
时间:2018-07-02 06:47:41
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穿戴整洁英语句子的说说 篇一

As the saying goes, "You are what you wear." Dressing neatly not only leaves a good impression on others but also boosts your own confidence. Here are some English sentences to inspire you to keep your wardrobe organized and your outfits sharp.

1. "Dress like you're already famous." This quote reminds us that putting effort into our appearance can make us feel like we're ready to take on the world.

2. "A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life." Oscar Wilde's words highlight the importance of paying attention to the details, even in something as seemingly small as tying a tie.

3. "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." Let your outfit speak for you by choosing clothes that reflect your personality and values.

4. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Opting for clean, simple pieces in your wardrobe can make getting dressed a breeze and ensure you always look put-together.

5. "The difference between style and fashion is quality." Investing in well-made, timeless pieces will ensure that your wardrobe stands the test of time and always looks polished.

6. "Fashion fades, only style remains the same." Coco Chanel's words remind us that trends come and go, but true style is timeless.

7. "Elegance is not about being noticed, it's about being remembered." Dressing elegantly and tastefully will leave a lasting impression on those you meet.

8. "Always dress like you're going to see your worst enemy." This quote serves as a reminder to always put your best foot forward and be prepared for any encounter.

9. "Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it." Make your outfits your own by adding personal touches and accessories that reflect your unique style.

10. "You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it." Dressing the part can help you feel confident and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Remember, dressing neatly is not just about looking good for others; it's about feeling good about yourself. So take the time to organize your wardrobe, choose outfits that make you feel confident, and always put your best foot forward.

穿戴整洁英语句子的说说 篇二

In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to let our personal appearance fall by the wayside. However, dressing neatly and taking pride in our appearance can have a significant impact on how we are perceived by others and how we feel about ourselves. Here are some English sentences to inspire you to keep your wardrobe organized and your outfits sharp.

1. "Dress how you want to be addressed." This quote serves as a reminder that our appearance often dictates how others treat us, so it's important to dress in a way that commands respect.

2. "Good clothes open all doors." Dressing well can open up opportunities and create a positive first impression in any situation.

3. "Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it." Your personal style is a reflection of your personality and creativity, so don't be afraid to experiment and make your wardrobe your own.

4. "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." Let your outfit do the talking by choosing pieces that reflect your unique personality and values.

5. "Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside." True elegance comes from within, so take care of yourself both inside and out to radiate confidence and grace.

6. "Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life." Dressing well can boost your confidence and help you face the challenges of everyday life with poise and grace.

7. "You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it." Dressing for success can help you feel more confident and empowered to pursue your goals and dreams.

8. "The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you." Choose colors and styles that flatter your skin tone and body shape to always look your best.

9. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Keeping your outfits simple and clean can make a powerful statement and ensure you always look put-together.

10. "Fashion is about dressing according to what's fashionable. Style is more about being yourself." Embrace your unique style and don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Remember, dressing neatly is not just about looking good for others; it's about feeling good about yourself. So take the time to organize your wardrobe, choose outfits that make you feel confident, and always put your best foot forward.

穿戴整洁英语句子的说说 篇三

1. The knot that cannot be untied during the day is slowly consumed by night.

2. Let's just do this. The landscape will never meet again.

3. You are like a treasure I found on earth.

4. Better be poor and happy than rich and worried.

5. You should be optimistic,there are days and seasons in this world,as well as ideals and distance.

6. Better laugh at life than escape from reality.

7. Your kindness hides your blessings.

8. No matter how you live,we only have one purpose,don't go against your will,and don't regret,and xxx the people who are afraid.

9. I miss having an alias called xxxself stabbing thousand knivesxxx.

10. Where are you going? We are not on our way.

11. If you don't see each other, you can't seem to be ruthless.

12. If not,believe that God must have other arrangement,all lost will return in another way,believe that you believe that time will not shortchange you.

13. Come with me. Let's make waves.

14. People who care about the present will lose the future.

15. There is always a reason to meet,either a gift or a lesson.

16. I have a truck full of delicacies and nowhere to scatter them.

17. The mountains are high and the road is far. Someone will come for you.

18. Go home now, just to go home.

19. 不开心的时候总想做点什么事,比如剪短发,跑十公里,删掉所有的朋友圈和微博,而事实上,你只能好好过。

20. It's a world of survival of the fittest.You're tough.Okay,I'll take your advice,but if you're not as tough as I am,get out of here.

21. Don't give in to anyone, do your best.

22. No one has walked my way. Why should I be generous.

23. A free red copy will never fade.

24. I don't expect to go back. You and I don't communicate.

25. 活得累是因为心里装了多余的东西,跟吃饱了撑的是一个道理。

26. Don't frown, you look good when you smile.

27. The more perfect the plan, the worse it is.

28. Empty and self-conscious, with less shame around, shadow afraid lamp solitary.

29. God is powerless, and the devil is crossing all living beings.

30. Relax. You don't have so many viewers.

31. 每天都处在心有余而睡眠不足,心有余而智商不足,心有余而余额不足的状态。

32. When you drink, your stomach hurts.

33. When you are weak,bad people are the most.The softness of the world comes from your strength.

34. I hope you are relatively hard, but absolutely excellent!

35. The road should go forward, and people should look to the future.

36. I tasted the taste too early.

37. It's sad to want to eat it, but it's too big.

38. I miss you sporadically, and I have formed the Milky Way.

39. Be gentle, but not for compromise.

40. 当你越来越善解人意,就没人会在意你的计较和委屈。

41. 如果事与愿违,就相信上天一定另有安排,所有失去的都会以另外一种方式归来,相信自己相信时间不会亏待你。

42. 不管你用什么方式活着,我们只有一个目的,别违心,以及别后悔,还有,去他的人言可畏。

43. Life is not elsewhere, the present is all.

44. Truth can hurt, but lies are worse.

45. 人真的很奇怪,自己原本就不开心,还总要为了别人难过。自己原本就难过,却还要为了别人装出快乐。

46. 希望生活中琐碎的烦恼,以及别人借着玩笑丢过来的嘲讽和轻视都不要消磨你的心意,咬咬牙,再坚持一下。

47. 相遇总有原因,不是恩赐就是教训。

48. 你弱的时候,坏人最多,这个世界的温柔,来自于你的强大。

49. Don't think about the bad, but work hard secretly for the good.

50. Those who dare to offend our Chinese power will be punished even if they are far away.

51. 过去酒逢知已千杯少,现在酒逢千杯知已少。

52. 就算不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。

53. 不要怀念任何人,走了的人和死了没两样。

54. 你不愿意种花,你说,我不愿看见它一点点凋落。是的,为了避免结束,你避免了一切开始。

55. Soft hearted and embarrassed,will only kill themselves,feed a group of vampires.

56. I'm the only one who dares to go against the weather in a disorderly war.

57. How much pain I have swallowed, only I know.

58. Open the door, you can see a room of spring.

59. Follow the trend and treat loneliness as freedom.

60. Neither very happy nor unhappy.

61. 你爱的人和爱你的人最终都会输给


62. Maturity is not to see through, but to see through.

63. The green mountains are covered with clouds and fog, so you can go back to your home with peace of mind.

64. The mountain has no edge, and the heaven and the earth are united, so we dare to break with you.

65. 不要期待,不要假想,不要强求,顺其自然,如果注定,便一定会发生。心安,便是活着的最美好状态。

66. 我们都像小孩,胡闹是因为依赖;礼貌,是因为是陌生。主动,是因为在乎。不联系,是因为觉得自己多余。

67. Forgive everything before going to bed. Wake up is a new life.

68. Hand in hand, cut off overnight and float away with falling flowers.

69. Swimming across a world, a total of life and death.

70. You have to understand that only by going the way you have to go,can you live the life you want to live,only by going through the days no one CARES about,can you embrace your poetry and distance.

71. You like me this matter, I allow.

72. 长大成人这件事最恐怖的地方之一在于:你或许会变成自己曾经最看不起的那种人。

73. Some things, turn around is a lifetime.


