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表勇气的英文句子 篇一

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. - Nelson Mandela

Courage is a quality that is admired by many, yet possessed by few. It is the ability to face our fears and take action despite them. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. It is the strength to persevere in the face of adversity, to stand up for what is right, and to take risks in pursuit of our goals.

Courage can come in many forms. It can be the bravery of a soldier facing the enemy on the battlefield, the determination of a student speaking out against injustice, or the resilience of a cancer patient fighting for their life. Courage is not always loud and dramatic, sometimes it is quiet and subtle – a mother staying strong for her children in tough times, a worker speaking up against unfair treatment, or a person facing their fears head-on.

Courage is a choice that we make every day. It is the decision to push past our comfort zones, to take risks, and to embrace the unknown. It is the willingness to face our fears and doubts, and to move forward despite them. Courage is not always easy, but it is always worth it. It is what allows us to grow, to learn, and to become the best version of ourselves.

So, let us be courageous in our actions, our words, and our beliefs. Let us stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult. Let us face our fears head-on and push past our limitations. Let us be brave in the face of adversity and never give up. For it is through courage that we truly discover our strength and our potential.

表勇气的英文句子 篇二

Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death. - Omar N. Bradley

Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act in spite of it. It is the willingness to face our fears head-on, to take risks, and to stand up for what we believe in. Bravery is not about being reckless or foolhardy, but about being willing to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown.

Bravery can manifest itself in many different ways. It can be the courage of a firefighter running into a burning building to save lives, the bravery of a whistleblower speaking out against corruption, or the courage of a student standing up to a bully. Bravery is not always about grand gestures, sometimes it is about the small, everyday acts of courage that go unnoticed – facing a difficult conversation, taking on a new challenge, or admitting when we are wrong.

Bravery is a quality that we can all cultivate. It is a mindset that we can choose to adopt in our daily lives. It is the decision to face our fears head-on, to take risks, and to persevere in the face of adversity. Bravery is not about being fearless, but about acknowledging our fears and moving forward despite them.

So, let us be brave in our actions, our words, and our beliefs. Let us stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult. Let us face our fears head-on and push past our limitations. Let us be courageous in the pursuit of our dreams and never give up. For it is through bravery that we can overcome obstacles, achieve our goals, and become the best version of ourselves.

表勇气的英文句子 篇三

表勇气的英文句子 精选68句

1. 一帘幽梦,引起一串串童年的回忆,找到了伴我成长的勇气。

2. 勇气这个词有的人一生都在寻寻觅觅,而有的人生来就惧有的。

3. 走了很久的路,我累了,勇气使我继续前进。

4. 勇敢和必胜的信念,常使战斗得以胜利结束。

5. 成功需要勇气,只要你有勇气去拼搏,去努力,属于你的成功总会到来的!

6. 勇气的力量是强大的,因为它可以让你突破难关,勇敢地坚持下去。

7. 勇气如同甘甜的河流


8. 勇气是一个人处于逆境中的光明。

9. 我的青春勇气,我的路,既然选择了,便会一直延伸,没有终点。

10. 真正的勇气在极端的胆怯和鲁莽之间。

11. 盲目可以增加你的勇气,因为你无法看到危险。

12. 如果整个世界是公正的话,勇气就没有必要存在了。

13. 只有在一个人的勇气和力量许可之下,他才能够接近真理。

14. 勇气,久久地霸占了我的心房,它,绽放着逆境中最耀眼的光彩。

15. 勇气有时也会回到被服者的心中。

16. 对勇气的最大考验,就是看一个人能否做到败而不馁。

17. 表现勇敢则勇气来;往后退缩则恐惧来。

18. 勇敢的面对阳光,阴影自然都在身后。

19. 各种困难的到来就只是为了成就一个更好的你,请时时刻刻都拥有勇气!

20. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

21. Life is not fair, get used to it. 生活是不公平的;要去适应它。

22. The sting of a reproach,is the truth of it. 指责带给你刺痛,正是它的忠实之处

23. 未来的岁月在前面召唤,散发着希望的光芒。

24. 勇气是突破自己的金钥匙,有了勇气我们就能打开一个个困难的锁头。

25. 我不是缺少机会,我问真的是缺少勇气,改变现在的勇气!

26. 只要你有勇气,相信自己什么事都能做得好。

27. 这样的路都走过了,还有什么可以难得倒我们?

28. 勇气,是你,让我在绝境中逢生,你!永远是我的支柱,我会用你,乘风破浪!

29. 奔跑,是一种勇气,一种成长的标志。

30. 勇气,造就了时势英雄!勇气难能可贵,值得赞赏,值得拥有。

31. 勇气的考验通常不是去死而是活下来。

32. 勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。

33. 最勇敢的事莫过于:看透了这个世界,却依旧还爱着它。

34. 谁不经常克服自己的恐惧心理,谁就领悟不到生活的真谛。

35. 超越肉体极限的痛苦是强悍,超越精神极限的才是强者。

36. 您必须保持诚实人的立场,这时常是冒险的人需要的勇气。

37. Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.

38. 有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在,而是敢面对恐惧克服恐惧。

39. 如果有足够的勇气,许多人都会成为懦夫。

40. 勇气如同温暖的阳光,让因自私而日渐麻木的人心得到温暖。

41. 无论面对什么,不管是挫折还是坎坷,请如花一般绽放自信。

42. 微笑向前,无所畏惧。以勇气,对明天,会发现它并不可怕。

43. 勇气如同清新的空气,让因瓶颈而心灰意冷的内心得到活力。

44. Should the per parse, from the ravening monsters jaw hed never hold the precious pearl, the bright pearl, in his grasp.

45. 成长,失去的不仅仅是时光,还有我们那不怕失去的勇气。

46. 生命的意义在于坚强,在于敢于忍受挫折!

47. 勇敢,使我勇于正视错误;勇敢,使我敢于战胜挫折。

48. 我要像哥曾经那样,在暗处支撑起这个世界。

49. 想要离开,但是我那么不勇敢,连说出口的勇气都没有。

50. 人的勇气能承担一切重负;人的耐心能忍受绝大部分痛苦。

51. 勇气就像生活中一盏明灯,有了勇气,我们就能在人生的道路上勇往直前!

52. 一些受过伤的人会更加勇敢,因为他们知道,最痛不过如此。

53. 勇气啊,可是种奇妙的东西。只要选择,只要培养,我们就可以将其留在身边。

54. 用勇敢制成的帆去迎接一切风雨,直到驶向梦想的彼岸。

55. 成长的路途不是一帆风顺的,要在成长中学会坚强、勇敢。

56. 大胆产生勇气,多疑却产生恐惧。

57. The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. 世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

58. 何谓勇气,即是一次次自我突破而来的巨大能量。

59. 有勇气承担命运,这才是英雄好汉。

60. 不带理智的勇气,就是鲁莽。

61. 英雄给予凡人勇气,勇气使凡人成为英雄。

62. 勇气有很多种,有的令人敬畏,有的平平常常,总之不管哪一种,勇气就是勇气。

63. 勇敢在人生道路上奔跑,勇敢跨越一次次的坎坷、困苦。

64. whatever others say,take your own road.

65. 太在乎结局,就会连开始的勇气都没有了。

66. 勇气是什么?是亮出自己,勇敢地上台,是鼓励自己,勇敢地向前。

67. 努力可以战胜困难,战胜困难是一个人必备的生存能力。

68. Dare and the world always yields. lf it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb.


