
时间:2018-09-09 06:50:19
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祝愿安息的英文句子 篇一

In the quiet of the night, may you find peace and rest. Rest in peace, dear soul.

As the sun sets on the horizon, may your spirit find solace in the gentle embrace of the night. Sleep well, dear one.

In the stillness of the evening, may you feel the presence of love surrounding you. Rest in peace, my friend.

May the stars above guide you to a place of eternal peace and tranquility. Sleep peacefully, beloved.

In the darkness of the night, may you find comfort in the knowledge that you are loved and cherished. Rest in peace, dear one.

As the moon rises in the sky, may your spirit soar to new heights of peace and serenity. Sleep well, sweet soul.

In the silence of the night, may you find solace in the memories of love and laughter. Rest in peace, beloved friend.

May the angels watch over you as you rest, guiding you to a place of eternal peace and happiness. Sleep peacefully, dear soul.

In the stillness of the night, may you find rest and rejuvenation for your weary soul. Rest in peace, dear one.

As the night unfolds its mysteries, may you find comfort in the knowledge that you are never alone. Sleep well, my friend.

祝愿安息的英文句子 篇二

In the arms of the night, may you find peace and tranquility. Rest in peace, dear soul.

As the world grows quiet, may your spirit be filled with the beauty of the universe. Sleep well, beloved.

In the embrace of the night, may you find comfort and solace for your weary soul. Rest in peace, my friend.

May the gentle whispers of the wind carry you to a place of eternal rest and happiness. Sleep peacefully, beloved one.

In the darkness of the night, may you find light and love to guide you on your journey. Rest in peace, dear one.

As the stars twinkle in the sky, may you feel the warmth of love surrounding you. Sleep well, sweet soul.

In the stillness of the night, may you find peace and serenity in the memories of days gone by. Rest in peace, beloved friend.

May the angels sing you to sleep with their sweet lullabies, guiding you to a place of eternal peace and joy. Sleep peacefully, dear soul.

In the quiet of the night, may you find rest and rejuvenation for your tired body and soul. Rest in peace, dear one.

As the night enfolds you in its embrace, may you find comfort in the knowledge that you are cherished and loved. Sleep well, my friend.

祝愿安息的英文句子 篇三

1. 有人说这个世界是轮回,生与死都是因果。死者被埋葬,活着的人必须被深深怀念。为死者送去哀悼,为生者送去祝福。只有那些希望离开的人才能平静地离开。

2. 父亲走了,我的心也空了。

3. 欲挂坟前剑,重听膝上琴。

4. 不要太悲伤了,接下来我要做的就是振作起来,没有什么是可以挽回的,我们要继续活下去,我不知道是为了你自己,也是为了你的哥哥,好好活下去!特别是你,现在最应该做的是照顾好你的父母,为你的哥哥,你是这样的,你的父母有什么生活的动力,你一定不要那么软弱,你要承担很多的责任。

5. 愿诸君,安息!

6. 爸爸走了,天塌了!

7. 祝生者安康,珍惜当下!

8. 生老病死是一种自然现象。照顾好自己。

9. 请接受我的哀悼。

10. 死去何所道,托体同山阿。

11. 爸,别走,我想您了!

12. Winter is gone. May the dead rest in peace!

13. 不要难过,走的是人民的愿望,是生活坚强的希望,她会保佑你生活得更好!不想你难过!

14. 为逝者默哀,生者共勉。

15. 希望你在天堂过得幸福。

16. 清明节到了,愿逝者安息。

17. 谢谢你们为我们负重前行!

18. 父亲走了,我的心好痛。

19. 这个世界是公平的,往往在失去痛苦和悲伤,但也悄悄活着一些让你成熟,珍贵,责任,一颗感恩和奉献的心,会让你成长。

20. 惊悉你母亲的痛苦,深表同情,生与死的日子,希望你忧伤,保重健康,前程似锦。

21. 一壶酒,祭奠过往的追思。

22. 凛冬已散去,愿逝者安息!

23. Mourn for the dead and encourage the living.

24. 愿逝者安息,愿英魂永存!

25. Deep in my heart, I miss my father!

26. 愿你天堂快乐,永无病痛!

27. Relatives or sorrow, others have sung.

28. 逝者已逝,愿一路走好。

29. 你不能这么软弱。你仍然有很多责任。逝者已逝,但他肯定不希望我们生活在痛苦之中。他一定希望在表达了一定程度的悲痛之后,我们还能活着。他会保佑我们在另一个世界!

30. 愿逝者安息,愿生者奋发。

31. 呜呼,愿父亲在地下安息!

32. 听到这个不幸的消息我很难过。愿圣子在天国的精神中安息!愿中秋的明月带给我忧伤和祝福!

33. 唯愿逝者安息,生者坚强!

34. 生老病死乃人之常情。

35. 愿爸爸在天堂快乐无忧!

36. Father is gone, gone forever.

37. If you want to hang the sword in front of the grave, listen to the knee harp.

38. 深深地,在心底怀念父亲!

39. 为了爱你和你爱的人,必须坚强地走下去。

40. 愿逝者安息,一切安好!

41. 我们每个人都可以被打倒,但没有人可以阻止我们从地上爬起来,亲爱的朋友们,让我们调整心态,积极地面对内外,新的生活!

42. 亲戚们由黄鹤去,人到音仓不空。却带着微笑抚慰着优雅,曾经这恨最无限。

43. 亲人们将会在天上看着你。和你在一起。你所爱的人会永远在你身边。你就是看不见他。

44. 点点愁思,几多离人泪!

45. 逝者已矣,珍惜眼前吧。

46. 愿逝者安息,生者释怀。

47. 愿英雄走好,逝者安息。

48. The dead are gone. May you go well.

49. 人会死,他走在和平!不要太悲伤。

50. 他要到另一个地方去完成他的任务,我们应该祝福他。因为他与大自然亲密接触。快乐的每一天都是最好的。

51. 纪叟黄泉里,还应酿老春。

52. 一年一清明,一岁一追思。

53. May the dead rest in peace and the living strive.

54. 当你收到这条短信的时候,我也收到了你的忘忧草和幸运草,忘忧草可以让你忘记烦恼,幸运草可以给你带来好运和幸福。请微笑,好吗。

55. 你要坚强的去走,离开的人,希望活着的人,不要因为他的离开而难过,请为他承受一份他不会享受的分分秒秒。

56. 一路走好,我慈祥的父亲。

57. 人生何其长,生命何其短?

58. 我也很抱歉。我能为您做点什么吗?需要我的时候给我打电话,好吗?我会在你身边,给你一个可以依靠的肩膀。

59. One clear day a year, one year a reminiscence.

60. 亲戚神仙去游泳,孩子们没摸过阿福。走一千里路,想一千度。

61. My father is gone, and my heart is empty.

62. 悲伤与变化,不过是活着的人还是美好的生活。逝者已逝。

63. 亲戚或余悲,他人亦已歌。


