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篮球场上用到的英语句子 篇一

Basketball is a popular sport around the world, and players often use various English phrases and terms on the court. These phrases not only help players communicate with each other but also add to the excitement of the game. In this article, we will explore some of the common English sentences used on the basketball court.

1. "Pick and roll": This is a common offensive play in basketball where one player sets a screen (pick) for a teammate, who then uses the screen to drive to the basket. The player who set the screen then rolls to the basket, looking for a pass from the ball handler.

2. "Switch": This is a defensive strategy where players exchange defensive assignments to prevent the offense from gaining an advantage. Players often call out "switch" to communicate with their teammates and make sure everyone is on the same page.

3. "Box out": This phrase is used to remind players to establish position and block out their opponents when a shot goes up. Box out is crucial in rebounding, as it helps players secure the ball and prevent the opposing team from getting second-chance points.

4. "Fast break": A fast break is a quick offensive play where the team pushes the ball up the court before the defense has a chance to set up. Players often call out "fast break" to signal their teammates to run the court and look for scoring opportunities.

5. "Shoot the three": This phrase is used to encourage a player to attempt a three-point shot. In today's game, the three-point shot is a valuable weapon, and players often look to shoot from beyond the arc to spread the floor and create scoring opportunities.

6. "Take it to the hole": This phrase is used to encourage a player to drive to the basket and attempt a layup or dunk. Driving to the basket puts pressure on the defense and can lead to scoring opportunities for the offensive team.

7. "Call for the ball": Players often use this phrase to signal to their teammates that they are open and ready to receive a pass. Communication is key in basketball, and calling for the ball helps players create scoring opportunities and keep the offense flowing.

In conclusion, these are just a few of the many English phrases and terms used on the basketball court. Learning these phrases can help players communicate effectively with their teammates and enhance their overall performance on the court.

篮球场上用到的英语句子 篇二

Basketball is a game of strategy, skill, and teamwork, and players often use a variety of English sentences to communicate on the court. In this article, we will delve deeper into some of the advanced English phrases and terms used in basketball.

1. "Pick and pop": This is a variation of the pick and roll play, where the player setting the screen "pops" out to the three-point line instead of rolling to the basket. This play is often used to create spacing and open up scoring opportunities for shooters.

2. "Iso": Short for isolation, this term is used to describe a play where a player is given the ball and allowed to create scoring opportunities one-on-one against their defender. Isolation plays are often used to exploit mismatches and take advantage of a player's individual skills.

3. "Backdoor cut": This phrase is used to describe a play where a player cuts behind their defender towards the basket to receive a pass for an easy score. Backdoor cuts are effective in catching the defense off guard and creating scoring opportunities.

4. "High-low": This term is used to describe a play where one player positions themselves high on the court while another player positions themselves low near the basket. The high-low play is designed to create passing lanes and scoring opportunities for both players.

5. "Double team": This defensive strategy involves sending two defenders to guard a single offensive player, often to force a turnover or disrupt the opponent's offensive flow. Double teaming requires good communication between defenders to prevent open shots or passes.

6. "Off-ball screen": This phrase is used to describe a play where a player without the ball sets a screen for a teammate to create an open scoring opportunity. Off-ball screens are essential in creating movement and spacing on offense.

7. "Shot clock": The shot clock is a timer used in basketball to limit the amount of time a team has to attempt a shot. Players often call out "shot clock" to remind their teammates to hurry up and create a scoring opportunity before the shot clock expires.

In conclusion, basketball is a dynamic and fast-paced game that requires players to communicate effectively on the court. By learning and understanding these advanced English phrases and terms, players can enhance their performance and contribute to their team's success.

篮球场上用到的英语句子 篇三

1. I'm running fast.

2. 我们这支球队就是为了要夺取总冠军而存在的。——韦德

3. 我从不惧怕任何对手,只怕对手不够强大。——乔丹

4. You can do it too!

5. 篮球场上总有一群很傻的男生,整天打着篮球奔跑着,以为这样能迎来女生的青睐,没想到女生们都跑去看所谓的“长腿欧巴”了,而迎接他们的只有更黑的肤色,更多的伤疤,更多的劳累,可他们从不后悔,他们变得更坚强,更勇敢,他们擦破了皮不会叫疼,他们抽了筋也不会叫痛,他们懂得什么是责任,他们更像个男人,他们打球从不是为了给女生看,因为他们发现蓝球已是他们最温暖的陪伴,他们踏上篮球场,就不需要任何安慰,他们爱上篮球,从不后悔。

6. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

7. 世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。——科比

8. Everyday and in every way I'm getting better.

9. 面对一座城池,只要你中一球可得,出手吧!

10. Never too old to learn.

11. Never, never, never, never give up .

12. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

13. 试着起跳扣篮不是梦想是渴望。

14. I play football is very well.

15. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.

16. Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed .

17. 一周有七天,一天有二十四个小时,我随时可以搞定卡尔·马龙。——罗德曼

18. 找个女朋友,陪你打篮球;找个男朋友,让他教你打篮球。

19. 你不可能变得比我更好,因为在打篮球上,你花的时间绝对没有我多。你也想花时间投入到篮球中,但是你做不到,因为你总是有其他事情要做,其他责任要去承担,你会分心。所以,我已经赢了。

20. Money doesn't grow on trees.

21. Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .

22. 球场上的强硬和坚韧,不是和对手近身肉搏,而是能在被打-倒后,站起来以更强硬的姿态予以反击。——泰森·钱德勒

23. Go for it! = Just do it!

24. 给我一个篮球,我能打到天昏地暗,打到日月无光,打到着这世界只剩下寂寞。

25. 即使几个月没上过球场、但我还有自信,还有在球场上击败每一个人的信心。——欣哲

26. 每打完球都感觉全世界都重新定义出过汗后都感觉焕然一新这就是我

27. 世上不存绝境,时刻都是挑战。唯有被逆境砺炼,方能被星光笼罩。拼搏到最后一刻!鏖战至最后一人!我们征伐!我们厮杀!xxx

28. I was surfing exercise

29. I don't like tennis.

30. 每件负面的事,比如压力、挑战,都是让我提升的机会。

31. To convert defeat into victory.

32. 我得到了祝福,因为我得到了祝福,我才能在比赛中有这种表现,我真是太幸运了。

33. 我看见他们不断的换球员来防守我,我能够感觉到第一个防守我的球员很害怕,一旦我开始甩开他的防守得分,他们就换另一个人来防守,然后我就把这个防守球员逼疯,再换下一个。无论谁防守我,我都相信只要我连续对他展开攻击,最后他一定会崩溃和放弃。

34. 不要换我下场,我死后多的是时间休息。——巴克利

35. Time is money.

36. 比赛场上总有一个要赢,那个人为什么不能是我呢?

37. Practice makes perfect.

38. 有人曾经说过这么一句话:“不喜欢篮球的男孩就不是百分之一百的男孩。”男孩子,就应该打篮球----起码也应该喜欢看球。

39. xxx别用你的过去为借口,错过了你的未来。xxx

40. A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.

41. I'm gonging swimming tonight.

42. Leave behind a clean world for future generations.

43. 天冷,有媳妇抱媳妇,有老公抱老公,没对象就去打篮球吧。

44. 岁月打败了八一队,裁判打败了广东队。

45. 假如有一天我必须爬着离开球场,我也绝对不会让人把我抬出去,没有人能把我抬出去,永远也不可能。——莫宁

46. No pain, no gain.

47. 即使全世界抛弃了,还有篮球陪伴着我。

48. Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.

49. It's never too late to mend.

50. An idle youth,a needy age.


