
时间:2017-09-07 04:49:22
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表示原谅的英语句子 篇一

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can heal wounds and mend broken relationships. When we choose to forgive someone, we are not only letting go of our anger and resentment, but we are also giving ourselves the gift of peace and freedom. Here are some powerful English sentences that express forgiveness:

1. "I forgive you for what you did, and I hope we can move forward from this."

2. "I choose to let go of the past and forgive you for the pain you caused me."

3. "I release all negative feelings towards you and choose to forgive you."

4. "I understand that we are all human and make mistakes, so I forgive you."

5. "I forgive you, not because you deserve it, but because I deserve peace."

Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is necessary for our own well-being. Holding onto grudges and resentment only harms us in the long run, while forgiveness allows us to let go of the past and create space for new beginnings. So, the next time you find it in your heart to forgive someone, use these sentences to express your forgiveness and allow healing to take place.

表示原谅的英语句子 篇二

Forgiveness is a choice that can bring about healing and restoration in our relationships. When we forgive someone, we are not excusing their behavior or pretending that the hurt never happened, but we are choosing to let go of our anger and resentment so that we can move forward with a sense of peace and freedom. Here are some English sentences that convey forgiveness:

1. "I forgive you, not because you asked for it, but because I deserve to be free from this burden."

2. "I release all bitterness and choose to forgive you for the pain you caused me."

3. "I understand that we are all flawed and make mistakes, so I forgive you."

4. "I choose to let go of the past and forgive you, in hopes of rebuilding our relationship."

5. "I forgive you, not for your sake, but for my own well-being and peace of mind."

Forgiveness is a powerful act that requires strength and courage, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. By choosing to forgive, we open ourselves up to healing and transformation, allowing us to move forward with a renewed sense of hope and love. So, the next time you find it in your heart to forgive someone, use these sentences to express your forgiveness and embrace the gift of reconciliation.

表示原谅的英语句子 篇三

表示原谅的英语句子 精选75句

1. Forgive me for what i said earlier.I didn't mean to hurt you.我不是故意伤害你的。

2. 尽量宽恕别人,而决不要原谅自己。——西拉斯

3. 善良的心地等于黄金。

4. 以责人之心责已,以恕已之心恕人。

5. 我是一个笨蛋,但是请相信我,我并不是有意的。能原谅我吗?亲爱的!

6. 退一步天高地阔,让三分心和气平。

7. 我知道都是我的错,请你原谅我吧,我们以后都不要再吵架了好吗?

8. 原谅我吧!我知道错了。

9. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。

10. 不能宽恕他人,就是拆掉自己要过的桥。

11. 一颗傻傻的心,在痴痴的等着你的原谅!

12. 冒犯别人的人从不原谅别人。

13. 不会宽容人的人,是不配受到别人的宽容的。

14. I apologize for that.我为此道歉。

15. 胸中天地宽,常有渡人船。

16. Please accept my apology for the inconvenience.不便之处,请接受我的歉意。

17. 对不起!不好意思!我错了!别介意!我投降了!我快顶不住了!原谅我吧!

18. 如果说我的任性使你生气,那对不起。如果你还是不肯原谅,那你爱干嘛干嘛去。

19. I'd like to apologize for not returning your call.我为没有给你回电话道歉。

20. 一篇关于你原谅别人或你被原谅的英语作文

21. 君子量不极,胸吞百川流。

22. 以春风待人,以寒风自待。

23. 所有的理由和解释都是苍白无力的,我选择在沉默中等待你的原谅。

24. Please forgive me.I don't mean that.请原谅,我不是那意思。

25. I hope you will excuse me.希望你原谅我。

26. 你会原谅我吗?

27. 忍一句,息一怒,忍一事,少一事。

28. 如果我说对不起,你会原谅我吗?

29. 量大好做事,树大好遮阴。

30. 请尽量相信,每一个有坏处的人都有他值得人同情和原谅的地方。一个人的过错,常常并不只是他一个人造成的。——罗兰

31. 忍耐记心间,烦恼不沾边。

32. 都是我乱说惹的祸,对不起,我再也不乱说了,请你原谅我。

33. 能忍能让真君子,能屈能伸大丈夫。

34. 遇方便时行方便,得饶人处且饶人。

35. Sorry. 对不起。

36. 海纳百川,有容乃大。

37. 从一瞬间的爱到一生的情,需要更多的理解与包容,亲爱的是否原谅我?

38. 对不起,这两天惹你生气了!不是有意的,原谅我吧!别往心里去!

39. Please forgive my carelessness.请原谅我的粗心。

40. Excuse me for interrupting.对不起,打扰一下。

41. I apologize for not calling earlier.很抱歉没有早一点给你打电话。

42. I'm so sorry for being late.It won't happen again.我迟到了,真抱歉。这种事不会再发生了。

43. I'm really sorry to be late again.对不起我又迟到了。

44. 尽量宽恕别人,而决不要原谅自己。

45. 多宽恕别人,少宽恕自己。

46. I'm awfully sorry.I didn't realize.真的对不起,我没注意到。

47. 善不是一种学问,而是一种行为。

48. It was wrong of me.我错了。

49. 原谅我爱你好深,却一声不吭。

50. 责人要宽,责


51. 诚挚地宽恕,再把它忘记。

52. Sorry about the mess.这里很乱,很抱歉。

53. 最高贵的复仇是宽容。

54. 恶人胆大,小人气大,君子量大。

55. 什么样的话语都代替不了我愧疚的心情,我该怎样才能得到你原谅呢?

56. 我永远不能原谅自己。

57. 错误在所难免,宽恕就是神圣。

58. 恕自己一过,则万过由之而生。

59. 昨天心情不大好,如有冒犯之处,还请原谅埃。

60. 对不起,我鼓起勇气去说不出口,换种方式告诉你,不知能否得到你的原谅?

61. 我的手机会一直为你开着,如果你肯原谅我,随时可以联系我。

62. 别说谎,我做不到每次都原谅。

63. 我不好,我检讨;我不对,我有罪;是我错,我该过。亲爱的,请你原谅我。

64. Please excuse me.I'm really sorry.请原谅,真的抱歉。

65. 对不起,是我伤了你的心,请原谅我,我会一辈子疼你爱你作为补偿!

66. Excuse me, do you know, every day I like living in a storm. Please make me a sunny day!原谅我吧,知道吗,每天我都如同生活在暴风雨的袭击中。求你许我一个阳光灿烂天吧!

67. 人非圣贤,孰能无过。

68. 宽而栗,严而温。

69. 在这我真诚地请你原谅,别生气了好吗?

70. 不好意思,昨天火气有点大,我不是故意的,原谅我好吗?

71. 我知道你生气了,而且你每次生气我都好害怕,理解我,好吗?原谅我,好吗?

72. 刻苦自己,厚待别人。

73. 我知道你很生气。而且你每次生气我都好害怕。理解我,好么?原谅我,好么?

74. 一次原谅,会换来两次背叛。

75. 欲成方圆,规矩必严。


