
时间:2013-09-05 01:35:48
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阴暗的英文句子 篇一

The shadows of doubt lingered in her mind like a never-ending storm, casting a dark cloud over her every thought.

Every night, she found herself wandering through the labyrinth of her own fears, the darkness enveloping her like a suffocating cloak.

The silence in the room was deafening, the only sound the steady drip of water from a leaky faucet, echoing like a sinister whisper.

As she looked out the window, the moon hung in the sky like a pale specter, casting an eerie glow over the world below.

In the depths of her despair, she felt like a lost soul adrift in a sea of shadows, unable to find her way back to the light.

Her heart was a black hole, sucking in all the joy and happiness around her, leaving nothing but emptiness in its wake.

The darkness of her thoughts consumed her, like a hungry beast feasting on her every fear and insecurity.

But even in the darkest of nights, a faint glimmer of hope still burned within her, a tiny spark of light that refused to be extinguished.

And as she closed her eyes and let the darkness wash over her, she knew that someday, she would find her way back to the light.

阴暗的英文句子 篇二

The walls of the abandoned house loomed over her like silent sentinels, their peeling paint and shattered windows a testament to the decay that had taken hold.

The air was thick with the stench of rot and decay, a sickly sweet smell that made her stomach churn with revulsion.

As she walked through the empty rooms, she could feel the weight of the past pressing down on her like a suffocating shroud.

The floors creaked beneath her feet, the sound echoing through the deserted hallways like a mournful cry.

The shadows danced on the walls, their twisted forms a grotesque mockery of the life that once thrived within these walls.

She could hear the whispers of the dead, their voices a ghostly echo in the stillness of the night.

The darkness enveloped her like a cold embrace, its icy fingers reaching out to drag her down into its depths.

But even as the darkness threatened to consume her, she refused to give in, her will as unyielding as steel.

And as she stood in the heart of the abandoned house, surrounded by the ghosts of the past, she knew that she would never be truly alone.

阴暗的英文句子 篇三

阴暗的英文句子 精选31句

1. Ibelieve,Iwillgoonwithsmiletiltheendofmylife.

2. 我看到了一个不知节制,没有信念,无所畏惧,然而却又盲目地跟自己进行着斗争的灵魂的不可思议的奥秘。

3. 《黑暗的心》,作者Conrad.Joseph约瑟夫·康拉德。

4. 用光明与黑暗来象征善与恶。

5. Thepowerstationwasshutdownandthewholecitywasplungedintodarkness.

6. On Loneliness In Heart Of Darkness;疏离:解读《黑暗的心》的孤独意识

7. 每个人真我的核心都在欢唱从黑暗中找寻光明,尝试找寻适合他们前进的方式,以此离开现有的困境。

8. 他本身就是一种无法穿透的黑暗。我看着他的时候,简直像是从悬崖上观看着一个趟在那永远不见阳光的悬崖之下的人影。

9. Chrysaliswilleventuallybecomeabutterfly,mysoulwilltrambleandsublimeandIwillchange.

10. Whatisthefate?

11. 《黑暗的心》,HeartOfDarkness

12. 她们的悲剧,是男权等级文化在阴暗人性的光照下,结出的苦涩青果。

13. Theirtragedyisthebitterfruitresultingfromthecultureofmalepowergradeinthelightofthedarkhumannature.

14. Theuseoflightanddarksymbolizesgoodandevil.

15. Claimyourselfindifance,.inhope,inlove,infury,ingratitude.ClaimtheLight.ClaimtheDark.Claimitall.Nothingcanstay.追寻自己,追求挑战,希望,愤怒,感恩,追寻光明,追寻黑暗,追寻一切,不留恋过往

16. theheartofdarkness黑暗的心

17. Iwander,inthelightandinthedarkness,seekin


18. ExistentialistApproachToTheAbsurdityThemeOfHeartOfDarkness;荒诞主题的存在主义解读——关于《黑暗的心》的一种阐释

19. 文中有许多经典佳句。如,

20. OnLonelinessInHeartOfDarkness;疏离:解读《黑暗的心》的孤独意识

21. Godneveranswered,histoleranceandkindnessonlybelongstohisfollowers--ithasnothingtodowithme.

22. Heart Of Darkness《黑暗的心》

23. )HeartOfDarkness《黑暗的心》

24. 文中描写一家英国贸易公司委托小说中的“我”到非洲丛林寻找该公司失踪的贸易代表库尔茨,当找到时,发现其已经变疯并很快死去。

25. Inthedarknight,exceptforthetickofthealarmclockandtheswingofthebranches,therewassilencearound.

26. Theselfoftheselfwithineachbanterstomakelightofthedarkandfindtheirwayoutoftheirplight.

27. Afternumerousfailures,Iwillseethedawnofvictory.

28. Describethehorrorofthenight

29. 一堆乌云遮住了远处的海面,通向天涯海角的静静的河道在阴云密布的天空下流淌--像是通向无尽的黑暗的最深处。

30. ……等等。

31. Existentialist Approach To The Absurdity Theme Of Heart Of Darkness;荒诞主题的存在主义解读——关于《黑暗的心》的一种阐释


