratesamansvirtue,anenemyhiscrimes.朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。

84. 千万柳枝的秀美,千万母亲的艰辛,枝条柔顺,常立河边的翠柳,使人赏心悦目,其状如瀑布,如秀发,春夏泛绿,冬天挂白,无论春夏秋冬都自然潇洒,微风吹过,摇曳全身,翩翩起舞,与山水相映成趣,愈显妩媚动人,伟大的母亲不也正是如此吗?

85. 往后余生,你好好过,我慢慢走。

86. Youth, is in the sunshine a budding flower, is full of vitality and sunny day. 青春,是阳光下的一朵含苞待放的花,是充满活力与阳光的日子。

87. However, both of them has experienced a happy life, and the extinction of their time. 他们都同样经历过一段美好的生活时光,也同样经历了国破家亡的日子。

88. 森林的天空一碧如洗,只有在傍晚,西边的天上才会出现几朵流云,这流云在落日的映照下,转眼间变成一道银灰,一道桔黄,一道血红,一道绛紫……就像仙女在空中抖动着五彩斑斓的锦缎。

89. 你不能否认,这些年,这群在毕业照上陪着你笑的人,一定会是一段绝不能忘的美好回忆。

90. 这棵红枫树居然伸出了淡黄的枝条,吐露出嫩绿的叶子来,虽然稀少,却很精神。历经移植的伤痛和严冬的历练,能在这二尺左右厚的土层里顽强的活下来,枫树生命的顽强和执着不能不让人肃然起敬。

91. The trunk of Pinus Americana stands tall and straight, rocks up into the sky, opens her green arm in the air, and looks like a beautiful girl in the distance.

92. 万里长城抵御外敌,绿色长城造福人类。

93. 应当仔细地观察,为的是理解;应当努力地理解,为的是行动。

94. 不善于表达的人真吃亏,付出多,用情深,却没人说你好。

95. Ah, the tung tree of your hometown, among the numerous trees, your trunk is not tall and straight, your flowers, leaves, fruits and seeds are not the most beautiful; but you have a wide range of uses, you silently dedicate yourself to mankind.

96. 山林的天空一碧如洗,只有在傍晚,西边的天上才会出现几朵流云,这流云在落日的映照下,转眼间变成一道银灰,一道桔黄,一道血红,一道绛紫就像仙女在空中抖动着五彩斑斓的锦缎。

97. 植树节,人人来参与,添一片绿色,建美丽家园!

98. 当岁月流转与时光轮回都无迹可循时,你蓦然回首,会发现有一样东西藏在时光长剧的背后。这一折子的回目便是:童年。

99. In spring, the apricot trees stretch out the tender green leaves, blooming out one after another white and red flowers, looking from afar, like a pink glow, dressing the hometown beautifully, approaching a smell, a fragrance swept to the nose, refreshing.

100. Friendshipcannotstandalwaysononeside.来而不往非礼也。

101. At noon, the sun warm sunshine to father-in-law land, the school district map of the garden like a paradise, very beautiful. 中午,太阳公公把温暖的阳光洒向大地,把学校的花园小区映射得像个天国,美丽极了。

102. Smile. Have a good time. 微笑,享受美好时光。

103. 这里景色真美,空气新鲜,天空一碧如洗,湛蓝湛蓝的。有时飘来几朵白云,有的像几个小朋友在玩耍;有的像狮子在奔跑。

104. 植树造林要适宜,季节土壤要调剂。

105. In the daytime, the great locust trees stretched out their arms to shade me; in the evening, the leaves whispered, like grandma's lullabies, and soon I fell asleep.

106. 真正的好朋友,并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题,而是在一起,就算不说话也不会感到尴尬。

107. People usually go to park to plant trees in one day

108. 小生不才,与姑娘萍水相逢,却妄自喜欢姑娘许久。

109. 很开心你能来,不遗憾你走开。

110. 旭日东升,惬意的平静逐渐被打破。少女惋惜着清晨的短暂,当望向湖中的那婀娜倩影,轻轻撩起垂向额头的那一缕调皮的青丝,心满意足地笑开了。又不经意地一瞥,彼岸的绚丽刺痛了她的眼睛,有点失落。毕竟那个少女不怀春呢?

111. I can remember the good old days. 我还记得那些美好的旧时光。

112. 平庸的人关心怎样耗费时间,有才能的人竭力利用时间。

113. 你生气了我哄你,我生气了你哄我。

114. 人生有一道难题,那就是如何使一寸光阴等于一寸生命。

115. A setting sun shop in water, half red Jiang Jiang whistle and a half. 一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红。

116. 只有经历过的人才会懂得美好是如何而来的。

117. 平凡简单,安于平凡,真不简单。

118. 希望世界安静,带走所有的小情绪。

119. 我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。

120. 时光就像个大筛子,经得起过滤,最后留下来的,才是真正的朋友。

121. 我会长成一棵大树,等你赞一声良木

描写大树的英文句子 篇六

1. 他深感到岁月流逝,一去不回。

2. 野火在远方,远方在你琥珀色的眼睛里。

3. Soluble moonlight, camphor tree is so lush, dense leaves like white wax, dimly emitting lustrous light.

4. 多一抹绿色,少一片荒凉;多一些清凉,少一份炎热;多一生机,少一点污染。让我们行动起来,共同撑起一片希望的绿荫。

5. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray... 你是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光,你让阴郁的天空充满欢笑……

6. Life is like a rainbow . You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear. 生命就像彩虹。有阳光有风雨才能显现出它最美丽的颜色。

7. The sunshine was beautiful on the seashore. 海岸上的阳光很美。

8. 把眼闭上,把梦打开,雨落下,又是一夜春语。

9. 流逝的日子像一片片凋零的枯叶与花瓣,渐去渐远的是青春的纯情与浪漫。

10. 没有风的时候,整个树在阳光下像一个窈窕淑女,羞答答地站在草坪中,微风吹来,柳枝随风摇曳伴着风地节奏跳舞,狂风刮来,枝条使劲摇摆像一头发疯地狮子要把人卷起来吃掉一样,下雨了,它依然站在那儿舒枝展叶尽情地喝着雨水。

11. 如果没有勇气远离海岸线,长时间在海上孤寂地漂流,那么你绝不可发现新大陆。

12. The tender green leaves of the trees also smiled in the sunshine, which made people look bright and vivid.

13. The sunshine is fresh soft in the morning, and hot dry at noon. The afterglow disappears rapidly in the dusk though it is dazzlingly beautiful. 早上的阳光清凉柔和,中午的阳光又热又干,傍晚的阳光艳丽却会很快消失。

14. 垂柳像一位姑娘,把那飘逸的长发在水中梳洗,微风吹来,长发迎风飘荡,轻抚着河水。小河清澈见底,可以一眼望见河底形态各异的鹅卵石。

15. They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.那些把灯背在背上的人,把他们的影子投到了自己前面。

16. 我赞美青松更重要的原因却是它那种自我牺牲的精神。青松的叶子可以提炼挥发油,枝子可以做松香、松节油,是很重要的工业原料;它的枝干更伟大,能力挺千钧之栋梁,从紫禁城里皇宫大殿的横梁立柱,到民间的舍屋草棚的支柱梁架,都是松木成就了它们的耀眼光辉。

17. 风暴使橡树的根扎得更深。

18. 最温柔的月光,也敌不过,你那转瞬的回眸。

19. When his only child died, Sam might have given way to grief. 山姆唯一的孩子死去时,他悲恸不已。

20. 爱林造林,促进国土绿化,保护人类赖以生存的生态环境。

21. 若没有看过花开的艳丽,怎会知道花落的伤感?若没有守过一个无言的故事,怎会尝到年华的苦涩?若没有经过一场大雨的洗礼,怎会体会到成长的步伐?时光,旧了容颜,沉淀了岁月的静好。

22. Ginkgo is a woody plant that grows year after year. In every season, they have their own unique changes.

23. When spring blossoms come, elm trees everywhere seem to compete with bright peach and apricot trees. The soft green branches are covered with tiny red flower bones.

24. 蔚蓝的天空一碧如洗,流动的白云在空中随风翩翩起舞。远处一座座群山蜿蜒连绵,峰峦起伏,山脚下的树木长得郁郁葱葱,枝繁叶茂,绿茵茵的草地上开满了各种各样的小花。

25. 只要有纯洁的心灵,种子一定会成为参天大树。

26. 愿多年以后你我仍是旧友,共饮老酒,一醉方休,唱一句青春不朽。

27. 时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易去相信神话

28. 春风吹,阳光照,红领巾,胸前飘,挖土块,种树苗,浇桶水,把愿许。小树苗,快长高,抽新叶,发新芽。防风沙,保家园,为民众,献力量。

29. Only with ultrahigh-intensity lasers , however, are there enough photons in each pulse to produce a significant number of gamma-gamma collisions. 不过呢,唯有使用超高强度的雷射,每个脉冲内才有足够的光子可以制造数量显著的伽玛光子碰撞事件。

30. 还地球一片绿色,给浮躁的心带来一片绿意。

31. 友情陪我一路同行,为我护航,为我遮雨,才使我的旅途如此精彩。

32. 白昼的光,如何能够了解夜晚黑暗的深度呢?

33. 我们将最后两个月的初中时光别无选择地放在一次考试上。直到一切都结束后,才用泪水和悔恨来结束这三年的青春、三年的友谊。伤感或许不能解决问题,或许也足以诠释这一切吧。致青春...

34. 冬,雪花飞舞,银装素裹,这个季节更多的是神秘。雪像厚厚的.棉被罩住了大地。咦,那是什么?原来是孩子们堆的雪人。孩子们梦见了圣诞老人给他们送来了神秘礼物……看那边隐隐约约的红色是什么?哦,原来是梅花。“梅花香自苦寒来”,它不怕风雪,在冬天悄然开放。

35. 愿我们有人爱,有事做,有期待!

36. Sunflower is simple and unadorned, never changing clothes all the year round, thick and stout, just open the broad palm, that sharp finger, like countless swords, pointing to the uneven life.

37. 夏天,柳树长得更加茂盛。柳树的树冠就像一把绿色的大伞,中午酷热难耐,人们都在树荫下乘凉。柳树默默地用自己的身躯为人们遮挡着夏日如火的骄阳,为人们带来一丝清凉,却从不向人们索取任何报酬,这不正是你的精神所在吗?

38. Beautiful sunlight , sandy beach, blue sea and romantic hemp palm forest. 有美丽的阳光,沙滩,湛蓝的水和透明的,浪漫的棕榈林。

39. 一场春雨刚过,柳树那细细长长的枝条上又泛出一层新绿。那些冒出来的毛茸茸的小芽,打了一个大大的呵欠,四处张望了一下,就舒展起身子来。它那婀娜多姿的树干映衬那柔软的枝条,还有那满树可爱的叶子,乍一看,就像一位楚楚动人的女子,亭亭玉立。

40. 光阴易逝,岂容我待。

41. 这森林就是一张巨大的绿色竖琴,处处跳荡着生命交响乐的旋律:那婉转的鸟鸣,馨香的铃兰,翩翩的彩蝶,草地上的蘑菇撑起千万把小伞。

42. Spring breeze blows, the old elm put on the emerald green new clothes, the full campus students also with the old elm put on the latest and most gorgeous clothes, the old elm has become a beautiful angel.

43. 艺术长存,光阴易逝。

44. 花有重开日,人无再少年。

45. 一眼望去,树木就好像披上了一件厚实的绿长袍,连地上也盖上了绿色的被子。树叶郁郁葱葱的重叠在一起,形成了一片绿色的海洋,轻轻流入云际,树繁叶茂,挡住了天,抬头往上一望,只看见绿色。

46. The sun parched the earth like a big fireball. Or that the glow of the sun is very beautiful, golden. 太阳像个大火球炙烤着大地。或者说太阳发出的光芒非常美丽,金灿灿的。

47. 岁月无痕,流水时光,却容不下我这一只残破孤零的扁舟。

48. You are a colorful stone with the streaks of the sea and the beauty of the coral, and shining with the luster of life. 你是一块美丽的彩石,有海的波纹,有珊瑚的美色,阳光下,正闪耀生命的光泽。

49. I can make it through the rain.I can stand up once again on my own.

50. 净化空气,美化环境的是你,镇住风沙,阻挡洪水的是你,你就是绿色功臣--树。3月12日,让我们贡献微薄之力,去种树,团结力量大,环境更美好!行动起来!

51. Pines, brown trunks, thick bowls, straight and straight, the pine leaves are lovely green, like an open green umbrella, the wind blows, gently swaying.

52. 有生之年,狭路相逢,终不能幸免。

53. 走着走着,转眼间就到了森林的边沿。我回过头去,欣赏着刚才走过的森林,无限感慨到:大自然是多么的美丽啊!充满着无限的生机和活力。而地球的美丽,莫过于这些充满生机的绿色生命。让我们一起行动起来,保护森林,保护自然,保护我们赖以生存的家园。

54. Atruefriendisonesoulintwobodies.真正的朋友好似两个身子长着一颗心。

55. 那以往的同窗生活,是一串冰糖葫芦,那迷人的甜与酸将永远回味不完。

56. 植树节,你也来贡献自己的一份力量,让地球长出美丽的头发来!

57. 春天,枝头长出了翠绿的小嫩芽儿,枝干不再是光秃秃的了,而是抽出了小芽儿,他们不再是身披臃肿的白色大衣,而是穿上了浅绿色衬衣。沐浴在春日里明媚阳光下的树,真是一道美丽的风景啊!

58. I love three things in this world. 浮世三千,吾爱有三。

59. 秋,在大诗人陶渊明的眼中是一个诗意浓浓的季节。看那美丽的秋菊,是那么婀娜多姿!陶渊明曾经写下“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的诗句来表达对菊花的喜爱。秋也是一个彩色的季节。瞧那山上的枫叶,有红的、浅黄的、金黄的。小草也都变黄了,风一吹,它们就随风飘动。

60. 在幸运时不与人同享的,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。

61. 任何事物都无法抗拒吞食一切的时间。

62. While climbing the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. 同时,我们喜欢去爬山的温暖的阳光和一幅美丽的景色。

63. Azadirachta azedarach trees grow tall trunks, dense leaves, with snow-white flowers, from a distance, the clusters of white flowers like a snowflake falling from the sky.

64. 在家庭中,宠儿和弃儿一样,都不可能健康成长: 前者的天性会被扭曲,后者的个性会被扼杀。

65. There was a tall pine, alone, like a forgotten sentry stretching its melancholy head and its twisting branches and fan-shaped foliage, withered and cracked by the aging northwest wind.

66. 有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。

67. Spring breeze blows, the old elm put on the emerald green new clothes, the full campus students also along with the old elm put on the latest and most gorgeous clothes, the old elm has become a beautiful angel.

68. 时间就是生命。无端的空耗别人的时间,其实无异于谋财害命的。

69. You see, the Nanmu is small and delicate, its green leaves are sparkling and meaningful like a brush; slightly tall, long and slender, elegant and elegant, just like a slender waist dancer; thick, direct sky, supporting a green cloud, like a giant pillar soaring into the sky.

70. Amanshouldkeephisfriendshipinconstantrepair.---Samueljohnaon,Britishwriter人应该经常维修友谊。

71. Ah, the tung tree of your hometown, your trunk is not tall and straight among the numerous trees, your flowers, leaves, fruits and seeds are not the most beautiful; but you have a wide range of uses, you silently dedicate yourself to mankind.

72. 时间如流水,半点不等人。

73. 背靠大树,不要以为你就是大树。

74. 岁月流逝只令容颜苍老,激情不再却使心灵枯萎。

75. 时光如箭,转眼一划而过,便消失得无影无踪了。

76. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Please don't, take my sunshine away. 你是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光。请不要,带走我的阳光。

77. 一日无二晨,时间不重临。

78. The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the blind boy could not. 第二句话却告诉人们,他们能够享受美好时光而盲童却不能。

79. In the sun, West Lake water bright, beautiful! 在阳光下,西湖的水亮晶晶的,美极了!

80. 见面动手动脚,说两句就骂的,打完骂完。还能相视而笑,这样的才叫死党!

81. 山林像一个少女般披上了这金色的罗裳,山林在微风中舒展着身姿,它苏醒了!

82. 十年树木,百年树人,愿你偈施过服的树苗再茁壮成长,今天,汲取丰富的养料,明天生出饱满的枝节,打下坚实的根基,长成参天大树。

83. 冬天,树木脱掉了油亮亮的衣裳,换上了一件雪白的衣裳。那些桃树绽开了缤纷的蓓蕾。山路上盖上了一条雪白的地毯,是么洁白无瑕,看上去真叫人怎么忍心把脚踩。

84. 红枫树那绿色的叶子,夹在我最喜欢的一本书里,如今已经变得有些枯黄,叶子上写有我和杨方浩的名字,我那歪歪倒倒的字迹和他那漂亮的行楷。

85. 树木笔直的站着,闻着泥土的芳香,所以长得粗壮,高的直入云霄,像一个巨大的绿色的保护伞,保护着身旁的小树。

86. You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了。

87. 就算每一个小事都能忍耐,如果全都累积起来,总有一天会崩溃的。

88. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees、So more and more trees are cut by them、But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean、So they plant trees as many as they can、

89. 所有看起来的幸运,都源自坚持不懈的努力。

90. 容许我最后叫你一次亲爱的亲爱的,放弃你,是我的错

91. Many miscellaneous leaves turn golden, but the leaves of the maple tree are red. They are staggered with green pines. They are a rare brocade in the world.

92. 沿着白皑皑的群峰的雪线以下,是蜿蜒无尽的翠绿的原始森林,密密的塔松像撑天的巨伞,重重迭迭的枝丫,只漏下斑斑点点细碎的日影。

93. 关于植树的英语小短文

94. Becausefriendshipsenhanceourlives,itisimportanttocultivatethem.培植友谊十分重要,因为友谊能提高生活的价值。

95. 你献一点绿,我献一点绿让绿成为生命主旋律。

96. Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair… 让我们站在阳光下尽情舞蹈,发间插满美丽的野花儿,……

97. 早晨,浓浓的晨雾抱住了森林,整个森林全部浸在白白的浓雾中,太阳升起来了,阳光把晨雾迁走了,这时森林又“亮”了起来。

98. 银河寂静星馥闪,晚风轻吹夜阑珊。

99. 小河倒映着山林,山林掩映着小河,显得更加妩媚动人,生机勃勃。

100. 流年,在等谁的相濡以沫。

101. 秋天,叶子一片片落下,带着一丝丝的遗憾,投向大地母亲的怀抱。她们跳跃着,旋转着,轻舞飞扬着,翩然落下。

102. 遇到喜欢的人面无表情擦肩而过都是装的

103. 因为他们想要保卫环境。有许多想要通过砍伐树木来挣钱的人。

104. Friendsarelikewine;theolder,thebetter.朋友象酒,越久越淳。

105. 时间的脚步是无声的,它在不经意间流逝,春去秋来,青春年华刹那方休。

106. 记得珍惜那些还在身边的人,记得珍惜那些流过的时间。记得珍惜你自己。

107. 栽下小树,绿了大地,润了人心,让我们植树,护树。让春光染绿我们的双脚,让绿色遍及我们的家园。

108. 今天是植树节,我们中华民族自古就有xxx爱树、育树xxx的传统。爱白杨的挺拔,癌症治疗爱垂柳的柔美。爱松树不屈的风骨。除了这种精神的寄托外,人们更看重它的实用价值。有了树,才会有和谐美丽的大自然;有了树,才有清爽、新鲜的空气;有了树,才会有高楼、房屋和铁路。

109. Along the country road, there were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. 村路边有很多美丽的野花、青草、大树,阳光照耀的枝叶闪耀。

110. 在所有的批评中,最伟大、最正确、最天才的是时间。

111. Neutrinos are the only particles that seem to just spin anticlockwise. 而中微子是唯一似乎只会逆时针旋转的微粒子。

112. Sweet the rains' new fall sunlit from heaven. 初下的雨水和来自天庭的阳光何等甜美。

113. 同一天的周而复始,若不在哪里留下折痕,说不定会产生错觉。

114. 有所得是低级快乐,有所求是高级快乐。

115. 科学好比一棵大树,一个人怎么也抱不住。

116. 秋天,我最喜欢到山上去看那美丽的'枫树林。一天傍晚,迎着晚霞,我又来到那片久违的枫树林。这时,枫树的叶子显得更红了。好象在和晚霞一争高下似的,比谁红火,比谁更引人注目。

117. With interaction guides from experts, enjoy lovely moments with your child through story-telling! 专家的伴读指导,让您轻轻松松为孩子说故事,享受美好的阅读时光!

118. Four food, but a bowl of human fireworks.

119. 不分手的恋爱,那只是一首歌而已。

120. 红枫树的绿叶中,冷不丁冒出小小的花朵。与众不同的花,扁,片,没有花蕊。而绿叶丛中的小花,粉嫩粉嫩。

121. 伯京和伊凡·伊凡诺维奇去了阳台,从那儿能看到花园和磨坊池塘那边的美丽景色,磨坊池塘此刻在阳光下像镜子一样闪闪发光。 Burkin and Ivan Ivanovitch went out on the balcony,from which there was a beautiful view over the garden and the mill-pond,which was shining now in the sunshine like a mirror.

122. 春来处处好风光,花红树绿水荡漾。为你栽下梧桐树,引来一只金凤凰,好运带到你身旁,甜蜜直抵你心房,幸福生活万年长。植树节快乐!

123. 松树!你是生活在这块土地上亿万精灵的化身,你不凡的经历!不息抗争的精神!为大自然增添异彩,为古老的神州大地奏响生命的乐章。我在涛声阵阵的松林里饱览美丽的自然风光,在墨绿色的水岸边流连忘返。

124. 以一种最恰当的方式陪伴,友情也好,爱情也罢,只要我们在一起。

125. 真正的好友,能经得起时间的锤炼,岁月的打磨,再次见面时也可一如既往。

126. Red leaves washed by clouds and mists, like red agate with dewdrops, glistened and looked from afar, and the hillside seemed to fly over a mass of streams of fire, burning, burning, and during the day, the great locust trees extended their arms to shade me for me; at night, the leaves whispered, like grandmother singing a lullaby, so that I quickly entered the sweet. Dream home.

127. If there is sleep in the mountains, pillow is the moon.

128. 学习时的痛苦是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终身的。

129. 正如树枝和树干连接在一起那样,脱离树干的树枝很快就会枯死。

130. In the moonlight, the leaves of this ancient Chinese locust are so green, the branches are so thick, looking from afar, like a warrior with a sword, and like a giant standing on top of heaven and earth.

131. 春天,同学们刚踏进校园,就听到了悦耳的鸟叫声,同学们都知道是从樟脑树上传出来的。樟脑树有一个特点是:一般的树都是秋天落叶,春天长叶,可樟脑树却是春天长叶,四季都落叶。

132. everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees、

133. 敢于浪费哪怕一个钟头时间的人,说明他还不懂得珍惜生命的全部价值。

134. --(英)休谟名人名言

135. 就算是真的难过真的失落真的不舍还是可以假装一切都没事的

136. 愿我风雨里像个大人,愿一直被宠的像个孩子。

137. Don't for a moment of extreme and lost another romantic encounter 别为了一时的偏激而丧失掉,另外一个浪漫唯美的邂逅

138. 路两旁是高大茂密的竹林,竹干粗细相杂,有的粗如碗口,有的细如笔杆,但都伸展着细长的枝叶,挤挤攘攘,争相生长。

139. For auld lang syne, my dear. 为了昔日美好的时光,亲爱的。

140. 一棵棵大树枝繁叶茂,像巨伞一样高高耸立,远远望去,就是一片绿色的海洋。一阵阵风儿吹过,林中的树木像波浪一样涌动,发出了哗啦啦,哗啦啦的声响,就像在欢快地歌唱。

141. 只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间;只要人人都植棵树,世界将变成绿色的海洋。植树节,让我们为环境做些贡献,你好我好大家都好!

142. 长长的松针,在秋天的早晨,挂满露珠,当曙光普照时,闪烁晶莹的光芒;当夕阳西下时,晚露为她披上了一件红光灿烂的彩衣,给这片松林增添了几分色彩。

143. 春雨是一首欢快动听的乐曲。它叫醒了树木,滋润了小草,唤醒花儿。树木长出了嫩绿的叶子,叶子上挂着晶莹的水珠,微风轻轻拂过,树木摇摆着,发出了“哗哗哗”的声音,仿佛在感谢春雨,小草破土而出,很快就织成了一片绿色的法兰绒。

144. After the rain, the wind stopped, the sun came out, the willows quieted down, stooped down, looked down at the river, as if in front of the xxxmirrorxxx combing hair.


