
时间:2015-08-06 01:47:47
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描写朋友的英文句子 篇一

Friendship is a priceless gift that we should cherish every day. A true friend is someone who knows all your flaws and still loves you unconditionally. My best friend, Sarah, is the epitome of a true friend. We met in high school and instantly clicked. Over the years, she has become my confidante, my partner in crime, and my rock through thick and thin.

Sarah has always been there for me, whether I needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to share a laugh with. She is the one person I can always count on to lift my spirits and give me honest advice. Our bond is unbreakable, built on trust, loyalty, and mutual respect. We have weathered many storms together, and our friendship has only grown stronger with each passing year.

One of the things I love most about Sarah is her ability to make me see the bright side of any situation. She has a contagious optimism that never fails to lift my mood. Whether we are celebrating a success or commiserating over a setback, Sarah's positive attitude is a constant source of inspiration for me.

But it's not just Sarah's sunny disposition that makes her such a great friend. She is also incredibly thoughtful and generous, always going out of her way to make me feel loved and appreciated. From surprise gifts to random acts of kindness, Sarah knows just how to brighten my day and make me feel special.

In conclusion, I am truly blessed to have Sarah as my best friend. She is more than just a friend – she is family. Our bond is unbreakable, our memories countless, and our love for each other unwavering. I know that no matter what life throws our way, Sarah will always be by my side, ready to face the world together. She is not just my best friend; she is my soulmate, my partner in crime, and my forever friend.

描写朋友的英文句子 篇二

Friendship is a treasure that enriches our lives in ways we could never imagine. My friend Alex is a shining example of the beauty and joy that true friendship can bring. We met in college and instantly connected over our shared love of music, art, and literature. From that moment on, our friendship blossomed into something truly special.

Alex is not just a friend to me – he is a kindred spirit, a kindred soul. We share a deep bond that transcends words and transcends time. With Alex, I can be my true self, no masks, no pretenses. He accepts me for who I am, flaws and all, and loves me unconditionally. Our friendship is built on a foundation of trust, honesty, and mutual respect.

One of the things I admire most about Alex is his unwavering loyalty and support. No matter what challenges or obstacles come our way, he is always there to lend a listening ear, offer a helping hand, or simply be a shoulder to lean on. His presence in my life brings me comfort, strength, and a sense of belonging that I cherish every day.

But it's not just Alex's support that makes him such a wonderful friend. He is also incredibly fun, witty, and adventurous, always up for a new experience or a spontaneous adventure. Whether we are exploring a new city, trying a new cuisine, or simply enjoying a quiet night in, Alex's zest for life and sense of humor never fail to brighten my day.

In conclusion, I am grateful beyond words to have Alex as my friend. He is a constant source of joy, inspiration, and comfort in my life. Our friendship is a gift that I will always treasure, a bond that I will always cherish. With Alex by my side, I know that I am never alone, never lost, and never without a true friend to guide me through life's ups and downs. He is not just my friend; he is my rock, my partner in crime, and my soulmate in this crazy journey called life.

描写朋友的英文句子 篇三

1. The best friendship doesn't start in kindergarten, but never ends.

2. I am afraid that my good friend has his own good friend, feeling like a lovelorn.

3. 一个懂你泪水的朋友,胜过一群只懂你笑容的朋友!

4. 你信不信有一种感情,一辈子都不会输给时间。

5. 被朋友欺骗,比不信赖朋友更可耻。

6. A friend who knows your tears is better than a group of friends who only know your **ile.

7. 学会珍惜,知心的朋友已经不多,如果再走,就真的只剩下自己了。

8. I hope one day I can attend your wedding and be your bride**aid to marry you out with a **ile.

9. 友情一旦玩真的,比爱情更刻骨。

10. 时间对友谊的磨蚀,好比水流过石子,反而把它洗濯的光洁了。

11. Learn to cherish, bosom friends are not many, if you go again, really only their own.

12. 最好的友情不是从幼儿园开始,而是开始后永远都不会结束。

13. It is more shameful to be deceived by friends than not to trust them.

14. Friends are always the first, and friends are always the most important thing.

15. It's the same people who have fallen into the world. Why do we ever know each other when we meet?

16. 对于友情,我只相信一句话,日久见人心,留到最后的才是好的。

17. Unconditional friends, not friends, it is called brothers and feet.

18. Who asks for friends without shortcomings, who has no friends!

19. 朋友永远第一,朋友的事永远最紧要。

20. Thank those who accompany me, you are my greatest happiness.


