
时间:2015-05-05 08:47:13
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might开头的句子 精选59句

1. She also suggested that Heidi might bring a lovely present to the grandmother when she came back.她还建议海蒂回来的时候给奶奶带一份可爱的礼物。

2. So that might tempt you into saying the mind on the physicalist view is just a brain.这可能会让你觉得心灵,在物理主义那里就是大脑。

3. I agree. But the other young swimmer did a great job. Might be a dark horse.我也觉得,不过另一个小将表现的很好啊,他可能是匹黑马呢。 ?。

4. We might buy it but then again we might not.

5. So, if you are happy you might eat pizza, if you are sad you might eat ice cream, when you are bored you might eat biscuits.

6. Shooting 36 frames might take a day.

7. If he stepped there, he might break through the ice into a pool of water.如果他踩在上面,就可能把冰面踩破然后掉到水里。

8. The next step might be opening a factory abroad那下一个步骤,可能是到海外设新厂啦!

9. I shudder to think what she might propose next.我不敢去想接下来她会提出什么建议。

10. You might enjoy that teleconference with Dan.你可能享受这一工作电视电话会议,与丹。

11. He might be ill.

12. Organize your day to avoid any setbacks that might ignite temper flare-ups.好好地计划一下以避免受到挫折时会大发脾气。

13. There's also research suggesting damage to the cerebellum might affect FAS, too.研究还表明,小脑的损伤可能对外国语音综合症也有影响。

14. A trial just then might well be portrayed as a show-trial.在此时进行的审判很可能被认为是一场审判秀。

15. He might at least try to bridle his tongue in front of the children.他至少要在孩子面前说话谨慎些。

16. And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach.他设立十二个人,要他们常和自己同在,也要差他们去传道。

17. You might try Pink Lady, It's very delicious.您可以尝尝红粉佳人,它非常可口。

18. Economic activity might slow or stop, but prices will still rise.经济活动可能会减缓或者停止,但是价格会继续上升。

19. There might be trouble urinating.

20. They might or might not produce a new letter.

21. Otherwise we might have had to do this.否则我们可能不得不这样做。

22. But such risks might be overstated.但是,这一风险似乎被夸大了。

23. How might I get distracted?

24. During mania, they might be too wound up to sleep, their thoughts might race, and they might have boundless energy.

25. For in person humor, quality isn't as important as you might think.对于个人幽默来说,品质并没有你想的那么重要。

26. You might be right.

27. So, what might a mashup look like


28. There might still be hope.

29. It's beyond your might.

30. This card might be good at some point.这张牌在某些情况下可能很好。

31. They might be ecologically valuable too.

32. Well, let's see, a biologist might study, or a zoologist might study, cats.

33. They might look funny, but goggles do serious work! Why do people need to wear goggles?护目镜看起来可能很滑稽,但确实能发挥重要作用!为什么人们需要戴护目镜?

34. You might say, But I never go anywhere!

35. It might be necessary to convert the whole country back to coal gas.可能有必要使全国都重新改为使用煤气。

36. So, you might be a blogger, or might be thinking about creating a blog.

37. You might consider a tiara .

38. Be aware of your cash: you might find money; you might lose money.

39. I thought you might regret it.我以为你会后悔的。

40. Thus, the present stalemate might continue for some time.

41. The caterpillar might well give you nightmares though!但是,它的毛虫却可能引起你噩梦!

42. It might surprise you.

43. xxxSurprisedxxx might be understating it.

44. You might also want to discuss how others might perceive them if they look different - help your teen understand how he or she might be viewed.

45. They shall refrain from any act which might bring the profession into disrepute.会员应避免做出任何可能有损本职业声誉的行为。

46. Another person might have given up.

47. Sometimes a busy storekeeper might try to guess how much material to cut off.有时,忙碌的店主会尝试估计要剪下的布料长度。

48. They might befriend us. They might eat us.

49. For example, the description might cover all the side effects that the service might have.

50. Hosts might be down, services might be temporarily unavailable and, in a very busy network, the scanning packets simply might not have gone through.

51. Pret-tay, pret-tay good, as Larry himself might say.正如拉里自己可能会说得那样,“非常好,非常好!”

52. The subscriber might not need all the messages and might discard them based on the content.

53. You might also want to experiment with character and syllable limits.或许你也可以试着缩减符号和音节。

54. An embarrassing situation might occur. Be alert!

55. This might be depressing.

56. High prices might choke off demand.高价可能抑制需求。

57. They might well be prepared to do you harm in order to achieve their purpose.他们很可能有备而来伤害你,以实现其目标。

58. Finding an organizer might be difficult.寻找一个好的组织者可能会非常困难。

59. They might lose the Carling Cup final, they might be out of the FA Cup and PSV might dump them out of Europe.


