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有关水果的英语句子 篇一

Fruits are not only delicious, but also packed with essential nutrients for our bodies. From vitamin C in oranges to potassium in bananas, each fruit offers different health benefits.

One of the most popular fruits in the world is the apple. As the saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." This fruit is a great source of fiber and antioxidants, making it a healthy snack choice.

Berries, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are not only sweet and tasty, but also rich in antioxidants. These colorful fruits are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can help boost our immune system.

Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and grapefruits are packed with vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system and glowing skin. Adding a squeeze of lemon to your water can help detoxify your body and improve digestion.

Bananas are a versatile fruit that can be eaten on its own, added to smoothies, or used in baking. They are a great source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and muscle function.

Mangoes are known for their sweet and tropical flavor. They are rich in vitamin A, which is important for vision and immune health. Mangoes can be enjoyed on their own or added to salads for a burst of flavor.

Pineapples are a delicious and juicy fruit that is rich in vitamin C and manganese. They are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce bloating and aid in digestion.

Overall, incorporating a variety of fruits into your diet can help you meet your daily nutrient needs and improve your overall health. So next time you reach for a snack, consider grabbing a piece of fruit instead!

有关水果的英语句子 篇二

Eating a diet rich in fruits is essential for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases. Fruits are not only low in calories and high in fiber, but also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that our bodies need to function properly.

One of the best things about fruits is that they come in a variety of colors, flavors, and textures, making it easy to incorporate them into your meals and snacks. Whether you prefer sweet fruits like mangoes and grapes, or tart fruits like lemons and cranberries, there is a fruit out there for everyone.

In addition to being delicious and nutritious, fruits can also help with weight management. Since fruits are low in calories but high in volume, they can help you feel full and satisfied without consuming excess calories. This can be particularly helpful for those looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Fruits are also great for hydration, as they contain a high percentage of water. Eating water-rich fruits like watermelon, oranges, and cucumbers can help keep you hydrated and prevent dehydration, especially during hot summer months.

Incorporating a variety of fruits into your diet can also help reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The antioxidants in fruits can help protect your cells from damage and inflammation, which are key factors in the development of these diseases.

So next time you're at the grocery store, be sure to stock up on a variety of fruits to enjoy as snacks, add to your meals, or use in smoothies and desserts. Your body will thank you for the nutrient-rich and delicious fuel!

有关水果的英语句子 篇三

有关水果的英语句子 精选86句

1. 蜜桃成熟了,它努着红扑扑的嘴巴,再配上一身小绒毛,那么好看那么可爱,像害羞的姑娘一样,低垂着头,微红着脸。

2. 一个个黄澄澄、金灿灿的菠萝,似金珠般井然有序地排列着,美极了!(写颜色)

3. 瞧,它长得弯弯的,最喜欢穿着一件金黄的衣服,像一位身姿苗条的小姑娘。摸一摸,小姑娘的皮肤滑滑的,软软的。闻一闻,小姑娘身上的香味扑鼻而来,令人心旷神怡。脱下小姑娘的外衣,里面露出白中带黄的果肉,吃到嘴里,感觉粘粘的,像在吃粘糕一样,但是让人吃了又想吃。

4. 熟透了的柿子握在手里软软的,只需轻轻撕掉一点皮,放在嘴边一吸,就会吸到比蜜还甜的红色汁水,从嘴角一直甜到心里。(写味道)

5. 一股甜滋滋的甘露顺着喉咙流进心田,使人舒服极了!

6. 到了秋天,石榴已经长得像苹果那么红那么大,有的张开了小嘴,露出了石榴籽,太阳光一照,那一粒粒的石榴像一颗颗宝石一样闪闪发光。石榴熟了,老叔把一个个石榴摘下来,放在竹篓筐里,一数,嗬,七十多个呢!用刀子切开一个,里边的籽密密麻麻,像一堆水晶豆,拿一个放在嘴里一尝,又酸又甜,可好吃呢!

7. 有商量了。但我想他这不过是开了一张空头支票。Cauliflower (花椰菜,菜花)cauliflower ears:swollen ears usually resulting from a boxing match拳击运动员因多次受击而肿起的开花耳朵eg.That boxer has cauliflower ears.那位拳击运动员的耳朵被打开花了。Cherry (樱桃)bowl of cherries (to be a ):to be wonderful 精彩的,绝妙的 eg. Life isn't always a bowl of cherries.生活并不总是美好的。Corn

8. 我喜爱的苹果

9. 一个个黄澄澄、金灿灿的菠萝,似金珠般井然有序地排列着,


10. 从果园里飘出一阵阵醉人的芳香。你亲口尝尝那红通通的苹果,又甜又脆,好吃极了!

11. Work in pairs.Then tell your friends or your family fruits are good to our health.

12. 多媒体课件PPT及录音设备

13. an apple a day keeps doctors away.

14. 句型This is a/an…的用法,学生在课堂上能熟练的运用这个句型描述所学的水果

15. Chant: Book book this is a book Chair chair this is a chair

16. 暑假里,姑姑常从乡下拎来水蜜桃。它们个大皮薄,芳香四溢,晶莹圆润,像用碧玉雕成的。弟弟嘴馋,抓起一个就吃,只听“噗啦”一声,桃汁溅得他满脸都是,我看着他的呆样,真是哭笑不得。我从盘子里拿起一个桃子,先把它的表皮撕开一个小口子,然后用嘴慢慢吮吸,那鲜甜的汁水流进嘴里,甘甜无比。我跷起大拇指说:“嘿,味道好极了。”弟弟也学着我的方法吃,边吃边咂嘴,越吃越高兴。

17. 知道常见的水果名称。

18. the apple of sb.s eye

19. 那柚子皮上像涂过一层桐油,黄黄的、光光的,香味幽雅而清淡,使人闻着直流口水。

20. T:Well, how cool, you are so perfect.Then please listen to the tape.(播放课件,第一遍请学生听,第二遍请学生跟读,第三遍请学生分角色对话,A组和B组扮演不同的角色)

21. beans about sth. (not to know):not to know anything about sth.对某事物一无所知,一窍不通

22. 苹果有小瓷碗大小,红里透黄,像一张张小妹妹的笑脸,逗人喜爱。你亲口品尝,又甜又脆。

23. swallow a date whole

24. 准备各种水果图片或者水果实物:苹果、梨子、荔枝、香蕉、橘子等。

25. 播放一段视频,视频中出现了不同的水果,让学生对视频中的水果有一个印象。

26. ?你从哪儿买来那顶滑稽的帽子?cucumber (黄瓜,胡瓜)cool as a cucumber (to be):to be calm and composed 十分冷静,镇定自如 eg. Although he's guilty of the crime ,he sure as cool as a cucumber.尽管他犯了罪,却还是那么镇定自如。水果:pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子carambola 杨桃carambola carambola简明英汉词典k?rm b ul n. 1 五敛子树, 阳桃树 2 五敛子,阳桃

27. T:I will draw a picture on the board, can you guess what’s this?(首先先画出一小部分让学生去猜,然后将整个图形画完,学生猜出来了能相应的加分,老师提问,What’s this ?It’s an orange.注意orange前面加的是an.)

28. 重点句型:What’s this?

29. to become wild with anger狂怒,气得发疯

30. 蜜桃成熟了,它努着红扑扑的嘴巴,再配上一身小绒毛,那么好看那么可爱,像害羞的姑娘一样,低垂着头,微红着脸。(写形状)

31. 一串串葡萄绿绿的,晶莹透明,真像是用水晶和玉石雕刻出来似的。(写颜色)

32. (谷物;谷粒)“For corn sake!”:“Oh,my goodness!” “噢,天哪!” *注:这个词语虽然已相当过时,但中老年人仍在使用。corn :n.melodrama,overemotional drama情节剧;感情表现夸张的戏剧 eg. What a bunch of corn!这一连串的情节剧真精彩啊!adj.melodramatic 情节剧的;夸张的eg. That movie was so corny!这部电影表现得太夸张了!cornball:adj.ridiculous 荒唐的,可笑的eg. Where did you buy that cornball hat

33. 注意每个单词的正确发音,尤其是orange、banana的发音

34. 那柚子皮上像涂过一层桐油,黄黄的、光光的,香味幽雅而清淡,使人闻着直流口水。(写颜色、味道)

35. Greetings: T: Hello , everybody, Good morning.Nice to meet you.How are you? T: Today , Miss zou is very happy, do you know why? Because we are going to learn some fruits, I like fruits ,it is good for our body.Pay attention you are group A, you are group B.Now group A, go go go

36. 锻炼学生的听、说、认、读能力。

37. 把橘子剥开,一片片月牙似的橘瓣,聚在一起活像盏小灯笼。(写果肉)

38. Big Apple (the): New York 大苹果城「即纽约」 eg. I live in the Big Apple.我住在大苹果城。

39. 把桂圆凑近嘴边,用手一捏表皮,桂圆就会“扑溜”一声滑进嘴里,轻轻一咬,嘴里顿时灌满了新鲜的汁水,甜津津的,细腻爽口。

40. 会用”….的…”句式描述水果.What’s this? This is a/an…

41. bananas(to be): to be crazy 发疯的,神经错乱的 eg. That guuy's bananas!那家伙真是疯了!

42. Games:(Magic eyes)T: Very good now please look at the screen, and guess what’s this?(课件快速闪示,让学生去猜这是什么,并复习用前面所学单词与句型)如:It’s a book/chair/fan/…然后引导学生用book/chair/fan/…回答。

43. 教学过程

44. 我打开石榴一看,籽儿好红呀!一粒连着一粒,粒粒都像粉红色的水晶石。写果肉

45. 那圆圆的橘子像千万盏小灯笼,金灿灿,红彤彤,在墨绿的树叶里灼灼闪光。十几瓣月牙形的桔瓣儿紧紧地团在一起,就象一个嫩黄色的小南瓜,惹人喜爱。(写形状、颜色)

46. 甜津津的汁水涨满你的嘴,使你感到细腻爽口。吃了一瓣,还想吃第二瓣,越吃越爱吃,直吃得肚子饱饱的。

47. 哈密瓜是椭圆形的,黄中带绿。哈密瓜一般有七八斤重,有的甚至有十多斤重。它长得很像西瓜,但它却不像西瓜那样光滑,摸上去很粗糙,看起来像蜘蛛的网。

48. 中听到。carrot (胡萝卜)carrot in front of someone (to danglea)ex.to tempt someone with an unobtainable offer开空头支票以实践不了的诺言诱惑某人 eg.The boss told me lf I perform well on the job ,we 'll talk about a salary increase next year.But I think he's just dangling a carrot in front of me.老板告诉我,如果我工作表现出色,明年加工资就

49. 当秋高气爽的时候,梨树的叶子已经变成深绿色。鸭梨已经由青青的变成淡黄的了。如果你细看,就会发现梨上有一个个赭色小点,把嫩黄色的鸭梨点缀得更加美丽了。累累果实把树枝都压弯了腰,你只要一伸手就能摘到。鸭梨的皮非常薄,薄得有时一碰就破;个大,大得叫你吃惊;汁多,咬一口好像喝了一碗用甘泉冲出来的甜水。

50. 个大,大得叫你吃惊;汁多,咬一口就好像喝了一碗用甘泉冲出来的甜水。

51. play second banana(to):t o be second choice第二选择,次要人物 eg. I always play second banana to her.我总是做她的后补。

52. 教学目的:

53. 把学生分成两个小组,A组和B组,并带领学生喊口号。

54. 水果摊上的苹果红彤彤的像小朋友的脸,黄澄澄的橘子像一个小小的皮球,晶莹的葡萄紫里透黑??哇,水果真是应有尽有啊!

55. T:Boys and girls please pay attention, there is a bag in my hand, can you guess what’s this ?I will tell you this is one kind of fruit.You can touch or smell.(请一些同学来猜这是什么水果,可以用手摸,鼻子闻,鼓励学生用This is an apple来回答,回答对之后再拿出apple的卡片,学生大声跟读apple, apple。并强调apple的发音,及一个苹果的表达方式,我们要用an apple.可以通过游戏来玩单词,如大小声,开火车,正反面,转转转)T:What’s this? S: This is an apple.(句型也可以玩起来,但是不要和单词玩相同的形式)

56. top banana:main boss领袖,头头,大老板

57. 那圆圆的橘子像千万盏小灯笼,金灿灿,红彤彤,在墨绿的树叶里灼灼闪光。(写形状、颜色)

58. cabbage:money钱,金钱

59. apple of one's eye ( to be the ): to be one's favorite 掌上明珠;心爱物 eg. She is the apple of her father's eye.她是她父亲的掌上明珠。

60. 我打开石榴一看,籽儿好红呀!一粒连着一粒,粒粒都像粉红色的水晶石。(写果肉)每一粒石榴籽包着一层粉红的薄膜,亮晶晶的,又白又嫩,像一颗颗钻石。(写果肉)

61. 用刀子切开一个石榴,里边的籽密密麻麻,像一堆水晶豆。拿一个放在嘴里一尝,又酸又甜,可好吃呢!

62. beet red (to be):to be extremly red from blushing ,embarrassment,etc.[因窘迫,羞愧等]脸红 eg. She was so embarrased she turned beet red.他窘迫得满脸通红。

63. 一串串葡萄绿绿的,晶莹透明,真像是用水晶和玉石雕出来似的。(写颜色)

64. Bean Town :Boston,Massachusetts 豆城「指麻萨诸塞州波士顿市」 *注:波士顿市以其特产烘豆而闻名。

65. 每一粒石榴籽包着一层粉红的薄膜,亮晶晶的,又白又嫩,像一颗颗钻石。

66. 那切开的西瓜好诱人,瓜瓤鲜红鲜红,籽儿乌黑乌黑。(写果肉)

67. “How do you like the apples?”:“What do you think of that ?” *注:这是对某种冒犯性行为做出报复后说的话。

68. 石榴熟透了,它们一个个绽开娃娃般可爱的圆脸和笑口,争相向人们报告着成熟的喜讯。石榴不仅外表惹人喜爱,内部也美极了,只要你轻轻剥开它的皮,就会露出一颗颗白里透红,亮晶晶、水灵灵、珍珠似的籽粒。取下一颗吞进嘴里,轻轻一嚼,就觉得果汁四溢,那甜滋滋的味儿,会一直沁到心里。

69. 草莓的果实是球形或椭圆球形。成熟的果实红艳艳的,表面疙疙瘩瘩,附有许多小种子,小时候我还以为那是很多的芝麻粘在上面呢。草莓的果实鲜艳红嫩,柔软多汁,甜酸可口,含有丰富的维生素c,此外还含胡萝卜素、多种维生素、葡萄糖、蛋白质、脂肪、铁钙、磷等,所以有人管草莓又叫“美容果”,拿起一个放到口中轻轻的嚼动,那粉红色的汁液伴随着鲜嫩的果肉在嘴里有一种甜滋滋、酸溜溜、凉爽爽的美妙感觉,唯一感到遗憾的就是那附在草莓表面上的小种子吃起来没有什么味道。

70. bean brain :idiot 白痴,笨蛋

71. Listen and read page 41, point to fruits and say this is a/an…

72. 教学重点:

73. 荔枝的形状象鸡心,大小如乒乓球一般。拿起一串荔枝,一股清香扑鼻而来那香甜味迎面扑来,使人陶醉。

74. 看,西瓜长得圆圆的,身上穿着浅绿与深绿条纹的衣服,头顶上还扎着一根弯弯曲曲的小辫子。西瓜的名字很有趣,有的叫“黑美人”,有的叫“黑蜜”。有些西瓜是圆形的,有些西瓜椭圆形的。有的西瓜有籽,有的西瓜无籽。有些瓜瓤是红色的,有些瓜瓤是黄色的。

75. 能听懂读说单词:apple pear banana lychee orange

76. 那圆圆的橘子像千万盏小灯笼,金灿灿,红彤彤,在墨绿的树叶里灼灼闪光。写颜色

77. the grapes are sour.

78. 一个个苹果水灵灵的,像一盏盏小红灯笼似的,高挂在树枝上,红彤彤一片。苹果有小瓷碗大小,红里透黄,像一张张小妹妹的笑脸,逗人喜爱。你亲口品尝,又甜又脆。苹果已经熟透了,被秋风一吹,摇摇欲坠。

79. T:Are you hungry do you want to eat something.Take some food to the students let them taste and ask what’s this?(这一环节是把香蕉切成丁块,让学生去尝,老师问what’s this ?学生回答This is a banana.通过游戏及邀请小老师来巩固单词和句子。)

80. T:Now everybody, pay attention, I will be a magician, take out an half pear, let students guess what’s this?(这一环节学

81. T:I will invite a student come to the stage to talk with me.Give the students some cards and I take some cards,ask what’s this? This is a/an…After that ask two students for a group to play)

82. 教学准备:

83. Cabbage(洋白菜,甘蓝菜)

84. 火龙果全身红通通的,远远看去,就像一团火焰,近看像一朵含苞待放的花儿。用刀切开火龙果,立即露出那雪白的果肉,让人喜欢得不得了。雪白的果肉中还包着一粒粒黑黑的籽。一咬,哇!香甜可口,黑黑的籽咬下去还脆脆的呢!真是让人越吃越爱吃。

85. 拿起一个桃子,先把它的表皮撕开一个小口子,然后用嘴慢慢吮吸,那鲜甜的汁水流进嘴里,甘甜无比。

86. 别看榴莲臭,可是它的果肉可是很好吃的呢,不然怎么叫水果之王呢?榴莲的果肉甜甜的,味道好极了,添一口,又香又淳的味道直融入心里,让你的心也甜甜的。


