
时间:2014-03-04 06:24:36
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stone句子 篇一





stone句子 篇二





stone句子 篇三

1. The stone cut the sole of his foot. 石头割伤了他的脚底。

2. chips of rain-grayed stone tear into my jaw beneath the visor.雨石头变灰色的薄片在面颊之下进入我的颚之内流泪。

3. an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof.用砖块或石头砌成的弓形天花板或屋顶。

4. Of or relating to the working of stone or gems; lapidary.刻在石头上的石头或玉石雕刻的或与其有关的;玉石雕刻的

5. Objective To investigate under local anesthesia ureteral lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary tract stones of acute obstructive renal failure effectiveness and safety. Methods Application the local anesthesia emergency pneumatic ureteroscopic lithotripsy for the treatment of urinary stone obstructive renal failure in 12 cases. 目的 探讨局麻下输尿管弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗阻并发急性梗阻性肾功能衰竭的有效性及安全性方法急诊局麻下应用输尿管镜直视下气压弹道碎石术治疗上尿路结石梗阻性肾功能衰竭12例。

6. Only the local damaged mesh repair shop can be used to re fill the stone to continue to use.仅须把格宾网局部损坏的网格修铺好重新填满石料即可继续运用。

7. Tonnage of white-flecked stone quarried in Spain and finished in Italy: 430 tons.吨位白石头采石摆置在西班牙和意大利的成品:430吨。

8. Beginning January 28, it will be on view alongside the legendary Hope, a larger stone but a slightly more drab one, and yet a rock whose allure remains potent enough to have drawn five million visitors to the national collection last year. 从今年1月28日起,这颗钻石将与传奇的「希望之钻」一起展出,后者更大一些,但比较朴实无华,不过它仍有惊人魅力,去年吸引了500万人前来参观这件国家收藏品。

9. She bore Sisyphus sons Glaucus, Ornytion, and Sinon; she is sometimes also said to be mother of D椡lus, though others in the running are Alcippe and IphinoSisyphus founded the city of Ephyre and later revealed Zeus's rape of ina to her father Asopus, for which Zeus condemned Sisyphus to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades, only to have it roll back down each time the task was nearly done. 愿这个世界充满阳光、欢乐、爱!

10. There was plenty light to see it lying there, sweet and peaceable as a stone should.光线很充足,可以明明白白地看到它就躺在那里,安静而美好,跟一块普通的石头没两样。

11. Proof that a stone has a natural colour can only be obtained from a gemological laboratory. 证明具有天然石材颜色可以得到一个宝石实验室。

12. A stone inscribed in the ogham alphabet欧甘石碑铭刻有这种文字的石头

13. There is a broken small old gray stone bridge over the river. 河上有一座破烂不堪的、老的、色的小石桥。

14. The red door clashed with the soft, natural tones of the stone walls.这红色的门与柔和自然色调的石墙不协调。

15. Analysis of Factors to Influence the Development of Han Figure Stone Art浅析影响汉画像石艺术发展的几个因素

16. He picked up a stone and let fly at the balking dog他捡起一块石头朝那狂吠的狗扔去。

17. Where does turban sell stone needle hand chain?包头哪里卖砭石手链?

18. Over the past four years the company has set up the following projects: Rizhao City Construction Committee Building elevator between Mentao stone materials for decoration, the national flag for Taiwan and the stone facade and construction; Rizhao City Mentao the Inland Revenue Department building elevator doors decorated stone for construction materials and, within Dry-hanging stone wall for materials and construction, the East China Sea Hotel for materials; Gloria Plaza Hotel before the floor, stone ornaments for materials; sunshine-million for materials and construction of the hotel; part of the Shandong Water Conservancy Institute for materials and installation; sunshine Commissioner of South East along the external walls of floor dry hanging Stone materials and for installation in Chinese medicine hospitals, the East and the transformation of the old city hospital and other projects for materials and installation; sunshine Belvedere Garden staircase still for materials and installation works. 成立四年来公司曾为下列工程服务:日照市建委综合楼电梯间门套石饰供料,国旗台及门面供石材及施工;日照市地税局大厦电梯门门套石饰供料及施工,内墙干挂石材供料及施工;东海饭店供料;凯莱大酒店前楼石材饰品供料;日照万平酒店部分供料及施工;山东水利学院部分供料及安装;日照东关南路沿街楼外墙干挂石材供料及安装;市中医院、东港医院及旧城改造等工程供料及安装;日照丽城花园楼梯踏步供料及安装等工程。

19. The theory proof is provided for abrasive stone superfinishing technique through computer simulation, and cutting factors and conditions of better surface machining quality are obtained, and the application prospect of the abrasive stone superfinishing technique is expanded. 通过计算机仿真为油石超精加工技术提供了理论依据,获得了达到较好表面加工质量的切削因素和条件,拓展了油石超精加工技术的应用前景。

20. The boy picked up a stone and threw it at the streetlight.那个男孩捡起一块石头朝街灯砸去。


