
时间:2017-07-02 08:31:35
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春天的美丽英文句子 篇一

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. The flowers bloom, the birds sing, and the world comes alive with color and beauty. It is a season of hope and new beginnings, a time to shake off the cold of winter and embrace the warmth of the sun.

One of the most beautiful things about spring is the way nature seems to awaken from its long winter slumber. The trees start to bud, the grass turns green, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of flowers. It is a time of growth and transformation, as the world around us comes back to life after months of dormancy.

In spring, the days get longer and the sun shines brighter. It is a time to shed our heavy coats and embrace the lightness of spring fashion. The world seems to be in bloom, with flowers of every color dotting the landscape and filling the air with their sweet fragrance.

But perhaps the most beautiful thing about spring is the feeling of hope and possibility that it brings. As the world wakes up from its winter slumber, we are reminded that anything is possible. It is a time to dream big, to set new goals, and to believe in the power of renewal and rebirth.

So let us embrace the beauty of spring, with its vibrant colors, sweet scents, and endless possibilities. Let us take this time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and to celebrate the magic of new beginnings. Spring is a time of hope, of growth, and of beauty. Let us savor every moment of it.

春天的美丽英文句子 篇二

Spring is a season of renewal, a time when the world comes alive with the beauty of new beginnings. It is a time to shake off the cold of winter and embrace the warmth of the sun, to watch as the flowers bloom and the trees bud, and to revel in the vibrant colors of the world around us.

One of the most beautiful things about spring is the way it seems to breathe new life into everything it touches. The world awakens from its long winter sleep, and suddenly, everything is bursting with energy and vitality. It is a time to shake off the cobwebs of winter and embrace the beauty of the world in all its glory.

In spring, the days get longer and the sun shines brighter. It is a time to shed our heavy coats and embrace the lightness of spring fashion. The world seems to be in bloom, with flowers of every color dotting the landscape and filling the air with their sweet fragrance.

But perhaps the most beautiful thing about spring is the feeling of hope and possibility that it brings. As the world wakes up from its winter slumber, we are reminded that anything is possible. It is a time to dream big, to set new goals, and to believe in the power of renewal and rebirth.

So let us embrace the beauty of spring, with its vibrant colors, sweet scents, and endless possibilities. Let us take this time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and to celebrate the magic of new beginnings. Spring is a time of hope, of growth, and of beauty. Let us savor every moment of it.

春天的美丽英文句子 篇三

1. 春天来了,小树发出了新芽。树叶经过了冬天的孕育,现在终于发出了新芽。柳树也长出了嫩芽,芽嫩绿嫩绿的,长满了枝条。风一吹,仿佛一位婀娜多姿的姑娘正翩翩起舞。

2. 山桃花展瓣吐蕊,杏花闹上枝头,梨花争奇斗艳。

3. Spring — an experience in immortality.

4. 蜜蜂嗡嗡地飞来飞去,忙着采花酿蜜。

5. 春光明媚,春意盎然,绿茵遍野,嫩草像绿宝石一般发出悦目的光彩。

6. 河面的雪融化了,雪水汇成小溪,淙淙地流着。

7. 春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖。

8. 春季像一首瑰丽的.诗,如梦般甜蜜,如酒般香醇。

9. Cuckoo singing in the field clear, beautiful azaleas flatter in restless spring.

10. The snow melted snow, Huicheng streams, gurgling stream.

11. 春雨过后,太阳出来了,一片晴朗。整个世界像刚洗过似的,特别清爽,空气十分新鲜,呼吸一口,甜丝丝的,像喝了蜜一样。

12. Bright spring days, Spring is in the air., green everywhere, like a beautiful emerald grass.

13. Spring is coming, everything from slumber, the grass, the trees begin to bud out.

14. The cuckoo in the spring on the stage, playing a wonderful music.

15. Spring is when life's alive in everything.

16. 在春天里,动物们也从沉睡中醒来。小草开始发芽了,大地上到处都显现出欣欣向荣的景象。一眼望去,到处都是一片绿景象,就像一幅水彩画。

17. 在蓝天白云的照耀下 ,各种各样的风筝在自由自在地飘舞着,飞升着,多么使人心旷神怡的景象啊!

18. 我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小鸟的欢唱。我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望。

19. Earth, suddenly, the earth all things recovery, the Ukrainian language flowers, showing a faction angry.

20. 墙角下蜷缩了一个冬季的蔷薇花,早就乘着春风爬上了墙头,用它那最娇嫩的新芽迎接着春天的祝福。

21. The weather changed, xixilili spring up underground.

22. 柳树的枝条向下垂着,就像一条条线挂在树上。

23. xxxNo matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.xxx ——Proverb

24. 河道里*静的水,从冬天的素净中苏醒过来,被大自然的色彩打扮得青青翠翠。

25. 春姐姐已经悄悄地来到了我的身旁。太阳出来了,路边的小草更显得生机勃勃。它们不再是干枯的土电影,而是渐渐地变成了幽幽的绿色。马路也不再是冰冷的了,而是开始渐渐地变温暖了。

26. 新春的太阳还不十分暖,可是一片晴光增加了大家心中的与身上的热力。

27. 春天是万物复苏的时节。——英国女诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂

28. I love the spring, because the spring is full of vitality, full of new hope!

29. Spring is nature's way of saying, “Let's party! ”

30. 含苞待放的花蕾一个个绽放成甜甜的笑厣,如梦,似霞,更像一双无形的手在不经意间流泻的一首春天的诗。

31. 春天里人们更忙了。俗话说:一年之计在于春。你看,在城市的大街小巷,来来往往地穿梭着忙碌的身影;乡村的田地里,农民们在播洒着希望的种子。

32. xxxSpring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'xxx ——Robin Williams

33. 春天,不像夏天那样热情奔放,也不像秋天果实累累,给人一种丰收的喜悦,更不像冬天晶莹剔透,可春天是温柔的,醉人的。我爱你,春天!

34. 你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来。——巴勃罗·聂鲁达

35. 成群结队的蜜蜂,呼扇着电影的翅膀,嗡嗡地忙着采蜜;那五颜六色的彩蝶,也成双成对地翩翩起舞。

36. 春天来了,山上的冰雪融化了,花儿苏醒了,小草偷偷地从土里钻出来,漫山遍野的野花笑了,春姑娘从春天的王国里翩翩走来。

37. 杉树枝头的芽簇已经颇为肥壮,嫩嫩的,映着天色闪闪发亮,你说春天还会远吗?

38. 啊,我见到了春天。远处的群山连绵起伏,变得苍绿了。*处山坡上的小草也悄悄地钻出地面,它们嫩生生,绿油油的。肥胖的小叶儿,像一个个刚刚睡醒的胖娃娃。

39. Life in the spring morning wake up, showing the value of life, attractive.

40. 碧绿的小草开满树旁,就像是树的毯子似的。

41. 春季,一个静与动完美结合的时节。春季像一个天使,踏着愉快的脚步,翩翩来到人间;春季像一位花样年华的少女,鼓动着飘逸的风情;春季像一位画家,涂满了蓬勃的色彩;春季像一首瑰丽的诗,如梦般甜蜜,如酒般香醇。

42. 春天是一种永生的经历。——亨利·D·梭罗

43. 这春天,既给人以新的生命,也给人以新的希望,我爱这漂亮的春天。

44. 乐观主义者是春天的化身。——苏珊.J.比索内特

45. 春雨沙沙沙,沙沙沙,笋芽儿呀,快醒醒!快醒醒!春雷轰隆隆,轰隆隆,笋芽儿说:“我要钻出来!我要钻出来!”春风笑盈盈,笑盈盈,笋芽儿说:“我要长大!我要长大!”

46. Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.

47. 春天,它不像夏天那样炎热,不像秋天那样冷清,也不像冬天那样寒冷。而春天是一个生气勃勃,充满活力的春天。大地回春了,就等于一切都要重新开始了。

48. 我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望!

49. 在树林里,许多的小鸟在自由自在欢乐地飞翔着,高兴起来,便唱出清脆悦耳的曲子。和煦的春光吹拂着小河,河水忽然被一阵悦耳、动听的笛声牵动,放眼望去,一群顽皮的小孩子正用垂柳的茎做柳笛呢!他们的笛声吹出了心里的幸福和快乐。

50. 可爱的春姑娘,迈着轻盈的步子来到人间,那一片生机的景象便随之来到四面八方,整个世界像刚从一个漫长的睡梦中苏醒过来。

51. I like seeing the flowers and trees bud and bloom. Everything is so dead looking in winter and then things start coming back to life in spring.

52. 春天的雨是柔和的,只见春雨在竹枝、竹叶上跳动着。那雨时而直线滑落,时而随风飘洒,留下如烟、如雾、如纱、如丝的倩影,飞溅的雨花仿佛是琴弦上跳动的音符,奏出优美的旋律。

53. The spring sun is not very warm, but a light increases your heart and body of the heat.

54. xxxSpring is when life's alive in everything.xxx -Christina Rossetti

55. The spring season, it is a tree full of flowers TuRui fragrance, the fragrance overflowing, really intoxicated.

56. 河*新生的草笑眯眯的,像是低着头和蒲公英说悄悄话。草地边,一棵棵、一行行的杨树、槐树……枝条绽出嫩绿的叶芽,舒展着娇嫩的身躯,迎着温暖的春风快活地生长着。远处柳树垂下的柔软如线的枝条,在春风的吹动下,在空中轻轻摇摆,远远望去像一团团随风飘的烟。

57. Calm light rain in spring makes me feel airy and light, and the sound of it is so relaxing to fall asleep to.

58. The causeway is full of peach and willow. In the spring, on the banks of the pink, like a ribbon.

59. Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the musicof the ripples.

60. 一群小鸟叽叽喳喳地从我们头顶掠过,一只大蜜峰正落在一朵金黄的迎春花上,好看的蝴蝶飞舞在花丛中。春天到了,它们忙碌着,不辜负这大好时机。

61. 鸟儿们欢快地唱着动听的歌儿,在发了芽的柳树上飞上飞下,用动人的舞姿来展示自己的才华,跳着春天的舞蹈。鸟儿站在树上从不害怕树枝会断,它相信的不是大树,而是自己的翅膀。

62. 每到春天,红得如火的木棉花,粉得如霞的芍药花,白得如玉的月季花竞相开放。它们有的花蕾满枝,有的含苞初绽,有的昂首怒放。一阵阵沁人心脾的花香引来了许许多多的小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡地边歌边舞。

63. 春天来了,带着它特有的声音,轻迈碎步,缓缓而来的。

64. Spring is like a painter, painted with a vibrant color.

65. 淡黄的阳光轻洒在身上,没有夏日的热情,没有秋日的悲艳,更没有冬日的感伤。温柔地抚摸着心中那小小的梦想,忘却“化作春泥更护花”的承诺;抛开“寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋”的惆怅;脱去“明朝散发弄扁舟”的桀骜华裳。春天,我是否也该沉浸在这段短暂的希望里?

66. 春雨沙沙地下着,有如绣花针,有如牛毛。河面的雪融化了,雪水汇成小溪,淙淙地流着。河水中,一只只小蝌蝌顽皮地游着,好像在找它的妈妈,可爱极了。

67. 是谁在春意稍褪的时候唱起黑色的挽歌,是谁在夜幕降临的时候守望白色的村落,我的水银,我的烟火,还有我长满鸢尾的黑色山坡,这些永远不肯愈合的温柔伤痕,只有在绿树林花那一抹重比一抹的春色的感染下,才肯悄悄逝去。这是我第一次感受到,隐藏在寂寞华裳下所萌动的生命力。

68. The wheat fields, vast expanse of green, as if the green wave.

69. 布谷鸟在春天的舞台上,奏响了一支美妙动听的乐曲。

70. April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.

71. 伶俐可爱的小燕子,便也由南方飞来,加人了这个隽妙无比的春景的图画中,为春光*添了许多的生趣。

72. 柳树舒展开了黄绿嫩叶的枝条,在微微的春风中轻柔地拂动,就像一群群身着绿装的仙女在翩翩起舞。夹在柳树中间的桃树也开出了鲜艳的花朵,绿的柳,红的花,真是美极了!

73. It's hard to resist the beauty of a fresh spring day. The air is crisp, and the sun feels like warm hug.

74. All look like just waking up, joyfully to open the eyes.

75. Spring girl came to the earth, the earth covered with green.

76. 一切都象刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。

77. 眉叶细,舞腰轻。宿妆成。一春芳意,三月如风,牵系人情。

78. Is a gentle spring rain, and the rain was beating in the bamboo, bamboo leaves.

79. 随着春天的到来,大地完全被绿化了,从仪表到心灵都焕然一新,整个春天都被绿色覆盖了。

80. xxxYou can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from comingxxx ——Pablo Neruda

81. 一切都像刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。山朗润起来了,水长起来了,太阳的脸红起来了。

82. 在风的吹拂下,满山满坡的野花睁开了眼,一朵两朵,一丛两丛……连成片,汇成海。人们面对这气势磅礴的色彩的海洋,烦恼没有了,萎靡没有了。感谢春天的色彩给我们带来向上的力量和信心。

83. 春风和煦,明媚的春光照在大地上,万物呈现一片生机,形成一幅秀丽的山水图。

84. 冬爷爷刚走,春姑娘就提着百花篮,伴着春风,带着春雨,悄悄地来到了人间。顿时,大地万物复苏,鸟语花香,呈现出一派生气。


