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英语句子绝望 篇一


有时候,我们会遇到一些长到让人无法直视的句子,里面包含了多个从句和修饰语,让我们感觉头昏脑胀。例如:“The man who lives next door, whose wife is a doctor, and whose children go to the local school, is a famous author.” 这样的句子让我们不知道从哪里下手,如何正确理解。


此外,句子结构的混乱也是导致绝望的原因之一。有时候,我们会碰到一些倒装句、强调句或者虚拟语气,让我们摸不着头脑。例如:“Had I known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.” 这样的句子让我们感到困惑和挫败。


英语句子绝望 篇二


有时候,我们会遇到一些长篇大论的句子,里面包含了多个并列从句和修饰语,让我们感到眼花缭乱。例如:“The more you practice, the better you will become at speaking English, and the more confident you will feel.” 这样的句子让我们感到无从下手,不知道如何正确理解和分析。

另外,一些句子中的生词和短语也会让我们感到绝望。有些单词的含义非常抽象,需要通过上下文来推测。而一些习语和俚语更是让我们摸不着头脑。比如,“It’s raining cats and dogs”这个习语的字面意思是“猫狗下雨”,实际上是指下大雨。当我们遇到这样的句子时,常常需要查阅词典或者请教老师来理解其中的含义。

此外,句子结构的复杂也是造成绝望的原因之一。有时候,我们会碰到一些倒装句、虚拟语气或者主从复合句,让我们感到头疼。例如:“Had it not been for your help, I would have failed the exam.” 这样的句子让我们感到困惑和挫败。


英语句子绝望 篇三

1. 年轻的时候玩儿命似的爱过一个人,后来我没死,青春替我抵了债。When I was young, I loved someone with my life. Later, I didnxxxt die

2. 原谅我爱你好深,却一声不吭。

3. Delay is the deadliest form of denial。

4. Some people just dont realize how much their words can hurt someone。

5. Happiness is when the desolated soul meets love。

6. Im just folk。I have mood swings。

7. 也许是我的幼稚刺伤了你的心!因为真的太想见你,心里从来没有那么在乎。原谅我好吗?

8. For those things i dont talk about,it does not mean i dont know。

9. 你从未入戏我却赔上了自己。

10. disappoint用作及物动词时,意思是“使…失望”,指原来的希望落空了。后面直接跟名词或代词作宾语,不用介词to。

11. All things must do your best and your never achievement.

12. 我好后悔,当初为何对你那么急躁。I regret, why was I so impatient with you

13. t的过去式和过去分词); 使破灭,使落空; 例句Castle-hunters wont be disappointed with the Isle of Man 马恩岛不会让城堡探寻者失望的。 with 英w? 美w? prep. 随着; 和,跟; 关于; 和一致; 例句With her were her son and daughter-in-law 和她在一起的是她的儿子和儿媳。 1,鸟的翅膀在空气里振动。那是一种喧嚣而凛冽的,充满了恐惧的声音。一种不确定的归宿的流动。 The wings of birds in the air vibration. It was a noisy and

14. 惊叹号是勇士滴在攀登路上的血,那也是懦夫失望时流淌的泪。

15. 我与回忆拉扯,你同新欢纠缠。

16. Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree。

17. I love very much, a minute only love you sixty seconds。

18. 爱上你是一种错,但我的心却怂恿我一错再错。It is wrong to love you, but my heart just wonxxxt let me be right.

19. Alone a person cannot feel happiness。

20. 被你一贯的赞许,却不配爱下去 。You always praise, but do not deserve to love.

21. be disappointed at result对结果感到失望

22. 忘记开心的,就不会不开心了。

23. In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what not to do next time.

24. Disappointment is injured, than be more painful thing。

25. 余生很长,不远万里,等风也等你。The rest of life is very long, far away, such as the wind also waiting for you

26. 她一贯很忠实,连死也不假装。

27. Distance makes the hearts groe eone remind you that everything is goingto be just fine。没事。如果你曾倚着朋友的肩膀哭过,你就能体会有人告诉你一起都会好起来时的感觉。

28. 我很好,是一个女孩最大的谎言Ixxxm fine. Itxxxs a girlxxxs biggest lie

29. 先撩我的人是你,最后放不下的是我。The person who tease me first is you, the last is me

30. 别傻了,不在乎你的人怎么会在乎你难不难过。Donxxxt be silly, donxxxt care what your people will care about you not sad.

31. 不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记。

32. 因为我的一时冲动,令我作出了一生中最后悔的一件事。现在,我很想很想跟你说声:对不起!

33. All or nothing, now or never。

34. Do not play too true acting, otherwise it will bear the scars。

35. 给你我的心,能否请你别遗弃。

36. 我的梦狠狠碎过,却不能忘。

37. 哪有那么多借口,只是不够喜欢罢了。I donxxxt have so many excuses. I just donxxxt like them enough

38. 需要。怎样去拥有一道彩虹。

39. be disappointed about对某事感到失望

40. 我放弃你的时候也放弃了自己,没有你我的心也死了。

41. Disappear a memory。 And leaving is unforgettable memories。

42. Time profound rather than shallow, please dont used to mourn rather than miss。

43. Trust always can not stand test, appear so vulnerable。

44. Beautiful season, we love because huddle together。

45. 我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。

46. “hopelessness”. 我可以诚实地说,这是我第一次感到什么是绝望。 扩展资料: 近义词: desperation 英 ?desp?re?n 美 ?desp?re?n n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命 短语 Desperation Housewife 绝望的主妇 This desperation 这些绝望 desperation shot 绝望一投 desperation phase 铤而走险期 例句: Yes, against the backdrop of desolation and desperation, the soldier does it with her. 是的,虽然凄凉和绝望,士兵还是和她在一起了。 模板,内容仅供参考

47. 雪碧喝多了,我怕突然透心凉。

48. Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity。

49. 对不起,昨天不是有意气你的,你还好吧?在家干什么呢,没有生我气吧?

50. be disappointed in love失恋

51. 我从没有怪过你,只是有时候也会失望。

52. cold and filled with the voices of fear. An uncertain movement of the end-result. 2,该笑的时候没有快乐,该哭泣的时候没有The time is not a happy laugh, which no tears when crying, which did not believe the promise 眼泪,该相信的时候没有诺言 3,任何东西都可被替代。爱情,往事,记忆,失望,时间都可以被替代。但是你不能无力自拔 Anything can be an alternative. Love, memory, me

53. 曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。

54. We cant fly high because we overweigh ourselves。

55. 抬头、浅笑、这世态的悲凉。

56. My eyes have shallow sea land old clap vita etched a bay miss。

57. please give me a reason to forget you,who loves me so much。

58. Dont look back, just havent found leave your reasons。

59. The result was disappointing.

60. 爱到痛了,痛到哭了,于是选择了放手。放手是一种无奈的绝望,痛彻心扉。Love to pain, pain to cry, so choose to let go. Letting go is a kind of helpless despair, painful heart.

61. Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest。

62. Best way to not get your heart broken, is pretend you dont have one。

63. Success is a state of mind, if you want to succeed, first began to see yourself as a successful man.


