
时间:2016-08-09 09:28:20
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三年级上英语句子表 篇一

In the third grade English sentence table, students are introduced to basic English sentences and vocabulary. These sentences are simple and easy to understand, making it easier for young learners to grasp the language. Some of the sentences in the table include "I have a dog." and "She likes to play with her friends." By practicing these sentences, students can improve their English speaking and writing skills.

The sentence table also includes questions like "What is your favorite color?" and "How old are you?" These questions help students learn how to ask for information and engage in conversations with others. In addition, the table contains sentences that introduce different topics such as family, food, animals, and hobbies. This allows students to expand their vocabulary and learn more about the world around them.

By using the sentence table, students can practice reading, writing, and speaking in English. They can also work on their pronunciation and grammar skills. The table serves as a useful tool for teachers to assess students' progress and tailor their lessons to meet their needs. Overall, the third grade English sentence table is a valuable resource for young learners to build a strong foundation in English language learning.

三年级上英语句子表 篇二

The third grade English sentence table is a great resource for students to practice their language skills and expand their vocabulary. With sentences like "I like to read books." and "My brother is playing soccer.", students can learn how to express their thoughts and ideas in English. These simple sentences help students build confidence in speaking and writing in a new language.

In addition to basic sentences, the table also includes more complex sentences with conjunctions like "and", "but", and "because". This allows students to learn how to connect ideas and form more detailed sentences. By practicing these sentences, students can improve their grammar and sentence structure.

The sentence table also includes sentences that focus on specific grammar rules such as verb tenses, prepositions, and adjectives. Students can learn how to use these grammar rules correctly in sentences and improve their overall language skills. The table provides a comprehensive overview of English grammar and helps students understand how to apply these rules in their writing and speaking.

Overall, the third grade English sentence table is a valuable tool for students to practice their language skills and improve their English proficiency. By using the table regularly, students can become more confident in their abilities and make progress in their language learning journey.

三年级上英语句子表 篇三

三年级上英语句子表 精选51句

1. — Let’s go to school!我们一起上学吧!

2. I have a carrot.我有一根胡萝卜。

3. Old MacDonald had a farm.老麦克唐纳有一个农场。

4. — What’s your name?你叫什么名字?

5. Let’s have some cake today.今天我们吃些蛋糕吧。

6. — Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。

7. — Good morning, Miss Green.早上好,格林小姐。

8. White, white. Touch the ground.白色的, 白色的,摸摸地。

9. Colour it brown!把它涂成棕色吧!

10. I see red. 我看到红色。

11. Follow me!跟我来!

12. Brown, brown. Turn around.棕色的,棕色的,转个圈儿。

13. — Thank you.谢谢你。

14. Good idea!好主意!

15. Can I have some water, please?请给我些水好吗?

16. — How many plates? (你要)几个盘子?

17. I’d like some juice, please.请给我些果汁。

18. — How are you? 你好吗?

19. Show me your pen.给我看看你的钢笔。

20. Have some bread.吃点面包吧。

21. Drink some water.喝点水。

22. Mr Jones, this is Miss Green.琼斯先生,这是格林小姐。

23. Goodbye.再见。

24. Black, black. Stand up.黑色的,黑色的,起立。

25. Who’s there?谁在那里?

26. There’s Zoom!祖姆在那儿呢!

27. Here you are.给你。

28. — Let’s play! OK?我们一起玩儿吧!好吗?

29. Hello.你好。

30. I have a ruler.我有一把尺子。

31. This is my face.这是我的脸。

32. Cool! I like it.酷!我喜欢它。

33. Clap your hands.拍拍你的手。

34. Show me seven.出示七。

35. I’m six years old.我六岁(了)。

36. Eat some rice.吃些米饭。

37. This one, please.请给我这个。

38. It’s a dog.(它)是条狗。

39. — What’s this? 这是什么?

40. It’s so fun!太有趣了!

41. I can sing a rainbow.我可以唱彩虹(歌)。

42. — Happy birthday.生日快乐。

43. Open your pencil box.打开你的铅笔盒。

44. Cut the cake.切蛋糕。

45. Are you Tutu?你是图图吗?

46. I’m Miss White.我是怀特小姐。

47. Stamp your foot.跺脚。

48. — How old are you? 你几岁(了)?

49. Surprise!意外惊喜!

50. Look at the duck. It’s in the truck.看这只鸭子。它在卡车里。

51. Act like an elephant/a bird/a tiger/a monkey/a panda.模仿大象/鸟/老虎/猴子/大熊猫。


