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成长的英语句子 篇一

Growing up is a process that never stops as long as we are alive. It involves learning from our experiences, making mistakes, and overcoming challenges. Here are some inspiring English sentences about growth:

1. "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts

This quote reminds us that change is inevitable and that we must embrace it in order to grow. Resisting change only hinders our personal development.

2. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

This sentence emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our own growth and development. We have the power to shape our own destinies through our choices and actions.

3. "You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone." - Roy T. Bennett

Stepping out of our comfort zones is essential for personal growth. It is only when we challenge ourselves and try new things that we can truly expand our horizons and reach our full potential.

4. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Our doubts and fears can hold us back from growing and achieving our goals. It is important to have faith in ourselves and our abilities in order to overcome obstacles and continue moving forward.

5. "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke

This sentence encourages us to push past our perceived limitations and strive for greatness. By daring to dream big and reach for the impossible, we can achieve extraordinary things and experience true growth.

As we navigate through life, let these English sentences about growth serve as reminders of the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Embrace change, step out of your comfort zone, and believe in yourself – for that is the key to unlocking your full potential and becoming the person you are meant to be.

成长的英语句子 篇二

Growth is a lifelong journey that involves self-discovery, resilience, and continuous learning. Here are some thought-provoking English sentences about growth:

1. "The only way to grow is to let go of who you were and embrace who you are becoming." - Unknown

This quote highlights the importance of letting go of the past in order to make room for new opportunities and experiences. Growth requires us to evolve and adapt to the changes in our lives.

2. "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - A.A. Milne

Believing in ourselves is crucial for personal growth. We often underestimate our own abilities, but we are capable of achieving great things if we have the courage to step out of our comfort zones and take risks.

3. "In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you." - Deepak Chopra

Amidst the busyness of life, it is important to cultivate inner stillness and reflection. This allows us to gain clarity, focus, and perspective on our growth journey.

4. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

Failure is a natural part of growth and development. It is not about how many times we fall, but how many times we pick ourselves back up and keep moving forward.

5. "Every flower must grow through dirt." - Laurie Jean Sennott

This metaphor reminds us that growth often involves facing challenges and obstacles. Just as a flower must push through the dirt to bloom, we must overcome difficulties in order to reach our full potential.

Embrace the journey of growth, and remember that it is a continuous process of self-discovery and transformation. Let these English sentences inspire you to believe in yourself, stay resilient in the face of adversity, and keep striving for personal and professional development.

成长的英语句子 篇三

1. The old days of unbridled youth and growing up in pain.

2. 用青春来放肆,在伤痛里成长的旧时光。

3. Ten minutes in the exam, ten years in the ordinary time.

4. I'm proud of my heart. It's been played, burned, and broken, but it still works. 我为自己的心感到骄傲。它曾受玩弄,曾经心焦,曾遭破碎,却依然鲜活跳动。

5. 不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。

6. There is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are desperate for the situation.

7. It is not circumstances that make people, but man-made circumstances.

8. Some things you feel wronged, but you have to bear.

9. 没有一个人长生不老,也没有一件东西永久长存。

10. 希望每个宝宝天天都能像花儿一样开放,像阳光一样灿烂!健康、快乐的度过每一天!今天也是哈哈哈母难日,妈妈要告诉自己的是,我付出的一切都是如此值得,你是妈妈来之不易的人生大礼,我会倍加珍惜,妈妈也一样要快乐,因为你带给我无限的快乐。

11. Keep your curiosity, it will be the source of your creation!

12. 可这样下去绝对不行。

13. 种子最后是果实;努力最后是成功;放弃最后是失败。

14. 你像一只闪烁着奇光异彩的小鸟,活泼、大方。

15. I leave uncultivated today, is precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.

16. 畅想你们明天的收获,我们又满是激动和期待。

17. ⊙这拿节犹如一把钥匙,开启了这些日子里的想念,祝福的云朵,正细细说起,我们曾有的期盼一祝你新岁如意。

18. 谁没有青涩过,没傻过,不然你是怎么成长的?

19. 回忆很美,尽管过程艰辛,也许结果总有遗憾,但我们无愧于心。

20. 当你一合作就在想自己如何不吃亏,事业已经远离你。

21. 红豆黑豆提前泡好,山药,红枣,两朵香菇,放在一起炖,放少许盐,大约半个小时就可以喝汤了。

22. 坚韧地飞吧,不要为风雨所折服。

23. 在这里奉劝各位改装动线路的能无损就无损,能不破线就不破线,这是忠告。

24. If you can't fulfill today, why do you promise me forever?

25. Work hard. Only when you stand at a high enough height can you be looked up to.

26. 生活有两大误区:一是生活给人看,二是看别人生活。

27. 把握时间观念,同认识一个人一样,相见易,相识难。

28. 成功不成功,我们努力付出过。

29. The world of mortals is ten feet, and the vast world is still where you come from.

30. 每个求职者都要经过一个特别的考试。

31. Your self-consciousness and progress make teachers and parents happy.

32. 爸妈永远是你最坚强的后盾。

33. Usually, it's the same as the exam, and the exam side is the same as usual.

34. 你要做真实的你,自己为自己而活……。

35. People always cherish what they don't get and forget what they have.

36. 人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。

37. Time can change a lot, such as a person and a relationship.

38. 合理的要求是训练,不合理的要求是磨练。

39. 情绪在主宰着我们的生活,而不是那些轻微的懊恼事。

40. Good living habits are crucial to one's life.

41. Growth is the pain of a childish heart. The reckless part is called youth.

42. 信心是成才的基石。没有信心的人,将一事无成。

43. 有些事你觉得委屈了,可是就得承担。

44. 孩子,你们都长大了,请记住老师的话:路要靠自己去走,学习更要靠自己。

45. 一生花好月圆,幸福永相随。

46. 良好的生活习惯对人的一生都至关重要。

47. ⑩系统:让成功持续。

48. One today is better than two tomorrows.

49. 所有光鲜亮丽的背后,都曾熬过无数个不为人知的黑夜。

50. 如果是干性头皮太干引起的,则选择滋养型洗发液。

51. 孩子,做家长的不能一路护送你,虽然不舍放手,却也要忍受分离的痛苦,承受思念的折磨。

52. 勤奋的人无穷多,懒惰的人无穷少。

53. Behind all the bright and beautiful, they have survived countless unknown nights.

54. 保持你的好奇心,这将是你创造的源泉!

55. The so-called growth is the process of meeting several scum and then becoming scum.

56. Doing the right thing is more important than doing it right.

57. Success in life lies not in getting a good card, but in how to play a bad card well.

58. 知道对什么事感兴趣,就一点点做起来吧。

59. One's greatest tragedy is to refuse to grow up and mature.

60. 人,一简单就快乐,但快乐的人寥寥无几。

61. 求知若饥,虚心若愚,是要永远保持的。

62. 当我遇到我真正想要的东西之时,袋子已经装满了。

63. 与人相处,总有猝不及防的世态炎凉,总有难以觉察的陷阱暗枪。

64. 我不怕成长,我只怕长成自己最瞧不起的那种人。

65. If you have sung the dawn, please embrace the night.

66. Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and procrastination will continue to nourish fear.

67. 所谓成熟就是明明该哭该闹,却不言不语的微笑。

68. Life is a game of improvisation, no done dream, only to wake up early.人生本来就是一场即兴演出,没有做不成的梦,只有不早醒的人。

69. 如果连今天都兑现不了,你凭什么给我承诺永远?

70. Setbacks are so cold, but Moscow doesn't believe in tears.

71. 即使是喁喁私语,那声音里也没有卑琐和阴暗,没有湿淋淋,怯懦的哀伤。

72. 让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧!

73. 即使无法在阳光中成长。

74. No matter what you do, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will not fail.

75. 第一组的人不知道村庄的名字,也不知道路程有多远,只告诉他们跟着向导走就是。

76. Confidence is the cornerstone of success. He who has no faith will accomplish nothing.

77. 不信你回头看看,你都已经在不知不觉中熬过了很多苦难。

78. 不管人生或事业,都是像跑马拉松,成功往往是长久的努力,不是一两年就能做到。

79. 只要坚持下去,就一定拥有成功的机会,若是选择了放弃,我们的梦想也就会随之而消失了。

80. 时光真的好残忍,夺走了许多,却告诉你那是成长。

81. 实际上,成长,更需要我们和他人的交流。

82. 没有人能赢得全世界的喜爱,你当然会有敌人,总会有人表现出对你的不满,和你暗暗较劲,甚至背后中伤你。

83. 始终保持积极向上的精神状态,就会创造出惊人的成绩。

84. 经历了太多的生离死别,变幻无常。

85. 成熟的标志之一是懂调侃。

86. Everyone has at least one dream and has a reason to be strong.

87. We can't escape growth after all, but we also learn to be strong.

88. 重复数次或数分钟,直至感到心情平静。

89. 怎么天空也是五颜六色,使人眼花缭乱啊,那是孩子们放的风筝。

90. 你若成长,事事可成长。

91. 下面本站为大家分享《成长的烦恼》经典台词:迈克自己对着镜子说:“OH,你长的真帅。

92. 时间可以改变很多,譬如一个人、一份感情。

93. 平常间妈妈对你那么严厉也是希望将来有天你过得幸福,今天是你的生日,愿你健康成长。

94. ”他真是一个聪明的孩子,以后,每天放学回家,在家里的庭院里面看着太阳一寸一寸地沉到地平线以下,就知道一天真的过完了,虽然明天还会有新的太阳,但永远不会有今天的太阳,他懂得不再为过去的事情而沉溺,而是好好学习和生活,把握住现在的每一个瞬间。

95. Don't always be dissatisfied with others. You should always review yourself.

96. 良好的习惯永远是一个人成功的法宝。

97. 我不知怎么的,就在那一刻,会心一笑,像是品尝到什么甜滋滋的糖果,这般甜,这般好。

98. 希望宝宝健健康康成长。前途无量,有一个美好的未来。

99. 像我遇到很多做记者的同行,他们说:杨澜你多幸运,能采访那么多国家元首和政府首脑,我们都没有这个机会。

100. 个人除非自己有信心,否则带给别人信心。

101. 我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日。

102. You are like a shining bird, lively and generous.

103. 挫折如此冰冷,但莫斯科不相信眼泪。

104. Quantitative change causes qualitative change, and knowledge focuses on accumulation.

105. If you don't believe it, look back, you have unwittingly endured a lot of suffering.

106. 孩子,你的画真漂亮,相信你的字也能写得更漂亮。

107. 量变引起质变,知识重在积累。

108. 范文三我感受到成长有许许多多的烦恼,并且这些烦恼在不断长大。

109. Love grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.

110. Time is really cruel. It has taken a lot, but it tells you that it is growth.

111. ——马克·吐温⊙权力大而权威小,企业就会衰败。

成长的英语句子 篇四

1. 青春便是如此,带着疼痛,却又义无反顾。

2. Idle talk idle thinking is the enemy of learning.

3. 茂盛的禾苗需要水分;成长的少年需要学习。

4. 我见过许多人的不幸福,是在用奉献别人绑架自己,更恐怖的是用自己的奉献更野蛮地绑架别人。

5. Always maintain a positive mental state, you will create amazing achievements.

6. 我们终究还是逃不过成长,却也学会了坚强。

7. 当我拥有安全感的时候,我觉得比什么时候都幸福。

8. 停在那儿抱怨:我在其他方面还比他们强呢。

9. (的确有些是不想让他们清楚)那天,我放学回家,写完作业后,按照常规,去拿日记本,忽然,我发现日记本被移动过,我顿时火冒三丈,一想便知道一定是他们。

10. 平时和考试一样,考试方和平时一样。

11. 为人随和低调,平静的做好自己份内的事情,静静的看书,静静的思考。

12. There are two misunderstandings in life: one is to see life, the other is to see other people's life.

13. 那些私下忠告我们,指出我们错误的人,才是真正的朋友。

14. Those who advise us privately and point out our mistakes are true friends.

15. People cry not because love ends, but because it still continues, even if it's over. 人们伤心,不是因为爱情结束了,而是因为当一切都结束了,爱还在。

16. 很多时候,我们可以不聪明,但别不清醒。

17. 心胸大度少疑心,心胸狭隘缺信心。

18. 爱情由一个吻成长,由一滴泪结束。

19. 行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫、拖延将不断滋养恐惧。

20. Grasping the concept of time is as easy as knowing a person.

21. 人生的成功不在于拿到一副好牌,而是怎样将坏牌打好。

22. Birds can fly only when they spread their wings. Children should use their brains and hands at the same time.

23. 人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。

24. Nothing is more exhausting than to see through but can't let go.

25. Good habits are always the magic weapon of one's success.

26. ——殷庆功“天才就是勤奋”,曾经有人这样说过。

27. 所以就开始做减法。

28. 成长是一段稚心的疼痛,不计后果的那段,叫做青春。

29. 原来社会没有准则,不像考试只有对错。

30. 一弹指一邂逅一奔波,就是一生。

31. ”她说话,就好像哼这一首小曲,我此刻心里充满了幸福。

32. 一般来讲,一个人刚刚大学毕业,走上工作岗位的时候,容易产生这种思想:我一定要做一项很有意义的工作,或者我很有兴趣的工作。

33. 希望孩子在新学期里,在老师的指导帮助下,取得更大进步。

34. Too much time makes people lazy, lack of motivation and low efficiency.

35. I hope the baby can grow up healthily. There is a bright future.


