
时间:2016-02-03 02:14:19
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科比的故事英文句子 篇一

Kobe Bryant, a basketball legend who inspired millions around the world with his talent and work ethic. From a young age, Kobe dreamed of becoming a professional basketball player and spent countless hours practicing and honing his skills on the court.

Growing up in Italy, Kobe was exposed to the game of basketball at an early age thanks to his father, former NBA player Joe "Jellybean" Bryant. Despite facing challenges and adversity, Kobe's determination and passion for the game never wavered.

After joining the NBA straight out of high school, Kobe quickly made a name for himself as one of the most talented and hardworking players in the league. His work ethic was unmatched, and he was known for his relentless drive to always improve and push himself to be the best.

Throughout his career, Kobe achieved numerous accolades and accomplishments, including five NBA championships, two Olympic gold medals, and countless All-Star selections. He was a true competitor on the court, always striving for excellence and never backing down from a challenge.

Off the court, Kobe was also known for his philanthropy and dedication to helping others. He started the Kobe Bryant Foundation, which aimed to provide opportunities and support for young people through sports and education. His impact on the community and his commitment to making a difference will always be remembered.

Tragically, Kobe's life was cut short in a helicopter crash in 2020, along with his daughter Gianna and seven others. The world mourned the loss of a true basketball icon, but his legacy lives on through his incredible work ethic, passion for the game, and commitment to inspiring others to never give up on their dreams.

Kobe Bryant will always be remembered as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, but more importantly, as a role model and inspiration to millions around the world.

科比的故事英文句子 篇二

Kobe Bryant, a basketball legend whose impact transcended the sport and inspired generations of fans worldwide. Known for his incredible talent, work ethic, and competitive spirit, Kobe's legacy will forever be remembered as one of the greatest players to ever step on the court.

From his early days growing up in Italy to his illustrious career in the NBA, Kobe's journey was filled with challenges, triumphs, and moments that will be etched in basketball history forever. His dedication to the game and relentless pursuit of excellence set him apart from his peers and solidified his place among the basketball greats.

Throughout his career, Kobe faced adversity both on and off the court, but he never let it deter him from his goals. He was a fierce competitor who always rose to the occasion in the face of pressure, earning him the nickname "The Black Mamba" for his killer instinct and clutch performances.

Off the court, Kobe was a devoted husband and father who cherished his family above all else. He was a mentor to countless young players and a role model for aspiring athletes around the world. His impact on the game of basketball and the global community was profound and lasting.

Tragically, Kobe's life was cut short in a helicopter crash in 2020, leaving behind a legacy that will never be forgotten. The world mourned the loss of a true icon, but his spirit lives on through the countless lives he touched and the lessons he imparted to those who looked up to him.

Kobe Bryant's story is one of resilience, passion, and unwavering determination. He will always be remembered as a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of greatness. His legacy will continue to inspire future generations to dream big and never give up on their aspirations.

科比的故事英文句子 篇三

1. If I feel something is wrong, Ill stay there and train until I get it right.

2. 我可以接受失败,但无法接受放弃。—迈克尔.乔丹

3. 怀念科比,永远的科比。

4. 谁说我已经完蛋了,那些质疑者都是蠢蛋。

5. Who says Im done? Those doubters are fools.

6. I dont want to be the second Jordan, I just want to be Kobe.

7. whenyouwanttogiveup,thinkaboutwhatmadeyoucomehere.

8. 这种情况我也是第一次遇到,我要向别人学习他们是怎么做的。

9. Who wants to prevent me from collapsing, I will let him collapse before I collapse.

10. xxxWhatI'mdoingrightnow,I'mchasingperfection.xxx

11. 我的听力越来越差了,在每个球场都听不见嘘声。

12. 我没哭,我能忍,我爸哭了,他今年52岁。

13. 乔丹:“科比是飞人第二”,科比:“飞人永远只有一个”.

14. 如果这是假新闻,该有多好。

15. 我知道每天凌晨四点洛杉矶的样子。—科比.布莱恩特

16. 愿天堂能继续你的梦,一路走好,我的英雄,我的青春。

17. 压力、挑战,这一切消极的东西都是我能够取得成功的催化剂。

18. 只要心够绝!(Ifyoureallywantit!)

19. Don'tbethelastone,justthefirstone.——LeBronJames

20. xxxI'mplayingagainstgreatplayers,playingagainstthebestintheworld.Thecompetition-that'swhatI'vealwayswanted.xxx

21. 微笑拥抱每一天,做像向日葵般温暖的女子。

22. “你见过洛杉矶凌晨四点的样子吗?”

23. thebeastthatcatchesthepreycaresaboutthetinyinsects.

24. ifyouwanttosucceed,youhavetosacrificealot.

25. Someoflife,youhavetogotothegreatchallenges。生命的有些时候,你必须去挑战伟大(座右铭)

26. 我不能容忍一个懒人。

27. 把训练的目标定在永远达不到的地方,但还是要达到你会感到疲累,犹豫,甚至沮丧的程度,但你不许放弃,因为胜利不会是奇迹,有一种天才只从坚定不移的信念中诞生。。。。。。。

28. 所谓的光辉岁月,并不是以后闪耀的日子,而是无人问津时,你对梦想的偏执

29. Playeverygameasifitismylast.—Alleniverson

30. 你,不是我的对手.

31. 谁说我已经完蛋了,那些质疑者都是蠢蛋,。

32. myhearingisgettingworseandworse.ican'thearboosoneverycourt.

33. 如果你要成功,那么你要牺牲许多。

34. 没有人见过洛杉矶早上四点钟的样子,我见过。

35. icanacceptfailure,butican'tacceptgivingup.

36. I cant stand a lazy man.

37. xxxIdontwanttobethenextMichaelJordan,IonlywanttobeKobeBryant.xxx我不想成为乔丹二世,我只想做自己。(我不是第二个乔丹,而是第一个科比!)

38. 科比是我最崇拜球员,他的技术炉火纯青。

39. 又一个噩耗传来,篮球巨星科比因飞机坠毁去世。

40. 如果你害怕失败,你就会失败。

41. 谈到自己的成就时,科比表示:“我尽量不让自己去考虑这些,我只是尽可能的发挥出自己的最高水平。正像我一直说的,我渴望成为一名伟大的球员,我感到自己非常幸运,看到发生的一切,我觉得自己真的很幸运。”

42. 我想在自己的墓碑上,刻上两个字误解。

43. 如果你是一个篮球迷,对于你而言,科比就会是你篮球回忆中难以磨灭的印记。

44. 人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。

45. 科比:我不知道这将是集体的努力看看我们能不能得到有帮助的球员看看我们可不可以改进但我会尽我最大的努力!

46. 第二名就意味着你是头号输家!

47. 你必须要挺过这些,那是一段可怕的时间,但是它让我们的关系更亲密,它也让我变得更坚强。每个人都会遇到他们生活中的十字路口,每个人都要做出选择。如果你看看别人的一些经历———失去孩子、亲人过世等,那么我所遇到的这些波折根本就是小儿科。我仍然有自己的家庭,我的家人都非常健康,我们的关系也非常好。因此我就更有信心去熬过那段岁月,我相信阳光终会出现。

48. All I do is repeat.

49. 你有一个使命,那就是做到最好.---德里克罗斯

50. pressure,challenges,allthesenegativeth


51. 别关注你做了什么,而要关注你如何做。

52. “如果你害怕失败,你就会失败。”

53. “嘘声又盖不了我的帽。”

54. 扑捉猎物的猛兽又怎么在意细小的虫子。

55. 一个时代,一个属于科比的时代宣告结束。

56. 在你想要放弃的时候,想想是什么让你当初坚持走到了这里。

57. Nowtheyarebetterthanme,butIbelieveIwillbeattheminthenearfuture.—YaoMing

58. 死亡不是生命的终结,遗忘才是。你只是肉体消逝,并换了一种方式活着。

59. To get everything, we must give everything and conquer everything.

60. IknowthattheappearanceofLosAngelesatfouro'clockinthemorningeveryday.—KobeBryant

61. Icanacceptfailure,butcan'tacceptgivingup.——MichaelJordan

62. 不做上一个谁,只做第一个我。——勒布朗·詹姆斯

63. don'tthinkaboutcomfortuntilyougettotheend.

64. Don’thavetoshout.从不大声嚷嚷。——德里克·罗斯

65. 你可以不强大,但你不能没有梦想!你可以不成功,但不能放弃努力!

66. 有时候,受了委屈,本来不想哭,可是只要别人一问你怎么了,就会忍不住地流眼泪。

67. “第二名只能说明你是头号输家。”

68. IfonedayIhavetoclimboutofthestadium,Iwillneverletmegoout,noonecanliftmeout,itisimpossible;——AlonzoMourning

69. 科比答:当你在任何一个角度都可以把球投进时,你就不能停止去投篮了!

70. 命运不会亏待正在努力变好的你

71. don'tfocusonwhatyoudo,focusonhowyoudoit.

72. therearetimesinlifewhenyouhavetochallengegreatness.

73. 史上最伟大球员之一!感谢你制造的所有这些回忆!

74. Yes, there is an opportunity. As long as there is no end, there will be an opportunity. I believe the results will be different.

75. 原来在生死面前,没有巨星和平凡人的差别。

76. In order to win the game, I can do anything, whether its sitting on the bench, handing towels and water to my teammates, or playing to win a shot.

77. 自信与坚定的决心:“每天当我起床时,我相信我能成功。——史蒂芬.库里

78. If its easy to make history, why bother?

79. 低头不是认输,是要看清自己的路;仰头不是骄傲,是要看见自己的天空。

80. 踏入胜利的天堂前先要经过苦训的试练,流光所有的汗水,用尽所有的力气,别让身体停下......

81. 如果创造历史很容易,何苦费尽心机?

82. 一种记忆的承载,一个时代的结束,一种情怀的传承。

83. thisisthefirsttimethatihavemetthissituation.iwanttolearnfromothershowtheydoit.

84. Do you know what Los Angeles looks like at 4 a.m?

85. This is the first time that I have met this situation. I want to learn from others how they do it.

86. 也许这是宿命,我在这样的凌晨,突然又这样地想起你。

87. 我不想成为第个二乔丹,我只想成为科比。

88. 是对他的一种尊敬

89. 科比:不,是32分53秒,我自己一人就将小牛打败了,这是你的100分也没作到的.。

90. There is always someone to win, then why not me!

91. 你是我男朋友的整个青春。

92. 我最大的敌人是自己。

93. 生命的有些时候,你必须去挑战伟大。

94. I want to engrave two words of misunderstanding on my tombstone.

95. My biggest enemy is myself.

96. 杰克逊:“如果你实在憋不住,告诉我,我就把你换上去。”他没有得到科比言语的答案,得到的是一个挥手摇头手势。

97. wehaveachampionheart.

98. Even if the world abandons me, at least I have basketball!

99. 谁想要防得我崩溃,我就会在我崩溃之前让他崩溃。

100. 既然对手已经放弃,那我便必要在炫耀自己。(得62分的比赛,第四节开始之前说的)

101. 既然对手已经放弃,那我便必要在炫耀自己。

102. 科比的不幸离世,让大家感到十分地悲痛。

103. 想知道什么是人类进攻极限吗?去防守科比吧!他不会让你失望的。

104. 为了取得比赛的胜利,要我做什么都可以,不管是坐在板凳席上给队友递毛巾、递水,还是上场执行致胜一投。

105. 你给世界什么姿态,世界将还你什么样的人生

106. 因为当我们在生活中想放弃时,是他告诉我们要不忘初心,砥砺前行。

107. 性格孤傲的科比,甚至不给我们这一代人看他老去的机会。

108. 十年8号,十年24号。选一个号码,再来十年可好。

109. All I do now is to pursue perfection.

110. 不放弃,努力的精神让我们对他们永远铭记!

111. xxxEverytingnegative-pressure,challenges-isallanopportunityformetorise.xxx

112. 我现在所做的,是为了追求更加完美!

113. 尽管眼下十分艰难,可日后这段经历说不定就会开花结果!

114. “我宁愿30投0中,也不愿意9投0中。9投0中意味着你被自己打败了,被比赛吓得不知所措……唯一的解释就是,你已经对你自己丧失信心。”

115. 总有一个人要赢的,那为什么不能是我!

116. SometimesIdowonderwhatcollegewouldhavebeenlike.ButImademydecision.xxx

117. “如果创造历史轻而易举的话,那又何苦为此而费尽心力呢?”

118. 在到达终点前别想着安逸享乐。

119. 我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。—艾弗森

120. 有梦,就放手去追!——德里克·罗斯

121. 为了纪念科比,湖人以后的加油口号是123mamba

122. 感谢你带给我们的美好回忆!

123. 我们见证过他的辉煌,也在低谷期对他不离不弃。

124. 悲伤已经无法表达我的心情……我的兄弟……我真的,真的无法相信这件事。

125. 就算世界抛弃了我,至少我还有篮球!

126. takeeveryopportunitytoproveyourselftoeveryoneandthatyoucanmeetthechallenge.

127. afterileave,youwillreallyunderstandmyvalue.

128. 当我退役的时候,我希望回头看我走过的路,每一天,我都付出了我的全部!

129. 如果我感觉一些东西不对,我会呆在那不停地训练,直到我做到对为止。

科比的故事英文句子 篇四

1. iwanttoengravetwowordsofmisunderstandingonmytombstone.

2. 我们有着一颗冠军的心。

3. 我的记忆里,一想起科比,便会想起她。所谓青春的记忆,这便是了。

4. 现在他们确实比我强,但我相信在不久的将来会打败他们。——姚明

5. ifyouareafraidoffailure,itmeansyouhavelost.

6. “当我退役的时候,我希望回头看我走过的路,每一天,我都付出了我的全部科比励志句子英文版!”

7. 你知道洛杉矶凌晨四点的样子吗?

8. 我离开后,你们才会真正明白我的价值。

9. 科比:“即使是耶酥,也会有人对他怀恨在心,所以,我不需要解释什么。”

10. 替我谢谢中国球迷,我在证明自己是最好的球员。

11. ScoopJackson(美国知名NBA记者和专栏作家)对科比说:“10年,10年之后,这个世界会了解你的伟大。”

12. 他是当之无愧的篮球传奇,是运动精神的诠释者和传承者。

13. 我所做的,只是不停的重复。


