
时间:2014-03-03 06:25:18
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复活节的句子英文 篇一

Easter is a time of joy and celebration for Christians around the world. It is a time to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope that it brings. The Easter story is one of redemption and new beginnings, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

For many people, Easter is also a time of renewal and reflection. It is a time to let go of the past and embrace the future with a renewed sense of purpose and faith. It is a time to come together with family and friends, to share in the joy of the season and to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.

One of the most important symbols of Easter is the Easter egg. The egg has long been a symbol of new life and rebirth, making it a fitting symbol for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The tradition of decorating eggs for Easter dates back to ancient times and is still a popular tradition today.

As we celebrate Easter this year, let us remember the true meaning of the season. Let us take this time to reflect on our own lives and the ways in which we can experience our own personal resurrection. Let us embrace the hope and joy that Easter brings, knowing that no matter how dark things may seem, there is always the promise of new life and new beginnings.

复活节的句子英文 篇二

Easter is a time of hope and renewal, a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of new life. It is a time to remember the sacrifice that was made for us and to give thanks for the love and grace that has been bestowed upon us.

One of the most important aspects of Easter is the message of forgiveness and redemption. The story of Easter reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed, there is always the opportunity for redemption and forgiveness. It is a time to let go of past mistakes and to embrace the future with a renewed sense of hope and faith.

Easter is also a time of joy and celebration. It is a time to come together with family and friends, to share in the joy of the season and to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. It is a time to reflect on the beauty of the world around us and to appreciate the wonder of creation.

As we celebrate Easter this year, let us remember the true meaning of the season. Let us take this time to reflect on our own lives and the ways in which we can experience our own personal resurrection. Let us embrace the hope and joy that Easter brings, knowing that no matter how difficult things may seem, there is always the promise of new life and new beginnings.

复活节的句子英文 篇三

复活节的句子英文 精选55句

1. 复活节,走过生活风雨,生命更加绚丽,保持乐观心态,积极面对人生!

2. 让快乐复活,愿你希望满载,一生顺利,复活节快乐。

3. 复活节到了,愿你的每一天都快快乐乐,蓬蓬勃勃!

4. 复活节,让我们脱胎换骨,第一次就把事情做的正确。祝您成功!

5. 复活节到了,别失落于离开的黯然,记得还有复活的美好。

6. Easter, resurrect all your vitality, life is wonderful!

7. 复活节,让所有美好&ldquo复活&rdquo!

8. Easter,letthedreamcomebacktolife!

9. 复活节,历练简约坚强,体验和煦阳光!

10. Easter is coming. May you revive your passion, rebirth your dreams, create a brilliant life and have a happy Easter!

11. 复活节,是耶稣新生的日子,在这一天收到祝福的人,都将获得新生,无论是运气还是心情,无论是事业还是感情,都会更加欣欣向荣,翻开新的篇章。

12. May the sun shine all the way ahead and the beautiful mood always fragrant!

13. Easter is coming. May you kick off your worries and rebirth in your rough life. Happy days will come!

14. A greeting is sent to resurrect the heart of your friendship. Happy Easter, my friend!

15. 一声问候送到,复活对你情谊之心。朋友,祝你复活节快乐!

16. Easter, optimize the system of life, so that a better life like a rebirth.

17. 复活节,送祝福,发短信,送59e,好运绕,心情好,生活顺,永开心,烦恼抛,幸福


18. 今天复活节,让美好的心情复活,伴随你快乐每一天,幸福一万年!

19. Easter, wish you a wonderful day.

20. 复活节,愿你好运相伴,霉运离远,财运不断,福运连连,友情常在,爱情甜甜,生活顺利,事业鸿展,一生幸福,平安永远,短信祝福,天天传唤。

21. Easter is coming, I just want to say to you, Happy Easter, I wish you all the beautiful details of your resurrection life.

22. 复活节,愿你好事翻倍。

23. Easter, may the sunshine of the dawn revive the brightness in your heart and expel the hesitation in your heart.

24. 祝你希望常在,复活节快乐。

25. 点燃希望的灯火,让梦想复活添加开心的柴火,让快乐复活勾兑幸福的美酒,让美好复活踏上吉祥的路途,让好运复活盖上平安的大印,让健康复活。复活节到,愿你好运,幸福永久!

26. 复活节,复活你所有的活力,生活精彩不断!

27. 愿你万事顺心,好运当头,复活节快乐。

28. 我求求你把你的心,你的手臂仿佛盖有印章的,如果你真诚的爱是比没有用水,把死人复活节是未来,而不是淹死在数以千计的彩色蛋和兔子跳的节日,祝你快乐!

29. 传说中复活的奇迹是两千多年来的一个奇迹,而你却是我的奇迹。知道为什么吗?因为你出现的日子,就是我的复活节,祝复活节快乐!

30. 复活节到,愿你复活**,让梦想重生,创造辉煌的人生,复活节快乐!

31. Let happiness come back to life. May you have a full life and a happy Easter.

32. Resurrectthehealthparticlesanddriveawayalldiseases

33. 复活节到了,只想对你说,复活节快乐,愿你复活生命里所有美丽的细节。

34. 复活节,祝你精彩每一天。

35. 假米假面假牛肉,到底哪是真?毒姜毒油毒胶囊,到底哪个能吃?瘦肉精堪称白骨精,染色馒头堪比血馒头,食品安全大问题,良心道德哪去了?复活节,请复活人们心底的那份良知,让我们有真正的食品可以吃。

36. 送你一颗“吉祥彩蛋”,愿你“好人一生平安”送你一只“吉祥鸟儿”,愿你“幸福飞飞飞”送你一只“吉祥兔子”,愿你“事业辉煌突飞猛进宏图大展”!祝你复活节开心快乐!

37. 愿你万事顺心,复活节快乐。

38. 愿你一路阳光向前方,美丽心情总芬芳!

39. 复活节,我送你一朵百合花,神圣的花朵,将好运传递于你。听,复活节的钟声传来,它会将霉运从你身边驱赶。和你说声:&ldquo复活节快乐!

40. 祝希望无限,万事顺利,复活节快乐!

41. IwishyouahappyandauspiciousEaster

42. 复活节,愿黎明的阳光复活你心中的明朗,驱逐你心中的彷徨。

43. 复活节,优化人生系统,让美好生活如重生。

44. 快乐沸腾了,开心荡漾了吉祥包裹了,好运撞头了平安驾到了,健康长久了希望燃烧了,梦想成真了激情澎湃了,神采飞扬了万事如意了,心情愉悦了!祝复活节开心哦!

45. 复活节到了,愿你踢开烦恼忧愁,在坎坷生活中重生,幸福的日子就会到来!

46. 让希望复活,重生斗志。

47. Easter, let's change our minds and do things right the first time. Wish you success!

48. Easter, through the storms of life, life is more brilliant, maintain an optimistic attitude, and actively face life!

49. On Easter, may your good deeds be doubled.

50. Today, Easter, let the good mood revive, with you happy every day, happy 10,000 years!

51. Easter is coming. May every day of your life be happy and prosperous!

52. Wishing you all the best, good luck and a happy Easter.

53. Easter is coming. Don't be lost in the gloom of leaving. Remember the beauty of resurrection.

54. Easter, simple and strong experience, experience and warm sunshine!

55. I wish you a happy Easter.


