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有memory的句子 篇一






有memory的句子 篇二





有memory的句子 篇三

有memory的句子 精选60句

1. Some people say goldfish's memory is only seven seconds, and my memory is slightly longer than goldfish's memory.

2. How much memory does the program occupy?这个程序占用多少内存?

3. He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident.事故之后他有几个星期失去记忆。

4. “He kept spitting blood out, ” she says, the memory strong enough still to break her voice.“他不停地吐血。”她说。

5. Influence of Vacancy Type Defects on Shape Memory Effect in CuAlBeCr Alloys空位型晶体缺陷对CuAlBeCr形状记忆性能的影响

6. Memory is just memory. Memory has nothing powerful.

7. He has a memory well stocked with facts他记忆很好,记得许多事情。

8. Bad cache memory. An error in the level2 cache memory.

9. Human memory is notoriously unreliable.

10. The memory region size size) must be the same on the source and destination systems.源系统和目标系统的内存区域大小,也称为逻辑内存块(LMB)大小,必须相同。

11. Probing a JVM shows total memory used, percentage of free memory, percentage of used memory, etc. Observe the percentage free memory to identify memory leaks.

12. That using the functions of management of memory can effectively avoid the memory chip question appearing in dynamic memory assigning.

13. It also leads me nicely to the last new features of the memory manager: environment variables.它还精心地引导我使用内存管理器的最后几个新功能:环境变量。

14. You have a photographic memory.

15. nonerasable memory

16. Your memory, the memory of you and me, my memory, is filled with your diary.

17. A memory that can be programmed only once可编程只读存储器只能一次性编程的存储器

18. Everyone has the happy memory, sad memory and childish memory.

19. We will talk about addressable memory later.我们在后面会谈到可寻址内存。

20. scratch pad memory

21. To be remembered, one's memory must become a public memory.

22. CACHE is not legal tender in most countries, but a type of memory that your CPU first looks for.缓存并非在多数国家的法定货币,一种记忆,但你的CPU(中央处理器)第一面貌。

23. Purify for memory usage tracking and memory error detection.

24. He was losing his memory.

25. Methods The CDT of memory is implemented by way Ⅱ of construction.方法采用构造方法Ⅱ实现了存储器类型CDT。

26. Their names will never fade from the memory of the world.他们的名字永远不会从世人的记忆中消失。

27. impermanent memory

28. Select whether the Trace Output is written to a File or to Memory Buffer.选择跟踪输出是写到文件,还是写到内存缓冲区。

29. In some systems, instructions can be stored in read-only memory while data me

mory generally requires read-write memory.

30. Preferably one with an eidetic memory and extensive experience with Death Eater procedures.此人最好有着惊人的记忆,以及对付食死徒的多方面的经验。

31. The memory space of a float or double value is limited, so some values cannot be represented.浮点或者双精度浮点的内存空间是限定了的,所以某些值不能被表示。

32. Viewing Shared memory data dumps manually on a Linux system.在Linux系统上手工查看共享内存数据转储。

33. reprogrammable memory

34. holographic memory

35. FIG. 14 depicts programming pulses applied to a cycled memory device.图14描绘施加于循环存储器装置的编程脉冲。

36. What's the right way to reinterpret memory in C?对存储在C正确的方式是什么?

37. Memory pools are another method to semi-automate memory management.

38. It has two parts: a memory address and an index register.它包括两个部分:一个内存地址以及一个索引寄存器。

39. Error: Incorrect memory configuration.

40. Redundant memory provides the system with a failover memory bank when a memory bank fails.

41. A SCIENTIST THAT LOVES HIS FATHERLAND——In Memory of Prof Liu Chung-lo一个热爱祖国的科学家——纪念刘崇乐教授

42. Time is memory eraser.

43. Distributed orthogonal routing algorithm of input memory Clos fabric输入缓存Clos网络中分布式正交分路路由算法

44. Tailor memory. False memory implanted in subject.

45. The third option is the OG memory to memory solution.

46. Playing those 1960s records was a trip down memory lane听60代的唱片好象使我们回到了过去那个令人愉快的时期。

47. Many a man fails to become a great thinker only because his memory is too good.许多人没能成为伟大的思想家,只因他们的记忆力太好。

48. Primary memory is known as random access memory (RAM) and simple named memory.

49. Let's look at virtual memory.

50. Pointer to the starting address of the block of memory to fill with zeros.指向一块准备用0来填充的内存区域的开始地址。

51. My memory had played a dirty trick on me.我的记忆力跟我开了个天大的玩笑。

52. Restrict your native memory use.

53. Take a memory snapshot.

54. Memory engulfed weightlessness lives among them, the miss to almost a river.回忆吞没的失重感栖息其中,想念汇流成河。

55. Convert some Storage Memory to Program Memory. (You can use the System control panel to adjust memory later.)

56. Memory management is discussed in greater detail in a later section of this article.我们将在本文的后面讨论内存管理的更多细节。

57. My memory unavoidably recurred to former times with a sort of oppressive sadness.我不可避免地怀着一种压抑的悲哀回忆往日。

58. content addressed memory

59. In order to reduce memory usage, the resource bundle object is static and singleton.为了减少内存使用,资源对象是静态和单一的。

60. He trusts to his memory too much.他过于信赖自己的记忆力。


