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谎言的英文句子 篇一

Lies are like scars on the soul

Lies are like scars on the soul. They leave a mark, a reminder of the deception and betrayal that took place. Whether big or small, lies have a way of seeping into the very fabric of our being, tarnishing our integrity and corroding our relationships.

It's easy to think that a little white lie here and there won't do any harm. But the truth is, lies have a way of multiplying and growing, until they become a tangled web of deceit that is impossible to unravel. The more we lie, the easier it becomes, until eventually, we lose sight of the truth altogether.

Lies have a way of eroding trust and destroying the bonds that hold us together. Once a lie is discovered, it can be nearly impossible to rebuild the trust that was lost. The damage done by a lie can be irreparable, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams.

In the end, lies only serve to hurt us. They may provide a temporary escape from reality, but in the long run, they only serve to deepen our wounds and scar our souls. Honesty may be difficult, but it is always the best policy. In a world filled with lies, be the beacon of truth that shines brightly in the darkness.

谎言的英文句子 篇二

The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever

The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever. This simple yet profound statement holds a powerful truth that we often overlook in our daily lives. While telling the truth may be difficult in the moment, the pain it causes is temporary. On the other hand, a lie can cause lasting damage that can never be undone.

When we choose to lie, we are not only deceiving others, but we are also deceiving ourselves. We may think that we are protecting someone's feelings or avoiding conflict, but in reality, we are only postponing the inevitable pain and suffering that will come when the truth is finally revealed.

Lies have a way of festering and growing, like a cancer that spreads throughout our lives. They eat away at our integrity and corrode our relationships, leaving us feeling empty and alone. The longer we hold onto a lie, the harder it becomes to let go, until eventually, we are consumed by the very falsehoods we have created.

The truth may be painful, but it is also liberating. It frees us from the burden of deception and allows us to live authentically and with integrity. When we choose honesty over deceit, we not only strengthen our relationships with others, but we also strengthen our relationship with ourselves.

In a world filled with lies and half-truths, be the voice of honesty and integrity. Choose the path of truth, even when it is difficult, for in the end, it is always the right choice. Remember, the truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever.

谎言的英文句子 篇三

谎言的英文句子 精选78句

1. 真实往往光着,因为衣服常常被谎言穿走。

2. 真实的谎言,是假装快乐,谎言的真实,是无可奈何。

3. 一辈子的努力,也许没有一两分钟想象出来的谎言来得美丽。

4. 表面是清晰明了的谎言,背后却是晦涩难懂的真相。

5. 我始终相信,谎言是一切罪恶的根源。

6. 当谎言重复一千遍的时候,你就会相信它,只要那个谎言足够美好。

7. 谎言重复一千遍也还是谎言,不必为谎言找借口。

8. The difference between a lie and a promise is that the person who listens takes it seriously and the person who says it takes it seriously.

9. There are only children and fools in the world who can't lie.

10. 息事宁人的谎言,胜过搬弄是非的真话。

11. If people live in lies for a long time, they will become hypocritical from their bones.

12. 每个正直的人,就像躲避死亡一样,避免撒谎。

13. All love is a lie, and the biggest deceived person is himself.

14. 谎言就算是包装一百种形式,也依旧是谎言。

15. Men are born to lie, while women are born to believe lies.

16. There must be energy and falsehood.

17. The worst lie in the world is to deceive oneself.

18. 一句谎言会毁掉一个正直的人的全部名誉。

19. 真理是美的;毫无疑问,谎言也是如此。

20. When the truth is wearing shoes, lies have run all over the city.

21. Our lies are pure, without a trace of truth.

22. Among the beautiful lies, one goes out of the abyss and the other goes to heaven.

23. 用谎言去验证谎言得到的一定也是谎言!

24. Incomplete truths are sometimes more deadly than lies.

25. Truth is often bare, because clothes are often worn away by lies.

26. Whoever tells a lie loses his pure heart.

27. 深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。

28. 如果说真实是残酷的,谎言绝对是温柔的吧。

29. Love is not afraid of lies, but of losing trust.

30. 男人生来就会撒谎,而女人生来就会轻信谎言。

31. 在美丽的谎言中,一个走出了深渊,一个走向了天堂。

32. I always believe that lies are the root of all evil.

33. The great liar is also the great magician.

34. 真理的反面是谎言,谎言的反面却未必是真理,而可能是另一个谎言。

35. It must be a lie to prove a lie with a lie!

36. A lie is a lie even if it is packaged in one hundred forms.

37. Boasting and lying are moral extinction, which is bound to lead to political extinction.

38. Clearly, it's just a walking corpse, but it's a lie about being alive.

39. You test a lie with a lie, and you end up with a lie.

40. Artists expose the truth with lies, while politicians conceal the truth with lies.

41. 人在谎言里生活久了,就会从骨子里变得虚伪。

42. 你用谎言去验证谎言,最后得到的还是谎言。

43. 爱情最怕不是谎言,而是失去了信任。

44. 吹牛撒谎是道义上的灭亡,它势必引向**上的灭亡。

45. Truth may be sad, but it's better than lies.

46. 美是真理之光,而美的阴影就是谎言。

47. When a lie is repeated a thousand times, you will believe it, as long as the lie is good enough.

48. 实话可能令人伤心,但胜过谎言。

49. 谎言和誓言的区别在于,一个是听的人当真了,一个是说的人当真了。

50. 最残酷的谎言常常是在沉默中说出来的。

51. 深情是我承担不起的重担,情话只是偶尔兑现的谎言。

52. Beauty is the light of truth, and the shadow of beauty is a lie.

53. A thousand repetitions of a lie is still a lie. There is no need to make excuses for a lie.

54. 野心就是一切虚伪和谎话的根源。

55. Love is a burden I can't afford. Love words are only lie cashed occasionally.

56. Every honest man avoids lying just as he avoids death.

57. 干劲一定要有,假话一定不可讲。

58. The cruelest lies are often told in silence.

59. 大家都不听谎言,说谎的人也就绝迹了。

60. 我们的谎言是纯净的,不掺和一丝真相。

61. 艺术家用谎言揭露真相,**家用谎言隐瞒真相。

62. 所有的深爱都是谎言,最大的受骗者是自己。

63. 世界上只有孩子和傻瓜不会撒谎。

64. 墨写的谎说,决掩不住血写的事实。

65. 伟大的说


66. Those who believe in lies will be destroyed before truth.

67. Ambition is the root of all hypocrisy and lies.

68. 当真相在穿鞋的时候,谎言已经跑遍了全城。

69. 相信谎言的人必将在真理之前毁灭。

70. Living in a carefully crafted lie, even oneself is a fictional illusion.

71. Love is a burden I can't afford. Love words are just lies cashed by chance.

72. 如果他以谎言为生,他就应该试着以谎言而死。

73. 生活在一个精心编制的谎言里,连自己都是虚构的幻觉罢了。

74. 人世间最恶劣的谎言是自己欺骗自己。

75. The surface is a clear lie, but behind it is an obscure truth.

76. 不完整的真相,有时候比谎言更致命。

77. 明明只是一具行尸走肉,却编造着,活着的谎言。

78. 无论谁只要说一句谎话,他就失去了纯洁的心。


