
时间:2019-08-08 03:35:12
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描写大城市的句子英语 篇一

The hustle and bustle of the big city can be overwhelming at times, with honking cars and crowded streets becoming the norm. Skyscrapers tower over the landscape, casting shadows on the busy sidewalks below. Neon lights illuminate the night sky, turning the city into a dazzling display of colors and movement.

The endless stream of people rushing to and fro creates a sense of urgency and energy that is palpable in the air. Everyone seems to be on a mission, whether it's rushing to work, meeting friends for dinner, or simply exploring the city streets. The constant buzz of activity is both exhilarating and exhausting, a reminder of the relentless pace of urban life.

Despite the chaos, there is a certain beauty to be found in the city's chaos. The eclectic mix of cultures and languages, the vibrant street art and graffiti, the hidden gems tucked away in alleyways and side streets – all contribute to the city's unique charm. And amidst the chaos, there are moments of quiet and calm to be found, if one knows where to look.

As night falls, the city takes on a different persona. The neon lights flicker to life, casting a warm glow over the streets. The sounds of laughter and music fill the air, as people spill out of bars and restaurants, enjoying the vibrant nightlife that the city has to offer. It's a city that never sleeps, where the party never ends and the possibilities are endless.

In the early hours of the morning, as the city finally begins to wind down, there is a sense of peace and quiet that settles over the streets. The traffic dies down, the crowds dissipate, and the city takes on a serene beauty that is all its own. And as the sun rises once again, casting its golden light over the cityscape, one can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer magnitude and complexity of the big city.

描写大城市的句子英语 篇二

The big city is a place of contrasts and contradictions, where wealth and poverty exist side by side, often in the same neighborhood. Skyscrapers loom over rundown tenements, luxury boutiques sit next to pawn shops, and fine dining establishments share the same block as fast food joints. It's a city of extremes, where the haves and have-nots coexist in a delicate balance that can shift at a moment's notice.

The streets are teeming with people from all walks of life, each with their own story to tell. The homeless man on the corner, the business executive rushing to a meeting, the street performer entertaining a crowd – each one a piece of the city's vibrant tapestry. It's a place where anonymity is both a blessing and a curse, where one can disappear into the crowd or stand out like a sore thumb, depending on one's perspective.

Despite the noise and chaos, there is a sense of community to be found in the big city. Neighborhoods become like small villages, where everyone knows everyone else's business and looks out for one another. It's a place where strangers become friends, where bonds are forged in the crucible of urban life. And amidst the concrete jungle, pockets of greenery can be found – parks and gardens that offer respite from the hustle and bustle of the city streets.

But for all its charms, the big city can be a harsh and unforgiving place. The cost of living is high, the competition fierce, and the pressures of urban life can take their toll on even the strongest of souls. It's a place where dreams are made and shattered in equal measure, where success and failure go hand in hand. And yet, for those who are willing to brave the chaos and embrace the challenges, the big city offers a wealth of opportunities and experiences that can't be found anywhere else.

描写大城市的句子英语 篇三

1. It is big and very modern with a population of …

2. 在平台东望,现代化高楼林立,金茂大厦犹如书卷,站在浦东的土地上,他用浓烈的中国化气息展示了现代文明。

3. 这街道在平常本来是很清静的,但现在忽然热闹起来了,街中间聚集了一大群人,具着各样的身材,穿着各样的衣服,有着各样的面孔,层层密密地围成了一个大圈子。站在后面的人,都伸出颈项,好像要尽力使他们的身体立刻长高几尺;而侥幸得站在前面的人,又似乎拼命要扩大自己的身体,恐怕他们看见的景象,被后面的人偷看去了一般。在这样你推我,我挤你的竞争中,又夹杂着从许多口里吐出来的话语。这街道确实是热闹起来了。

4. 这与钢城连接在一起的小镇,是如此繁华,大大出乎我的意料。这是一个金色的秋日,天气温馨而清新,但见宽敞而干净的大街上,车辆人群川流不息,小镇的街道也青绿如许,金菊绽放含笑迎人。也许是一场雨后的缘故,一点也没有萧瑟的样子,反而在原先的基础上添上了别致的神韵。

5. 城市繁华,理想在世人仰望的舞台上行走,在繁华城市的空气中穿梭。世间之事就是如此的奇妙,在你我毫无准备时,青春一声不吭地撞开了我们的心扉,让我们不由地迸发出**,莫名其妙地涌起冲动。

6. 在城楼上眺望,只见近郊工厂林立,田园美丽,流水像一条条银链分布其内,远处的城区,树木葱绿,街道、房屋都掩映在一片绿色之中。啊!古城苏州,今天更加美丽了。

7. 坐在观光车上,环游上海,我发现了使它更加美丽耀眼的第三道风景线,那就是上海特有的人文风情。看那,我们上海的志愿者正**四射地向外国友人介绍我们的上海,再看那边,一个上海的当地人正在热情地为初来上海的人们介绍上海的历史与特产;噢,还有那边,一位国外友人,在那站着,带着耳麦,肯定是在听电子导游为他讲解上海的风俗习惯……是什么使上海发生了如此大的变化?不用我多说,你一定知道。

8. 一到夜晚,万盏灯火大放光明,一幢幢高楼大厦顿时披上了宝石镶嵌的衣衫,一条条街道也都变成了皓光闪耀的银河。

9. 站在高楼上遥遥远眺,只见远处的建筑物鳞次栉比,一条条纵横交错的街道上车辆穿梭,行人往来不断。

10. It used to be a small town, where people made a living by fishing.

11. 暮色像一张灰色的大网,悄悄地撒落下来,笼罩了整个大地。

12. 纵横交错的交通设施,构成了城市的血脉和骨架,推动着古城大踏步迈向现代化国际城市。

13. 远处一座座高楼,挺直地耸入蔚蓝的天空中,使人联想到山水画时瘦骨嶙峋的奇峰,联想到拔地而起、动人心魄的石林。

14. 下班的人群,川流不息的路人,车水马龙的街道,及风驰电掣的摩托车,谱成了一首紧张而刺激的“惊愕交响曲”。

15. 这里人来车往,十分热闹。汽车、卡车川流不息,五颜六色的出租车往来接送着客人,更为古城增添一份美丽的色彩。一路上各种各样的大型广告牌矗立在公路两旁,使我处处感受到时代的召唤。

16. 故乡的雨,如烟,如雾,如一层朦胧的薄纱,轻轻地笼罩着这个繁荣的海滨城市,洗濯那附着在她身上的尘埃。

17. 夜深了,小城的灯光像远飞的萤火虫,忽闪忽闪地越来越昏暗,整个城市像笼罩在梦幻中。

18. May afternoon, Dujiangyan, a collapse of the riverside homes, dozens of rescue personnel were in the their relief efforts. Suddenly, a shocking scene in front of the rescue workers took place: a young mother used her two hands to protect her three or four months-old baby away from the ruins, with her head low, kneeling on the ground, both hands were holding up the body. Her T-shirt was in a mess, and had already lost her breath. With some efforts, people managed to clean up the ruins, in her body was her child who was wrapped in a small yard . Because of the asylum of her mother , the baby was not injured, even she was in a quiet sleep, her sleeping face made all the people feel the love of warmth. Doctors opened the quilts to examine the child, and they found a cell phone in the yard, on the screen written the message :Dear Baby, if you can live, you must remember that I love you” The great maternal love, gave her children a rebirth.

19. 繁华林立的楼盘,川流不息的人群,我抬头仰望天空,这么美丽的建筑物竟然没有咱蓝色天空的衬托。

20. 一道细细的月芽儿冷冷清清地悬在高楼上空,与喧哗的闹市形成了鲜明的对比。

21. May 13 afternoon, Dujiangyan, a collapse of the riverside homes, dozens of rescue personnel were in the their relief efforts. Suddenly, a shocking scene in front of the rescue workers took place: a young mother used her two hands to protect her three or four months-old baby away from the ruins, with her head low, kneeling on the ground, both hands were holding up the body. Her T-shirt was in a mess, and had already lost her breath. With some efforts, people managed to clean up the ruins, in her body was her child who was wrapped in a small yard . Because of the asylum of her mother , the baby was not injured, even she was in a quiet sleep, her sleeping face made all the people feel the love of warmth. Doctors opened the quilts to examine the child, and they found a cell phone in the yard, on the screen written the message :Dear Baby, if you can live, you must remember that I love you” The great maternal love, gave her children a rebirth.

22. The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.

23. State leaders WEN arrived immediately to comfort victims; People’s Liberation Army use their own lives to created the miracle of lives; Young teachers used their own body to resist the students who are facing collapse of rubble; Husband and wife kissed each other to let the other side have the strength to live; Health care workers use their own due diligence to guard life; Victims were in mutual consolation, All the Chinese people attepmt their own strength in this moisture-torn land of the Sichuan. And, this is love, true love, can not be copied in other countries like ours.

24. People love this city, and they will make it a better place.

25. There are many tourist attractions here,lots of people e here for holidays.

26. 城市的夜幕,显得分外的低矮,仿佛就是在远处的房间上拉起来的,灰蒙蒙的天幕,点缀着几点稀星。

27. In the rescue site, a haggard middle-aged man sticked about the forefront, whenever a student was rescued by rescue personnels, he would approached to have a look, and shouted out their names. He is the old school’s principals ----Kang Yulong. These principals joined to rescue in the forefront, even though he knew the death of his family members. He did not cry, and refused to leave the rescue site. He love his family, only in this disaster, he’s love for their students is more than the love for their families. This is a special assistance, and this is a dangerous serious rescue, however, people were touched by that, in the ruins of the teaching building, soldiers rescued more than after a day’s efforts, this has created a miracle of life, and, this is the miracle of love.

28. 城市的夜色像京剧老生的唱腔,锣鼓喇叭声中起承转合,明明灭灭,韵调斑斓。

29. 照明灯洒下桔色的光晕,整个商场显得典雅、素洁,仿佛步入长长的画廊。

30. 夜色中,更富有神秘的色彩,在四周景物的衬托下,大桥显得更加雄伟,更加壮观,五座高如铁塔似的灯群就像五个星座一样,把整个桥面照得如同白昼一般。

31. 白天繁华的一切都随着夜幕的的拉下沉淀出些许难得的安静。路旁落下的枯叶随着风沿着马路牙子时断时续的滚动。北风,路灯,偶尔疾驶而过的汽笛声:似乎无处不弥漫着夜的味道。

32. 东单夜市好热闹啊!五彩缤纷的服装货摊,各式各样传统风味的小吃摊,在甬道的一侧由东向西排成了长龙阵,来往的顾客摩肩接踵,川流不息。

33. 一进公园,顿时感到心旷神怡,那绿色的山连着绿色的水,绿色的水倒映着绿色的山,再加上山顶白塔耸立,岸旁杨柳拂动,湖光山色,异常美丽。

34. 被夜色笼罩的外滩,在万家灯火的装饰下,分外迷人。一水之隔的陆家嘴,在黄浦江上倒影着自己的风姿绰约,高耸入云的东方明珠,环球金融中心和金茂大厦,都在竞相卖弄着自己的姿色,沐浴在游客们手里相机的闪光灯中。

35. 呈现在我眼前的,确是一幅奇景。无边无际的灯海,从山脚下,一直延伸到遥远的地方。分不清哪是市区,哪是北暗;哪是嘉陵江,哪是长江。但见有些灯光,结成一团,成为一个巨大的灯球;有些灯光,联在一起,像一条狭长的'银链;有些灯光,则是若断若续,似明似暗飘荡着,似有无限诗情,无限画意。

36. 早上,寒风凛冽,我站在阳台上往下观看。只见市场上,人欢马叫,到处一片繁荣热闹的景色。百货滩上,人们正在选购春节用品。市场上卖肉的叔叔热情地接待每一位顾客。卖菜的阿姨笑容满面迎送着一位位买主。只见顾客们喜气洋洋,愉快地选购过年的佳品,准备过一个幸福的丰收年。那不是王大爷吗?他正在市场上买年货。别看他年纪这么大,满头银发,脸上布满了皱纹。但是,他老人家还拄着拐杖,笑容满面地来赶集。你瞧,他笑得多么甜蜜!

37. 广州的标志是“五羊”。地处广东省南部,珠江三角洲的北缘,濒临南中国海,珠江入海口,毗邻港澳,是海上丝绸之路的起点。中国历最悠久、的对外通商口岸,世界港口城市。


8. 客亭临小市,灯火夜妆明。


